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cURL request in PHP neither succeding nor showing error

I am trying to do a post request to an API using cURL in PHP 5.3 which supports cURL. The following code that is supposed to send an image to the endpoint does not produce an error from the server but ...
user6631314's user avatar
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Error with Typescript Axiom - 400 bad Request

I am currently encountering an unusual problem with my request in Javascript / typescript. I keep getting a 400 bad request back, but I think my request should be correct. My Code looks like this: ...
Limes's user avatar
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Problem store and get image file from storage path of laravel

I'm strongling to find what I have missed in my code , I can store image name in my table but can't store image file in folder storage/app/public and can't display image in my browser when using http:/...
user23531968's user avatar
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Deploying my FastAPI app to Azure, but routes don't work anymore

I succesfully deployed my FastAPI app to azure, but when I try to access the routes, it says 404 not found. However, when I test the same route locally it works. My db is hosted on azure. I tried ...
Adnane Bady Soussi's user avatar
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Error associating test results in Azure DevOps API version 7.0 (works in version 5.0)

I am encountering an issue when trying to associate test results with a "test run" in Azure DevOps using the API version 7.0. The same code works perfectly with API version 5.0, but when I ...
Marcos Vinícius's user avatar
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error Using the azure playfab API endpoint to get time

Initially, I was using the endpoint POST, and it was working fine as intended. However, for the past few days, I have been encountering an ...
Sahana Dattatreya Hegde's user avatar
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URL Encoding Issue with Deploy API

this is my API: *******/api/3-1-app-313a04d4-e556-4dc7-b90a-1a1d0b347368/deploy. It returns two statuses: 202 on the first attempt and 303 on the second. The first attempt works fine, and I receive a ...
Syed Rahman's user avatar
-4 votes
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I want to build full stack projects with html, css, js, node.js, express.js, postgresql, react.js, I seperate to file frontend and backend is it true? [closed]

my vs code scheme is it true ? I have some problems with backend side unfortunately. I did some project header section, left side logo, center navbar right side cart. And frontend side logo link is ...
Nijat Guliyev's user avatar
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Using the Microsoft Graph API to load files from Sharepoint into Databricks

I want to load files from Sharepoint using a Microsoft App registration and the Microsoft Graph API. Right now I get the error that I am not authotized but I do not know if I just do not have the ...
yannik0103's user avatar
-5 votes
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Need to identify 'Menu API' by converting curl request to python in Google Colab and document the response of the categories [closed]

I need to identify 'Menu API' by converting curl request to python request in Google Colab, need to document the response of item_name, item_category, item_price from JSON response for a US brand &...
Praneeth CH's user avatar
-3 votes
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hosting vps windows with connect local sql server [closed]

I would like to ask about hosing vps windows that support connection to SQL Server and I can upload a Laravel project with API with thanks
mohammed naseralla's user avatar
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Dynamics 365 Virtual Entity With Server-Side Paging Not Retrieving Data Correctly When Passing Query Parameters

I’m working with Dynamics 365 9.1 On-Premises and setting up a Virtual Entity connected to an external OData v4 API. The goal is to use server-side paging. The API can accept query parameters (skip ...
Ahmed Hamdy's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to delete all records except one record remaining?

I calling all ids with getIds function and use it in clearSales function.clearSales function is running at the end of the test .When I call clearSales all records deleted. I don't want all records ...
YusufOzt's user avatar
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Pulling Higher Quality Google Images from Strings

I built this script that based on any query, it pulls the first google image that it finds through the use of a google customer search api. It works correctly, but it tends to pull low quality images. ...
squadwa's user avatar
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Restful-API node.js & expressCross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource s cat. Statuode: (null)

I created Restful API with node.js & express and when I moved API and website to server machine When I trying to open the website I receive error in console: Restful-API node.js & expressCross-...
AS BD's user avatar
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2 answers

How to parse nested complex JSON data from API in Dart Flutter?

I couldn't parse the position and the 84, 86 objects inside it { "id": 5679, "position": { "84": { "price": "...
Meylis Annagurbanov's user avatar
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not able to find IFSC code from RozarPay IFSC-Api

This RazaorPay Api ( provide All banks details only if we provide IFSC code. I need Api that provide All Banks list, State list, District list. Not able to get ...
TexD's user avatar
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ASP.Net Core API failing when I try to return results from Active Directory search and some values are empty

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using System.DirectoryServices; using System.Security.Principal; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace SDAdmConsole.Controllers; [ApiController] [Route("api/[...
Steven Pullan's user avatar
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Google Directory API Quickstart - How to retrieve aliases

I am trying to retrieve a list of all users in a Google Admin console with their email aliases listed. I was able to retrieve all users using the sample in the documentation, but am having trouble ...
Cassie Simpson's user avatar
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Request to api without AUTH returns JSON with generic data

when we make a request to the collab api without authenticating we receive a JSON with standard values. For example: json value Is it possible to eliminate this behaviour and return an error?, thanks ...
GG_'s user avatar
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Golang gin rest api post and get

With golang gin rest api I create title, body, date, titles and contents fields, send to postman and save database. The post operation is running successfully, but when I receive the data, I get an ...
Coding write's user avatar
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Error in Sending Automated SMS with Dialpad and CVS File

I'm using python to send automated sms messages via Dialpad using the contacts I have in my CVS file (it's formatted as NAME, PHONENUMBER). However I keep getting this error - example names and ...
Nithila Logathas's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I use my Pinia store in a Nuxt 3 server API?

I'm creating a server API, following the docs: I need this endpoint to use data from a Pinia store. But when importing and using my store, I get ...
Quentin's user avatar
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How to return icon in row cell after API response in ExtJs

I've been trying to return an alert icon in every row cell where the api response's log level is 0 but I only end up with a [object Promise] instead of the icon itself. I log the data.logLevel and it ...
Weedosaurus's user avatar
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Unable to add Parse_JSON schema in power automate

I have an error with my flow - Action 'Parse_JSON' failed I'm getting an validation failed error when adding the following schema. { "type": "array", "items": { ...
Inforex's user avatar
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React - trying to change state in child component from function in parent component

class ParentComponent extends Component { state = { isDialogOpen: false } handleClose = () => { this.setState({ isDialogOpen: false }) } handleOpen = () => { this.setState({ ...
Kalamazoo's user avatar
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Always getting empty response while using the graph search API for sharepoint document

I am using following graph search API to search sharepoint document using the document id. GET /drives/{drive-id}/root/search(q='{search-text}') GET /sites/{site-id}/drive/root/search(q='{search-text}'...
pankaj singh's user avatar
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Regenerate access token request at given interval using JMeter

I have to regenerate my access token after an interval of 1 hour. All these APIs require an OAuth-based access token, which I generate at the start of the test and save in a variable that is then used ...
Ash's user avatar
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How to stop a asyncio task running on server after an API call is triggered from Reactjs(client) on a button click? [duplicate]

I have a Server on FastAPI and a Client running on ReactJS. I am running a loop(analysis()) on Server which starts when an API call(/start) is made from React front end on button click which works ...
Harsh Mishra's user avatar
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POST method opening new webpage

Below is the Form component of my webpage <form action="/login" method="POST"> <h3>Traditional Form</h3> <div class="form-row"&...
Brijesh Roy's user avatar
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File is created on local, but does not exist on Heroku deployment - Java Api

I have an API that creates a temporary file when calling one of the resources, at the end of the method this file is deleted. Example: Retrieves all products http://localhost:8080/api/v2/products/...
Rikkarth's user avatar
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Karate API - Basic Auth in scenario could not override Bearer token created in karate-config.json [duplicate]

I use bearer token for all my tests created in karate-config.js file. However for certain negative scenarios, I need to validate the error message for unauthorized users. To achieve this, I created a ...
Sankara Narayanan's user avatar
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.NET 7 Web API - JWT not granting access to API

I have a .NET 7 Web API which generates a JWT on login; however, I am unable to utilize the token to gain access to an endpoint. I attempted the fix here .NET Core 2 Web API JWT token not recognized ...
Morgan Bradford's user avatar
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Merge multiple API JSON (nested) data to a dataframe in R

I want to merge data from multiple API calls into one dataframe (api resource is the employee ID). The goal is to create a new dataframe (or add new attributes to existing retrieved employees ...
99MushrooM99's user avatar
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I want to connect to an api and extract the data

I'm doing my own python analytics project on compiling and analysing data from this open-data source: (
Nabeel's user avatar
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Querying a Google Sheet API using GViz

I would like to query the Google Spreadsheet using GViz (SQL like query language) and Google API on behalf of users of my app, however, in the Sheets API (
Chris Switalski's user avatar
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How do I make the same API request multibul times without duplicates?

I am trying to randomly generate a Pokemon team using PokeAPI and Javascrip, Ive tried a few things but it doesnt seem to be working, this is what I have so far:
Alyssa's user avatar
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Can't fetch a proper responce from HubSpot's Search API [duplicate]

I'm checking with HubSpot's official documents, MDN pages and past question on Stack overflow, but I've been stuck for the past few weeks. I'd appreciate any thoughts or ideas. My goal is to request ...
Alice's user avatar
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POST data to API without user login

Want to be able to post some simple data (e.g. multiple choice question) to an API server via a link that someone can access just by scanning a QR code, and without them having to login or have a user ...
chrispy179's user avatar
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How to send saved file to external API in Laravel?

I'm building a NextJS webapp in which a user is supposed to complete his profile by uploading his national ID. I'm saving the uploaded file using Laravel. Everything works fine till the saving part. ...
sangam4742's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to bring and image request from JS to display in HTML [closed]

I am trying to make a pokemon team generator with pokeapi and i am able to fetch the text info fine but i cant figure out a way to display the image. <html lang="en"> <head> ...
Alyssa's user avatar
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Can't login with user ID and password i created with rest API

Get an error while trying to log in with the username and password I created with rest API but I can log in with the same username and password via postman Error node:internal/errors:464 ...
Manoj Mondal's user avatar
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How to get a YAML file from the Bitbucket Server API?

I am trying to get a YAML file, located on our Bitbucket, in YAML format, using an API call in a Python script. The only way I have been able to get any data so far, is by using .json() at the end of ...
Haverknol's user avatar
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OpenAI GPT-3 API: Why do I get a response that makes no sense in relation to the question?

When I ask a question in parameters of the request, the response has no sentence, and i get other questions in the response. I tried with every "temperature" and the response is never the ...
Escobille's user avatar
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why is my event listener not working on my buttons, i get an error [duplicate]

I want to add an event listener to my buttons but it doesn't accept it. It says Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'addEventListener'). The tutorial I am following writes ...
digitArena's user avatar
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How to fix Parameter missing error in Twilio OTP API?

I am trying to Send OPT using Twilio API with AIOX but I am getting missing parameter error in response. I tried with same with PHP but getting same error. Is any help help me on this? Please check my ...
Addy's user avatar
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Select specific values from JSON output

I am querying a REST API and I need to select 2 fields from the adapter output below. I basically need to make variables from OUT_Detailed Description and OUT_Vendor Ticket Number: Code: headers = {'...
Dinerz's user avatar
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I want to create api using laravel for fetch image which are stored in database in blob format but getting this errors

I want to create api using laravel for fetch image which are stored in database in blob format but getting this errors public function show() { $product= Product::all(); return response($...
Suraj-Ui's user avatar
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Display chunked mp4 from a livestream in Flutter Web

I am developing a Flutter web application that needs to display a live stream from a HoloLens headset. The headset sends chunks of mp4 data. I have tried setting up a live stream solution but I get ...
Theo's user avatar
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Unhandled Promise Rejection: Error: Error response received for message <get-frame-manager-configuration>

I have first time in my life error from my title: Unhandled Promise Rejection: Error: Error response received for message . I don't have any idea what making that error, but fortunately I have only ...
Yardi's user avatar
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