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Unable to hide Action Bar while implementing Navigation Drawer

This is the full code of the xml. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout xmlns:android="
Arya_'s user avatar
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My Navigation View Item Listener Does Not Respond?

I need a side drawer layout, with a navigation view that contains a few buttons, doing different things. The issue I am having is that when I go to add ANYTHING within my "...
EagleGrant's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to hide hamburger icon on a certain fragment?

Let's say I have 5 fragments (a,b,c,d,e) and I want to hide the hamburger icon on fragment a, but show the hamburger icon on fragment b,c,d,e. Is there a way to do this?
HaveMercyOnMe's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make Navigation drawer toggle button visible on Toolbar?

I am getting error message : ActionBarDrawerToggle: DrawerToggle may not show up because NavigationIcon is not visible. You may need to call actionbar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); But I have ...
Luni's user avatar
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2 answers

How to change navigation icon size

I want to design an activity with different sizes but my problem is i cant change the size of the navigationView icon in the action bar. NavigationView : <
Nima Khalili's user avatar
0 votes
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how to set backspace button in place ActionbarDrawerToggle to navigate to previous fragments?

I am calling fragments from and also calling fragments from other fragments but i want to show backspace(<-) arrow button when any fragment is loaded(either from Main_activity or ...
Ghias Ali's user avatar
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Navigation Drawer icon in action bar not working

The Action bar icon for navigation drawer not displaying the menu, but when I swipe my finger over the activity screen from the left edge, then the menu appears which means there is nothing wrong with ...
Anuj Jain's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Weird white line on top of Action Bar

I implemented a DrawerNavigationView with a BottomNavigationView at the same time, but the problem is the ActionBar... The default fragment is ok enter image description here But changing fragment it ...
Manuel JJ Carbone's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Cannot set Toolbar menu with NavigationDrawer

I'm trying to combine NavigationDrawer with a Toolbar that has a refresh Menu option: The problem I'm encountering is that I cannot make the Toolbar show the menu button. My MainActivity only holds a ...
Sorry's user avatar
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3 answers

Clicking Hamburger Icon does not open Navigation Drawer

I have simple a navigation drawer app and the navigation drawer and hamburger is work fine in my main activity. In the "Visiting Place" activity I do all things the same as the Main activity....
Kunal Kayal's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Hide NavigationDrawer and ActionBar From Fragment

I am trying to hide NavigationDrawer and ActionBar from fragment. I have created the following interface and implemented the same in activity public interface CommonMethodsListener { void ...
gv1507's user avatar
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1 answer

Drawer menu icon disappears after applying a custom view to ActionBar

I have a drawer menu icon before adding a custom action bar view, in this custom view, it's a just a imageView: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://...
shawn's user avatar
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3 votes
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Edge Screen nav drawer button show white box android

[Nav bar hamburger Button show white box][it only happens on curve screen like Samsung s8 s9 etc works fine on plain screen] this is a screenshot below. private void getViewsReference() { ...
Bilawal muzaffar's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Navigation Drawer's Fragment Management

I am developing an app where i am using only 1 Main Activity and Multiple fragment, Including ViewPager , Custom video/Image Gallery, Fullscreen Fragment(Without toolbar or bottom navigation button). ...
Ritu's user avatar
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2 answers

android navigation menu covers actionbar

I have an xml layout that contains an actionbar, a navigation menu and a main content. The action bar contains a search area and a button to toggle the navigation menu. <?xml version="1.0" ...
Amine Messaoudi's user avatar
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Transparent toolbar with menu icon and title not working

My title bar looks like this: I'm trying to make it transparent to get only the navigation icon & map full screen into the map view, but every time I am trying the transparent code to make the ...
MD Khathamoon Nabien's user avatar
6 votes
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Why does the android jetpack NavigationUI navigateUp method only open the draw menu if you are at the start destination of the nav graph

When using a NavigationView with a DrawLayout and an ActionBar, jetpack provides some powerful convenience methods to hook everything up together so that these items are easier to implement. The ...
Jason Ridge's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Didn't set position ActionBar Logo with NavigationDrawer android

I m using navigation drawer and want to put a launcher icon to the right of navigation drawer icon and put a title on right of launcher icon in ActionBar. I m trying this but didn't get the expected ...
Aman Goyal's user avatar
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Unable to Get Navigation Drawer Items to Display Items Correctly

I have got a working Navigation drawer in a blank project, however whenever I try to implement the navigation drawer in to an existing project, it doesn't seem to be working properly. The navigation ...
Krishan's user avatar
-1 votes
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getSupportActionBar() on a null object reference? [duplicate]

The following are a part of my project. The error is on the line getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true);. I checked for any theme mismatch but there were no theme mismatch to my ...
ganesh vicky's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to lower the Navigation drawer so header isn't cut off by actionBar?

I know I can make it that the Navigation Header slides over the actionBar but I just want to move the entire Navigation drawer down instead because I want to keep by "Back Pressed" button and ...
iBEK's user avatar
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1 answer

Make Actionbar transparent in Navigation Drawer Activity

I am using android studio 3.0 and want to make actionbar transparent with activity's background.I just read all the questions about it but that doesen't work for me guys. minSdkVersion 20 ...
Ravi Gohel's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is the Toolbar not showing the title and Settings?

I am working with a DrawerLayout and on press of one of the item, I want to show a Toolbar inside a CoordinatorLayout. Because, Android's standard ActionBar creates problems with ToolBar, I decided to ...
Manish Kumar Sharma's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Android NavigationDrawer without Actionbar

I'm trying to create a Navigation Drawer in my app, without the ActionBar. My previous attempt using NoActionBar themes in the styles works but now I can't swipe to open the navigation menu. I need ...
user8566712's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Home button changing from drawer icon to up button on rotation - only when nav drawer is open

I have implemented a navigation drawer in my app and for the most part it appears to be working OK. I have the home button set to be the nav drawer icon(hamburger) and this persists across normal ...
AF1001's user avatar
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1 answer

Up navigation not appearing, when opening Fragments not in runtime

The application consists of 1 Activity with a NavigationDrawer and we can open Fragments in a 2 level hierarchy also. In the latter case, we have a Back Button on the ActionBar to implement up ...
rolandvitezhu's user avatar
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How to center title despite navbar toggle on drawer navigation

I implemented a drawer navigation using fragments. After implementing it following the google tutorials, the hamburger icon appears on the left as it should. However when I make a change to my toolbar ...
ZarifS's user avatar
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Navigation drawer is not opening when set app:elevation="0dp" in AppBarLayout

I want to implement Navigation drawer it's working well but when i set app:elevation="0dp" in AppBarLayout at that time the navigation drawer is not opening. i have tried folowing code. toolbar....
Komal's user avatar
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1 answer

Android custom selector for ActionBarToggleButton

I'm having trouble making ActionBarToggleButton having custom selector. I got app that works for mobile and tablet devices, and now I have to make it usable for TV devices. To do that I have to add ...
Veljko's user avatar
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Drawer not working with toolbar as support ActionBar [duplicate]

I'm creating a drawer with my own toolbar using setSupportActionBar. Previously I was using new ActionBarDrawerToggle(this, drawer, toolbar, "open", "close"); but because it was implemented with my ...
Ben's user avatar
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3 answers

Unable to hide deafault action bar [ANDROID]

I am creating an android app, i am trying to hide default action bar and us my own custom toolbar as action bar but the problem is that default navigation icon and title of action bar are not being ...
User's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make my Custom Action Bar Transparent

I am new to Android and working on my first android app. For my app I need a transparent Action Bar with a Navigation Drawer button. Everything is working fine except the color of the Action Bar. It ...
Kuldeep Kumar's user avatar
-1 votes
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Navigation Drawer toolbar is not visible on samsung skin

I have a navigation drawer activity which works fine but when I run it on Samsung s3 and such it just not showing the tool bar above but if I drag from the side it will open the drawer, I read that it ...
user7415791's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Navigation Drawer covers Actionbar

I wanted Navigation Drawer in my application but I don't want Navigation Drawer to covers my Action Bar. Action bar should be visible always. I searched internet and i got some solution from ...
Unnikuttan Kaveth's user avatar
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2 answers

I wanted to start LoginActivity then enter to Navigation Drawer Activity (MainActivity) but always error?

This is my Login Activity, I got one button to enter MainActivity which is contain Navigation Drawer already public class LoginActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Override protected void ...
Wawan Fintara's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

set navigation drawer on actionbar in android

I have created a navigation drawer.I want to show the drawer below the status bar .Its works fine as what i'm expected.But the drawer open above the status bar on version 5 and above.I want set the ...
Abserve Tech's user avatar
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1 answer

Change Fragment name in NavigationDrawer

Hello I have Implemented a activity where i used navigation drawer.Its work fine but sometimes app is crashing because of throw nullpointerexception I called fragment as follows
John's user avatar
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How to show both hamburger icon and app icon in actionbar?

I wish to show both the dynamic hamburger icon from ActionBarDrawerToggle as well as the app icon before the title in a navigation drawer setup. Something like this: If this info is of any use, I ...
AA_PV's user avatar
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Toolbar inside fragment

In my project I have one activity and different fragments, and for some raisons I used the toolbar inside the fragments. I have also a drawer menu, and that's what I added in my main activity ...
abdel's user avatar
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Place DrawerLayout on top of other layouts without overlaying them

I'm a bit confused here. I want to place my toolbar on top, then the navigation drawer in the middle and the bottom toolbar in the background. So hierarchy would look like this RelativeLayout --Top ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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How can I implement an Android navigation drawer which slide whole content of activity?

Please anyone suggest me how to implement Navigation drawer swipe complete screen Of activity. OR Thanks in Advance. ***--------- Solution --------*:** I found the solution for this. Use this ...
SAndroidD's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

How to change hamburger icon in Android (NavigationDrawer)

Before write this thread I have try to implement the different solution that I found in stackoverflow, but nothing work properly. I'm developing an Android applucation that use the custom navigation ...
Mattia's user avatar
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2 answers

Android studio navigation drawer icon color

All my fragments use red action bar, so white navigation drawer icon looks good. But for one fragment I need white action bar and drawer icon not visible. So I have to change drawer icon to red. But I ...
Ossir's user avatar
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Data on fragment is not loaded when i implement toolbar

I'm working on navigation drawer with expandable listview and the issue is with toolbar. When i implement toolbar for the parent appcompactActivity than only the toolbar is being loaded without any ...
Manideep 's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to change text and button color of a ActionBar from a DrawerLayout (AppCompatActivity)

I have an AppCompatActivity which has this layout: < xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="
NullPointerException's user avatar
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Handle the click of Navigation drawer Hamburger icon when FAB button is open

I have a navigation drawer layout in my fragment and a floating action menu in the layout. Now when the floating action menu expands then i have to handle the click of the navigation drawer hamburger ...
Savin Sharma's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to Update current selected item after backpress in navigation drawer

I have successfully implemented navigation drawer but I'm having problems with it. After selecting fragments and I click the back button, the current fragment pops off and the previous fragment is ...
X09's user avatar
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Disable ActionBarDrawerToggle's drawer indicator, but keep the hamburger icon

In my main activity I'm getting references to my DrawerLayout and Toolbars like this: //Set the toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(; setSupportActionBar(toolbar); /...
Simon's user avatar
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65 votes
13 answers

Android - Switch ActionBar Back Button to Navigation Button

I am having the following problem: I know how to set up a toolbar to show a back button icon instead of a burger button icon. From this: to this: using: getSupportActionBar()....
Antonio's user avatar
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Set back the actionbar in mainactivity/navigation drawer?

I have set a custom action bar to one of the fragments and on back press need to revert back to the main actionbar in main activity /navigation drawer. I set the actionbar for mainactivity in the ...
chitra's user avatar
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