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How do I make my Browser Extension send a Selection it captured to a Database/Web App so it can be stored in the user's account?

I am building a Browser Extension that captures a Selection made by the user in any web page, and stores it in his account. I don't quite know how to proceed with this, however. My initial thought ...
epilef's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

The best way method to write an app that takes you to a web page that depends on the time in a browser app?

I'm not a software developer at all, but wondering if this would be a relatively simple project for creating an android shortcut. My parents like doing the guardian quick crossword: https://www....
JimSi's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How do browser extensions interact with web apps?

I want to build a browser extension that can read/write from the database that is behind my web app. However, I don't really understand how that would work conceptually and what the best practices ...
Dynamic's user avatar
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Extensible web application where users can upload client-side code

I have a simple web application built with Angular which fetches some state from a web server and shows it to the user. Additionally I want to implement a feature where users are able to customize the ...
Eduardo Gonçalves's user avatar
62 votes
8 answers

Client-side coding: How to prevent malicious use?

Over the last few years, the trend for client-side (browser) applications has really taken off. For my latest project, I have decided to try and move with the times and write a client-side ...
GWed's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a difference in resource allocation & efficiency between a web app and a compiled one? [closed]

I'm a web developer. I feel like I develop less resource-intensive functionality often times, because I have this feeling that if I ask too much of the web app (animation, calculation, connections, ...
user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Browser-based GUI for a python application [closed]

I want to create a web/browser-based GUI for a command-line python application. The goal is to make use of HTML/JS technologies to create this GUI. As the application itself, it needs to run on Linux ...
ack__'s user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Why are different components of the "web platform" not modularized?

The web platform is hip these days. But the web platform consists of many parts that are conceptually separable, developed at different times and paces, and (most important to me) could be useful on ...
BrenBarn's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Handling a request to override browser behaviors (Back and Refresh)

I'm a new guy in this company and I've been tasked to research on possible workarounds with the browser behaviors to cater to the demands of our client. A little background; what they want is to ...
Bro Kevin D.'s user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Un selectable content using CSS

I have found a website where the text is select protected. How can i make this without JavaScript. I think it is possible by using CSS. A set of paragraph is protected with non selectable contents. ...
nmkyuppie's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Implementing Digitally signed data in a Web Application

I understand PKI well from a conceptual point of view - i.e. private keys/public keys - the math behind them, use of hash & encryption to sign a certificate, Digital Signing of Transactions or ...
user93353's user avatar
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3 votes
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What is meant by sandboxing?

Sanboxing is listed as one of the many security features in html5 specification . Can someone explain what is meant by sandboxing? Does it relate to HTML only or to JavaScript also?
Geek's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Best practices for web application Authentication/Security (Any Platform)

I got a question today from my manager asking me my thoughts on what is considered an acceptable design for authentication of a web form application, especially in regards to the nature of many ...
maple_shaft's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Testing minor browser version compatibility

I develop a web application and we test it on several browsers, including Firefox and Internet Explorer. During our development we tested the application on Firefox 3.5.2 and our testing team tested ...
Gopi's user avatar
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