Again using the fine sand and ivory Powertex mixture through a stencil.
Various natural bits and bobs dipped in the ivory Powertex, arranged on the canvas board and sprayed with brown Bister.
Left to dry over night.
Pearl ex pigements in gold and antique copper mixed with media satin varnish and also the Powertex rich gold pigment, but unfortunately they do not really show up on the photo.
The reason for adding the pigments is that they really help to bring out the textures in the materials.
I'm not sure if you might just be able to pick up some of the pigments on this photo.
The piece of corrugated to the right and the scrunched kitchen roll to the left surrounded by a piece of t-shirt fabric.
And finally this is mainly the sand and Powertex mix with a piece of mulberry bark over the top, they all make for very interesting textures, but you really don't know what you are going to get, it's just a case of playing x