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Migrate Collapsing Toolbar from MaterialComponents to Material3

I a collapsing toolbar layout that I want to migrate to Material3 themes. I have reproduced the issue with a sample app I have built based on It looks like ...
Philipp's user avatar
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Why styles do not work properly with Material3 (Android)?

I am using the below code to add a style to RadioButtons in my app. The parent of the base theme of the app is Theme.Material3.DayNight.NoActionBar. Below is the code: <style name="RadioStyle&...
George's user avatar
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How to Implement Real-Time Theme Switching in Android with Kotlin?

I'm working on an Android app in Kotlin and want to allow users to toggle between light and dark themes in real-time, without restarting the app. I've tried using the AppCompatDelegate....
Lily Monta's user avatar
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Unable to change Overflow icon color in my Toolbar

In my gradle I'm using material 1.12 acording to various article it is somehow possible to style the threedots icon used as overflow menu for my toolbar (top) this is what I have defined in my style, ...
Jason 'Slingshot' Miller's user avatar
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Clean way to implement an onClickListener in android apps

In my games/apps I find I want button presses to make clicking or pressing sounds when the user interacts with them. My current working solution is quite ugly and I was wondering if there's a more ...
ProblemOverflow97's user avatar
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How to change alert style in .Net MAUI Android?

I am porting an application from Xamarin to .Net MAUI, In Xamarin I was using a light theme in Android, so the alerts had a white background but in MAUI the alerts have a gray background. How can I ...
Led Machine's user avatar
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App is ignoring windowSplashScreenBackground after working on themes

I had a very simple splash using API the background was correctly set. I then started working on themes and fixing bugs, and when I was done, the app icon still show a rounded square with correct ...
Jason 'Slingshot' Miller's user avatar
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Errors in style/theme for Material3 components in legacy app

I'm trying to use SearchBar and SearchView from the material components library in my app. These are new components for Material 3. implementation '' ...
kris larson's user avatar
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Fragment UI visible through other fragments after theme switch even though onDestroyView() is called

This is a strange one. I have a standard application using tab navigation with one MainActivity and four Fragments that are swapped whenever a user clicks on a bottom tab. Here's how the Fragments are ...
Orbit's user avatar
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How to get color based on attribute name and current theme?

In the Markwon library, I want to add a plugin that will show an image from the application resources if write ![alt text](drawable://icon_name) in markdown format. The code below works. But tintColor ...
Viewed's user avatar
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Android TitleBar will not go away after upgrading from Flutter 3.16.5 to 3.24.1

We recently upgraded our Flutter app to 3.24.1 and noticed that our Android app now persistently shows the ToolBar, seemingly no matter what I do to the app's theme to address this. We know it's the ...
HBG's user avatar
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Android using theme values programatically

I want to create a style in a theme and use the values of it in code like this: val bgColor = LIST_ITEM_BG_COLOR; val textColor = LIST_ITEM_TEXT_COLOR val strokeColor = ...
ODINN's user avatar
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Change colorAccent according to theme for Android

In a MAUI project I want to adopt a different colorAccent value according to the theme of the application. I tried to adopt this solution
Costas's user avatar
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SearchView expanded back button color

I have a fragment with Dark action bar (so white text and icon color) im using the following menu item to create a searchview on click <menu xmlns:android="
SURYA S R's user avatar
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Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.NoActionBar is not working in light mode but work when dark mode is enable in android 14

My custom theme doesn't function when the mobile device is in light mode, but it does work when switched to dark mode on Android 14.(light and dark mode of system(mobile)).and show the white screen ...
zafar's user avatar
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Jetpack Compose Themes not applying

I have my own colors defined and set in Theme.kt file: I followed Studio bot advice and set those to my colors. But they just refuse to work. I get white and black respectively on light and dark theme ...
Michal Rymarski's user avatar
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Android actionBar navigation icon not showing desired color

I have created a vector asset drawable with a given colour, but while setting it in actionBar navigation icon , it is showing dark not the desired colour activity actionBar screenshot actionBar xml ...
codeviz's user avatar
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how to create transparent activity without action bar without title bar?

I've tried multiple ways to create a transparent full screen activity but the top and bottom bar are ways present. here is the code I use: in the styles.mxl <resources xmlns:tools="http://...
Kelsey Zhou's user avatar
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Stop recreating fragment when changing theme in system

I have added five fragments in my activity. also i have added Theme.Material3.Light.NoActionBar theme to both of my day and night theme in app. when i change theme from quick toggle theme changer, ...
Rakesh Bhagat's user avatar
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Styling on Android Checkbox Lost After Click

I'm trying to style some checkboxes (the box itself, not the label) to have a set color when checked vs unchecked. To facilitate this, I created the following theme: <style name="...
JAF's user avatar
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The default top app bar color changes after updating material version to 1.11.0

I designed my app to look like this: But after updating the material library version from to the top app bar ...
ganjaam's user avatar
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Compose theme inconsistent behavior

I have a theme in my app set up like so: //use light colors for dark mode private val ConceptualSystemsDarkColorScheme = darkColorScheme( primary = Yellowish, secondary = YellowishBright, ...
moonlightcheese's user avatar
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Change app theme programmatically Android Studio using Kotlin

I'm making an Android application using Kotlin. It contains App Theme color list so the user can select one color from it, and then I save this color in Shared Preferences. I've done with all Shared ...
Ahmed EL_Telbani's user avatar
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Flickering Statusbar in Edge to Edge mode

I've just setup Edge2Edge mode on a new Android project. Generally that works fine, however on app startup there's a noticable moment where the status bar is not visible at all. status bar is ...'s user avatar
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Why doesn’t the theme change when changing the settings, but only when re-entering the application? Jetpack compose

there is a mainActivity in which the navHost is called and the drawer is called in it, and from it the settings screen @AndroidEntryPoint class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() { override fun ...
Dotingo's user avatar
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Android Color Theme get Background Color

I need to get the Color of the default background color of the App in Code. up until now i used R.attr.colorSurface to get this, but somehow lately this gives me the incorrect color on some devices. ...
save_jeff's user avatar
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Material3 Theme Builder - can't get all colors from preview

So I'm trying to use the following link to build theme for an app: But I can't figure out the following color of the container: It's not listed anywhere ...
user924's user avatar
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How to use MaterialTheme.colorScheme.primary inside a vector?

I have this vector: <vector xmlns:android="" android:width="100dp" android:height="100dp" android:viewportWidth=&...
The One's user avatar
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Android MaterialComponents Theme doesn't work properly

<resources xmlns:tools=""> <!-- Base application theme. --> <style name="Theme.HiCharging.DayNight" parent="Theme....
HotspringDev's user avatar
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Jetpack Compose override parts of a theme from a library with a custom theme

I'm working on creating a library for our apps in compose which is intended to hold all view components needed. This library also needs to have a custom theme. Especially for colors and fonts as each ...
Emil's user avatar
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Android MaterialTimePicker custom styling

Im trying to apply a custom style to the MaterialTimePicker. And I still cant change some of the required colors: Change the selected chip background color Change the selected chip text color Remove(...
Evgeni Roitburg's user avatar
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Apply Dark/Light theme locally Android Compose

My app designer uses ONE color scheme for the whole app that some elements are appears to be dark theme and in some other place, light theme. What I want is to apply the dark theme on screen1 and ...
T D Nguyen's user avatar
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fontFamily and fontWeight not working in TextAppearance

I am trying to add multiple font-families in my app. Following is code that adds "inter" font. Here's values/typography.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> &...
rupinderjeet's user avatar
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update include tag data when app theme changed (recreating Activity)

I used multiple include tags in a xml layout like this: <include android:id="@+id/firstView" layout="@layout/layout_edit_text" android:layout_width="...
SadeQ digitALLife's user avatar
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problem with displaying grid layout while app has different theme than system

i have a problem with my elements in Gridlayout which are not loading properly. If my android app has a different theme than the system of my phone, elements are not visible. I have normal grid layout ...
Zampey's user avatar
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Material3 action bar doesn't allow to set background color programmatically

Trying to set a custom color for an certain Activity programmatically, but action bar doesn't react even when set setBackgroundDrawable(null). Any thoughts? Thanks Style: <style name="Theme....
Konstantin Konopko's user avatar
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how to I implement two dark modes in android?

I am trying to implement dark and light mode in my application, I want to have two dark modes one with grey background and the other with black background for OLED displays. Following is the code I am ...
AashishKSahu's user avatar
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Edge to Edge Theme for Background of Android Activity to Hide Status Bar Scrim During Fragment Transitions

I have 1 activity that hosts multiple fragments in a navHostFragment. To switch between them I use androids Navigation Component (i.e. navGraph). Now I want to enable edge-to-edge. I already have it ...
citizen_code's user avatar
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Default dark text color in dark mode on the action bar

In light mode I have no problems because everything is correct but in dark mode without making any changes the text remains dark. Is it an Android bug? I have tried various methods but my problem is ...
Davide Torchia's user avatar
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Creating an extensible UI system using Androids Jetpack Compose and Themes

I'm new to Jetpack Compose and I've come across custom theming, which looks like the perfect solution for my use case. At my Company we have a new UI system, where we have reusable components like ...
user1743524's user avatar
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why my icon colors or icons does not change when I switch theme in jetpack compose?

There is a screen in my application that I use to change the theme. There are three options named the same as light theme, dark theme and system. When you click on these options, the theme of the app ...
NewPartizal's user avatar
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How to make custom input pin code Android?

I make project on Kotlin Android. How can i make the same field and same input? It seems to me creating a few edittexts is not good decision enter image description here enter image description here ...
Artur's user avatar
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How to change StatusBar color in Light and Dark Material 3 Jetpack compose?

I provide my own color to change statusbar color in my app but it don't work in Material 3. Here is the default Light and Dark colors in Theme.kt file: private val DarkColorScheme = darkColorScheme( ...
Fatiq Hussnain's user avatar
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Proper way of implementing full dark theme in Compose-only applications

I have a Compose-only application that gives users three options of theming: System Light Dark The theme is changed in Activity's onCreate() method by passing darkTheme argument to my app's theme ...
l'hiverviendra's user avatar
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How To Implement Android Splash Screen API Without Changing The Current Theme

I would like to add the Android Splash Screen API to an already developed project based on this document, which has its own styles and themes. In the document it says that the theme in the application ...
Mohsen Emami's user avatar
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Chip: The style on this component requires your app theme to be Theme.MaterialComponents (or a descendant)

I want to add a Chip view to ChipGroup in my project but always I get below error My code in Activity for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { Chip chip = new Chip(getApplicationContext()); ...
abolfazl bazghandi's user avatar
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How to change app theme before first recomposition in Compose?

I have composable MainScreen and SettingsScreen. They all share a common ViewModel SettingsViewModel which is responsible for reading and saving theme settings. In the MainActivity, before creating ...
Mikhail's user avatar
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How to use Open Source Notices library with Jetpack Compose?

I'm using the official Google library for open source notices: But when I try to start the activity Button( onClick = { context....
Mikhail's user avatar
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Unable to minimize the gap between two adjacent buttons in a Neumorphism layout

I am currently working on a mobile application where I have implemented the Neumorphism design using the com.github.fornewid:neumorphism:0.3.0 library. In my layout, I have a requirement to display ...
Sidharth's user avatar
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LazyColumn weird behaviour on scroll, when activity's window has transparent color

there is my lazy cloumn: LazyColumn { items(20) { Text( text = "hi$it", color = Color.Green, textAlign = TextAlign.Center, ...
mrzbn's user avatar
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