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Composite Key MySQL Dual Direction Comparison [duplicate]

The question in the tile might not be clear for what I'm asking for so I'll add some examples below. What I'm asking is for is when you insert a row in a table with composite keys, a single row is ...
Richard Skinner's user avatar
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2 answers

Mysql: optimizing a query that uses one column or the other

The table contains chat data with from_user_id and to_user_id columns both individually indexed properly. My query is to get all chat msgs that a particular user participated in i.e. SELECT * FROM ...
Qyom's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

how can i insert a composite component (menu of menus) in my database

I am implementing the Composite Design pattern and I need to insert a menu in the database but the menu may consist of other menus and menu items so when I tried to insert them recursively, I got an ...
Abdelrhman Wagdy's user avatar
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My head is about to explode, I'm in need of the following scenario in which column a is a foreign key INDEX. Also, a UNIQUE index of (a,c) exists, and column c is either null or not Here's my current ...
juan.benavides's user avatar
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How to add NOT NULL constraint as composite in MySQL ?

I want to add NOT NULL constraint for some multiple columns. Individually those columns can be NULL. But altogether there should there should be some data. Is it possible with MySQL?
K_N_'s user avatar
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creating composite field in mysql

I need to make column 'full_name' as composite column of columns 'first_name' and 'last_name' in MySQL. I can do the same in MS SQL using following syntax : create table customer ( first_name ...
Omkar Nandgaonkar's user avatar
5 votes
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Usage of MySQL foreign key referencing multiple columns

I just stumbled across possibility of MySQL foreign key to reference multiple columns. I would like to know what is main purpose of multi-column foreign keys like shown bellow ALTER TABLE `device` ...
Wax Cage's user avatar
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Database design for an entity that might comprise from other same entities

I have some sport facilities that have fields that one can play 5x5 football in them. I am trying to make a simple reservation system for them. My problem is that some fields combine and make bigger ...
Andreas Andreou's user avatar
3 votes
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Constraint to prevent violation of FK constraint in a third table

I can implement the constraints that I want in stored procs, but I'm wondering if I can define a set of foreign key constraints which will do the job. I have several tables, with these key ...
BobRodes's user avatar
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Duplicate entry error in 1 column of a composite key

I am trying to insert pseudo data into my db to get going, and in one particular table I have two columns which are FK's and PK's of the table; fk_product_manf_code and fk_content_id. To my ...
codaamok's user avatar
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How can I get data from a specific field with a composite primary key?

I have three tables, sketched below. The showid and actorid from the Shows-Actors table comes from the id column in the Shows and Actors table. They combine to form a composite primary key - An actor ...
Raaa's user avatar
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4 answers

SQL multi-table composite key unique query

For starters, some background information. I am building a simple recipe book database and I'm trying to build a query that will show me what I can make based on the items in my pantry. The table ...
Robert Stivanson's user avatar
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MySQL, InnoDB: two-column unique constraint with one column in parent table

In a child table, I need to enforce a unique constraint with a composite key where one of the two columns is in the parent table. The situation is that in my application users can have multiple ...
kKre's user avatar
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-3 votes
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i want to create composite foreign key but it gives my sql error 1005

Table complaint_record with composite primary key CREATE TABLE `complaint_record` ( `complaint_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `cat_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `store_id` int(10) ...
dhyanandra singh's user avatar
4 votes
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MySQL column order in composite key

I have a doubt, Here is my table: mysql> show create table example\G *************************** 1. row *************************** Table: example Create Table: CREATE TABLE `example` ( ...
zebo zhuang's user avatar
3 votes
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Mysql composite key order relevance

I have this mySql table: create table associations (email1 varchar(30), email2 varchar(30), primary key(email1, email2)); Now in this table if I insert two rows as follows: insert into ...
Shekhar Joshi's user avatar
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Select with composite key match my sql

I have following problem. I want to select single record from my table. That table has composite primary key. This select is in stored procedure that accepts two int parameters. This is my query: ...
user1797770's user avatar
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3 answers

Composite key - one a foreign key, the other auto-incrementing

I'm having trouble creating a table in MySQL. Essentially, I need a composite key using "client_id" and "problem_id". In the table "clients", "client_id" is the primary key so I want to keep this ...
Amoeba's user avatar
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Composite Primary Key and Auto_Increment [duplicate]

I'm trying to do the composite key with one of them auto incrementing, but when I try to enter a new row it just continue the sequential. Here's the example of what happens: Item_1 | Item_2 1 | ...
Heron Vieira's user avatar
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How to find max from a composite set of rows?

I have a table such as : Year | Month ------------ 2011 10 2011 11 2012 5 2012 6 The query should return the latest "Month" for the latest "year". Currently I'm doing ...
outflanker's user avatar
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mysql composite if column from composite values?

I need to add an extra column to my query results, The column needs to be called percent, If col1 == 0 then percent should contain NIS else percent should contain ceil(col2 / col1 * 100) So I ...
Hailwood's user avatar
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How to create composite key?

I am new to MySQL WB so I can create foreign key by adding relation between to dependen tables. But how to create a composite key? For example I have this table sql CREATE TABLE TASKS ( TEST_ID ...
Vlad's user avatar
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2 answers

composite primary key and unique key as a foreign key

Ok Here is the situation. A university has more than one faculty. Each faculty has more than one department. I do not want any duplicated faculty or department. So I defined the three tables below. ...
stanchen's user avatar
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Select statement across a join table

Have three tables that look like this: PersonTable Person.ID Person.Name PersonTypeCompositeTable Person.ID PersonType.ID PersonTypeTable PersonType.ID PersonType.Category For this example, say ...
blunders's user avatar
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6 answers

MySQL composite indexes and operator BETWEEN

I have a question about this query: SELECT * FROM runs WHERE (NOW() BETWEEN began_at AND finished_at) Do you think it makes sense to create composite index for began_at and ...
Alex Kurkin's user avatar
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MySQL: how to index an "OR" clause

I'm executing the following query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE field1='value' AND (field2 >= 1000 OR field3 >= 2000) There is one index over field1 and another composited over field2&...
JoséMi's user avatar
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mysql composite indeces should i be using them

I got question on index strategies for mysql - mainly when to use a composite index I have a fairly common relational db scenario, heres my table set up: Maintable - table consisting of "products" ...
Ke.'s user avatar
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5 answers

MySql Primary Key > 900/1000 bytes?

I have a composite primary key, which together turns out to be rather large (~2000 bytes). I have no performance considerations, I just would like a primary key to enforce uniqueness. MySql doesn't ...
ripper234's user avatar
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Scoped/composite surrogate keys in MySQL

Here's an excerpt of my current database (changed the table-names for an easier understanding): Pet(ownerFK, id, name, age) Owner(id, name) Where id is always a surrogate key, created with ...
Marcel Jackwerth's user avatar