Showing posts with label Tyvek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tyvek. Show all posts

Saturday, 23 May 2020

Vintage Tag & Postcard Book

Front and back.

Inside with everything inserted.

Tags out of their pockets.

Postcards pulled out of the side pockets.

Postcards with tabs and tags.

Backs, yes I know they are flowers but you won't see them, they are covering the pizza box up - lol.

Fully opened out. All made from recycled or scraps.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Friendly Plastic and Fabrics

I incorporated a couple of the FP pieces I made on Saturday into this piece.  I used various fabrics, including organza, muslin, tulle, scrim and tyvek.  I layered the pieces up and also added some strips of brown paper as I wanted to know how they would react.  I added a pocket of beads under the scrim and whizzed in under the sewing machine.  Using the heat tool I gave the whole piece a blast.  You might have to blow the photo up for a close up!!  Hand sewed the FP pieces on, together with the piece of ribbon and the mohair wool (right bottom).  I added the beads to finish.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Tissue Fabric

I made this background using a couple of sheets of vliesofix, calico, napkins, angelina fibres and watered down acrylic paint.  Once completely dry I machine sewed the grid using both straight and zig zag stitch.

I used all sorts of embellishments to decorate each of the squares.  These included stamped Angelina fibres, beads, sequins, alterations dies, skeleton leaves and painted tyvek.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Layering with Tyvek

Been playing with Tyvek which Hilda kindly sent to me, as I can't source any locally. I painted 4 pieces of tyvek in different colours using acrylic dabbers. Once dry I stacked them on top of each other, firstly sewing around the edges to secure them and then I carried on with a random pattern. I then pinned the tyvek to a piece of material to keep it flat and then I pinned that piece of material to another piece!!! I placed everything on top of a heat resistant sheet and started to melt the tyvek with a heat gun.

If you don't pin the tyvek down it will all shrivel into nothing.

Friday, 14 May 2010

One More Tyvek Piece

This piece has been finished for a few days but I caught a bug and have been in bed for the last couple of days, I'm just starting to feel human again, so sorry for not blog hopping etc, but I'll get caught up with you all.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

More Tyvek

Having gone back to my Somerset Studio mag and reading the instructions, as opposed to just looking at the pictures, this one has turned out much better!!!!

Friday, 7 May 2010

Playing with Tyvek

Hilda and I have never had any success in the past using Tyvek, but my Somerset Studio mag arrived this week and there was a techniques workshop using it, so I thought I'd give it a go and these are the results. I painted a piece of Tyvek and stitched it along with lots of other background materials. I 'hid' an image under the Tyvek. Then using my heatgun I melted the Tyvek to reveal some of the image underneath. I added some embellishments and decided to paint the crown and the heart in stream to give it some contrast. I attached everything to a white piece of card for stability.

This one was done in exactly the same way, but it hasn't burnt as well as the first one and was painted darker to start with, so there are shadows over the image which has made it hard to photograph, but it looks much better in real life. I also decided to see if my alteration dies would cut hessian, and they did, see the top right flower!!!!

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