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How do I make my Browser Extension send a Selection it captured to a Database/Web App so it can be stored in the user's account?

I am building a Browser Extension that captures a Selection made by the user in any web page, and stores it in his account. I don't quite know how to proceed with this, however. My initial thought ...
epilef's user avatar
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My browser extension modifies the DOM. How do I stop this from interfering with page scripts?

I'm writing a WebExtensions browser plugin that will modify the DOM of the current page when the user presses a button in the toolbar. More specifically, I need to insert HTML tags into the DOM. Even ...
Jack M's user avatar
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1 answer

Extensible web application where users can upload client-side code

I have a simple web application built with Angular which fetches some state from a web server and shows it to the user. Additionally I want to implement a feature where users are able to customize the ...
Eduardo Gonçalves's user avatar
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Protection against XSS using a tiny virtual-machine in browser

I'm working on a web framework that makes surveys. It has an expression manager which lets admin users run code on the client as Javascript. There could be a potential XSS problem when there's more ...
Olle Härstedt's user avatar
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How does contenteditable work?

I recently came across an article where if you enter data:text/html,%20<html contenteditable> into the address bar of a browser that supports HTML5, you can type in the window. I managed to ...
Tejas Ramdas's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a difference in resource allocation & efficiency between a web app and a compiled one? [closed]

I'm a web developer. I feel like I develop less resource-intensive functionality often times, because I have this feeling that if I ask too much of the web app (animation, calculation, connections, ...
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How does user confirmation box work?

How does the client know to send request to server only when the confirmation box result is ok and stay on page if cancelled? Also, is this mechanism any different in ASP.Net and ASP.Net MVC? I want ...
user2412146's user avatar
2 votes
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How to gracefully handle unsupported browsers?

Recently I have started experimenting with some of the newer W3C specifications such as WebGL and the Web Audio API that are not yet widely supported in browsers. As I want my page to look ...
Qqwy's user avatar
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Handling a request to override browser behaviors (Back and Refresh)

I'm a new guy in this company and I've been tasked to research on possible workarounds with the browser behaviors to cater to the demands of our client. A little background; what they want is to ...
Bro Kevin D.'s user avatar
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1 answer

What does IE mean by saying "'console' is undefined"? [closed]

I like IE's persnicketiness (the debugging tools that take you right to your code is even more user-friendly than what I've found in F12 Chrome Dev Tools), but why does it say, "'console' is undefined"...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Can >8bit per channel colours be seen as intended in the browser?

For, say, a subtle background gradient to a web page, what are the advantages and disadvantages of saving it as a 16bit/channel png? Are the colours represented by >8bits displayed in the intended ...
Max's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Why are custom PDF download options preferred over ctrl+p?

Why do I, as a developer, have to go through so much trouble developing PDF download options for my clients when everyone in the world can simply hit Ctrl+P and life is good? The current issue I'm ...
Micah Bolen's user avatar
5 votes
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How does a browser determine that a script has run for too long? [closed]

How does a browser determine that a script has run for too long ? Is it actually configurable through some advanced settings ?
Geek's user avatar
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What is the value for a web developer to be familiar with the source code of a web browser?

Are there any specific reasons for a developer that deals with web applications (let's say writing html and js) to download a browser's source code (like Chromium) and learn how the engine works (...
Luciano's user avatar
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4 answers

What are advantages and disadvantages of browser rapid release cycles for web developers?

Chrome and Firefox have now rapid release cycles. Also Opera is starting to get speed and Internet Explorer should take the high road soon. I am a web developer. What does that mean for me? What ...
Tom Smykowski's user avatar
37 votes
10 answers

Why aren't there other client-side scripting languages for websites? [closed]

Why is there just support for JavaScript and some VBScript in browsers today? I know JavaScript is good and all, but wouldn't having the option of using another programming language help promote ...
Eric Packwood's user avatar
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9 answers

Opera for web development

Many developers recommend Firefox for web development for a variety of reasons. But, after looking at Opera, it seems to me that Opera has all of the same web development functionality that Firefox ...
Metropolis's user avatar
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4 answers

Testing minor browser version compatibility

I develop a web application and we test it on several browsers, including Firefox and Internet Explorer. During our development we tested the application on Firefox 3.5.2 and our testing team tested ...
Gopi's user avatar
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