Showing posts with label Roses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roses. Show all posts

Sunday, October 15, 2017

GBBD - October & Wishes

It's been a month since my last post. How times flies!

It's been hot sunny day with little rain. Not so heavy rain with flood like in North Malaysia though.

Let's see what's in the bloom in my garden lately.

Roses had few blooms but I was too late to capture them.

The white flowers are in abundance!

Balsam, my favorite childhood plant having a show now. they are really colorful!

Adenium long lasting flowers in pink !

How did I miss 3 blooms from my Gerbera!

Bougainvillea after a trimming section.

Ever-lasting flower of  Mussaenda! The flowers are decorating the front garden!

Hibiscus with many blooms

The next to Hibiscus are the Costus with lipstick like flower stalks!

Those above are the blooms in my garden!

This Wednesday , Hindu will be celebrating Deepavali/ Diwali.

Happy Deepavali/Diwali to all Hindu blogger. Hope everyone have good time with loved one!

This is my post for GBBD October month. For more flowers feel free to visit May dream at

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

GBBD July 2017

Vegetable flower ! 

Pretty flowers! Soon they will produce seeds for next planting!

Hibiscus have started to flower again after heavy trimmings section. Unfortunately the flowers have dropped down in the evening! I'm late to take the photo!

Costus sending out new flowers! All in red!

inside garden

outside garden 

Cape honeysuckle is back flowering after heavy pruning!

I love the Ixora plant! Luckily I decided to keep them!

Did I told about the roses? I have one ros kampung ! the only hardy one I find in Malaysia. Got is form my sister's garden! Came all the way from Melaka. Small red bloom!

The one I get from nursery die after some times.... May be they are meant for cool temperature like hill station.

Another hibiscus from bottom view!

This is my submission for GBBD July 2017. You can visit May Garden for more blooms!

Thursday, August 20, 2015


These three flowers are really flowering stunningly in my garden. The gerbera, rose and Adenium!

I never seen my Gerbera blooming so much flowers at one go! There are 5 yellow flower stalks in one pot! That's really a big surprize gift for me!

The rose and Adenium are neighbours. They sit in the pot next to each others! They have bloom in same timing and in same colour!

I'm adding this post to GBBD hosted by May Dream Flowers at may dream flower

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

GBBD - MAY 2012

Those flowers below are blooming in my garden now!

I have a lot of self seeded Torenia all over the garden. But I'm Happy to have them at the moment. ;)

Adenium is flowering again. Beautiful deep red flowers!

Beautiful red rose! I wonder why red rose in my garden provide single flower at time???

Pretty Yellow Angle loofah flowers!

Basil have put up a lot of Pagoda kind of flowers too!

Hiding inside is periwinkle

This is for GBBD May 2012. For more flowers blooming around the world, please visit may dream flower

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

14th February is very famous day. Many celebration and gathering will be planned. Many couples go for Candlelite dinner and have a lot of lovable time together!

So for those celebrating Valentine's day I wish you all HAPPY VALENTINE"S DAY!

My rose plants have each bloom just in time to give me a single rose!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I have no luck with Roses. My mum grows very beautiful and healthy roses at my hometown. Totally opposite to mine.....sigh.....

The growth will be so good in the beginning. After some months, their leaves wrinkle and the growth stop! Anyone who is expert in rose planting out there?