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Why Child Control of CompositeControl not show design mode?

IDE: Visual Studio 2019 Framework: .net Framework 4.7.2 Hello everyone, for the work project, I made a CompositeControl, which will contain a TextBox, and a WebControl. My code as follows, and will ...
user7677082's user avatar
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Saving ViewState in Nested DropDownList in a Custom Control

I created a custom control (called BoostrapDropDown) that essentially wraps a bunch of boostrap markup around a DropDownList. The resulting control hierarchy will look basically like the ...
Terry's user avatar
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Problems with ViewState of CompositeControl

I built a CompositeControl in ASP.Net and now I'm having trouble maintaining the ViewState of 3 instances of the Control on the hosting page. My CompositeControl has a property "HeaderText" and all 3 ...
Gerrit Horeis's user avatar
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How can I assign a property value based on another property in a composite control?

Environment: 4.5, Webforms I'm creating a composite control. I've exposed multiple public properties, but running into a slight problem. Let's say I have two properties: Public Property ...
user1447679's user avatar
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Correct Pattern for creating Server Controls?

I am creating a server control (inheriting from CompositeControl). The control comprises of several data bound drop down lists (and some textboxes etc). The drop down lists form a hierarchy, so are ...
Craig's user avatar
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composite control renders after i need to use one of the properties (control lifecycle)

I have created a composite control for a file upload input (using an HtmlInputFile control). My problema is that everything works fine until I try to save the file using HtmlInputFile's "SaveAs" in my ...
aplon's user avatar
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ASP.Net User Controls shared between multiple projects

All, My requirement is fairly simple. I have a page that I need to use in multiple projects. All the server controls and code behind needs to be the exact same on all projects. If I need to ...
Ron's user avatar
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DataBind on CompositeControls

I have a composite control that has a DropDownList inside. The problem i have is the next one: When i load the data on the Page_Load (the first time the page is loaded) everything works fine, but ...
ascherman's user avatar
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Prevent clearing of child controls in composite control

I have a custom server control that the markup looks like such: <myLib:MyControl id="myid" runat="server"> <controls> <asp:Textbox id="TxtTest" runat="server" /> ...
mrK's user avatar
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Getting data back from composite control added to placeholder on postback

I'm trying to create a factory pattern based on the CompositeControl class. Everything is working fine. Except as I understand it I have to add the control back onto the placeholder control on my ...
cr1t's user avatar
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ASP.NET CompositeControl: Firing 2 (or more) events after postback

I'm fairly new to CompositeControls... I have a task which requires me to add a 1 button on load, then when the user clicks it, another button gets added, and when the second button is clicked ...
Reyno's user avatar
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Applying a theme in a composite control

I have a composite control that creates a datagrid and other components. The control has the Themeable attribute set to true: [ToolboxData("<{0}:MyCompositeControl runat=server />")] [Themeable(...
Paolo Tedesco's user avatar
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Setting TabIndex on TextBox within ASP.NET Dynamically Generated Controls?

I have a CompositeControl that each contain a TextBox (TextBoxA) and three Buttons (ButtonA, ButtonB, and ButtonC). My page generates n of these CompositeControls dynamically depending on the state of ...
Nick Orlando's user avatar
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Repeater ItemCommand does not fire when clicking a button inside composite control

I have a Repeater containing nested custom CompositeControl controls in the following way: Wrapper Head Body <asp:UpdatePanel ID="noteArea" UpdateMode="Conditional" ChildrenAsTriggers="false"...
Alexandar Živkovič's user avatar
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Recreate child controls and ViewState

Lets explain the problem with a simple case: Lets CC be a composite control. CC has a variable called filter (string) stored in viewState. CC has 2 static child controls: searchBox: Textbox ...
fso's user avatar
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Dynamically wire up Button Click event in Composite Control

I have a custom composite control NoteHeaderDiv, containing a Button: //NoteHeaderControl snippet public event EventHandler OnEditClick; protected void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ...
Alexandar Živkovič's user avatar
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CreateChildControls called twice

I have a composite server control, where I implement CreateChildControls. This control is a grid, which also includes paging and sorting controls. When a sort link is clicked, CreateChildControls is ...
Elad Lachmi's user avatar
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Custom Validator in a Composite Control not firing

I am badly stuck in middle of project with this issue. Googled a lot but not getting a solution. My objective is to create a composite control with a label, textbox, two required field validator and ...
Sameer's user avatar
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Allow GridView sorting in Composite Control

I can't figure out, how to enable sorting in dynamically created GridView placed in my Composite Control. Of course, I try to set property AllowSorting of GridView to "true", but it does not allow ...
sad47's user avatar
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How to create a templated composite control with a behavior

I'm trying to create a templated composite control that would work in a similar fashion as the "PasswordRecovery" control of ASP.Net. By that, I mean that the user can define its own template but, ...
Gimly's user avatar
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Design time issues with Composite Control with Devexpress control

i am creating a composite control class with several devexpress aspx control within it. However there is a issues in design time that is: whenever i change the child controls properties that i expose, ...
SakaiE's user avatar
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Calling javascript function after composite control rendering

Is there any way to call a javascript function after composite control rendering.I need to place four movable anchors on top of the image control. I am planning to implement the anchors using html Img ...
Senan's user avatar
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Control HTML rendered by CompositeControl Templated Server Controls

I'm building my first custom server control which inherits from CompositeControl The reason for the control is to be able to have a consistent content area (HTML elements) for multiple online ...
Jacques's user avatar
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Using javascript in ASP.NET Composite control

I have a custom server control to display images.What I need now is to draw a rectangle on the center of image and the rectangle should be re sizable by dragging on its edges.Is it possible to ...
Senan's user avatar
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ASP.NET Composite control with Image control

I have created an composite control that consist of a Label, Text box and an Image control.I need to display the image in Image control without loosing aspect ratio.Maximum width and height of ...
Senan's user avatar
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Multi level drop down menu without css hover effects jquery

I am looking to create a multi level drop down menu in using c# for a composite control. Does anyone know, or know any pointers on how to create it? I've looked at, ...
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Composite Controls JQuery and Apostrophes being encoded

I am having an issue where composite child controls are encoding strings to HTML. I have a child control button that is set like so: b.OnClientClick = "$('#pic').rotateRight();"; the trouble with ...
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406 views webforms - composite controls interacting with page controls

I am writing a composite control in c# as an experiment and would like to have all the instances of my composite control interact with one external control. Is this possible? Things I have ...
Evert's user avatar
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Can't cause client side validation within a composite control

I have a custom composite control that contains a text box, some validators, as well as several UI components. I am unable to get the client side validation to work at all. The server side ...
Devin's user avatar
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Postback From Controls inside Composite Web Control

Let's say we have a composite web control with a combobox and a textbox. Is it possible to build into the control functionality such that when the text in the textbox changes, it posts back and adds ...
Dave's user avatar
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CMS content editor / viewer

One of our users has decided that they need to be able to edit sections of content on our main website and I've been given the task of implementing it. The underlying model is that one or more divs in ...
Dave's user avatar
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Custom Composite Control

I've Creted Composite control which has FormView and two custom server control. The Control renders correctly. now when i add control to page from toolbox i want to edit Composite Control's FormView ...
r.zarei's user avatar
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Which control to choose? WebControl or CompositeControl that is the question

I'm looking forward to create some customs controls like AutoCompletes, TagClouds and others. To use in my projects as tools without need to worry every time that i need one of them. i saw in This ...
Michel Ayres's user avatar
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ASP.NET composite control doesn't bubble event but template does

I am developing a composite control for an ASP.NET application and just by chance initially developed the control to use an ITemplate to create its child controls. There will be a series of buttons ...
SonOfPirate's user avatar
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Inheriting from a System.Web.UI.UserControl base class

First off, I am wondering if this is possible. I read slight grumblings around the internet about this, but I was not entirely sure. My scenario: I have a base chart class which has some methods ...
Sean Anderson's user avatar
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MSDN example of Composite Control

I'm reading through some MSDN example code on Composite controls and finding that there is one thing I don't understand. Using the code here I've created the LabelTextBox control in my project and ...
Hc5kphUXpR's user avatar
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Getting the content of an ASP.NET System.Web.UI.WebControls.PlaceHolder

I have a server control that has a PlaceHolder that is an InnerProperty. In the class when rendering I need to get the text / HTML content that is supposed to be in the PlaceHolder. Here is a sample ...
Payson Welch's user avatar
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How to remove parent control without deleting its children in c#?

I want to remove parent control (which is span in this case) without deleting its children controls from container. how can I accomplish this in c#? you can see the code here: http://pastebin....
code master's user avatar
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How to save value across postbacks for a composite control without using viewstate

I have a composite control that has a couple of private fields that reference values in the cache and these private fields are called during the constructor method. Since a string key is used to ...
Amanda Kitson's user avatar
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Asp Composite control child control (radiobutton) losing checked value

I am working on a quiz control in with dynamically created questions and options. The main control is basically a container to hold all of the questions. In design view users can add questions ...
Jurgen Welschen's user avatar
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Should a DropDownList within a CompositeControl remember selected item?

Given the following public class MyControl : CompositeControl { private DropDownList myList; protected override void CreateChildControls() { base.CreateChildControls(); ...
tomfanning's user avatar
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Adding jquery into a composite control

I am creating a composite control that has a textbox and uses a jquery plugin to add a watermark. Lets say I have a basic function that looks like this $(function () {$('#MyTextBoxID').watermark('...
Diver Dan's user avatar
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Add ability to provide list items to composite control with DropDownLIst

I'm creating a composite control for a DropDownList (that also includes a Label). The idea being that I can use my control like a dropdown list, but also have it toss a Label onto the page in front ...
Kyle's user avatar
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Persisting a collection backed by viewstate in a CompositeControl

Maybe it's been a long day but I'm having trouble persisting a collection backed by the ASP.NET ViewState in a CompositeControl. Here's a simplified version: public class MyControl : CompositeControl ...
tomfanning's user avatar
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Composite control property that allows coder to select from options

The question is in the title but to make it clearer when you use a normal server control like <asp:textbox /> <CC1:CtrlArticleList SortBy="Title" ID="compositeControlArticleList" runat="...
insanepaul's user avatar
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Converting listview to a composite control

The link below shows a listview composite control in its most basic form however I can't seem to extend this to what I'm trying to do. How to define listview templates in code My listview has 1 ...
Paul's user avatar
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Text-property of my ASP.NET Composite-control doesn't set text-changes

I have build a composite control which renders a TextControl or a RADEditor control, dependable of a property a set. Both rendered controls have a Text-property. The problem is that when I change the ...
Patrick's user avatar
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DropDownList within composite control is losing selected value on postback

I am building a composite server control that currently only has a TextBox and a DropDownList. Here is the code in all its foetal glory: public Address : CompositeControl { private string[] ...
Quick Joe Smith's user avatar
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ASP CompositeControl & ScriptManager

I'm really new to the WebControl / CompositeControl world, and I have a small test class I am playing with. It's just a LinkButton that updates when clicked. Things work great when I leave it out of ...
cschear's user avatar
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How can I change child controls in a composite server control on postback

I have an ASP.NET web form composite control, let's call it control A, which contains a child composite control, which I'll call control B. The child controls of control B are dependent on a property ...
Rob West's user avatar
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