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Unhandled Promise Rejection: Error: Error response received for message <get-frame-manager-configuration>

I have first time in my life error from my title: Unhandled Promise Rejection: Error: Error response received for message . I don't have any idea what making that error, but fortunately I have only ...
Yardi's user avatar
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1 answer

how to get angular form input value using django api?

Here is the Angular Login Form which sends data to the get(formData.value) <form class="form-horizontal" [formGroup]="formData" (ngSubmit)="get(formData.value)"> ...
Umair Mubeen's user avatar
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Form io API call

This is regarding implementation of the API call in the button click in formio using angular. The post-to URL option is available, but adding the API's desired posting structure is impossible here. Eg:...
Janani's user avatar
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1 answer

Unexpected token ')' on api subscribtion

I have this API call in an angular application async upload(file: FileToUpload) { // this is where the error occurs = UUID.UUID(); this.delegates.fileManager.uploadFile(file)....
Danny220's user avatar
1 vote
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Why won't my API update the values of my form?

I'm trying to update the attributes of objects which can be observed using a form. I am able to call the API to create new objects and map the values for each attribute to the form's inputs so that ...
wahhhh's user avatar
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POST request for nested objects - Angular

I'm currently trying to allow users to post hotels using an angular front end. This is supported with a python backend. Certain attributes such as 'lat', 'lng' and 'html_attributions' are nested ...
Beth McCoy's user avatar
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POST request returns 500 error, however backend works fine- angular

So i'm currently trying to set up a post request to allow users to upload comments via my Angular API however, I'm getting a 500 error. I have tested the backend API POST request on postman and it ...
Beth McCoy's user avatar
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2 answers

Simple reading async api request in angular app not working

I just want to read data from my api, but I can't get to the structure, only observable or promise. My service: @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class AttractionService { constructor(...
Yardi's user avatar
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NG02200: Cannot find a differ for object in ngFor '[object Object]'

I'm currently trying to display a comment section on my angular webpage. I'm going this by using my python API. I can successfully console log the results, which are an array. However, when i use ...
Beth McCoy's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

i can't use interpolation in my Angular app

this is the code, i'm trying to use interpolation on my input, but it just don't work, tried setting the value of the input the same as the User username, but none of these worked <ion-header> ...
matheus's user avatar
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How to use API in app.service.ts in Angular an use its data in the app components

I am writing a servise.ts in which used API .But when I want to use its data in a component it's undefined. I used all dependencies app.component.ts: constructor(private DATA: DataInfoService){} this....
reza hrkeng's user avatar
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How to receive the data sent from Angular to C# webapi?

I am sending form data to c# core web api via Angular. Console shows the data being sent via service to the api. I am trying to update a value. However, when debugger is kept at the web api controller,...
saurav.rox's user avatar
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Why News API not showing anything on HTML page but returns data on console.log

I Suspect the for loop might be taking time to display maybe? not really sure why this is not displaying This is news.component.html <div *ngFor="let article of articles"> <h2&...
Rambevha Dakalo's user avatar
1 vote
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Can't display the chosen items per page using Pagination (Angular)

I am using Angular's Pagination (Angular Material) to display items on a table that I get from an external API. Right now I can only see the initial (default) number of items (count) that are in each ...
Pavlouas's user avatar
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how can I pass the data from one component to another?

I'm trying to pass data from a parent component to a child component. The movie search component uses a service function to gather data, then processes the data so that it's just title and id ...
Bishibro's user avatar
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Angular - how can I take the data from API call and use it to populate a table?

I am trying to take the information received from API call and use it to fill the table. Also, why is this.movies a blank array when I try and set the value equal to the data. import { ...
Bishibro's user avatar
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2 answers

API Service not fetching/returning any data

home.component.ts: import { AfterViewInit, Component, ViewChild, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { MatPaginator } from '@angular/material/paginator'; import { MatSort } from '@angular/material/...
Spurious's user avatar
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How to take a string from JSON in Angular

So I basically trying to set a token on my localStorage. I make a request to my API in PHP and this is the code: login() { const body = JSON.stringify({ "usuario":"juanma"...
jmcamacho7's user avatar
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2 answers

data can not get from api in angular

the data that I get from api doesnt show in view. When I dont write *ngFor everything that I put in html tag is show but when I write *ngFor the image or anything that put in html tag is disappear ....
sevada's user avatar
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I am unable to send HTTPS requests from my angular app to my backend

I'm currently using AWS for my backend services and angular for the frontend part. Trying to make my website more secure I added a CA signed SSL certificate on my API gateway and added it to my ...
Salma Osama's user avatar
3 votes
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ts(6385) subscribe deprecated

I'm getting a error message for subscribe to be deprecated. The first is my API service but the issue lays in the second part of the code for the function getStarwarsHeroes. The .subscribe is crossed ...
Stefan Stahuber's user avatar
-1 votes
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Get request throws a NullReference Exception only at the back-end

I'm Trying to make a get Request [HttpGet] public async Task<IActionResult> GetOrders() { int marketingId = int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value); var ...
Ahmed Gamal's user avatar
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Angular wait for rest API response in subscribe

When I Try to get REST API Call thow client side (Angular) but when i subscribe this at that time function will runing not wait for response so please help for hold on function. GetLookup(){ let ...
Dummy1's user avatar
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Fetched data not rendering in Angular

I'm trying to fetch data From an API using Angular. I can see in the console log that the data is fetched, however the data doesn't render on the page. Help appreciated. Here is my code: app.component....
Link's user avatar
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How to return multiple values from node js to typescript?

I have the below node js post api to return a token, but I want it to return the token plus email, id, etc of the user:'/auth', function (req, response) { const body = req.body; ...
Vida's user avatar
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GET url in Angular/Typescript results in Unknown Error instead of success

I want to call a simple http function via typescript (Angular). The http api is hosted as function in Azure. Calling the url via Postman or directly in the browser, everything works fine. If I call ...
Konrad's user avatar
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Ignore Case in Typescript when mapping data from API

I have the below json example from my API: {"Name":"John","Address":"New Town"...} - so the properties like Name and address starts with an upper-case. I tried ...
Vida's user avatar
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Working in Angular, should I transform every JSON file I receive into a TypeScript model/interface/constant?

My part in a home automation project is the frontend one. So far, I've managed to display data from JSON file that I created by hand based on fractions of data coming from the backend Java + MongoDB ...
MyNameIsJeff's user avatar
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ANGULAR - Mapping nested JSON data from API

so I've been struggling for the past day or so with mapping the response from a mock API - I think I'm mapping it correctly but when I try to access the data it doesn't return anything in the HTML. ...
Traznix's user avatar
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2 answers

Data fetched from API is not showing in Angular

I am fetching data from SQL server through a back-end API in, and everything is going well I am fetching the data as well but it's not showing on the screen only in the console here is a ...
Firefly0027's user avatar
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Angular primeng organization chart from api call

I am trying to assign API value to primeng organization chart but not working. it display empty page.I have tried code as follows. I expect assign API value to primeng organization chart and display ...
learner's user avatar
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Error : MISSING_EMAIL when trying to post data to a Firebase Server

I have a simple form with 2 inputs (username and password). I am trying to create a user with the respective username and password submitted by the form. I have a POST request which contains the ...
Leo's user avatar
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Call All User API with angular

I have problem calling API to HTML. The log is show up but the data is not show up on the html. How to call this type API properly? I'm using fuse Angular for the layout and data stuff This is the ...
Jansen Su's user avatar
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Access-Control-Allow-Origin CORS Header missing when uploading large files

So, when I try to upload a file to NestJS via Angular and FormData, it works fine with pictures and files that is less than ~1-2 MB, but when I try to upload a 9 MB file, the console gives the ...
Almaszosz's user avatar
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3 answers

Need to do API calls on Array of data and get the response Angular

I want to implement a logic where if there is no network connectivity then i am storing the data in frontend in local storage and whenever got connected to network then I want to do api call on the ...
Jitendera Kumar's user avatar
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3 answers

How to get more images in Angular?

15 images appear at the beginning from API, the get dogs button has the function of loading an additional 15 images (and so on), but it doesn't work. How to make the button work? http.service.ts - ...
user avatar
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Angular 14 Log to a website with a post and a header

I am trying since a week to create a service to be able to connect to a website and get information on this website. (Like the list of machines...). I would like to do something like that but in Ts ...
GTB4's user avatar
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Making a button to go back page

I'm making an agular app which load data from an API, and when I go to another route and go back to table route the data is not there. Is there some way to change route and not losing data? <button ...
Hugo vilar's user avatar
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How can I get every property from the JSON I'm receiving? error TS2339: Property '' does not exist on type ''

I'm trying to get the information received via JSON, but I can't access it. The data arrives, as shown in the image below: screenshot from Console When I tried to access any property from it, I ...
adriwn92's user avatar
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Api Request with Bearer Token in Angular

The case is to build a Login and Register page in Angular and access an api when registered and logged in. I know the concept of sending the login data to an, api getting the token back etc. My ...
Sally's user avatar
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HTML Not Rendering Data From Get Request - angular

I'm working on chat application with c# as a server and angular as a client. I'm using SignalR for chatting between clients. My app is working well but I'm having trouble with getting a list of all ...
Inbar Manor's user avatar
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two different arrays from the same API call updating each other

I have a weird situation. I have two objects: sessionBase: ISessionViewWrapperModel = <ISessionViewWrapperModel>{}; sessionDisplay: ISessionViewWrapperModel = <ISessionViewWrapperModel>{}; ...
steveareeno's user avatar
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Observable data on Angular not displaying

I'm trying to pass the data of an Observable retrieved by API request to a component variable in order to display it but I just can't make it work. Please help, here is my code. Regards, TypeScript ...
p3terson's user avatar
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Send Angular API GET request value to a variable

I am trying to display the data of an object on Angular like so {{myCharactere && myCharactere.statistics && myCharactere.statistics[stat.key] || ''}}. The object is issue from an API ...
zeeterson7's user avatar
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How can I Iterate through an Object and Display it as a key value pair in Angular?

I am trying to to loop through an Object in Angular with NgFor. ngOnInit() { this.service.getConveyors() .subscribe(response => { this.conveyors = response; this.conveyorsArray =...
Sally's user avatar
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Why pushing data to my global array inside observable doesn't fill the array?

I'm currently working on an Angular project as a new angular developer. The project consists of fetching data from Flickr's API ( and rendering it to my view (...
Yacine TAZDAIT's user avatar
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Coingecko api 404 angular get request

I'm trying to pull data from coin gecko api, but I'm getting status 404 error and the body is returning error: "Collection 'v3' not found". The api url I'm using is
Marrs's user avatar
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Consuming RESTful API with Angular Stack

I have an Angular 12 web application where I need to display data from a RESTful API protected by OAUTH 2.0 using a Client ID and an API key. What is the secure and standard way to implement this? ...
Don Knisley's user avatar
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Angular 13 app + api rest. Web.config configuration

I am installing an angular application on a hosting that consumes a rest api installed inside a directory on the same hosting. This app has the particularity that it needs to be accessed from a QR. ...
Lucas 's user avatar
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Angular Power Bi integration CORS problem

everyone. I've been trying for days to POST-call this Microsoft Power Bi's endpoint which generates an access_token. If called from Postman it ...
Xavier Castañer's user avatar

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