Monday, December 28, 2015

Starfruits & New year wishes

Starfruit flowering again! I do not know if starfruit is seasonal or flowering plant throughout the year plant! 

Little fruit start hanging once again on the tree!

I choose to pluck and ripe them in the basket near kitchen. I will add sugar or salt to eat them!

It's final week before year end. To all blogger friends Happy New Year 2016! Hope all of us have wonderful year ahead!

My garden resolution for 2016:

1) to plant more vegetables for cooking
2) maximise the garden area for vegetable gardening
3) Create good resting area in garden surrounded by hibiscus
4) minimize usage of pesticides - this is something hard as the hot weather combined with high humidity create good environment for the pest!

You have any resolution for 2016?


  1. Twinkle twinkle little stars.

    Happy New Year.

  2. Let me know how wonderful Your star fruits get ripen. The young little fruits looks so healthy. Good luck!

  3. The starfruit flowers are very attractive. No resolutions here yet :-)

    1. Yes! They really have pretty pink flowers!

  4. May all those resolutions come true! Have a happy new year and keep posting. Hope all these flowers turn into plump juicy fruits :-) Warm regards, Stephanie

  5. Its great to see your efforts been brought to fruition. I have seen many gardeners planting them, only to have them chopped off later as they are tired of clearing the dropped fruits and the insects they attract.

  6. i don't have to worry about dropped fruits! I have to race to pick them with monkeys ! hahahha
