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1 answer

Is there a way to detect if the guest user on web page has opened my mobile application to enhance his user xp [closed]

I have a website and mobile applications Android & IOS, all platforms are connected to the same database, what we are trying to do is to enhance the user experience by showing him specific ...
Hossam Hassan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to play sounds optimally in the browser?

I have a new site that allows you to play sounds of letters on click. Each letter produces a separate sound. I went from roughly 500kb for .wav files to around 30kb for each sound file. That's a lot ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How can a website get the phone number of the device used to call it?

I'm not registered with Facebook and I've never logged in to Facebook inside the browser I use, Today I enter the site and see my actual phone number on the sign in page with this message:...
Kody's user avatar
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How can I modify web content on a mobile browser?

I want to build a small extension for major browsers that modifies the HTML and CSS of certain pages. On a desktop browser, this can be accomplished easily. On mobile browsers, however, content-...
Arseniy Banayev's user avatar