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Questions tagged [browser]

an application for retrieving information on the web.

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Persistant Browser Display Settings for Users

I have a question about what's the best approach to handle persistent data for web apps. I have a web app that is authenticating through an auth service. once authenticated it makes requests to the ...
BigL's user avatar
  • 13
4 votes
1 answer

Need a deeper understanding of how a Virtual DOM is different from a real DOM

As all articles say the Virtual DOM is lightweight and allows us to update only those nodes that has to be updated, unlike the real DOM that updates the whole nodes structure. So the first question: ...
devdevdove's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to detect if the guest user on web page has opened my mobile application to enhance his user xp [closed]

I have a website and mobile applications Android & IOS, all platforms are connected to the same database, what we are trying to do is to enhance the user experience by showing him specific ...
Hossam Hassan's user avatar
0 votes
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Javascript and payment security

I'm using a third party CRM application which allows you to build web forms using drag and drop widgets and the ability to add javascript code to manipulate those widgets. I need to build a form to ...
adam78's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to play sounds optimally in the browser?

I have a new site that allows you to play sounds of letters on click. Each letter produces a separate sound. I went from roughly 500kb for .wav files to around 30kb for each sound file. That's a lot ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
0 votes
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Should file download preference be decided in front-end or back-end?

In the project I am working on we are building a feature where you have a file with 2 buttons. Button 1 opens the file in your browser, button 2 starts downloading the file. I see these as 2 distinct ...
S. ten Brinke's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Why don't web browsers know the physical dimensions of a display?

CSS is a syntax for specifying the appearance of text and other web content, sizes and lengths are defined in pixels, however pixels have different sizes in different devices, this is the most notable ...
TZubiri's user avatar
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1 vote
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How do I make my Browser Extension send a Selection it captured to a Database/Web App so it can be stored in the user's account?

I am building a Browser Extension that captures a Selection made by the user in any web page, and stores it in his account. I don't quite know how to proceed with this, however. My initial thought ...
epilef's user avatar
  • 29
8 votes
3 answers

How can a website get the phone number of the device used to call it?

I'm not registered with Facebook and I've never logged in to Facebook inside the browser I use, Today I enter the site and see my actual phone number on the sign in page with this message:...
Kody's user avatar
  • 115
1 vote
1 answer

How can I modify web content on a mobile browser?

I want to build a small extension for major browsers that modifies the HTML and CSS of certain pages. On a desktop browser, this can be accomplished easily. On mobile browsers, however, content-...
Arseniy Banayev's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

The best way method to write an app that takes you to a web page that depends on the time in a browser app?

I'm not a software developer at all, but wondering if this would be a relatively simple project for creating an android shortcut. My parents like doing the guardian quick crossword: https://www....
JimSi's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How do browser extensions interact with web apps?

I want to build a browser extension that can read/write from the database that is behind my web app. However, I don't really understand how that would work conceptually and what the best practices ...
Dynamic's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How to secure my browser application against malicious requests?

I'm working on an application which can be added to third party websites. This means that this app runs in the browsers of the users of a third party and I don't have control over what runs in their ...
Hexworks's user avatar
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My browser extension modifies the DOM. How do I stop this from interfering with page scripts?

I'm writing a WebExtensions browser plugin that will modify the DOM of the current page when the user presses a button in the toolbar. More specifically, I need to insert HTML tags into the DOM. Even ...
Jack M's user avatar
  • 213
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Using browsers to monitor changes in e-commerce pages

I've been looking at ways to monitor for changes in things like price and availability on e-commerce sites via visiting browsers, with three constraints: the sites often don't have much ongoing ...
Isvara's user avatar
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2 answers

Microservices, browsers and HTTP requests

In the old days we used to create a single .gif file for the entire application to avoid too many trips from the browser to the server. Similarly, we used to combine different types of information in ...
ps0604's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to create a safe namespace for my application in JavaScript

I'm working on an application in the browser and I would like to make sure that my code does not conflict with code from other libraries or with possible calls added by browser manufacturers in the ...
1.21 gigawatts's user avatar
0 votes
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Extensible web application where users can upload client-side code

I have a simple web application built with Angular which fetches some state from a web server and shows it to the user. Additionally I want to implement a feature where users are able to customize the ...
Eduardo Gonçalves's user avatar
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Make browser allow secure cookie over http

Normally, browsers should not send cookies that have Secure option if connection is unsecured (i.e. http instead of https). Is there a configuration option or a plugin that would allow to change this ...
TMG's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to write tests for browser automation script

I have a couple of scripts (two in Python, one in Java) that use Selenium to drive a browser and download files from a website. I need to do some major refactoring before I do a major expansion, so I ...
TBridges42's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to debug javascript in browsers that don't have a console interface? [closed]

It's unbelievable but my company is still building web app on IE 6. Although the online dashboard for IE 6 is limited in functionality, I've found extremely difficult to debug anything on it. It's ...
SmallChess's user avatar
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Protection against XSS using a tiny virtual-machine in browser

I'm working on a web framework that makes surveys. It has an expression manager which lets admin users run code on the client as Javascript. There could be a potential XSS problem when there's more ...
Olle Härstedt's user avatar
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How do browsers do CSS caching and why only .alert or .danger but not .alert.danger? [closed]

I read about BEM & OBCSS here and somewhere the author mentioned this: Decoupling selector will not only increase maintainability and scalability: it will speed up the rendering. Most web ...
posixpascal's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Is there anything wrong with putting comments in an HTML closing tag?

I often write comments like this <div id="wrapper"> ... </div> <!-- id="wrapper" --> But what if I wrote them like this? <div id="wrapper"> ... </div id="wrapper"> ...
fet's user avatar
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-3 votes
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How to customize Chromium browser from source code [closed]

Customizing Chromium includes fixing homepage, removing address bar, .etc. Is it possible to modify the source code or using some compiling options to achieve these goals?
yanpengl's user avatar
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2 answers

Dealing with date fields across browsers

I'm building a web application with multiple forms which all require date fields, and these fields need to be supported across IE, Chrome, and the like. Our application currently packages the output ...
Cdn_Dev's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How does a browser remember the scroll state? [closed]

For example you are visiting a page and scrolled down half way through and then you refresh the page the browser remembers your scroll state and loads the page at exactly the same spot where you were ...
Vegan Sv's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How to open a desktop application through browser without a Java applet?

We run a cloud-based medical software, and a very important part of the program is bridging to an imaging software straight from our website, passing information through command line arguments. We ...
RegretfulWasher's user avatar
0 votes
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Calling RESTful service from browser and handling 4xx class responses

I have a resource called Logins, and I invoke a GET via AJAX from the browser. The current behavior is to return a 404 when the specific login cannot be found. I'm using this to check whether a ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Browser game played in an iframe - security concerns

I'm not sure if this counts as an Information Security or Webmasters question rather than Programmers, however I'll see how we go. I've been prototyping a help website for a particular browser game, ...
Edge's user avatar
  • 63
4 votes
1 answer

Why do browsers clamp timeouts and intervals?

I've been working on some abstractions of setTimeout and setInterval in order to process large sets of data without blocking the event loop in the browser. Upon this, I have discovered that browsers "...
Ten Bitcomb's user avatar
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1 answer

Could we drop support for Android native browser on our web site? [closed]

I work with an interactive web portal that has a few single-page apps and complex html structure. The aim is to support all browsers that our customers use. We have implemented responsive web design ...
TV's Frank's user avatar
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How does contenteditable work?

I recently came across an article where if you enter data:text/html,%20<html contenteditable> into the address bar of a browser that supports HTML5, you can type in the window. I managed to ...
Tejas Ramdas's user avatar
5 votes
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How do browsers paint a render tree to the screen?

I'm interested in building a browser-like rendering engine. I understand a bit about how OpenGL and GUI toolkits work. But how do browsers actually put pixels on the screen? Are they like software ...
Reed G. Law's user avatar
4 votes
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Better support for controlling printing options like headers and footers from Javascript [closed]

Why is it that browsers do not provide a mecanism to set the printing defaults regarding headers and footers from within the app? Web apps are fully fledged apps nowadays, and modern browsers are ...
Sebastián Grignoli's user avatar
62 votes
8 answers

Client-side coding: How to prevent malicious use?

Over the last few years, the trend for client-side (browser) applications has really taken off. For my latest project, I have decided to try and move with the times and write a client-side ...
GWed's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I find the JavaScript that is invoked when I click on a button or a link in a web-page (part of a data mining project)?

I tried to use the 'inspect element' of the firebug addon for Firefox but it doesn't give me any link to the javascript. For example I got this from the firebug add-on: <a href="javascript:"> ...
aste123's user avatar
  • 419
1 vote
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Why HTML select is not searchable by default?

I was wondering why the default select tag of HTML, for example: <select name="company_name"> <option value=""></option> <option value="1">Company 1</option> ...
John Skoubourdis's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Is there a difference in resource allocation & efficiency between a web app and a compiled one? [closed]

I'm a web developer. I feel like I develop less resource-intensive functionality often times, because I have this feeling that if I ask too much of the web app (animation, calculation, connections, ...
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Browser security and payments

I've been finding a lot of blog posts claiming JS encryption is unsafe, here's a couple of detailed ones:
Andrey's user avatar
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2 votes
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What kind of webservice can be called with just a browser url?

Can a webservice be written in such a way that it can be called via just a browser url? For eg. if the webservice is called GetStockQuote, then it should be callable by the following url on the ...
user93353's user avatar
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How does user confirmation box work?

How does the client know to send request to server only when the confirmation box result is ok and stay on page if cancelled? Also, is this mechanism any different in ASP.Net and ASP.Net MVC? I want ...
user2412146's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Are (mostly) client-side JavaScript web apps slower or less efficient?

I am in the midst of writing a web application for work. Everything is from scratch. I have been a PHP programmer for about 13 years, Node.js programmer for the past 2 years, and have no shortage of ...
rpaskett's user avatar
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2 votes
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Automating tests in a browser not supported by selenium

I work on a company that have a payment system that runs under a executable kiosk instance of internet explorer 7. when the application is running the process name is not similar with iexplore.exe or ...
Renato Prado's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Browser-based GUI for a python application [closed]

I want to create a web/browser-based GUI for a command-line python application. The goal is to make use of HTML/JS technologies to create this GUI. As the application itself, it needs to run on Linux ...
ack__'s user avatar
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How to gracefully handle unsupported browsers?

Recently I have started experimenting with some of the newer W3C specifications such as WebGL and the Web Audio API that are not yet widely supported in browsers. As I want my page to look ...
Qqwy's user avatar
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When opening pdf's in browser, why is "inspect element" available and "view source" not?

When opening pdf's in Chrome and Firefox, the "view source" button is greyed out. "Inspect elemet," however, reveals HTML. Are the browsers simply downloading the file and generating html to display ...
wils484's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Why are different components of the "web platform" not modularized?

The web platform is hip these days. But the web platform consists of many parts that are conceptually separable, developed at different times and paces, and (most important to me) could be useful on ...
BrenBarn's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Browser as a rich client platform [closed]

In Java there is a notion of "rich client platform" - it's a framework for building desktop applications, provides common features like help browser, window layout management, etc. Prominent ...
Eugene's user avatar
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Handling a request to override browser behaviors (Back and Refresh)

I'm a new guy in this company and I've been tasked to research on possible workarounds with the browser behaviors to cater to the demands of our client. A little background; what they want is to ...
Bro Kevin D.'s user avatar