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I need to show json file comments by ID on my blog

I dont know how to call the JSON file so it will appear in the blog, I tried this method but it wont work. I think I need to use the each loop, but the only thing I get is error. $.ajax({ type: "...
new brain's user avatar
3 votes
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Error 403 with POST using ActiveCampaign API- trying to add contact, valid API key

From my understanding by Googling the 403 error means the API key is right but access is forbidden? But I'm not really 100% sure what that means or how to resolve it. Below is my code that triggers ...
Jacob Johnson's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for length in 73

I am trying to build a simple app as part of my assignment, but I was asked to use jQuery and PHP, which to be honest, I only know at a superficial level. My goal is to build a table where I have the ...
Jose Lages's user avatar
0 votes
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Trouble hiding a div within a template literal using jQuery

I've written this bit of jQuery code in Oxygen Builder's JavaScript element to query the job board API and return an array of departments and their jobs. I'm testing to see if the department[0].jobs....
Pugfury's user avatar
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How can I open a post by clicking where the entire post will be displayed one by one (title and body of the post) in jquery?

By clicking on title I need to show the entire post (title and body of the post) Here is my code: console.log(chunk,numberOfItems, limitPerPage, totalPages,index); $.each(result, ...
Future Hacker's user avatar
1 vote
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How to get column from Azure DevOps using API in PowerBI?

I want to get some data from azure dev ops by calling the API in Power BI. I tried this way in the power BI script: Get Data - Blank Query: let Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents("https://...
Cheries's user avatar
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External api call in php working fine but giving error in Jquery [duplicate]

I have the following code for external api call in php that works fine however when I do this with jquery it gives CORS policy error . $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); ...
Nazia's user avatar
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Combine array of objects into another array per table row

I have a checkout table from where I obtain the values to later send as an API POST request. I've built two separate arrays and now I need to combine them, and I'm having trouble to achieve this. This ...
Ricardo Carneiro's user avatar
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GET request using jquery AJAX to a php backend - returns entire page of php code

I'm learning the basics of PHP and am trying to create the most basic PHP backend possible, with a JS/jQuery frontend. My current problem is that a GET request does not execute the .php file, like I ...
Alex G.'s user avatar
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How to send data fetched from API to another HTML file using localStorage [closed]

Im using a TMDB API to search for movies and add them to a watchlist. In this javascript function im getting movie details based on user input and rendering the results to html using bootstrap. const ...
Jeancarloshm's user avatar
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Youtube Video API with multiple videos and jumpmarks

So, i am having several video widgets (generated by PHP), using the same structure: <div class="yt-embedded" id="LXb3EKWsInQ"></div> <a href="javascript:...
banod's user avatar
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Getting selected text from dropdown list (For example: Location which is province, city and barangay) using JQuery

How can I get the selected text (not the selected value) from the dropdown list in my select box in JQuery. I try this codes var my_handlers = { fill_provinces: function () { var region =...
Ruel A Almonia's user avatar
1 vote
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Autofill form input values based on Selected option | AJAX API

I need some help. I have my Lot Numbers populating as Options in the Select field correctly. I need some help writing code to now autofill the expiration date value based on the Lot Number in the API. ...
Danielle Roberson's user avatar
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Bad Request (400) error is showing when we enter wrong pin code

We are using servisable pin code api provided by our logistic partner at shopify information checkout page. when pin code is valid(means servisable) then response in json format is perfectly worked ...
Web Consultant's user avatar
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Isuse in binding date value to date input controller - KnockoutJS

I have a date type input controller and trying to bind date value received from api (Json), but it is not binding. able to bind all other text properties/dropdowns etc without any issue. Api property ...
Pradeep H's user avatar
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How can I adapt an API that uses the post method to be used by Google Sheets?

This is code: curl usage: curl -v -H "Authorization: Basic Y2xpZW50ZTpjbGllbnRl" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"cnpjRemetente":60701190000104,"...
Tiago's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Make AJAX continue working and update its status on UI even if user redirects or navigates to another page

I'm using Flask and JQuery to try to achieve this but pls feel free to suggest any other stack(React/Angular) if that's super easy. I have the below AJAX in a poll.js file $(document).ready(function(){...
Ravi Salunkhe's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to start pulling data via rest api - php or javascript

I'm trying to integrate with the REST Countries V2 API to pull country data and display it on a webpage I'm making. I was pointed in the direction of curl so I have updated the question to what I am ...
Diggity Doggity's user avatar
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fetch data from api but the id comes with Hyphen -

so what i'm trying to do is get live prices between crypto coins it was going smoothly until some id came with dash and the problem appear here is the code var btcbnb, ethbnb, usdtbnb, usdcbnb, ...
Ahmed Syam's user avatar
2 votes
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How to POST data from pure HTML website to Laravel API

I have a HTML website that post data to laravel API but the data is not saving in the database and it is not showing any error message. This is the jquery im using inside the html page <script>...
Ibn Ahmad's user avatar
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How to make the same API call multiple times on a page with JS?

This is an API JS that fetches data from an array and used for a typeahead search with jQuery UI autocomplete, but there's a limit in the system of 400 records to be fetched at once, in order to fetch ...
KyleD's user avatar
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AJAX call being canceled when submit button is used [duplicate]

I'm fairly new to programming, and I'm trying to fix a slight bug I've encountered. My data is supposed to be posted to the an API when I press the submit button, but when I use the button, the page ...
Obsidian Asphodel's user avatar
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All cookies are no sending for subdomain

I'm trying to make an API call from one domain to another subdomain, I'm using jquery ajax for that, My problem is some cookies are sending while some are not sending. I want all the cookies to send. ...
Pooja Kushwah's user avatar
2 votes
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How to assign or reference an API's value to the HTML <option> value Attribute?

Here's the sitRep: I've got a 2 drop down menus with several selections each, and the selections ("option:selected" in js) are meant to be query parameters that are connected to an API ...
LujanSolo's user avatar
-2 votes
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Jquery API value not working in input textarea

I am working in a crypto currency live price page. I am using Coingekho api for it. It is not working in $<input type="number" id="bitcoin" value=""/> but it is ...
Vivek Vivi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Disabling/Stopping Data from Refreshing in DHTMLxGantt?

I have a DHTMLxGantt chart I'm using that needs to have links on specific tasks without interfering with either the text on the data bars or in the description when you click on a data bar. I have ...
Drazov's user avatar
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-1 votes
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I'm trying to add the following scripts to the head of a website but it gives me 404 error

My code below is how I add the jquery-3.5.1.min.js to the head of the website along with embeddedCPC.js var scriptOne = document.createElement("script"); var scriptTwo = document....
Ozge Cokyasar's user avatar
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Php API Returning whole object instead of Just message

Hey I wrote a rest api using PHP for insertion of data. I tried to render the message into my ajax success response but I am getting nothing in response instead a bunch of whole objects. my php return ...
Smitty's's user avatar
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How can I hit save this end point on my own server and make an API call to it?

Apologies if this question is a little too niche/ specific but I'm stumped and don't know where else to go for answers. I am using this API to make a fantasy football newletter type app for a league I'...
Casey MacLeod's user avatar
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JQuery autocomplete distinct suggestion and another suggestion based on input value using JSON file

I'm trying to fetch data using json file and jquery, my script works fine but the problem is the array with the same value also displaying on autocomple suggestion. I tried a lot of approach like ...
Whiz's user avatar
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Add usernames to Twitter List

I read this article about creating a list from tweepy API: I wonder if once the list object is created, can we add usernames to that ...
anitasp's user avatar
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Ecwid JS API Manage Customer Cart

I'm trying to use Ecwid's JS API, specifically the Manage Customer Cart's Add Product and Remove Product functions. It works when I use them separately. Now, the problem is when trying to reduce the ...
Lhen's user avatar
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3 votes
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How do i select <a> with aria-label in cheerio?

I am currently building a scraper which scrapes data from newspaper sites based on the keyword I am looking for, such as "environment" and "climate". But I have recently ...
Mohammad Mustak Absar Khan's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to convert this curl cmd to jQuery $.ajax()

I'm trying to make a api call with jquery ajax. curl --request POST \ --url \ -u 'PROJECT_ID:SECRET' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ ...
Snake Snake's user avatar
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How to save the context of an api and use it to create an order history

I am using the transbank api to simulate the purchase of a product through an app of a bank, and I need to save the data generated at the end of the purchase to show them in a purchase history of the ...
diego alonso's user avatar
-2 votes
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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cityName') at renderCitySelectors (script.js:30:41)

I cannot get this problem fixed. We fixed this error three times and it came back but I and my group are not sure how to fix it. Can someone please give me some light? We are trying to two use 2 APIS (...
babaphillips's user avatar
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jquery doesn't work correctly when I call data with Fetch in VueJS?

Owlcarousel-slider works fine when I use below code. HTML Code: <div class="banner"> <div class="main-banner owl-carousel" id="homeage-data"> ...
Batuhan Polat's user avatar
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How to display data from jquery api call for stock price

I am trying to display the end of day (eod) stock price for a share (Lloyds Bank) for a school project. I have an account with who provide the API. The URL request works well, but I ...
T. Sproull's user avatar
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manage the APIs between scoring webpage and the VMIX App

I am working to build a scoring system for Referee to have full control to manage the scores. however, the scores will be viewed on a large screen using the vmix app(it is a streaming app similar to ...
Ahmed Hani's user avatar
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How to write an AJAX URL for a backend hosted on the same server as the frontend?

I'm doing a very small project that is hosted together (front and backend) on Heroku. When I was working locally, I used localhost:3000 for the frontend and localhost:8000 for the backend, so the url ...
Cjmaret's user avatar
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How to call GET Api with input param use JQuery and JavaScript in view when a special tag load

Hi I want to load count of orders in my view (in a special tag), I wrote a SP in Sql which return count of order according to input type. I design several box in my form to show all types order count. ...
fahime abouhamze's user avatar
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Is it possible to add an eventListener in a for loop, if so, how would you implement it?

For me For Loops and ForEach Loops are two of the best ways to handle and display large data. The issue is I want to add an eventListener to a loop and you immediately run into issues. Here is my code,...
Siuuuuuu's user avatar
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How to loop through and reference with an array in an array?

I have this array and it has an array with different number of elements. var filtered = [Array(3), Array(1), Array(2), Array(7), Array(1), Array(1), Array(5)] 0: Array(3) 0: {fixture: {…}, league:...
AKaz20005's user avatar
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.map() removes duplicates but I want to keep duplicates?

I have this large array of API data that I filter down to a smaller amount. The issue is that the current system I made uses .map() to set an order preference for that data but it removes any ...
AKaz20005's user avatar
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how to send looped javascript API data to the html webpage?

I have this simple code with 5 paramaters taken from an API that logs data: for (i = 0; i < arr.length-1; i++) { console.log('For Calls') console.log(arr[i] ...
Abbas Kazmi's user avatar
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How to reorder an API call to a custom order by API ID?

A bit of a niche question but it has challenged me, see if you can solve it. I have this array of sports leagues ranked from best to worst by their respective API IDs. const arrOrderedLeague = [1, 2, ...
Siuuuuuu's user avatar
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How can I use the filter() function to filter this set of data from API?

API Call code: const settings = { "async": true, "crossDomain": true, "url": "", "method": &...
Siuuuuuu's user avatar
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Extracting and converting data from JSON via js

Good evening! There is a script that converts data into an array, I would like to know how it can be upgraded so that you can convert and extract data for each object (arb, astar, aurora, avax, baba, ...
Дмитрий Невский's user avatar
-3 votes
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How can I implement API calls using AJAX?

I'm new to API, and I have watched couple tutorials on how can I use AJAX to call an API. I'm currently having an error on console when I call the function. jquery.min.js:4 Mixed Content: The page at ...
John Phillip Abello's user avatar
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ParsIng BIng Image Search using JQuery or Javascript Errors

I can successfully parse Bing Search JSON API correctly. Using Version 7 of both Web Search and Images. For some reason JSONLint is correct for images but but can not parse a damn thing. My JQuery ...
Dango's user avatar
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