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StatusBar overlaps app's toolbar and the toolbar is gone on Android API 30+

I have a app's toolbar issue on Android API 30+. The device's status bar overlap my app's toolbar and the toolbar is gone. This problem does not occur on device with API below 30 (29, 28, 27, ...). I ...
Pandarian Ld's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Problem margin/padding for DialogFragment after implementing the new API SplashScreen

I added the new Splashscreen API (androidx.core:core-splashscreen:1.0.0-rc01) on my app, after that my margins/paddings are broken but only for my launcher activity (MainActivity) especially for ...
Arthurius's user avatar
0 votes
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Title overlaps with view in custom toolbar Android

Hey guys I am trying to set title in my custom toolbar. It's not working until I explicit through xml. I don't want to put a Textview in xml in toolbar. I tried this post and trying to set by code, it ...
Vivek Modi's user avatar
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1 answer

set action bar as transparent android

I've found a few people asked this question but none seemed to have a real answer.. Trying to set the action and status bar in android as transparent but ending up with this strange border between the ...
Joe Pleavin's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Android Custom Action Bar / Tool Bar / Tab Bar

I was able to get the custom navigation Got the custom navigation correctly using the following link: ...
Sabarish Aruchamy's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Hide tools and title bar in transition between shared activity elements

Customer request: I want to create smooth transition between all activity by moving 2 png elements of my background (customer request). In detail: I have a right element that should move to the left ...
Adrien Jouve's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Removing Action Bar (Android Studios)

Newer templates provided by android studio make use of themes.xml instead of styles.xml and changing parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.DarkActionBar" to parent="Theme.AppCompat....
Mehrshad's user avatar
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My options menu is not showing on my tablayout Android Studio

I am making an app where the main activity has a App bar layout with tabs already and I want to add an options menu on the top right. I created the xml file and added the code into my java activity ...
SUADD's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Difference between Action bar and just a custom layout in Android

What is the point of action bars in android if you can just use a custom linear layout and use that? You can add more robust functionality, you can do much more than with the regular app bar, it's ...
Nikola-Milovic's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Adding text below/above a switch button in Android menu icon

I am trying to add a text below/above this switch item that is in my Toolbar to indicate functionality of the switch. I was wondering if there is a layout tag I could use to add a text below/above the ...
Roh's user avatar
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Android : Title of the Dialog is not visible

In my application, I am calling a method of a 3rd party SDK which displays a full screen dialog. But I do not see the title of this dialog. For my app, I have set the theme to Theme.MaterialComponents....
Kaveri's user avatar
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3 answers

Android ActionBar height using a custom layout

I can set my ActionBar height in my styles.xml resource file: <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.Light"> <!-- Customize your theme here. --> ...
Dusan's user avatar
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1 answer

Android actionbar customization does not change color

I am trying to customize the action bar in my android application. The following is in my styles.xml: <style name="MyTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light"> <item name=&...
bvdhen's user avatar
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0 answers

Why i can't remove divider between action bar and main screen in Android?

I'm trying to remove the action bar divider but for some reason, it doesn't work I tried everything but the line remains These is my styles.xml: <resources> <!-- Base application theme. --...
William's user avatar
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2 answers

Android Studio layout design view doesn't show menu bar items?

i've defined a simple menu in res/menu/simple_menu.xml, with a single item called TITLE2. i then iflate this menu in my MainActivity, and all is good (See device screenshot on right, where my TITLE2 ...
Russell Butler's user avatar
3 votes
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What is a clean way to hide and show ActionBar without a glitchy animation

I have an activity with a tabbed ViewPager, containing five pages. The tabs are shown in the bottom of the screen. Four of these pages are supposed to show custom ActionBars, one isn't. I know when a ...
Benjamin Basmaci's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to completely disable contextual action bar in Android?

There isn't any toolbar but showing contextual action bar when text selection below api v23, following codes not working to disable/remove. How to disable/remove completely? @Override protected void ...
ATES's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Android - hide status and navigation bar completely for an app with nav drawer and app bar

How can I dynamically hide the status and the navigation bar completely? The app contains a regular navigation drawer with a appbar / toolbar and FAB buttons. When switching to full screen, the ...
tm1701's user avatar
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2 answers

Not able to see App Name in Android application

I am not getting my Application name on the action Bar. So please help me to get the reason why it's hidden and how to solve that. Here is my code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <...
Prajwal MJ's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

What would be a good way to show activity title without actionbar?

Im making an app for android, without actionbar. What is best practice for showing titles without actionbar?
Tom's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

ActionBar background with MaterialComponents theme

I want to customize my ActionBar. My Theme looks as below: <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight"> <item name="actionBarStyle">@style/MyActionBar</item&...
Chandra Sekhar's user avatar
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1 answer

getSupportActionBar().setElevation(0); - Kotlin? - Remove Shadow from ActionBar

I want to remove the shadow below my action bar. The java code for that is getSupportActionBar().setElevation(0); the kotlin code should be supportActionBar?.setElevation(0) That's what I tried but ...
Jeremy Brehe's user avatar
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Remove shadow from action bar - kotlin

I'm currently working on an app with a very light design and I don't know how to remove this visible lines / transitions between the action bar an the app content aswell as the transition between ...
Jeremy Brehe's user avatar
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How to make the navigation icon open a dropdown menu onclick? (Android)

So, I know it might be a very simple question however I found only very ugly solution to the problem, therefore I'm turning to you. I have an actionbar as the following: <
Itay Braha's user avatar
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Set Android status bar to completely transparent not work properly

I'm building my mobile application using Xamarin.Forms, and i currently have problem with setting the status bar in Android platform to be completely transparent (like this post here) Because i am ...
Lê Gia Lễ's user avatar
2 votes
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Actionbar Menu's item icons not shown properly upon RTL

In order to be able to always show icons next to the text of each item in the menu, I used this approach, as it was the easiest of the few methods mentioned online that out worked for me. The result ...
Mena's user avatar
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2 answers

Fragment is not fully displayed when used in activity with actionbar

In my activity (ConstraintLayout) I have an actionbar and a container (for my viewpage adapater). In this container I am displaying various fragments. My problem is that the fragments (also in ...
niko's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How do I change the background color of the ActionBar in the new MaterialComponents

I'm using the new MaterialComponents and my app theme is: <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.Light"> <item name="colorPrimary">@color/primaryColor</item> ...
humazed's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Android black and white theme

i am trying to achieve theme like this but i can't find any help about it i am trying to get white action bar with black icons and text and status bar with black icons and white background I am ...
Mateen Chaudhry's user avatar
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How to properly use autohiding actionbar with webview and swiperefreshlayout?

First of all, this is not the same as How to Hide ActionBar/Toolbar While Scrolling Down in Webview . I saw that solution and I am having a problem with that. It advised to wrap the webview in ...
Umer's user avatar
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1 answer

Blank space left after trying to hide Toolbar

I've 3 fragments and I'm trying to hide toolbar from one of the fragments using ((AppCompactActivity)getActivity()).getSuppotActionBar().hide It is simply hiding the contents of the contents of the ...
jp singh's user avatar
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3 answers

blank space left even after setting match_parent

i have created an Toolbar with navigation drawer and menu, now i'm trying to add a textView and edittext on the same toolbar and place them in the center, but the problem is when i add relative layout ...
jp singh's user avatar
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1 answer

ViewPager under ActionBar in RelativeLayout

ViewPager is below ActionBar. How can I make it under it? layout: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:...
M.V.'s user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

android actionbar menu overlapping on api 16

I've one android with with minimun sdk 16 The app itself is working fine and i'm adjusting last visual details I noticed that my action bar is not displaying properly on API 16 the left side is ...
Rafael Lima's user avatar
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actionbar only in some activities?

I'm building an Android app and I'm wondering why some Activities show the Actionbar and some not. The actionbar itself is only showing the app package name. Two activities containing the same xml ...
NKnuelle's user avatar
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3 answers

Align ImageView to fully left

I have been fighting with this issue but I have no idea what I am doing wrong in here. I have a custom toolbar [code] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <
Ali's user avatar
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Placing Recylerview beneath transparent actionbar?

I currently have a fragment with a recylerView and an actionBar that is transparent. I am trying to create a space at the top of my recylerView so that my actionBar isn't immediately overlapping my ...
Isaac Perez's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

How to make toolbar with rounded corners and elevation inside appbarlayout? Like this picture

This is my code that I try to create toolbar with rounded corners shown in picture. < android:id="@+id/appBar" android:layout_width="match_parent" ...
SANDIP CHAUDHARI's user avatar
1 vote
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Action bar rendering issue

I am new to Android Studio. I had this action bar disappearing in design panel. Basically nothing was being rendered on the design view. no action bar no textView nothing. then i read that i should ...
Kshitiz Miglani's user avatar
2 votes
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SearchView style disturbs Toolbar Style Actionbar

WHAT I NEED: I need the action bar with white text like this one: And the SearchView Recent Query Suggestions customized like this one: PROBLEM: I can do both of them, but I can not do them at the ...
Soon Santos's user avatar
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1 answer

Content slide on app bar

In my android app I want the toolbar to stay fixed and the content of the activity slide over it, how can I achieve this effect?
Andrea's user avatar
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2 answers

ListView Multiselect onCreateActionMode causing 2 Actionbars to appear

I have an Android app in which I have a Main layout that has a Support Toolbar included as part of the layout using: <include layout="@layout/toolbar" android:layout_width="match_parent" ...
Phil's user avatar
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Custom layout in Options Menu Item is showing empty layout

Why custom layout is not getting displayed in options menu item? Some of the posts mentioned use app namespace instead of android namespace and showAsAction should be "always". Tried with all ...
Manju's user avatar
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Android - Changing ActionBar's icons dynamically to fit the theme (dark/light)

I have an app which has multiple themes, some of them are "light" themes and some are "dark". In my actionbar I have mutiple icons, which I've downloaded as PNGs from Google's material icons website. ...
John's user avatar
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Make soft keyboard scroll view rather than resize it

I am trying to emulate an iOS-like keyboard for my Android app. Simply put, the contents of my activity should scroll behind the keyboard without resizing the spacing (which is what android:...
thearchitector's user avatar
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Item not showing up correctly without margin

In my android project I'm using Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar and have a Toolbar. when I'm trying to set a layout file for being my Navigation Drawer Header, with any layout frames (Relative and Linear ...
cup code's user avatar
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Themes who can use with action bar and tabLayout

I need a help about to find a theme who fits in this part of my project, but first I believe is nice to explain first the structure of the activities to find the answer: Example of project style The ...
Eloise Boatto's user avatar
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2 answers

How to anchor a Floating Action Button to the App ToolBar like in the guide images?

I want to get a Floating Action Button anchored to the upper part of my activity, on the action bar. In the guides is not explained how to get that effect of getting the floating action button ...
NullPointerException's user avatar
-5 votes
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How to do this on my Android app

I want to show my action bar like the following pic.
abhi's user avatar
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The actionbar with tabs goes up when edittext is setVisible(true)

The "EditText" view in a fragment is initially set as Visiblity.GONE. But when i make it visible dynamically when user selects a item from d drop down list. It makes the action bar with tabs go up and ...
Sylvester Das's user avatar

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