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Questions tagged [websites]

Questions about software development for a web site.

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-1 votes
2 answers

Is there a model or some implementation logic for web layouts?

I am making an application in which the user types BDD scenarios of using a webpage. From this retrieve the widgets and their functionalities and make a "webpage prototype" in Figma. I am ...
Andreas Chang's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to design for API use cases that need different data from the same table?

I am building a web application. This application is meant to be a home for player rankings and tournament results for a competitive community. I have planned to do this in three layers: a database to ...
John Johnson's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Prevent download of static files referenced only from pages a user is not authorized to access

Let's say a user is authenticated to a website and can access a given page only if authorized to access it specifically, e.g. if the website has only these 2 pages
Francesco B.'s user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Why would I use Gatsby instead of Manual HTML / CSS when creating a static site?

These days, I see people always extolling the benefits of using Static Site Generators (SSG) for building static sites. Why would I not just write the HTML/CSS myself? What's the advantage of using an ...
IntelliData's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to check a solution method submitted by a user?

I am developing a website somewhat like leetcode, however, it will be for website testing using Selenium WebDriver.My service will provide different websites, along with various tasks that describe ...
Yahya Abdul Majeed's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is this approach to website design adequate or am I making a mistake?

I'm not conversant with this topic, and therefore I watched a tutorial about a one-page dynamic PHP website (quite educational in my opinion) in which the creator designed the following pages. For ...
Ismael Párica's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Preventing parent component re-rendering of a big React component when you "Lift State Up"

I have a very big form - let's call it <MyForm> - consisting of the following: text fields and dropdowns custom selector made of selectable cards table input (for this example 50 rows with each ...
Hans's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

For a spa application should request be follow the "single responsiblity" idea or is it better to combine data?

Well in a page in our spa application we need to request some dynamic data from the server. Besides this data for display purposes we also need to request explanations of the columns from the data (...
paul23's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Web rendering - Trying to figure out the different kinds of rendering

I have a background as a full stack web developer, but didn't code professionally speaking for about 8 years, now focusing on technical and/or functional analysis. In the meanwhile, many things ...
Laurent S.'s user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Make modifications to a database resource specific per company

Context I've been searching the internet to see if I could find any other information or posts about what I'm trying to achieve, but I had no luck. I don't know if there's a specific term or whatever ...
Daniel's user avatar
  • 43
1 vote
1 answer

Is it hard to "add" semantic web to your website?

I am learning about the semantic web. So far what I know is that the whole idea of the semantic web is to add metadata to the data in your website in order to make the data in your website easier to ...
user247763's user avatar
-6 votes
1 answer

How would you build a simple bidding system with countdown?

So I'd like to build a simple website where there's a given amount, let's say $1. If someone pays that amount a 24 hour countdown starts. Within this window, people can outbid the previous amount and ...
iDec's user avatar
  • 89
-1 votes
1 answer

Where to store unregistered user data?

Where should I store data of user that is not yet registered? Data that I want to store: Search history (to show appropriate products on a store page) Theme preference (dark / light theme) Cookies? ...
Ruslan Plastun's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to implement a website with translatable articles?

I am developing a website that is supposed to be in at least two languages. I am a skilled developer, but I never had to deal with internationalization. The owner of the site will create a new article ...
SteeveDroz's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Sharing data among websites

I manage one middle sized website that uses Flask and PostgresSQL on the backend and some JS with Angular and Jinja2 templates on the fronted. Now we're going to create a second website that will be ...
AlejandroVK's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

When making websites for clients, what's the best way to handle payments that clients pay for, but you design?

When making a website for a client, how do you deal with payments (hosting, theme, plugins, software, ect) when you are setting everything up for them, though the client will be paying for the systems/...
Clover's user avatar
  • 1
1 vote
0 answers

Designing flow for application

Problem I am working on an application for my personal use. Basically what I require is a 24 hr running cloud application that will get alerted about the new articles posted on provided website links ...
Vimath's user avatar
  • 19
2 votes
1 answer

Cookie consent and facebook cookies?

As a bit of a background, we create a website where a "third party" can organize a sport event, letting us handle enrollment and other checks. Well on our website ever since we implemented a cookie "...
paul23's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Securely allow access to a secure area of a website with PHP

I am making a website that requires a secure area for the website owner to easily upload new content to. Because this is a relatively simple website there is no account system. I just have a URL for ...
Jack's user avatar
  • 103
1 vote
1 answer

Keep data in sync with 3rd party api

I'm currently facing a difficult problem regarding re-archituring a legacy webshop, i would really appreciate some insight. The system depends on a 3rd party API for it's product/variant data the ...
Satan-lui-mm's user avatar
-1 votes
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Maintaining a static website using an HTML preprocessor [closed]

I have a static website with lots of similar pages. The site is very simple, basically just some information for me and a few other people. I'd basically like to spend as little time as possible ...
CoffeeTableEspresso's user avatar
0 votes
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Architecture for a Reddit-esque website

I'm trying to create a website as a forum similar to Reddit, but on a smaller scale (no comments also). The website will allow users to post a link to a forum. Then they can view a list of New or ...
Nicholas's user avatar
  • 103
1 vote
1 answer

Secure Admin-pages-only login without HTTPS

I'm adding admin dashboard to a website that doesn't use HTTPS. For now only that (admin) section requires user authentication. If I use encrypted + salted password and check the client IP address to ...
sny's user avatar
  • 113
2 votes
1 answer

Do i need to implement Security for my webpage, if it is only connected to a LAN

I am making a websocket server that can communicate with clients. This server is going to be on a private vLAN channel on a public place, AKA only the staff have access to the network which the ...
Mads Bødker Christensen's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to create a cache-preventing link? Using random number? Unix time? or other better options?

For example, sometimes I need to generate a link, but I don't want someone cache the context by url of the same link (e.g.:I don't want Facebook feed dialog to cache the page context), so I need ...
ocomfd's user avatar
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2 answers

MPA vs SPA for first-load performance & meta tags?

Let there be a static web application. Let the following be a priority: First loading time (ignore cache etc) User experience Search Engine Optimization (meta tags & bot friendliness) When ...
Ivan Rubinson's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Creating a web portal to access multiple databases (security and best practice?)

I am looking to create a website. There will be a portal, from which the user (and thier associated users) can create/access one or more databases. There will be many different databases in the ...
JJJCoder's user avatar
  • 229
1 vote
1 answer

Web Design Pattern For Displaying Dynamic Content

I currently have a WinForms app that uses XML documents to drive dynamic content that is shown to the user. I call these XML documents template files. The template file determines the features the ...
scott_f's user avatar
  • 113
2 votes
1 answer

Is it bad practice to combine a projects static site with the app?

We are building a react based web app for a project/potential business and I'm wondering if it's ok to include the static site in the web app code? I've always had a separate basic html and css code ...
joe's user avatar
  • 129
0 votes
2 answers

Detect when a file is created (on a webserver) and ready for use in one of many directories

I have an odd, intermittent bug that is happening on a web server. One of the methods triggers the creation of a small file (3kb), in a folder. The folder is based on the current year, month and ...
Matt's user avatar
  • 253
2 votes
1 answer

How to manage a multilingual website/blog?

At the moment on my blog I have articles only one language. Now I want to write posts in other languages as well. The new posts will not be a translation of existing posts – I'll sometimes write ...
Mahali's user avatar
  • 31
0 votes
1 answer

How to adapt the architecture of a website and have suitable hosting along with it to meet increasing users? [closed]

Say you start a web site on shared hosting and it increases in popularity which might cause it to become unavailable as the number of accesses increases. So as a developer how do I figure out when ...
James P.'s user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How exactly does someone make money from free software? And how do programs compete with websites?

I always wanted to create software but was not really into websites.I see that popular programs(such as skype) don't make as much money as popular websites(such as facebook,twitter etc.). Is this ...
dimstef's user avatar
  • 115
-1 votes
1 answer

Blog is a single webpage that gets data asyncronously, searchable by Search Engines?

I have created a blog for a friend. I have heavily designed it around jQuery's $.ajax() function and as a result it is only a single webpage asynchronously gets its data (title, article, relative ...
Malky.Kid's user avatar
1 vote
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Does DNS reply with more information than just IP address?

So I tried to access certain website using its server IP address and usually it does not go through. Let's assume IP masquerade technique is not being used such as NAT or reverse proxy. This makes me ...
td16's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How would you optimize the rendering of 10,000 elements on a webpage?

I'm a full stack web developer, I've been looking for a job lately as a junior since I don't have experience with working for companies, but I've done some projects in the past from design to ...
Samuel E.'s user avatar
  • 233
0 votes
2 answers

Deployed Website's Integrity

Yesterday, the deployment of a financial website on a client was replaced with an older version which created unexpected issues and a downtime of almost 12 hours. We came to know that two guys from ...
bjan's user avatar
  • 229
3 votes
1 answer

How to setup "multiple-website" website with domains?

Background: I run a two-sided platform with small businesses on one side, and users on another. As a part of our product I plan to introduce "websites" as part of the product. Idea is: a local ...
Lars Holdgaard's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Should application UI reflect server or client data?

Say you have a UI that reflects some sort of server-side data and the UI can manipulate that data via HTTP requests. For a more concrete example, consider a user database with a web interface that can ...
Daniel Underwood's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to restrict access to website to approved computers

I work for a franchise and we want to provide some web applications that host internal & proprietary information & functionality that should only be available to active franchise employees. ...
xr280xr's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Why so many good open source programs have websites that are very poorly managed? [closed]

I was reading about gzip program and I found the official website of the gzip software. First of all the site looks very bad, it is very hard to find useful information on it and it was not updated ...
yoyo_fun's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What happens when I update a page on a live website?

Let's say that I'm running Nginx as my webserver. I know that Nginx handles the -s reload command which will reload the configuration when it's changed, but waits around for current requests to finish ...
Wayne Werner's user avatar
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Storing/hosting sensitive business data

In order for users of my software to receive auto-updates, their copy of the software will need remote access to ~100mb of private files (manifest, jars) which means I need a server. Currently I don't ...
MM88's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Sharing Website Content : AddThis vs Separate Integration of Social Networks

We have a requirement to add share buttons ( Facebook, Twitter, G+, LinkedIn, WeChat) on all the pages of our website (excluding some of the landing pages) We did a POC for the same with the AddThis ...
Chillax's user avatar
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1 answer

Is hard-coding role-based security faster than reading an xml file?

I'm updating a few applications which use Windows Authentication and do role-based security via an xml file, then store this info in session variables (if the session times out, the program ...
Rolan's user avatar
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38 votes
6 answers

Should you always program server side for a website?

I'm about to start creating a music project website for a friend. It should be pretty simple for now: no dynamic content (tour dates, etc.), and nothing more than a few embedded sample songs or ...
Deegriz's user avatar
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1 answer

Viewing local changes to website on separate device

I'm trying to figure out how to do something, and I can't quite seem to get it to work. Let me describe the situation: Using a hosts file, we redirect the resources (CSS/JS/etc) of a website, let's ...
large hat's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Why would one employ a POST-based search engine on their website?

A Google Search on this topic just returns results explaining how to hack Google Analytics site search for POST-based search engine measurement. So, I thought I would turn to you fine men and women ...
Ryan Keeler's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Website redirect in cache to old website

So I've developed a website for a client, however he used to use this url with a re-direct to 'another' site of his. I had the re-direct cancelled, but whoever visited their old website before, still ...
Alt's user avatar
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4 answers

Do i have to make all my website PHP with embedded HTML to make a good secure website?

I see all websites (THE big ones) make both PHP and HTML in same page .. Do I need to make all my website pages as PHP and embedded HTML inside it ? Can't I make the website all as HTML Pages and PHP ...
ahmed nader's user avatar