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With telerik:RadWizard in RadMultiPage large ViewState causes RadGrid refresh ViewState exception

For a version 7.3 of C#, ASP.Net Web Form app with .Net Framework 4.6.2 I have an ASPX with an ascx loaded with LoadControl On the ascx, I have <telerik:RadMultiPage <telerik:RadPageView 1 ...
Robert Achmann's user avatar
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Clearing then re-creating controls will result in different dynamic IDs in ASP.NET

This may be a silly situation and a bit of a lengthy read, but I hope someone may have some tips regarding my issue. Long story short, I have a situation where I am storing a decision-tree like data ...
Dinosbacsi's user avatar
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How to set the initial value of 'mutableIntStateOf()' to a value that is fetched from a viewstate?

I have a composable that gets populated using an initial value that comes from an API until a user sets the value to something different. I have this method to handle passing the user entered data ...
callMe_whatever's user avatar
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Can I overwrite a live code file behind an open aspx page without losing viewstate?

I don't think this is a problem, but just want to check with my peers for good measure. If I overwrite the code file behind a live aspx web page/form that users have open, will ViewState or ...
BCanavan's user avatar
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ASP.NET Dynamic GridView becomes unresponsive when saving 300+ rows. BtnSave_Click event fired with 150 rows

I have an ASP.NET web application where users can dynamically add rows to a GridView. Each row contains textboxes and checkboxes. The number of new rows is created based on user requests, and there's ...
Ronald Issac B J's user avatar
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Security Concern - How to Prevent User and Password from Displaying in Form Data During Login in a .NET Web Application

How can I prevent sensitive information, such as the username and password, from being exposed in the Form Data section of the inspect element feature in a .NET web application, as depicted in the ...
Jay's user avatar
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SwiftUI URLSession login to login form difficulties

Good afternoon everyone, I'm creating an IOS Application which is heavily dependant on a website. The website is a roster site and all assignments site. Currently on my main View there is a ...
Sander's user avatar
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Login in to ASP Net site with Python Requests

I'm trying to scrape a page for data, but their login process has me stumped. As it's a ASP Net site, my searches has me including __VIEWSTATE and __VIEWSTATEGENERATOR, but I cannot find __EVENTTARGET ...
DigiGram's user avatar
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How to use ViewState logic in razor pages core application?

I am having trouble converting the logic of the below lines in my code while migrating an ASP.NET web form application to an ASP.NET core razor pages application. Can you guide me on how to use ...
P.Parikh's user avatar
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Should I use viewstate in this case?

I have an asset tracking device that, every few seconds, sends details about its location to a generic handler using an HTTP request. The information is then stored in a SQL database record. It works ...
Osprey's user avatar
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How to encrypt ViewState (server stored) that generates colon separated random numbers on client?

I have an application build on top of Mojarra 2.1.20 (package com.sun.faces, RI for JSF 2.2 specification). I have a context param javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD with value as server specified in my ...
vinsinraw's user avatar
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Validation of Viewstate MAC failed (Shared hosting Plesk)

I am using plesk'shared hosting server to host my website. Constantly getting ViewState MAC failed error Plesk won't be able to provide any Machine Key. As it is shared hosting. I have also attached ...
Pranil Dukare's user avatar
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SwiftUI - Navigation animations not working when multiple links are in same view

In my project I have a root view which contains several NavigationLinks. The links work, however the animation only works on one of them. I've created a very simple example project to highlight the ...
DevB1's user avatar
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javax.faces.ViewState parameter duplication in POST request after ajax render

I'm not a pro in jsf and i have a problem. After ajax render was triggered, I received two javax.faces.ViewState parameters with different values in the POST request. What could be the cause of this ...
NeKitKat's user avatar
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Reason for using Viewstate

After a lot of reading about viewstate I have a pretty solid understanding of how it works. One thing I'm not convinced with yet is why can't I just ignore it and move all the data in the form itself. ...
GalSuchetzky's user avatar
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Wrong state class error after updating FB audience-network-sdk:6.11.0

After updating FAN from '' to '' got following crash. I have already checked in my hierarchy there is no ...
Yaqoob Bhatti's user avatar
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JSF View State Auto Change and not able to handle it in JMETER

I am doing load testing but facing an issue related to ViewState, In our application View state along with csrf token shows in login, So by extracting using CSS Extractor I am to login and see the ...
Mohammad Shoaib's user avatar
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Creating Dynamic controls when changing the dropdown list items. - c#

I have to show a ModalPopupExtender when changing the items of dropdownlist. The controls showing inside the ModalPopupExtender are dynamic controls including buttons. To fire the button click event ...
DTechy's user avatar
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I am trying to save different ID per tab and getting different errors and I don't know the cause

I am trying to save information on ViewState to have different ID per tab but I am getting this error and can't figure out what to be the cause of it for a few days now. When I try to run it without ...
a user's user avatar
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ViewState value in an ASP.NET property gets null on postback

I have a property in my ASP.NET application which would pull the value from database and stores it in view state. When it's called the first time, it pulls the value from the database, and then on ...
Abbas's user avatar
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ASP.NET ViewState vs Session, big amount of data

I have a WebUserControl that get Records from SQL and store inside a ViewState, this has worked fine so far. but now i have a DataSet with 100k+ records and i noticed that at each PostBack the XHR ...
Marco Santini's user avatar
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How to store generic list in viewstate

I need to store generic list in viewstate so that it may be available to use after Postback. Codes are are as follows: private List<guardian> guardianlist(List<guardian> value, string ...
sonu's user avatar
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Restoring nested recyclerview state

.... Hello, everyone. I am developing an application where there is a nested recyclerviews like play store: When you open one item a new fragment is opened. And when you press back button child ...
Xudoyshukur Jo'rayev's user avatar
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For how many application on IIS we can use the same MachineKey without loadbalancer?

We have used same machine key without loadbalancer. Our applications are working fine. But we increased the number of websites on the IIS with same machine key. Now we are getting the Viewstate error. ...
rajat's user avatar
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How to logging in to website using node.js

I want to login and get my transcript from my school's website using nodejs. I checked the network flow while logging in. Website uses and there is __VIEWSTATE __VIEWSTATEGENERATOR and ...
kutaykurt's user avatar
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What is the best state management choice for maintaining a large datatable during postback in a application used by multiple people?

I am currently building an application in that deals with datatables of various sizes - could be 100 results, could be 100,000 - and displays them in an asp gridview. The app will be available ...
LostReview7's user avatar
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How to control view state using an enum in SwiftUI

I apologize if this is a silly question, I am new to Swift and programming to boot. I am trying to figure out how I can control my view state in SwiftUI using an enum. I am trying to keep my other ...
pakobongbong's user avatar
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I want to preserve an array on postback

I have a page where someone is going to input a string. There will be a button to submit, but also we want this page to work with a scanner so it posts back when it scans. That part I will worry ...
Andrew's user avatar
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How are ViewStates accessible everywhere without being declared?

I was always under the impression that to access a variable in multiple methods, you'd either have to declare it as a class member or pass it in as an argument. However, I was looking over some sample ...
magictester16's user avatar
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ViewState does not changing with MapView

I'm currently trying to display an Mapview inside a sheet. The weird thing is, that the MapView is shown in the canvas. However in the Simulator it isn't updating the view. Can someone explain to me, ...
gavisio's user avatar
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Viewstate verification failed for the first form submit of new sessions

We have a website running on ASP.NET 4.5.2 that throws the below viewstate error on the first form submit of a new session, specifically and only when that form submit is the first postback on the ...
erastl's user avatar
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how keys for viewstate decryption is shared with the client?

I've just started to read about viewstate in I know it is serialized data encoded with base64 and I know it can also be encrypted using a key[which is Auto-generated every time if we don't ...
mohammad farhady's user avatar
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Error: The message received from the server could not be parsed

We have a legacy ASP.NET 3.5 Web Forms website. We want to introduce multi-language feature to this old site, and as a short-cut, we are replacing strings in the rendering HTML string inside the ...
Zafar's user avatar
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How to save ASP checkbox state in Checkstate and retrieve value after postba

Am developing an ASP Webform App and having some challenges with checkbox Viewstate and Postback. My App has 2 Gridviews. Gridview has about 8 columns and 3 of those columns has 3 TemplateFields with ...
user12944587's user avatar
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How to correctly decode __VIEWSTATE if it is unencrypted?

I'm manually testing a web application. When I read __VIEWSTATE fields they seem to be encoded in base64. I tried to decode them using anyway this message ...
Maicake's user avatar
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viewstate is not loading/missing for default.aspx

My default page isn't including the viewstate when doing the postback, i.e. the viewstate is missing, it's not being included in either the forms or params collections when I look at them during ...
jmoreno's user avatar
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Scrapy recursive scraping order with viewstates

I am trying to use Scrapy to scrape the search results of a website built with ViewStates, recursively. So I start off with a set of keywords, trivially as few as two: key1, key2 Then there is the ...
Andy's user avatar
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ASP.NET webforms - saving viewstate to database - viewstate validation doesn't work

We have an ASP.NET 4.8 webforms application that saves the viewstate to database instead of sending it to the client. On postback, the viewstate is restored from the database via a hidden key field. ...
ActiveX's user avatar
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HTTPError 500 when trying to scrape an ASP webpage

I want to scrape to obtain all quotes. I get an error 500 in spite of saving the ___VIEWSTATE parameter and passing it. import requests from bs4 import ...
Curr0's user avatar
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How do I encrypt the Telerik Rad Editor viewstate?

The viewstate or application's pages are already encrypted but looking at the Burp output of the response from a POST to the Telerik.UI.DialogHandler (ImageMananger) it seems the Telerik view state in ...
GwennethAthena's user avatar
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How to do a viewstate in Javascript?

I'm new to Javascript, I'm using the Javascript to get the file name from the FileUpload, Here with my screenshot. and my code $('#Q1DocPath').change(function () { var path = $(...
Eng Soon Cheah's user avatar
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ASP.NET viewstate proxy server responds 413 Request Entity Too Large

ASP.NET viewstate proxy server responds 413 Request Entity Too Large Hello, there: A classic ASP.NET 4.6.2 application that working on Internet Explorer. Customer Environment is Windows Server 2016, ....
illuminate33's user avatar
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Is it possible to use JS Fetch with ViewState cross domain?

I'm using the fetch API to display a webpage inside of a floating widget. The page has a form on it that uses viewstate. It works fine if the widget is on the same domain as the page I'm fetching, but ...
22878's user avatar
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Viewstate variable - one page to the next

Pardon my silly question, but can you store a value in a view state variable, and have it still available when navigating from one page to the next? I"m trying to replace session variables with view ...
Scott's user avatar
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Removing dynamically created HTML table rows - Life Cycle / Viewstate problem

so i have an HTML table with dynamically added rows and ASP.NET text boxes. I have the rows and controls re-instantiated on page_load if the viewstate[dataonpage] = true, and I'm declaring it as true ...
Kadament's user avatar
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Selenium aspx results

I'm new to selenium, so apologies if the question isn't well formed. I'm looking at automating some data gathering. There is an ASP.NET site, where you can request data about a specific topic. When ...
Eternity Tomorrow's user avatar
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Getting ViewStateException: Invalid viewstate while Machine keys are the same

I have 8 host behind LB and all of them are single process(not web garden). Despite setting all of them with the same machine key from iis as shown below, I'm still getting Invalid viewstate exception ...
eozcan's user avatar
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Login does not redirect because of java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0

I have a login code that does not direct to xhtml page in to a folder. This happens when I press for the second time the button to log on to the first one does not execute anything. 15:06:45,263 ...
Javtronic's user avatar
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Validation of viewstate MAC Failed. Machine is NOT on a web farm or cluster

"If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure the configuration specified the same......" Ive started to get the above error after moving from an old machine over to another. The ...
Kelly b's user avatar
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Using Scrapy to scrape ASP.NET pages using VIEWSTATE

I followed this post SCRAPING WEBSITES BASED ON VIEWSTATES WITH SCRAPY to scrape a site that is almost identical. It works well but the problem is that my site has many items and thus has a lot of ...
Phillis Peters's user avatar

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