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2 answers

How to parse nested complex JSON data from API in Dart Flutter?

I couldn't parse the position and the 84, 86 objects inside it { "id": 5679, "position": { "84": { "price": "...
Meylis Annagurbanov's user avatar
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Display chunked mp4 from a livestream in Flutter Web

I am developing a Flutter web application that needs to display a live stream from a HoloLens headset. The headset sends chunks of mp4 data. I have tried setting up a live stream solution but I get ...
Theo's user avatar
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2 answers

setState not updating my star color because the FutureBuilder keeps rebuilding whenever I call setState

Positioned( top: 12, right: 12, child: SizedBox( ...
Rehan's user avatar
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can't add an image from API in flutter

I am trying to add an image from the website flagpedia how the json is formatted <img src="" srcset=" 2x" ...
Dufam's user avatar
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MyFXBook login implementation

I am trying to connect my flutter project login page to myfxbook backend so that users can sign in from my app and it is recorded on the myfxbook database. I have designed the login page and the api ...
Kaweng Mancha's user avatar
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Http package refused connection on mobile network many time but on wifi works fine after updating http package

My whole team face this problem in our retailer app API works slowly on mobile network but on Wi-Fi works superb. It is not API problem http package have some kind of issue. please help to rectify ...
Ankit Tripathi's user avatar
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About Fetching and Updating data from Node.js rest API in Flutter

I am developing a Flutter app. Upon login I store the User ID in shared preferences. Now I want to show the User Profile in the Navigation Drawer. The User Profile consists of: student's name, class, ...
MIHIR's user avatar
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error: list<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'map<string, dynamic>'

this is my api handling section import 'package:dio/dio.dart'; import 'package:geolocator/geolocator.dart'; import '../Utils/ConstantsPages/toast_page.dart'; class ApiManager { Dio _dio = Dio(); ...
Deepak's user avatar
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I keep getting an error in flutter, Uncaught (in promise) Error: Expected a value of type 'String', but got one of type 'TypeErrorImpl'

This happens after fetching data from an api. The request executes successfully and i get a json response of departments but I can't process the response. Uncaught (in promise) Error: Expected a ...
TEX's user avatar
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Why result of rest api mapping is null?

Here is my controller code, why is data returning as a null value? Future<List<GetEntityKindsModel>> getEntityKinds() async { List<GetEntityKindsModel> data = []; try { ...
Linisha's user avatar
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How to properly connect cubit and display air condition data from API in flutter

I have a problem, I'm creating an application where I want to display data from the air condition page, in this case it is "C6H6". When I connected Cubita, the data is not displayed, even ...
Grzegorz's user avatar
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Can't able fetch data form json using class in flutter(dart)

I am trying to retrieve the temperature data from a weather API using a generated class in Dart, created with the JSON to Dart Extension. I have been able to retrieve the entire JSON response from the ...
faiz's user avatar
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I need help resolving some errors in my project flutter that uses discord_api

The following errors are appearing: The named parameter 'clientId' is required, but there's no corresponding argument. The named parameter 'clientSecret' is required, but there's no corresponding ...
Jorge Miranda's user avatar
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Flutter - How to how to track answers from an unknown quantity of unknown widgets?

I don't know if I'm making this way harder than it should be, but I'm not being able to see how can I track all of this. I'll explain: I need to get a list of questions from an API request. This list ...
Gse's user avatar
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Flutter riverpod: repeat call API after x second

I am having a problem with riverpod, I need to repeat call API after 5s to get new data from the server and then update the data to the screen. Can you help me? any comments are welcome. Here my code:...
DongPhamBK's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

_CastError (type '_Map<String, dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'String' in type cast) [wlifecycle]

class _HomeState extends State<Home> { List currency = []; Future getResponse(BuildContext context) async { var url = "
Pooyanha's user avatar
-1 votes
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FlutterFlow to Firebase API connection error

I'm trying to connect FlutterFlow to Firebase to make an app with ChatGpt I saw a tutorial to connect but I have an error. I'm trying to connect FlutterFlow to Firebase to make an app with ChatGpt I ...
Mardochée DoubleM's user avatar
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'List' is not a subtype of type 'Map<String, dynamic>'

import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_localizations/flutter_localizations.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'dart:convert' as convert; import 'package:...
Pooyanha's user avatar
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Flutter rest api mapping query

` Future<List<GetEntityKindModel>> getGroups() async { List<GetEntityKindModel> data = []; try { var response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url)); ...
Linisha's user avatar
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2 answers

How to fetch specific data from api in Flutter

I am using an API the name is coming in this API, but i want to fetch only first two words of the name if the words is greater than two then it should not be fetched. For Example the name is 'Om ...
Sm Huzaifa's user avatar
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how does GestureDetector work with canvas.draw circle custom paint

GestureDetector( child: SizedBox( width: double.infinity, height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height, child: InteractiveViewer( ...
Arbaz Khan's user avatar
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i am getting this error. "Exception has occurred. ArgumentError (Invalid argument(s): No host specified in URI file:///Screenshot%20(2).png"

i am getting data from backend but image is not fetched, it cause error Exception has occurred. ArgumentError (Invalid argument(s): No host specified in URI file:///Screenshot%20(2).png. the images ...
jamin sampang's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Parsing and typing API response in Dart/Flutter

I am querying an API endpoint (on my Node API, which I can modify) and I expect the result to be of a certain complex type. I see no real way to share types between Node and a Flutter frontend, so I ...
DaraJ's user avatar
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Unhandled exception: Connection timed out | Flutter | REST API

I have built a REST API using Flask framework in Python and it works completely fine when tested via Postman. But when I make requests using an android emulator, I get an exception displaying "...
Ozone317's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I read the last change even if the program is closed and opened in the differences in the flutter program?

I am developing a project in flutter. this project works with api. I offer the option to change the api url from within the program. When the user makes changes in the program, even if the program is ...
Ahmet Enes Söylemez's user avatar
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Adding image to the data and data is coming from api in Flutter

i am fetching data from API but i also want to show image with the data which is coming from api. Note the image which i want to display is not in the api i want to insert manually.
Sm Huzaifa's user avatar
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Weather app in Flutter - Exception with data

I'm making weather forecast app with api. It has search bar on top and for now it looks like this: It works but I'm getting this exception and sometimes this error: main.dart WeatherAPI client = ...
aNavi's user avatar
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Flutter App on real Device, API doesn't work

I'm trying to run my Flutter app on my own smartphone. Everything is working fine but my smartphone can't connect to the API. My local API is running on (Laravel backend). Future&...
Dominik Ladner's user avatar
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1 answer

How to Call Get and Post API in Flutter?

how we can access the Get & Post Api in the Flutter app. Today, most of the apps use remote data using APIs. An application programming interface (API) is an interface that defines interactions ...
Kunj Bhuva's user avatar
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I want to add watch video functionality in my flutter app

I am using TMDB (The Movie Database) Api. I am stuck in watch video functionality. How can i add watch video functionality with suitable code? Api response My code class upcoming_detail extends ...
Muhammad Zohaib's user avatar
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Flutter - Integrate an API in UI using Getx

I am trying to integrate API with UI in Flutter using GetX. But while retrieving the product from the JSON file I got the below errors. Error: The parameter 'id, title, description, price, discount, ...
Priya's user avatar
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Flutter GetX - Connect API to UI

I am trying to integrate API with UI in Flutter using GetX. But while retrieving the product from the JSON file I got the below errors. Error: The parameter 'id, title, description, price, discount, ...
Priya's user avatar
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flutter api delete 405 methot allowed

I am having a problem with the working of the api. Installing the api to iis executes "405". However, when running on localhost, it returns 200. I couldn't understand what should I do? I am ...
Ahmet Enes Söylemez's user avatar
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how to post multiple data to rest api

when ever I try to post list of data at one time to rest api the api deletes the previous data and stares new one [ { "name": "6E72Ln9Y095x8n80Xgk6\/435291346914161.jpg"...
abdifatah nour's user avatar
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Flushbar not displaying error messages in Flutter

I was following this Flutter Course on YouTube, the person writes exact same code, but he gets to see the error message on screen (front-end) through FlushBar, but when I do the same thing, I only ...
Shahzain Ahmed's user avatar
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ERROR:flutter/runtime/ Unhandled Exception: type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'DateTime'

I have been trying to create a simple API fetching app and suddenly stoped getting fetched. Debug console shows the below error. Codes Debug error First time it worked fine and now I couldn't ...
Sabith's user avatar
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How to use retrofit in flutter?

I have to use retrofit to consume an api from the server. In my case I have a function that's created on java. I have to recreate it in flutter. this is the function: @PostMapping("/save") ...
ASMA's user avatar
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How can I use Firebase in a flutter application?

I already took the APK of the application, but the part of the use of the API did not work. I investigated and I have to do a process to add firebase to my application. How can I do it step by step. I ...
Gabo19's user avatar
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ProGuard on Flutter using 3rd party packages

Is it necessary to use proguard on your flutter app? I'm trying to secure my app and the only one things I know is to handle the user data using flutter_secure_storage. I want a maximum security of my ...
LukmanBT's user avatar
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Flutter desktop App not being able to connect to localhost. Flutter/Dart

I am trying to connect to my localhost:8080 through my Flutter desktop app, but I am receiving this error "Unhandled Exception: The remote computer refused the network connection." this is ...
JoshuaaMarkk's user avatar
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Flutter: type '_Map<String, dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'List<dynamic>' in type cast

I have something like this: I make an API call and set a Specialist() Specialist( ... closestTimes: specialist['closestTimes'], ), This closest time in response is like this: "...
Nicolae Casîr's user avatar
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validate password and confirmpassword

can we validate password and confirmpassword by this method? SizedBox( height: 55, child: MyTextField( controller: TextEditingController(text: user.password), validator: ...
ashish sapkota's user avatar
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Is there any way to show the unique value in Dropdownbutton list?

My code is : Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ ...
Mehedi Hasan Sumon's user avatar
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How to use the get() functin provided by the http package?

I'm trying to get data from a website that hosts Weather APIs (OpenWeatherMap), but as soon as I use the get() method, I get an error that says : [ERROR:flutter/runtime/] ...
Mikelenjilo's user avatar
3 votes
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Flutter bangla font not supported, getting from apis, showing only symbols of bangla font

I am not able to parse bangla font , called api for getting content , where some of bangla content, but not getting bangla, showing some symbolse, how i get rid of this ? symbols like "¦®à¦¾à¦²à¦¿...
Tanjit Shakil's user avatar
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flutter does not show data from API

When I try to pull data from the jsonplaceholder API and put it on the screen, I don't have any problems, but when I try to change the data in this link ( ) on the ...
MertYavuz's user avatar
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Among the whole API response string I wants to get only particular word in flutter how to do it?

Below is the response where I am getting image path.the file can be pdf or jpeg or any other format. for image i am showing it in dialogue and for pdf I have to download it to the user's device.For ...
Minal Suryawanshi's user avatar
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How toGet data from api and save it into local database sqlite then show in listview (from local)

How to get data from api and save the data to locally database sqlite? this is my code, but still got error in dio can you guys help me error dio import 'package:bloggggg/employee_model.dart'; import '...
Gilang Ramadhan's user avatar
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How to reenable web security for Flutter web?

Issue I constantly see a message when running my Flutter projects on web: You are using unsupported command-line flag; --disable-web-security. Stability and security will suffer. This issue started ...
Mike's user avatar
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how to show time in date time picker in flutter..?

suppose you have a API and a key-value for this API is "time": "22:05" i want to show this time in a in a field and when i press the field the date time picker is pop up with time ...
Ali's user avatar
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