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Showing posts with label train. Show all posts
Showing posts with label train. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Small Town America

When I was preparing to move back home to rural Western NY from the big metropolis of Miami, Florida, some of my acquaintances were quite concerned. The closest mall is nearly 60 miles away and the local pizzeria doesn't deliver. Well shiver me timbers because I can walk to get my pizza and the last place I want to be is at the mall. On the other hand, I would rather spend my time looking for something new to try at the grocery or quilt stores...but that's an entirely different conversation.  LOL.

In trying to put today's post together, I was trying to find a common thread and pretty much realized these are all things that could be considered Small Town America. As an unannounced whim I thought I would add a linky party so that you could share a post (old or new!) regarding something that happened in your town.

And now...Small Town America in and around Wyoming County, NY...

Two weekends ago we had a very momentous occasion...enough for many people to congregate at the local train crossing. One person had a camera drone and some random person driving through town asked if that was why we were congregating. Hah! for a much better reason!

The first weekend in August was to be the very last time a steam train was to go thru the area using the *old* train trestle in Letchworth State Park. The trestle is train worthy but it requires all trains to slow down to 10 mph so they are going to tear down the old bridge and replace it so they can maintain their traveling speed.

The last time we had a steam train come thru was 1985. I already told Denise that I was not going to look up any pictures that might include me in my teenage years :)

I also have a video if anyone wants me to email it...I'm late with this post and have yet to figure out videos on Blogger...

My family runs the Griffith House at our county fair. The early 1800s house is in it's original position and just happens to be on the fair grounds. It houses the antique entries each year and also has an original fireplace where we can do open hearth cooking. Each year, a week or 2 before the fair starts, we offer a cooking class for a small fee. The class is for anyone interested but we do hope to attract newbies to cook during the fair.

Mom moving coals under the dutch oven which contains a steamed brown bread.
The spider (front) contains the bacon for bubble and squeak.
The kettles have beans for ham hock soup and taters for the B&S.
 Maybe you can pick out the "poor man's rotissery" chicken that spins on cotton string?

This year we had 7 students - 4 women, 2 men and a 10-year old boy. It's the most men we've had in class according to my lousy memory! The guys are going to cook together at the fair so maybe I'll remember to take more pictures when I'm not "teaching."

We had a pretty ambitious menu for class but we managed it all and actually finished early thanks to a great group of students!! Yumm! I might even make the ham hock soup when I cook on Sunday...I don't think I've had that before. I was also impressed with the green breans and tomatoes. Both veggies were from mom's garden. I'm not a fan of green beans but the sauce made it wonderful, as did the bacon!

Dad and I attended a car show. It's the 48th year in that location and accepts any age car or truck - there were 25 classes to break down cars and trucks by age and production versus modified. Can you imagine the types of cars at the earlier shows? And that those people couldn't even imagine the types of cars we would drive now?!

"new" cars/trucks covering more than a football field or two
"old" cars/trucks - we were lucky to be in the shade!
Dad and his 1929 International farm truck - the second oldest vehicle present.
It's max speed is 35 but we generally only go 30mph.
It's fun to see people's faces as we drive by on the way to events. Especially when we honk the "hooooga" horn.
Dad won first place in his class!

OK my friends - please join in with any old or new posts that share an activity in your home town here in the USA or any other country. Please list your name and location on the link instead of the post name. I'll leave this linky open until the end of August so maybe there will be time for a lot of people to join in! And keep on your toes - I just might surprise you with another Small Town linky some day...

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Hexie update and a rant or three


Why doens't EMS dispatch automatically dispatch the ice rescue team for a patient ON THE ICE??? How rediculous that we need to request the team be dispatched. Why does the sheriff, actually two of them, think it's ok to walk out on the (thin) ice without a flotation device when we refuse to do so and advise him not to? Why are there more fisherman going out on the ice when there are 5 sheriffs and 2 fire departments on the scene? Are fisherman so desparate to get one more day in before it's 60F tomorrow? Word is that 3 men fell thru the ice while we were across the lake practicing Sunday morning, at this very site, altho they were able to save themselves.

And if that wasn't enough, I'm trying to get to work after the call and I can see the woman on the other side of the road looking in her lap (at a cell phone?) coming into my lane. I was about to blast my horn when she looked up and ever-so-gradually returned to her lane.

Why does the Chinese food place (ahhh comfort food!) say my food will be ready in 10 minutes when it really took 25 and then they forgot my fortune cookie.

Oi, I have a headache...and now my cell battery is about to die, again!
I became very cranky after 8:18am...this is going to require chocolate, lots of chocolate...


Any chance you remember the Kindle cover I started making back in January? The last time I posted about the cover I had finally decided to add more hexies so that I could do proper seams...I just hadn't gotten back to the project until this weekend. It was one of the projects I worked on at Noel's.

I need to find one more purple (or I could add a yellow since the cover would then have all 3 of my fav colors) and the hexies are done. Then I can quilt it. I have purple thread picked out, even the quilting pattern altho I forgot to take a picture of it this morning. I forgot to bring my Zumba workout clothes to work today so I'll have extra time after work. Hmmm...quilt or do the housework I didn't do last weekend? I'm leaning towards the former :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Father's Day on the Arcade & Attica Railroad

For Father's Day, the whole family took a ride on the historic A&A Railroad.

Typically, the A&A consists of a steam engine, several passenger cars and an open car (without seating). For this event an additional steam engine was added - think "Percy" from Thomas the Train - Dad called it a puffer belly.

Part way into the ride the train stopped, allowing anyone that wanted to get off the train to do so for a few minutes. The train then backed up and "flew" past us as a demonstration. Can you guess how fast "flying" is! Mom chose to stay on the train.

I've been trying to upload a video for over an hour - anyone know the trick?

The train stops in Curriers so the engines can switch to the back of the train and take us back to Arcade. This allows everyone to get off the train, grab a bite to eat and for this event there was also pony rides and a petty zoo for the kiddies.

This is the Puffer Belly #6 - it's a privately owned engine that was brought in just for this event

Switching engines also gives us a chance to lay pennies on the rail for smooshing. Tom and I tried to overlap some pennies but the engine wasn't heavy enough to meld them together this time. I layed out 14 pennies, 2 are gone, probably stuck to the engine wheels and I gave several away to my nephews or random kids. Such cheap entertainment!

This has gotten very photo intense...I have a lot more photos if anyone is interested - just let me know...