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2 answers

ElevatedButton not take up height of parent on Flutter Android

Like the title, you can see my Button is not take up full height of the Row.The Blue background color is the Container wrap my button to visualize the container size. You can see the Image without ...
Bùi Thế Anh's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to improve the ugly layout in R shiny

I want to display a list of buttons using the package shiny in R in a way similar to the java gridLayout: Desired layout After some trial and error I could produce this result. Unfortunately the ...
int 21h Glory to Ukraine's user avatar
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Bootstrap 5 cccordion icon will not stay right justified when collapsed

I'm new to HTML / CSS development and building a portfolio website. I've added accordion button and accordion icon (positioned to the right of the button) with rotation animation to the Bootstrap 5 ...
ruestitch's user avatar
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Position button on specific place on scaling image

I have an image that scales when changing the screen size. I want to place a button in a specific place on the image (inside the cogwheel) and I want it to stay there. Fiddle:
89Tr34Ve's user avatar
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How can I let the text label in FloatingActionButton.extended word wrap without specifying its width?

I tried everything including Expanded, Container (with double.infinity with or not), Wrap, FractionallySizedBox. And it always either shows me the overflow issue, completely crashes, or makes the text ...
ubershmekel's user avatar
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Align button with text and icon to start from right

I am creating part of a program in Flutter running on an Android emulator but am stumped on how to align this button's position to start from the right so it doesn't overflow off the screen when the ...
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How do i put the button in the bottom left? (vaadin)

Ive red the vaadin documentation but i didnt find anything useful. i have created 2 buttons and right now, theyre in the middle vertically and horizontally, but i wanna put them in the bottom left. I ...
newcomer's user avatar
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Position button vertically in parent with Jetpack Compose

I have the following button composables: @Composable private fun ImageButton() { Button(onClick = { }) { Icon( Icons.Filled.Image, contentDescription = ...
Code-Apprentice's user avatar
-2 votes
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Fixing a button at the bottom of a Constraint Layout

I want to fix a button at the bottom of a Constraint Layout. There are solutions to this but they are all in Relative Layout. Is it possible to fix the button at the bottom in a Constraint Layout only?...
Sakshi Sinha's user avatar
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Using Floating button directly without declaring it as a variable

I'm learning app development in Android Studio using Kotlin following a course and I'm getting confused. In the video, an OnClickListener is assigned to a button directly without declaring this button ...
Koen ter Heegde's user avatar
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Flutter - How can I make 2 buttons be as large as the largest of them?

I have two ElevatedButtons inside a Row widget and I need both of them to be the same length but only as large as the largest button. Here's my current code: class Home extends StatelessWidget { ...
Eddy Todd's user avatar
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SwiftUI Buttons and their tappable areas shifted away and doesn't cover anymore

I have the problems with views and especially buttons as they can be tapped (but it applies to all views) that they tappable (focus area) shifted a bit from rendered views. Layout stays ok but if you ...
Michał Ziobro's user avatar
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flutter, ensure the elavated button stay at the bottom of the screen despite streambuilder built a lot of data

What im trying to do is showing a list of assignments and have buttons at the bottom to let the user to select which function they want but when the data becomes a lot and my buttons got push below ...
Lim's user avatar
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How to push buttons to the right PySimpleGUI?

Dears, Could you please help to share ideas on how to push Buttons to the right? Knowing that I go through the forum and I find cases where no condition is set and this can be done using differents ...
PyiPath2022's user avatar
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I can't get my button to work on my second layout (Android)

I've spent 8 years programming and for 8 years I've been pretty happy, but after using Android Studio for two weeks I already want to So here's the deal. I made 2 layouts. One is the default, named ...
Math Machine's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make a button with more information in android studio

I'm trying to develop a button that has more than just an text information + an icon, but I don't know how can I make this, I want to make as this layout image right here: Exepected Layout I've ...
guilherme silva's user avatar
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2 answers

Change Button color and shape properties

Here is my button appearance : Which is actually defined by : <Button style="@style/Button.Pressed" android:id="@+id/standardRestock" ...
Phaeron's user avatar
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Placing buttons below each other programmatically in Android?

I would like to place some buttons below each other. I tried it this way: View previousView =null; RelativeLayout evaluationSections = findViewById(; ...
JavaForAndroid's user avatar
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Vertical ToggleButtonGroup in React?

Is there a way to make ToggleButtonGroups display buttons vertically instead of horizontally? I have tried changing the orientation="vertical" but that doesn't seem to have any effect. ...
yambo's user avatar
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How can I use HBox in JavaFX, to place certain elements at a specific location on the canvas? [closed]

A newbie! I know this is the easiest thing to do in my whole project, but for some stupid(I'm the stupid) reason I'm stuck here. I want to use HBox to place a button at a specific (x,y) coordinate. ...
old-boysenberry's user avatar
2 votes
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Vaadin Component Alignent

I have 3 text fields in vertical layout and I want to place a button at the right of the 3rd text field in HorizontalLayout, but what happens is the button is placed in alignment with a caption of the ...
Rajashri Patil's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

How to layout a column of buttons with their widths equal to the width of the widest one in Flutter?

How can I make the following buttons the same width as the widest one (in this case the last one)? I don't want to hardcode to make all equal to the last one, because, e.g., when switched to a ...
user2633218's user avatar
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Kivy - Labels, Buttons and Layouts

HelloWorld! First of all, I'm new to the English version of this page. I think my English is good, but if make any mistakes let me know and I'll fix it. Second, the code I wrote (I'll show you in a ...
Jorge Nuñez's user avatar
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Button Background in xml

I have a button and I want to replace the background I designed with the paste. But there is no change in it. where is the problem from ? <Button android:id="@+id/button_signIn" ...
danial shahbaz's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why is my drawable button layout not being applied to the button as a background?

I have created a buttonbg.xml file to give a button a round shape with a custom color. Here's how the xml code looks like, <stroke android:color="#69B9F9" android:width="3dp&...
kaushik puntambekar's user avatar
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Android Button shows in graphical layout but not on device ( This is not duplicate )

The button is visible in layout of android but it's not visible on device. someone said to use the layout inspector layout inspector shows only what's visible in device, if button is not visible in ...
Aviroxi's user avatar
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Why different layouts in the same AlertDialog?

I have a class that opens a very simple AlertDialog with: new AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_alert) .setTitle(TITLE) ...
Luis A. Florit's user avatar
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flutter layout trouble for add image above two button

I am posting on StackOver Flow because I am stuck in the development of my Flutter application. I'm a beginner and I'm learning Flutter and Dart but I'm stuck on something basic, which is a bit ...
logan's user avatar
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Button Class's object is not adding to a layout container object (HBox, VBox, etc). Is there no default constructor of HBox or VBox to accept Button?

I am using eclipse & I have tried to add the Button class object to a layout container in java but it says that there is no constructor to accept Button's object change it to the Node. Code Label ...
Abdul Rehman's user avatar
4 votes
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How to set the minimum size of the button in Flutter?

I'm building a Flutter web app in which I have a button which contains an icon and some text in a row. My problem is, that whenever the user resizes the window to a smaller size, the button gets too ...
jdsflk's user avatar
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Android - How do I add button from code on top of canvas. I don't have layout to grab

I've got an app that works like Paint. Everything works fine but what I want to do is adding couple buttons, that would change my "brush" color and width. But since I don't have xml file, I ...
Gabor Danielski's user avatar
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3 answers

How do make layout in android studio?

I am trying to make an activity which should look like the following: here The problem is that it does not get the same when I start the app. The buttons are cut or the text is cut. And if I change ...
KerryKilian's user avatar
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How can l set frames for 12 buttons with loop (programatically)?

I'm trying to make Concentration game (with matching cards) and my task is to set frames for the array of 12 UIButtons with for-loop (I tried to realize it with switches, but it wan't right as my ...
maytime's user avatar
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MainActivity doesn't recognize items in activity_main(layout)(kotlin)

I can't get the android studio to recognize my emailtext and passwordtext below are my layout and mainActivity codes package com.example.fotografpaylasmafirebase import
Mustafa Korkmaz's user avatar
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FloatingActionButton hide instantly

i have a really simple question, is there a way to hide a FloatingActionButton without the animation that comes with it? One way that i was thinking was "wrapping" it with any Layout and ...
user2698033's user avatar
2 votes
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Android layout - display 2 vectors & text of a button

I am trying to build buttons made of: a vector (some sort of frame) behind a another vector (some sort of icon) and both above a text (some sort of description). This whole object (vectors & text) ...
Shir K's user avatar
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Centering buttons programatically in Swift

I am trying to center Google Sign In and Sign Out buttons programmatically. In order to put both of them in the third quarter. I create 2 views that I wanted to put buttons to their center, in ...
Ali Eren AK's user avatar
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How can I shrink a button to fit its text?

Is there a way to take a programmatically-created button (not defined in XML) and shrink it so it matches the size of its text? Essentially I want these buttons to be much smaller: I have tried ...
knpwrs's user avatar
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ANDROID Change button color when pressed

I have a ScrollView where, I have added some buttons depending upon the number of responses I get from a databse on firebase. private fun onSurveyLoaded(survey: Survey?) { survey?.let { ...
giordy16's user avatar
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Swift button width depends on text length when adding title Insets

hi i want to resize my button width by text length when adding title right insets i tried set Constant 100 and Priority 1000 and it work perfect but when i add image and right insets, button title ...
saint's user avatar
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flutter button has spacing at the top

Widget tabTitleDetails = Container( margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 8.0), decoration: BoxDecoration( color: Colors.white, border: Border.all( ...
qya's user avatar
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Java Android: the button does not work after returning to the first layout

when I press two buttons the picture changes but when I move with the 3 button to the 2nd layout and I go back to the first picture it doesn't change anymore public class MainActivity extends ...
Artur's user avatar
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How do you add a shadow on a button with your own colour?

How do you add a shadow on a button with your own colour? The button is set on a gradient background and I have various buttons that require shadows (preferably different colours). Can this be done or ...
SK1dev's user avatar
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Android Imageview and Buttons in the same View

I have a Button and a ImageView on the same "Page". Now, I made a OnClickListener and when I Click the Button the Page clears and my Drawing appears. I think I have to change the setContentView(...
t9cpu's user avatar
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Is there any Android equivalent of iOS UIAccessibilityTraits?

In my Android app I have a custom layout that is being used as a button - it consists of some TextViews and an ImageView, additionally it has some gradient background. I'm aligning my app now to ...
mrpasqal's user avatar
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Create virtual keyboard in PyQt

I am trying to have a QWidget mimicking an Italian Apple Magic Keyboard layout (portrayed in the figure) in PyQt5. I tried looking for some code online but I have only found QML code (I am not ...
Nisba's user avatar
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How to fix this Python tkinter problem with button Layout

I have made a game of rock paper scissors in python and everything was fine until I added the pics. Take a look at my code: player_score=0 comp_score=0 def press(): print("You Pressed ROCK") ...
Abhinav K.K's user avatar
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No view found for id 0x7f0800c2 (.... id/profile_frame) for fragment ProfileFragment{763e0e0 #2 id=0x7f0800c2}

I've already taken a look at some of the other questions regarding this error but I've either not fully understood them, or they don't work for my solution, so I would like to ask it here. I'm ...
Aadil Farooq's user avatar
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"Button:active" moves all buttons instead of only clicked button

I know that it has something to do with margin's colliding or the layout but I can't figure it exactly out. My goal is to move a clicked (div) button by 5 pixels. The current way I do this is by ...
Patrick star's user avatar
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Flutter: aligning buttons edge to edge to other components

I found it difficult to layout buttons in a way that their visual representation is harmonic with other widgets, yet their touchable area has additional extra space for users' fingers. Please have a ...
Chris Rutkowski's user avatar

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