University of Waterloo, Canada
Management Sciences
The objective of the research is to determine whether past economic performance has an impact on a firm's ability to innovate. Specifically, the concern is with producing a world-first innovation, a Canada-first innovation and a... more
The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between innovation type, technology use and establishments' economic performance in the Canadian food processing industry. In general, it was found that technology use is better at... more
This paper examines recent demand systems literature from a methodological standpoint. A survey of the empirical demand systems literature has been assembled that includes 66 articles from 19 separate journals. The paper classifies... more
This paper examines the factors that affect market dominance in a standards competition by comparing the VHS-Beta war in the 1980s with that between Blu-ray and HD-DVD in the 2000s. We first look at the changing home video market in terms... more
This paper examines the factors that affect market dominance in a standards competition by comparing the VHS-Beta war in the 1980s with that between Blu-ray and HD-DVD in the 2000s. We first look at the changing home video market in terms... more
Efforts to reduce the perceived "Innovation Gap" of Canada have led to significant public expenditures on scientific research and exploratory development, with a high emphasis on academic undertakings. An extensive pan-industry study was... more
Few studies have examined the relationship between inter-industry, intercorporate ownership (ICO) patterns and inter-industry resource exchange patterns. Using data from Statistics Canada, this paper reveals a positive association between... more
People spend much of their life in an attempt to assess their aptitude for numerous tasks. For example, students expend a great deal of effort to determine their academic standing given a distribution of grades. This research finds that... more
This study examines the role of crime consciousness and access device type on consumers' online purchase decisions. We use a two-step hurdle approach to estimate consumer behavior. In the first step, the decision of whether to engage in... more
This study examines the role of perceived risk and access device type on consumers' on-line purchase decisions. We use a two-step hurdle approach to estimate consumer behavior. In the first step, the decision of whether to engage in... more