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Using Composite and Visitor pattern to render a OpenGL scenegraph

I'm trying to implement a Open GL (4.6) setup with the Composite pattern (for a scene graph with Node, Cube and TransformNode classes) and the Visitor pattern (with a DrawVisitor to handle rendenring)....
Luis Angel Urena Lopez's user avatar
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Cannot view analysis plots in Ansys ACP

As you can see there is no plot appears after I press apply button how can I fix it ? and is there a way to force it to appear by putting a line of python ? Analysis tab of woven fabric I tried to ...
Abdullah Mohamed's user avatar
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composite unique key validation - laravel 11

Here i given below my table schema Schema::create('yarn_work_order_items', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->id(); $table->foreignId('yarn_work_order_id')->constrained('...
Anis's user avatar
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Using BindingListView with a composite predicate

I'm using BindingListView recommended here Generic IBindingListView Implementations and I wanted to apply a composite predicate as a BidingListView filter: var lst = new List<DemoClass> ...
ShamilS's user avatar
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Laravel HasMany through composite key

I have 1:N relation where parent table LOCATIONS contains fields server_id and location_id and table DEVICES is related to the LOCATIONS throught fields server_id and location_id. How can I establish ...
Čamo's user avatar
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How to query dynamoDb by one to many fields in no specific order?

I'm trying to think of the best way to design a table for my database when I need a search screen. Let's say I have a search screen of lastName, ssn, firstName, address. I want a user to be able to ...
ryan's user avatar
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JPA Composite Primary and Foreign keys that only share 1 field

I have the following DB model (all fields are not nullable): File SourceTypes ----------- ----------- country PK country PK filename PK sourcetype PK sourcetype sourcename ...
David Caballero's user avatar
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Composite Key MySQL Dual Direction Comparison [duplicate]

The question in the tile might not be clear for what I'm asking for so I'll add some examples below. What I'm asking is for is when you insert a row in a table with composite keys, a single row is ...
Richard Skinner's user avatar
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Expected [START_OBJECT] under [size], but got a [VALUE_NUMBER] in [composite]

I am getting this error when trying to query ElasticSearch (in case it matters, I am using python to query it): elasticsearch.BadRequestError: BadRequestError(400, 'parsing_exception', 'Expected [...
user2433759's user avatar
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How to convert GitHub actions output to environment vairiables?

Just to give some background, we are refactoring our action for fetching secrets and we are trying to keep it compatible with our old action, so that we don't have to rewrite all of the workflows to ...
Erik B's user avatar
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Representing Composite Types under ''

I'm currently using Neon to use Postgres from a serverless origin and have been needing to find a way to use ARRAY and ROW under ''s with no success. Example UPDATE communication.messages SET ...
SwordOfSouls's user avatar
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How to resolve Workday Composite Report error: Encountered unexpected error joiningBusinessObject cannot be null

I hope to ask a question about composite report building. Context: I am building a composite report showing the number of leavers and active headcount by Country. So far, I have a matrix report as sub-...
Hoang To Duc's user avatar
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How to pass derived object as rvalue reference into base class pointer members using move constructor?

I implemented composite design pattern for calculating the nested mathematical expressions modeled in a binary tree. I need to hold two base class pointers *left,*right in my derived composite class. ...
hamid's user avatar
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Composite build: get parent plugin version

I have primary project A and included project B. Both projects apply the same plugin P. And I need in project B apply plugin P of the same version, as project A. In A settings.gradle.kts: ...
Alexey's user avatar
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I have created a composite template , if i am adding 2 documents then 2 same tabs for signing are added but I want one signing tab for each document

I have created a composite template. for every document added in the composite template , there is same signing tab is added in the document eg- 3 documents then 3 tabs one over above. I want one tab ...
surabhi chaurasia's user avatar
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Composite desing pattern with UI tree editor MVC

Have any of you guys ever created an MVC RuleEngine UI editor with composite pattern in .NET Core? How did you do that? I struggling with rendering that Tree and making it bindable to model for ...
Zamash's user avatar
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When and where woocommerce_order_status_completed_notification hook is executed in WooCommerce?

I have WooCommerce 8.0.3 installed on my e-shop. In short, let's say I have an order with ID 123 in status processing. In a specific situation, I'm running this code: // Make sure e-mails are ...
Pavel Vybíral's user avatar
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I want to display multiple modules in a project with a text box and browse button for selecting the input files

i am thinking how is it possible to generate dynamically the modules along with text and button In the image there are three modules but there might be even five or six modules. Please help to ...
vmaya003's user avatar
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How can I have a condition based input variable definition in a composite workflow

I have a job that calls a composite action as below: CHANGE_ORDER: needs: - SETVARS runs-on: 'windows-latest' steps: - name: Process CO Change Order uses: mmctech/...
Ashar's user avatar
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While parsing a block mapping, did not find expected key. Failed to load github composite action.yml

Below is my caller action yml [Github Actions workflow] that gives error upon calling composite action: --- name: RECYCLE_dev workflow_dispatch: inputs: ENVIRONMENT: type: ...
Ashar's user avatar
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EF Core >= 7 : composite unique Index involving nested objects

I would like to add a composite unique index like this on Town having Zip as a ValueObject and Country as a navigation property whose Id is not explicitly specified : x.HasIndex(t => new { t.Zip....
ThierryCattel's user avatar
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Github composite action output can not be set from within a bash script

For one of my projects, I am setting an action output from within a bash script that is executed inside a composite action. I found that GitHub has excellent documentation on how to create a GitHub ...
rickstaa's user avatar
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How to increase String input for every time component method is called

I just started learning coding (mainly Java) for about 6 months at a University and now we just covered section of Composite design pattern (with Component, Leaf and Composite classes). My class ...
Tlmua's user avatar
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flatmap in a composite pattern

I am learning design patterns and I stumbled upon a task that interested me, but I failed completing it. I have an interface Box, that has two extending class, let's call it Leaf and BoxContainer. I ...
Bajter's user avatar
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I'm Trying to use this MULTIPLY composite effect made by Kristopher Ives. and I don't understand why my Datatype TYPE_INT doesn't match whats required

This is the new Composite class for a Multiply(Overlay) effect made by Kristopher Ives(Howto perform a MULTIPLY composite effect using Graphics2D). As far as I can tell he's been inactive for quite ...
TheRatKing's user avatar
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General Protection Error after second 'New Downlaod' or 'Online Change'

I'm trying to build a composite pattern in Twincat 3.1. Everything seems to work fine on Activate Configuration and the first new download or online change. The second new download causes General ...
Krystian's user avatar
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Is there a way to compose a batch of images with imagemagick?

I have a series of PNG images (ABC_a.png, ABC_b.png, XYZ_a.png, XYZ_b.png, BCA_a.png, BCA_b.png etc.) and would like to compose every image of the same code (i.e. the name of an image without _a or _b)...
sparani's user avatar
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Ruby: why doesn't calling super.method work from subclass

I apologize up front. I'm going to struggle articulating this question. TL;DR - I have an object I'm using to call a method in the subclass. That method needs access to a method in a parent class (...
Jim's user avatar
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File System using composite pattern

I'm trying to build a File system such that contains the following classes: FileSystem, Directory, File. My code is: public class FileSystem { private List<Directory> ld; public ...
Xavi's user avatar
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IndexedDB composite index partial match

I can't find an answer to this anywhere. I have an indexeddb composite index of a group id and a time, which I use to sort. let tmp_CREATEDTIMEindex = texts.index('GROUP_ID, CREATEDTIME'); This works ...
JPD's user avatar
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How to print in my class like tree command in unix?

I am trying really hard to make my code to print the files and the directories in the same way that the command 'tree' in unix print. What do I need to do so it will work? I'm stuck on it to much ...
May Sohatchevzzki's user avatar
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Need my Object Code to return a string and convert object into a string

My code works and outputs "This is Bob Martin from USA." However, I want my code to: 1.) Have function printBio(user) return a string. The return value from the function should be a string. ...
Niko Nota's user avatar
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How to print a return statement from an Object in JavaScript?

so Im trying to get my code to print out a message that returns 'This is Bob Martin from USA'. This is what I did so far. I've been trying to figure out what went wrong but can't seem to get this to ...
Niko Nota's user avatar
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Interaction between 2 components with Composite pattern

So I'm currently refactoring this "CardElement" system that had logic related to "When claim button is clicked, lockIcon object deactivates" but i want to split up this CardElement ...
André Escrich's user avatar
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PSD file convert into png format and apply watermark on formatted png file, But watermark's original colour is missing

original file Watermark img After apply watermark Code for PSD to PNG conversion: /usr/local/bin/convert /tmp/1657736296-sample1.psd /tmp/sample1.png Code for watermark apply on converted PNG file ...
Rams's user avatar
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png watermark images not apply on psd file using imagemagick

/usr/local/bin/composite -gravity center "/tmp/watermark_12809_1657557870.png" "/tmp/1657557870-sample1.psd" "Rams_1657557871.psd"
Rams's user avatar
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Can I call this an implementation of the Composite Pattern

I have this design which I self-proclaim to be Composite Pattern, though I'm not entirely sure about that. So I'm aksing for your statement on this. This is the interface which collectively describes ...
Ngọc Hy's user avatar
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Is there a way to efficiently get three layer aggrigations result in elasticsearch, where each layer is conditioned by above one

I am trying to get composite aggregation for certain feilds which are present in each document. These documents are stored in elastic. Format of each document is a json with below mentioned keys. {&...
Robin Rawat's user avatar
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How to use Jimp composite in Javascript to layer images

I'm trying to create in image generator where I can create all permutations of an image given different elements on 3 layers. I have managed to get the three folders into arrays and am trying to use ...
James Stephen Brown's user avatar
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SQLAlchemy Multitype columns - Hybrid Property querying

I have several tables in my PostgreSQL database that need to contain timeseries like information in an IoT-link context, that require several data types supported for the value of each point in the ...
Manu Sisko's user avatar
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Matching sums of consecutive elements of two sets

Given two sets of integers P and C of the same length. How can I find ALL matching sums of consecutive elements at the same starting and ending positions in the two sets, including overlapping subsets?...
Ali Adams's user avatar
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Getting a TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable

I have the following code. I want to start the for loop at the index found in the for loop. essentially, I'm slicing the list (R_sigma11, etc.) into two to search for duplicate numbers in that list ...
Brandon Zabriskie's user avatar
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Good OO way to categorize related objects in a model in java

I have a class Vehicles with three list fields, namely: turboVehicles : List<ITurboVehicle>, trailerVehicle : List<ITrailerVehicle>, vehicles : List<IVehicle>, (containing all ...
hi there's user avatar
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VertX Multiple Futures returning a Future

I am trying to call 3 futures, wait for them to complete, process the results and then return all of this also as a Future. I cant seem to figure out how to "wrap" the 3 futures in a future ...
Neil Collier's user avatar
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Interface literals in Go

First to clarify the title, I know there is no such thing as interface literals in Go but I couldn't come up with another name for this issue. I was reading some Go code and found a weird construct, ...
fresanov's user avatar
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Is the relationship between a View and a Controller in MVC really just a Strategy pattern?

The Gang of Four book states the following: [...] The main relationships in MVC are given by the Observer, Composite and Strategy design patterns. The best example of this I could find was this ...
user32882's user avatar
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Does the composite design patterm adhere the principles of SOLID (spacialy the L and the I)? [duplicate]

Does the composite design template adhere to the principles of solid? if all the compositing method are declared at the component its violation of the Interface Segregation Principle. if compositing ...
Itay Shwartz's user avatar
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How to set a composite to the right side of the screen

I have created 2 labels and I wish to move these labels to the right most side of the screen. I have created a new composite for the 2 labels and set the labels with the label composite. But now the ...
georgek's user avatar
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Gradle Composite Build: How to configure Tasks for all included builds

I am new to gradle composite builds. I have a multi-project build that uses precompiled script plugins in order to have tasks configured for all projects that include the plugin. Now I want to port ...
code_name's user avatar
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Dependency substitution in a separate composite build

The include build dependcy substitution works great for the project it is included in like this include ':app' includeBuild('../lib_project') { dependencySubstitution { substitute module('...
yaugenka's user avatar
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