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3 answers

Get unique values from column of type "array"

I have this table: | arrs | |:----| | {10000,10000,10000,10000} | | {100,200,300} | | {400,500,600} | | {100,200,600} | How get this result? | uniques | |:-------| | 10000 | | 100 | | 200 | | 300 | | ...
user23025019's user avatar
-1 votes
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Python, filter unique but keep all columns

I am trying to filter out unique matches, on a dict with hash tables in. I have created a filter column. that is a hash of DST+PORT+PROT+SRC. So I just want to filter on the hash. e.g [{'DST': '192....
Joseph's user avatar
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0 answers

Problem with assigning new "IDs" in big data frames for long data in R

I have a dataframe with around 50k rows with two columns that give two different IDs, both are two different adress data: propertys (called "LS") and Objects on the property (called "...
Olo Eopia's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Excel Formula: Filter Group based on Smallest Values

Excel Formula With the use of an Excel (Not VBA) array formula or similar preferably, due to the size and amount of data, I need to reduce the least amount of resources necessary to optimize ...
Miaka3's user avatar
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How do you open multiple new tabs with target=_blank and have each in a seperate tab?

I know how to open a link in a new tab with target="_blank" If I have multiple links on a page and they specify target="_blank" clicking one will open in a new tab but if I go back ...
SimonT's user avatar
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1 answer

Extracting unique values from a dynamic range, but repeating each value x times before next unique value

I have been trying to extract unique values from a range and repeat them, for which I've found this existing guide which seems to work: Extracting unique values from a range, but repeating each value ...
Ollie D's user avatar
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How to use `distinct()` in a query in Cakephp5?

I'm looking for the way to avoid duplicates in a query in Cakephp5. Here is my table rubriques : id | ... | model | ... ====================== 1 | ... | CustomRubriques | ... 2 | ... | ...
Oliv's user avatar
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Unique ID generation without using GUID

I was trying to think of a way to get unique IDs without using GUID and thought of this. Just wondering what you all think, if it's safe or not, etc. // IDGEN: an auto incrementing ID for our ...
user2980746's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I alter a formula using the cell number instead of its cell value?

Here's the formula: =TEXTJOIN(" | ", TRUE, UNIQUE(FILTER(Sheet!E3:E, Sheet!AC3:AC = "joe"))) . The name "joe" is located in the destination sheet in C4. I want to use C4 ...
user avatar
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2 answers

How can non-additive metrics, such as 'unique visitors,' be calculated with low latency for custom date ranges?

I'm building an analytical solution with a worker to calculate 30-day statistics and a UI to display them. Currently, the UI uses a fixed last 30 days date range, but I want to support custom date ...
Alex's user avatar
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0 answers

composite unique key validation - laravel 11

Here i given below my table schema Schema::create('yarn_work_order_items', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->id(); $table->foreignId('yarn_work_order_id')->constrained('...
Anis's user avatar
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0 answers

go1.23 unique: ran out of hash bits while inserting

When I optimized prometheus, I removed duplicate string labels from the sequence. When I concurrently called the unique package of go1.23, the insertion caused a panic: panic: internal/concurrent....
user27362697's user avatar
0 votes
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Verifying all objects in a Kotlin collection match without overriding equals

I am working on a kotlin function that needs to verify that all objects in a collection have the same value for a particular property. Normally I would simply use distinctBy() and check that the size ...
pbuchheit's user avatar
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how to change the data if the result is not found to 0

Muhammad Donni Oktavianto's user avatar
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4 answers

Displaying most recent unique form submissions

I have an example spreadsheet located here: All names have been generated to protect identities. There is a form ...
5Reaper5's user avatar
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Comparing a selection

Hi please can you help. I'm trying to select the last 200 rows in my database, then compare 2 fields in each row, and return each whole row where there is only 1 instance. So, all rows that have more ...
Nickmall's user avatar
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3 answers

Selecting unique rows of a dataframe when the duplicate values are swapped across multiple columns in R?

I am trying to use R to filter a dataframe based on two columns to select rows that are agnostic to which column of those two columns a value occurs in. The input looks like this, with duplicates ...
Melissa M's user avatar
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Bitnami Airflow chart 19.0.3 (Airflow version 2.10) not creating pods with unique names

Reason: Conflict HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'Audit-Id': 'd4e76ef2-4512-4e87-a2e6-bb413059a56b', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, private', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Kubernetes-Pf-...
Arun Kumar's user avatar
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1 answer

Identify a specific string in a column and count number of unique letters by group in R

I have a dataframe df1 df1<- setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 37)), c("material","condition", "pID")) df1$material <- c("FBZOIKS","FBZOIKS&...
dede's user avatar
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2 answers

Remove Duplicates from Very Large Array, Keeping Oldest Timestamp

I have a large dataset (400K+ rows by 4 columns). I'm currently grabbing the data into an array using the following (thanks to tanaike): function getValues_({ spreadsheetId, sheetName, start = 1, ...
DanCue's user avatar
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Query, unique and transpose issues on Gsheets

I have an issue I cannot figure out how to fix. I have 2 columns, one with names and one with homework done. Names Homework Person 1 Homework 1 Person 1 Homework 2 Person 1 Homework 3 Person 2 ...
Jerome's user avatar
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Database import

I tried importing a file (database.sql) to my DB server and I get this error: All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE insteadapp/config/database.sq|CREATE ...
Colin Gordon's user avatar
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How do I get unique pairs based on shared values in two grouping variables?

I have used Florian's answer to this question to get the unique pairs separately for the one shared (grouping) variable. Can this be extended to the case where there are two grouping variables, and ...
Michelle's user avatar
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Delphi: check if values in array (or values of variables) are unique at one time

I need to check if values of some variables are unique. This is a sample/example for 4 variables, but i'm looking for something universal so that it works for 3, 5 and so on variables. I can make a ...
kwadratens's user avatar
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How can I find all unique sub graphs within a graph database such as memgraph?

I have a dataset of tens of thousands of directed subgraphs. The subgraphs are trees, they branch from the root node and never merge. I want to find all the unique subgraphs based on the event_type ...
Adrian Montagu's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Using Excel O365, How to use unique on two columns, sort, and copy over related data?

I have a 4 column, dynamic row array with names, process, order #, and dates. The array is dynamic and being collected using FILTER() function and grabbing the 4 columns I want from a table on a ...
Muffinman's user avatar
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number every first unique piece in each group

In each group, each 1st unique item should be given a different number in new column 'num'. I can form the groups but I don't know how to number the unique pieces. Is there a way to do that ? Unique ...
mxplk's user avatar
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2 answers

Windows Batch - How do I create an array with a unique set of values?

I'm messing around in Batch and writing code that loops through files in a directory and adds the last four characters of the file name to an array. The problem is that there are duplicates in my ...
DKY's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Counting number of unique values in one column if data in a 2nd column matches anything in a 3rd column

I have data that will be changing daily. I'd simply like to get a count of unique values from the first column if the data in the same row of the 2nd column matches anything in the 3rd column located ...
KananBendu's user avatar
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1 answer

Count If Meets Multiple Criteria and Unique

I have read several other relatable questions with responses, including referenced suggestions, but they do not appear to be similar in my requirements or I'm having troubles understanding what they'...
Neuner's user avatar
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Sqlalchemy keep encrypting while keep field unique

Which I want a value been encrypted when commit to table. Then query with clear text. I read the sqlalchemey wiki. By using typedecorator, it worked well. However, how to keep clear text unique giver ...
Zheng Yan's user avatar
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How To Count Unique Values in a Filtered List in Excel

I have a large table in excel with 20+ headings. I am filtering the list based on a heading in Column Z. I want to find the number of unique serial numbers that are defined in Column O. I filtered the ...
batteryanalysis's user avatar
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Pull unique lists from multiple tabs with dynamic row and column ranges

I have the attached file, where there are 2 "animals" tabs that I would like to extract unique lists from.
Liz Ziser's user avatar
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4 answers

How to get string with disctinct (unique) characters from existing string in bash script?

For example, I have string: explicit_borders="\"\"''()" How to calculate based on this string the string with the following result: distinct_border_chars="\"'()" # ...
Anton Samokat's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Finding unique columns and their indices in NumPy matrix efficiently

I have a very large binary matrix (for example, shape = (210000, 5000)) and want to find unique columns and indices of this matrix. Memory is important to me, so that is why I am looking for a method ...
farid_musa's user avatar
-1 votes
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Changing value in one column with sequential information when cell value changes in another column

Cannot find information on web, so asking for help. All solutions I find are on python. I need solution on google sheets. I have sequential information, which needs to be updated based on values in ...
Beket Kassymbekov's user avatar
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How to find position of a Unique_ID in a dataset?

I have a huge dataset with 460 Unique IDs. I would like to subset a specific ID within that column to analyze. I was going serial-wise, but now I am trying to analyze random individuals from my ...
Zaara Kidwai's user avatar
-2 votes
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Unique elements in a Python list using "set" [duplicate]

""" arr = map(int, input().split()) arr1=list(arr) print(f"My list:" + str(arr1)) print(f"After sorting in reverse order:" + str(arr1)) arr1.sort(reverse=True) ...
Sami Ullah's user avatar
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SQL unique constraint on multiple columns [duplicate]

I am trying to figure out a cross unique constraint on 2 columns, I know how to do 2 columns, but not cross columns here is a sample of my data Connection Dealer1 Dealer2 1 10 20 2 20 30 3 20 10 ...
tomebyjunocom's user avatar
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Entity Framework reference to an unique key as foreign key

I have a data model that has BOTH a primary key and a unique key. When I am at the referencing class and try to use a foreign key annotation, I can't explicitly specify that I want to reference the ...
Johnny Wu's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I get the unique combinations of values that exist in all groupings

I want to know what are the existing combinations of uom values that products have. Given df = pd.DataFrame([{'prod_id':3,'uom':'PK'},{'prod_id':3,'uom':'PQT'},{'prod_id':4,'uom':'PK'},{'prod_id':5,'...
Ramsay's user avatar
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1 answer

VB.NET Unique String Combinations Problem

I have two classes. 1 houses all of my records and one I want to only house my unique string combinations. Public Class Records Public Property ID As String Public Property TNumber As String ...
user24900496's user avatar
-1 votes
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Laravel Unique validations to ignore validation if the user is different

I have master skills table, and separate skill table for student. Each students to add their skills to their resume through the master skill table. Now, the same skill should not be added again and ...
Mohan Palanisamy's user avatar
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Is there a function in Excel that returns if a value is unique within a column?

I am creating a metadata excel for a database of raw data files, I have entries like this: station variable year_from year_to ID Berlin T 1998 2001 T_berlin_1998 Berlin T 2002 2023 T_berlin_2002 !! ...
user24435177's user avatar
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Find uniques in two sheets and populate rows

I need to compare the first two columns of sheet A into the first two columns of sheet B to find uniques, populate the other values in each row and then put the results in alphabetical order. Like ...
Unsapiensaurus's user avatar
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How to Create a Conditional Unique Constraint Based on Latest Updates in SQL

I have a log table that tracks updates, structured like this: CREATE TABLE user_log ( name_id VARCHAR, modified DATE, -- Other fields... ); I aim to implement a unique constraint based on ...
Digital Nomad's user avatar
5 votes
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Filtering a matrix for unique combination in R

I'm trying to filter such that once a unique number from a pair of number is found starting from the top of the matrix, any subsequent pair entry is removed from the matrix leaving only the the ...
B. Jenkins's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I create a new php array from an existing array where the prefix of the array values is used to determine it as being unique?

Supposing I have this php array: $booklist = Array ( [0] => Peppa / Season 2 / 43 The Quarrel / Page 1 [1] => Nursery Rhymes / Wheels On The Bus / Page 1 [2] => Wonderskills / ...
Liam's user avatar
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2 answers

Excel 365 - TEXTJOIN, Sort & Unique values across columns into one cell

I have 10 columns that have a list of email names, these email labels are pulled from another cell based on counties. Because the counties are divided up by regions, the names overlap (duplicates). I ...
user22294649's user avatar
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How to set up retention period in dbt model if it run next day need to run dag without fail

We did dbt configuration for one of the model with incremental strategy and unique key and again customer wants to setup retention period for 7day did as per requirement and logic Is working only once ...
Naveena P B's user avatar

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