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Questions tagged [facebook]

Facebook is a popular social networking website.

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2 answers

Why does Meta (Facebook) use mono-repo in their source control? [closed]

Meta maintains all their code in a single repository and initially used Git. Due to performance issues attributed to the repo's size, they consulted Git's team, who suggested switching to a multi-repo ...
just_a_developer's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

How can a third-party site know your identity on other sites (e.g. Off-Facebook Activity)? [closed]

I'm a software engineer by trade, yet I am shocked and fascinated by something I learned just recently. For example, I found out Facebook has businesses and sites share information about my activity ...
gcr's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How can a website get the phone number of the device used to call it?

I'm not registered with Facebook and I've never logged in to Facebook inside the browser I use, Today I enter the site and see my actual phone number on the sign in page with this message:...
Kody's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Why does this cat picture trigger a Facebook warning about violent/graphic content?

Facebook systems claim that this picture may contain violent or graphic content. (When opening the link, Facebook asks you to login. I suppose it's because Facebook considers the image offensive and ...
Zerquix18's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What is the right approach to save user agent info during login to web / app?

As you know Facebook saves login sessions and we can see them in settings where we've logged in. Now, they show IP address, Phone name (if logged in with phone) and App name in the phone and Browser ...
Vikas's user avatar
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0 answers

Database structure for combaning local login with social login

I'm implementing a platform where users can create an account with my system and use it to login. Also I allow them to add any external login (social login) such as Facebook, Google, Twitter and so on....
Artur Kedzior's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What does GRAPH stand for in the term Azure AD Graph API or Facebook Open Graph API

I'm doing some research on authentication methods and I've noticed that not only does Azure call their cloud Active Directory interface API the "Graph API" but also Facebook use the same term with ...
jezpez's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Design a program to download a facebook group data [closed]

I have a study facebook group which has a lot of information. The size is about ~10k post and 30k comments/replies etc... making it very hard to search on facebook itself. So I am trying to dump the ...
Sanna Jo's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is it a bad idea to use Facebook friendships as sole source of filtering content?

I'm writing a social app in Django where all users sign up through Facebook using Python Social Auth. All content that a user sees will be content created by her Facebook friends. Initially, I planned ...
J P's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Understanding Flux pattern

I'm actually studying the flux pattern and there's something that I can't understand concerning the stores. What are they exactly? I have read many articles, and it seems that it concerns the ...
mfrachet's user avatar
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1 answer

Best way to design a database interface [duplicate]

This is my situation I have a website, mobile client and desktop client. They can all pretty much do the same operations (website might be able to do more now but in the future they might have the ...
6lix's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Using Facebook to authenticate, how to link to user record in my app? Email?

I'm using Facebook to authenticate users. We also have conventional username/ password login and registration form too. Anyway, when a user chooses to login with Facebook, we use the following ...
Martyn's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to scrub Twitter and Facebook posts for many users

I'm making an Rails app that in theory should scrub new posts from the users facebook and twitter accounts and put them in a timeline for an analyst to analyze and determine if they are good or bad ...
Agush's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Common techniques to integrate social media login to a website that requires account registration

I have developed websites where users would register with a username of their choice and an entry would be created in a database table that holds their username and some sort of salted password. They ...
MxLDevs's user avatar
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What is the use of the prefix "for(;;);" in an Ajax response

After using the chrome debugger to inspect the ajax requests of Facebook (for curiosity), I noticed that the response is in JSON, however it is always prefixed with for(;;); In example, if the JSON ...
AlexMorley-Finch's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Good way to handle the notification counter like Facebook does

I want to build a similar notification mechanism that Facebook handles. I actually store the user's notification in an SQL table (actually it's a graph database but everybody master RDBMS terms). I'...
Mik378's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Can someone explain the behind-the-scenes process of connecting an app account to a Facebook account?

I am developing an app that will use the Twitter and Facebook login APIs exclusively. Suppose a new user downloads the apps and is presented with the option to log in through Facebook or Twitter. The ...
zgall1's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Facebook authentication with an Authoritative Server for a Flash Game

I'm working on a multiplatform game in Flash. This game utilizes Photon Server for authoritative physics and user statistics tracking. I'm looking to leverage Facebook authentication as an alternative ...
Kody Manharth's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I find all connections in a mesh network/graph?

Suppose I have a mesh of relationships, such as Friends who trust some friends and not others A IPv6 router that needs to locate peers across the Internet A PGP Web Of Trust that needs two people ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
-1 votes
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web spider for facebook

I just subscribed to a facebook page which post links to different open source projects or code archives. I'll like to save those links and descriptions to a local db. How can I do that? I heard ...
dole doug's user avatar
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45 votes
6 answers

Why does Facebook convert PHP code to C++? [closed]

I read that Facebook started out in PHP, and then to gain speed, they now compile PHP as C++ code. If that's the case why don't they: Just program in c++? Surely there must be SOME errors/bugs when ...
user72245's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to build a single game to run in Facebook & Google+?

I was asked by my customer to build a Facebook game. The game would be something similar to where the game is hosted on a server and run through a frame on Facebook. The thing is after ...
Songo's user avatar
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6 votes
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How ad retargeting works? [closed]

Recently, I read that Facebook ads are moving towards retargeting and got interested deeper into subject. Essentially, retargeting is technique advertisers use that tracks purchase intent by putting ...
Bojan Babic's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

How Facebook's Ad Bid System Works

When you are creating an ad on Facebook, you are provided with a "suggested bid" range (e.g., $0.90 - $2.15 USD). According to this page: The suggested bid range is there to help you pick a maximum ...
herpylderp's user avatar
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Facebook Payments & Credits vs. Real-World & Charities [closed]

I am having a difficult time understanding Facebook's internal "e-commerce microcosm" and what it allows Facebook App developers to do (and what it restricts them from doing). Two use cases: I'm an ...
herpylderp's user avatar
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Facebook App EULA & Restrictions: What can't they do that my web app can?

I have written a nifty little web app (in Java/GWT/JS) and have been experimenting with the idea of making it available through Facebook as a Facebook App as well. After spending some time reading ...
herpylderp's user avatar
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2 votes
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What could be the best way to generalize data from Facebook and Twitter?

I am not sure if this is the best subsite to ask this question, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't fit on the normal or facebook SO page... I've been asked to make a general API for connecting to several ...
2 votes
1 answer

Queue in facebook games [looking for opponent and such]

I've seen many games on FB have queue which connects you to an opponent you should be playing against. So my question is: In which language can it be coded? Is it possible to do it in PHP/Javascript? ...
xtra's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote
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How to improve my algorithm for analyzing twitters messages from users? [closed]

Hello I think I have a nice idea to implement for human kind goodness. I call it FixTheUnFixed. The idea goes like this, imagine you are driving or traveling all over the world and when you see some ...
0x90's user avatar
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Conceptually speaking, how would I pull facebook wall posts from 100k users?

Not looking for any code snippets here, so here goes: Let's say 100,000 users on my web app have authorized my application to connect to facebook (with or without offline_access). I want to build a ...
Julian H. Lam's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Login with Twitter or Facebook - How to link accounts

I've been developing a site and I've been trying to come up with a method to make sure all Social Network accounts of a certain user are linked together. I've had one snag from the start, and maybe ...
Clint Chaney's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How does Facebook calculate mutual friends?

How does Facebook calculate mutual friends? Does it cache all mutual friends for each user? Does it use MySQL to calculate mutual friends with a query?
rodi's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

What's the best approach to Facebook integration?

I have a new site/app going live next week (or somewhere close). I know there will be a relatively small (15,000?) very dedicated group of people on Facebook who will be very likely to be interested ...
Jay Stevens's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Facebook and Twitter authentication from Mobile Applications

I might be missing something with the Facebook and Twitter logins APIs. Something that is blocking me from understanding how they would be used in mobile applications. Both APIs seem like they need ...
tyndall's user avatar
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18 votes
12 answers

What are the pros (and cons) of using “Sign in with Twitter/Facebook” for a new website? [closed]

Myself and a friend are looking to launch a little forum site. I’m considering using the “Sign in with Facebook/Twitter” APIs, possibly exclusively (a la e.g. Lanyrd), for user login. I haven’t used ...
Paul D. Waite's user avatar