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Unable to Remove Default Action Bar Behavior Before App Initialization on Android Using Custom Activity in Qt 6.7

I am developing a Qt-based Android application and attempting to remove the default action bar that briefly appears with the activity name before the app fully loads. Despite following Qt and Android ...
Cassim Jaffer's user avatar
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Actionbar in Android 15 is overlapping activity contents

I'm not defining any Toolbar in my XML files and I'm using the default ActionBar defined at theme: <style name="AppBaseTheme" parent="@style/Theme.AppCompat.DayNight.DarkActionBar&...
The Matrix's user avatar
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Menu and action bar not appearing on some devices

My app, based on a FragmentActivity, uses an ActionBar but it appears or not depending on the device it runs on. With the Android Studio emulators, either running under Android 13 or 14, the ActionBar ...
Zelig's user avatar
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How to Completely Hide the Back Button (Up Button) in a Toolbar in Android?

I'm working on an Android app with one MainActivity and three fragments. I've successfully disabled the back button (Up button) in the toolbar, but it still gets rendered in the toolbar. I want to ...
Valentin Valencia Valencia's user avatar
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How to apply the correct theme color to a custom up indicator in the action bar?

How do I apply the correct color for the action bar in supportActionBar.setHomeAsUpIndicator()? I wind up getting the default icon tint color and not the action bar tint color when inflating and ...
Tad's user avatar
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How to hide action bar after splash screen in jetpack compose?

I have followed this article Splash screen for below all API levels with icon without any activity. support splash screen for both devices below android 12 and above. The splash screen works fine in ...
Fatima Jamal's user avatar
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Action bar is not being hidden

So i am making a mobile app and in my main menu the actionbar/tittle bar is still showing after many atempts to hide it. I tried to change the themes witch did not work , i tried to hide it in the ...
Nelson Vieira's user avatar
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Laggy performance when updating padding on scroll (Collapsing TopBar)

I have a Scaffold with a LargeTopBar and nestedScroll to collapse the bar on content scroll, everything looks good on simulator but performance is very laggy on real device (running in release mode).- ...
ssantos's user avatar
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How to apply blur effect to content under ActionBar in Jetpack Compose?

So far I have a simple Scafold with a transparent ActionBar & StatusBar, and my content scrolls nicely under both bars, including a scrollBehavior to change the top color to a transparent black. ...
ssantos's user avatar
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Android actionBar navigation icon not showing desired color

I have created a vector asset drawable with a given colour, but while setting it in actionBar navigation icon , it is showing dark not the desired colour activity actionBar screenshot actionBar xml ...
codeviz's user avatar
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Android: Action bar back button leaves the app unresponsive after being tap

Even when I've just realised that action bar back button is not completely necessary in my app (because access to all screens are already present in footer menu), I need to understand why it is making ...
Diego Perez's user avatar
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Implement ActionBar when my Activity is not inheriting AppCompatActivity()

My Kotlin file looks like this: class MyActivity : JustACustomActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) val toolbar = findViewById&...
Alex's user avatar
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Search menu not showing in Android Studio toolbar

I've made a custom toolbar with a title and functioning popup menu, but I can't seem to get a search menu to show up in the toolbar. The search menu icon doesn't even show in the toolbar for this ...
user23513137's user avatar
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Compose lazycolumn scrolling below top bar

I'm struggling with making the lazy column scroll into the top bar. In the lazy column, I have two items: an image and a list of cards with some information. I need the list of cards to be hidden in ...
Slow Poke's user avatar
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No action bar with Theme.MaterialComponents

I am running an old Android app through lint, prior to issuing an updated version. Lint recommended changing Switch to SwitchMaterial: I did this, and got a runtime error when the app tried to invoke ...
JavaLatte's user avatar
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How to get Height of Android Action Bar for landscape mode while in portrait mode?

I need to get the height of the Android actionBar for landscape mode while the app is in portrait mode. I´m using followed code, and it works fine in portrait and in landscape mode, but I want the ...
scheininger's user avatar
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How to hide action Bar in android once SoftKeyboard shows up

I have seen these answers. My androidManifest.xml file contains: android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat.DayNight.NoActionBar" > In one of my fragments, i need to call the soft keyboard. As ...
Sean's user avatar
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Remove space from actionBar in Android Kotlin fragments

I use fragments for the bottom navigation. I have defined a theme with the parent Theme.MaterialComponents.NoActionBar.Bridge. It works fine on activities, but the fragments show a gap. This is the ...
Mickaël Brás Dias's user avatar
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Material3 action bar doesn't allow to set background color programmatically

Trying to set a custom color for an certain Activity programmatically, but action bar doesn't react even when set setBackgroundDrawable(null). Any thoughts? Thanks Style: <style name="Theme....
Konstantin Konopko's user avatar
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How can I put an icon on the right of the action bar

I want to add an icon that is used to log out, but when I include the following code the icon is displayed on the left, and I am interested in it being displayed on the right, this is my code: // Icon ...
Hugo Jiménez's user avatar
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StatusBar overlaps app's toolbar and the toolbar is gone on Android API 30+

I have a app's toolbar issue on Android API 30+. The device's status bar overlap my app's toolbar and the toolbar is gone. This problem does not occur on device with API below 30 (29, 28, 27, ...). I ...
Pandarian Ld's user avatar
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action bar not showing in activity

I wrote a simple menu and added it to the action bar but I can't understand why they are not visible in my activity. I'm using java and android studio, thanks. Here is my code: @Override public ...
Heda Lexa's user avatar
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Can't hide ActionBar Android Studio Giraffe properly

I'm using Android Studio Giraffe | 2022.3.1 and I can't properly hide the ActionBar. I saw both this and this related questions but they didn't help me. Here is my MainActivity.kt file: package com....
Henrique Branco's user avatar
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Android MenuProvider not working inside Fragment

I need to add a menu depending on the fragment the user is looking at. I tried to use the new MenuProvider in the onViewCreated-Method of my Fragment: override fun onViewCreated(view: View, ...
Julius Babies's user avatar
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Adding a button to the support ActionBar

I currently have this setup for my application in which I have an action bar at the top of the screen with a "hamburger" icon in the top left that shows this navigation drawer. I now want ...
randomdood1923's user avatar
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Unable to start a Bottom Navigation View Activity from Main Activity in Android Studio

Unable to start a Bottom Navigation View Activity from Main Activity in Android Studio. While working on a project on Android Studio(JAVA), I wanted to create a feed after login page. But when I try ...
Dale Stark Summers's user avatar
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Unable to replace CustomToolbar with ActionBar in Kotlin

I Created a Custom Toolbar and placed it in activity, but I got this error : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity com.example.citiesdistance.feature.main.MainActivity@3a04806 does not have an ...
Nima Khalili's user avatar
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Back Navigation Issue (Nav Graph) Issue (android)

I am stuck in this issue of back navigation button for long while, I have tried different methods but still the problem is not resolved Here is the IMAGE This is my issue So, I have a home ...
Jadu's user avatar
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Unable to hide Action Bar while implementing Navigation Drawer

This is the full code of the xml. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout xmlns:android="
Arya_'s user avatar
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How to dynamically change status bar icon color for edge to edge?

When trying to develop your app to make it "edge to edge" and have your app content flow through the system bars, how do you deal with incompatible background colors and system icon colors? ...
SmallGrammer's user avatar
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Action Bar title and menu disappear when replacing fragment, after updating from targetSdkVersion 30 to 33

The application worked fine until I had to upgrade. Some libraries were updated also, but reverting the libraries back don't seem to fix it. It seems to me that it is something related with the ...
IonutB's user avatar
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Can't center title in ActionBar

I need to center a title in ActionBar, so I've created custom ActionBar and function that sets custom title, but title is still not at the center. class MainActivity: BaseActivity() { override fun ...
Kiparisov's user avatar
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My Navigation View Item Listener Does Not Respond?

I need a side drawer layout, with a navigation view that contains a few buttons, doing different things. The issue I am having is that when I go to add ANYTHING within my "...
EagleGrant's user avatar
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How to change gravity om custom ActionBar in android studio

I am knew at kotlin and android staff, so need your help. I have created custom ActionBar on a specified activity and wanted to add text to it and a button to open drawerLayout. However, it is not ...
Natosaphix322's user avatar
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Cannot hide back button on action bar

My application have two top level fragment A and B controlled by a bottom navigation bar and fragment C can be navigated only from fragment B. I don't want the action bar on fragment C shows back ...
shisushi's user avatar
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How to show ActionBar when exit full screen by swipe down?

mContext.getWindow().getDecorView().setSystemUiVisibility( View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION | View....
neobie's user avatar
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How to set text on bottom of logo actionbar android

enter image description here How to i print text on bottom of Action bar logo <item android:title="Customer Inquiry" android:id="@+id/customer_inquiry" app:showAsAction=&...
Khushbu's user avatar
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TabSwipeActivity to work with ActionBar without ActionBarSherlock

I had actionbarsherlock in my app implemented. Now I want to get rid of it as Im increasing to API 21 and think its not required anymore. I have an ActionBar on in a TabSwipeActivity and this is the ...
tobias's user avatar
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How to set status bar color to the same color than the app bar color?

I'm new to Android development. I use jetpack compose. The TopAppBar color elevates as you scroll. That's fine, but I also want to elevate the status bar at the same time to the same color. For ...
NoVa Vineuro's user avatar
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Android app running on emulator not on real device

Android emulator is working when running the application but on a real device the app gets an error from the action bar. I am using android bumble bee and the device is a Samsung s21 I already have ...
Luca Mouskides's user avatar
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How to hide hamburger icon on a certain fragment?

Let's say I have 5 fragments (a,b,c,d,e) and I want to hide the hamburger icon on fragment a, but show the hamburger icon on fragment b,c,d,e. Is there a way to do this?
HaveMercyOnMe's user avatar
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Toolbar menu item text doesn't align with icon

How can I align text with the icon? It is working fine if I remove parent property but it is being used by some other activity so I cannot remove it. I think I might have messed up somewhere in layout ...
user18646323's user avatar
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App theme doesn't load correctly if the system theme is light and the app theme is dark

If the system theme is light and the app theme is dark, the actionbar items are dark when the app startup. (left picture) When I reload the dark theme again from the in-app settings, the actionbar ...
TheAnswer042's user avatar
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How to show action bar when replace a fragment after hiding it on previous fragment?

I have an actionbar on MainActivity level (mainActionBar) and an actionbar on fragment level (fragActionBar). I have 3 fragments (A,B,C). I want mainActionBar to be shown when I'm accessing fragment A ...
HaveMercyOnMe's user avatar
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Why action bar didn't show up after calling the show Unit?

I have 2 formats of action bar, I want to hide home action bar when I am in detail page and want to hide detail action bar when I am in home page. When I start the app, it directs me to home page and ...
HaveMercyOnMe's user avatar
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Problem margin/padding for DialogFragment after implementing the new API SplashScreen

I added the new Splashscreen API (androidx.core:core-splashscreen:1.0.0-rc01) on my app, after that my margins/paddings are broken but only for my launcher activity (MainActivity) especially for ...
Arthurius's user avatar
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How do i add overflow menu on custom action bar?

I want use custom toolbar because of title and subtitles but I also want to add overflow menu and I did everything and my toolbar doesn't showing overflow menu what I'm suppose to do Main Activity ...
indiebloog's user avatar
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Null reference on ActionBar when calling it via getActivity() within a fragment in android studio

In Android Studio, I am trying to call getActivity().getActionBar() to display the back button on the Action bar in a specific fragment only. Below is my code: @Override public View onCreateView(...
Kalindu's user avatar
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Up Navigation in android

When I'm pressing the back button on phone or the support action bar, it's exiting the application. How can I fix it to return to the main activity In login code: override fun onCreate(...
ayah's user avatar
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How to hide action bar properly?

I have an activity and a few fragments in it, and I have an action bar that I need to be visible all the time except for the case when I open MyTestFragment, so when I open this fragment I need my ...
Sirop4ik's user avatar
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