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Showing posts with label kindle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kindle. Show all posts

Monday, April 09, 2012

Design Wall Monday

I'm in craft bazaar prep mode. I don't plan to make a lot of things, partly because I have leftovers from the Christmas shows, but also because I just don't feel the need to kill myself in prep for a (new) show where I have no idea how well I'll do. I decided late to participate in this show and I have my usual evening meetings and EMT classes to take my time as well.

One of the items I have decided to make are Kindle cases. They are based on the tutorial at http://frizzylizzie.blogspot.com/2011/02/patchwork-kindle-cover-tutorial.html. Everywhere you turn there is someone with a Kindle or a Nook so hopefully they will need a case.

This bazaar version is larger than the one I made myself. I think I prefer the smaller one I made only because it feels more secure to me but the larger version should fit more sizes of Kindle/Nook.

And just to put a smile on your face...I asked my nephews to pose for a picture yesterday and this is what I got. I guess I should have been more specific. I really wanted to document the fact that the 7 year old was wearing the 4 year olds jeans - they fit the waist but were about a foot too short and it didn't seem to bother Ty.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Almost Wordless Wednesday

After (obviously) choosing to quilt over housework last night, I'm thrilled to say that my Kindle cover is 99.9% finished!!! I just need to add this old button culled from Mom's collection many moons ago. The Kindle fits snugly inside it's case thanks to two layers of batting and some fun quilting designs.

 I really should have taken some "process" pictures but since I plan to make more for holiday craft sales I can do that later. I should point out that the sale items will not be made from hexies - too time consuming for what most people will be willing to pay.
I just had to get my third fav color in there somewhere  :)

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Hexie update and a rant or three


Why doens't EMS dispatch automatically dispatch the ice rescue team for a patient ON THE ICE??? How rediculous that we need to request the team be dispatched. Why does the sheriff, actually two of them, think it's ok to walk out on the (thin) ice without a flotation device when we refuse to do so and advise him not to? Why are there more fisherman going out on the ice when there are 5 sheriffs and 2 fire departments on the scene? Are fisherman so desparate to get one more day in before it's 60F tomorrow? Word is that 3 men fell thru the ice while we were across the lake practicing Sunday morning, at this very site, altho they were able to save themselves.

And if that wasn't enough, I'm trying to get to work after the call and I can see the woman on the other side of the road looking in her lap (at a cell phone?) coming into my lane. I was about to blast my horn when she looked up and ever-so-gradually returned to her lane.

Why does the Chinese food place (ahhh comfort food!) say my food will be ready in 10 minutes when it really took 25 and then they forgot my fortune cookie.

Oi, I have a headache...and now my cell battery is about to die, again!
I became very cranky after 8:18am...this is going to require chocolate, lots of chocolate...


Any chance you remember the Kindle cover I started making back in January? The last time I posted about the cover I had finally decided to add more hexies so that I could do proper seams...I just hadn't gotten back to the project until this weekend. It was one of the projects I worked on at Noel's.

I need to find one more purple (or I could add a yellow since the cover would then have all 3 of my fav colors) and the hexies are done. Then I can quilt it. I have purple thread picked out, even the quilting pattern altho I forgot to take a picture of it this morning. I forgot to bring my Zumba workout clothes to work today so I'll have extra time after work. Hmmm...quilt or do the housework I didn't do last weekend? I'm leaning towards the former :)

Monday, January 09, 2012

Design Wall Monday - 1/9/12

Project #1 over the weekend was to make this little mug rug from a new pattern I picked up. A quick wash and the frayed edges of the hearts are even cuter. This could be one of my donations to the Library for their annual chinese auction.

If I make another mug rug I might make it so the heart points are in the center of the mug rug - in other words fold the charm square on the diagonal to cut the heart instead of just in half like normal. My next project in this style will be to cut hexies instead of hearts. I am sure almost any shape would work with a little effort.

Project #2 was to finally start working on the sleeve for my Kindle. I have all the purples I cut out stitched together but I think it will need to be just a tad longer. Now I need to do the greens for the back side.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

keeping up with the Joneses

For Christmas/birthday my brother & SIL got me a Kindle! wootwoot. I generally prefer to listen to books while I work in the quilt studio but since I also read before bed and the thing can load games, cookbooks, etc, in addition to my mystery books, I'm enjoying it.  My dear friend the librarian, on the other hand, is shaking her head at the demise of the actual paper book as library patronage continues to decline...

Denise - can you send me that link for free book suggestions again? I sent it to my SIL who never got it and I can't find the email in my sent box. Thanks!

Of course, you know this means I need to make a cover for my Kindle...and you know it's going to have hexies, right?! I had first thought of all purple but then thought to have purple and green. I then thought I should do some kind of hexie design and liked how the diamond looks when made into a rectangle about Kindle size. Then I slapped myself on the forehead and said KISS - we are back to just purple and green...or maybe just purple.

I pulled these strips out of  the 2.5" bin this morning. But as I am typing this I realize I need to go back and hit the 2" bin since that is really the size I use. duh!

I'll be basing my cover, really more of a pocket, on this tutorial: http://frizzylizzie.blogspot.com/2011/02/patchwork-kindle-cover-tutorial.html