Why doens't EMS dispatch automatically dispatch the ice rescue team for a patient ON THE ICE??? How rediculous that we need to request the team be dispatched. Why does the sheriff, actually two of them, think it's ok to walk out on the (thin) ice without a flotation device when we refuse to do so and advise him not to? Why are there more fisherman going out on the ice when there are 5 sheriffs and 2 fire departments on the scene? Are fisherman so desparate to get one more day in before it's 60F tomorrow? Word is that 3 men fell thru the ice while we were across the lake practicing Sunday morning, at this very site, altho they were able to save themselves.
And if that wasn't enough, I'm trying to get to work after the call and I can see the woman on the other side of the road looking in her lap (at a cell phone?) coming into my lane. I was about to blast my horn when she looked up and ever-so-gradually returned to her lane.
Why does the Chinese food place (ahhh comfort food!) say my food will be ready in 10 minutes when it really took 25 and then they forgot my fortune cookie.
Oi, I have a headache...and now my cell battery is about to die, again!
I became very cranky after 8:18am...this is going to require chocolate, lots of chocolate...
Any chance you remember the Kindle cover I started making back in January? The last
time I posted about the cover I had finally decided to add more hexies so that I could do proper seams...I just hadn't gotten back to the project until this weekend. It was one of the projects I worked on at Noel's.
I need to find one more purple (or I could add a yellow since the cover would then have all 3 of my fav colors) and the hexies are done. Then I can quilt it. I have purple thread picked out, even the quilting pattern altho I forgot to take a picture of it this morning. I forgot to bring my Zumba workout clothes to work today so I'll have extra time after work. Hmmm...quilt or do the housework I didn't do last weekend? I'm leaning towards the former :)