Books by Anita Rapan Papeša
Collectanea Archaeologica 5, 2022
This volume rounds up the contributions from the international conference „Dvije strane pojasnog... more This volume rounds up the contributions from the international conference „Dvije strane pojasnog jezičca – Avari na sjeveru i jugu kaganata“ / “Two Sides of a Belt Strap End – Avars on the North and South of the Khaganate” that took place in Vinkovci, Croatia from February 6th to 7th 2020.
Prijevod sažetaka na engleski jezik: Hrvoje Vulić Grafičko oblikovanje i tisak: Zebra, Vinkovci N... more Prijevod sažetaka na engleski jezik: Hrvoje Vulić Grafičko oblikovanje i tisak: Zebra, Vinkovci Naklada: 500 primjeraka Naslovnica: "Rokovačka zidina" -Ruševine gotičke crkve, građene od opeke -situacija; snimio Gjuro Szabo, 1912. god.; (Ministarstvo kulture RH -Uprava za kulturni razvitak -Fototeka kulturne baštine, inv. br.: 8135; neg.: V -618) na podlozi detalja sekcije 17 karte Brodske pukovnije s kraja 18. stoljeća (izvor: Buczynski, A., Kruhek, M.; Valentić, M., Hrvatska na tajnim zemljovidima, Brodska pukovnija, Zagreb, 1999.) Stražnja strana korica: Zračni snimak Rokovačke zidine (Zvonimir Tanocki, 2008.) na podlozi detalja sekcije 17 karte Brodske pukovnije s kraja 18. stoljeća (izvor: Buczynski, A., Kruhek, M.; Valentić, M., Hrvatska na tajnim zemljovidima, Brodska pukovnija, Zagreb, 1999.) CIP zapis dostupan u računalnom katalogu Gradske i sveučilišne knjižnice Osijek pod brojem 130111047 ISBN 978-953-7008-18-5 Tiskanje ove knjige financirao je Grad Vinkovci, a izdana je povodom obilježavanja 65 godina postojanja Gradskog muzeja Vinkovci.
Papers by Anita Rapan Papeša
Nature, 2024
Horses revolutionized human history with fast mobility. However, the timeline between their domes... more Horses revolutionized human history with fast mobility. However, the timeline between their domestication and widespread integration as a means of transportation remains contentious. Here we assemble a large collection of 475 ancient horse genomes to assess the period when these animals were first reshaped by human agency in Eurasia. We find that reproductive control of the modern domestic lineage emerged ~2,200 BCE (Before Common Era), through close kin mating and shortened generation times. Reproductive control emerged following a severe domestication bottleneck starting no earlier than ~2,700 BCE, and coincided with a sudden expansion across Eurasia that ultimately resulted in the replacement of nearly every local horse lineage. This expansion marked the rise of widespread horse-based mobility in human history, which refutes the commonly-held narrative of large horse herds accompanying the massive migration of steppe peoples across Europe ~3,000 BCE and earlier. Finally, we detect significantly shortened generation times at Botai ~3,500 BCE, a settlement from Central Asia associated with corrals and a subsistence economy centered on horses. This supports local horse husbandry before the rise of modern domestic bloodlines.
Arheološki radovi i rasprave, 2023
Postojanje grobnih konstrukcija u avarodobnoj arheologiji nije nikakva novina i na tu temu napisa... more Postojanje grobnih konstrukcija u avarodobnoj arheologiji nije nikakva novina i na tu temu napisani su brojni radovi. Na prostoru današnje Hrvatske grobne su konstrukcije prvi puta zabilježene tek tijekom istraživanja na lokalitetu Nuštar Dvorac. Podjela na tipove načinjena je na osnovu oblika dna, a s obzirom na (ne)postojanje dodatne grobne konstrukcije izdvojeno je preko trideset različitih varijanti. Pri tome se nalazi iz Nuštra uklapaju u poznatu sliku, ali istovremeno predstavljaju raritet na području avarodobne arheologije u Hrvatskoj. Detaljna analiza nije ustanovila obrazac koji je korišten pri izboru određenog tipa rake, a vezano uz spol, dob i socijalni status pokojnika. Očito je preferencija ukopa u pojedini tip rake bila izbor ili samog pokojnika ili vjerojatnije društva/ obitelji koja je obavljala sam čin ukopa. U svakom slučaju u Nuštru imamo cijeli niz zanimljivih konstrukcija u rakama koje ovom prigodom predstavljamo, a njihov broj od 196 raka za sada predstavlja drugo najveće istraživano groblje iz ovog razdoblja u Hrvatskoj.
Avari i Slaveni dvije strane pojasnog jezičca - Avari na sjeveru i jugu kaganata, 2022
Late Avar period cemeteries in Croatia, although very important, have not been properly published... more Late Avar period cemeteries in Croatia, although very important, have not been properly published. One of the recently excavated cemeteries located in Nuštar, East Croatia, yielded several round breast clasps. Beside these, only one more is known from the territory of Croatia, found in Draž (Baranja) and kept in Hungarian National Museum. Female graves tend to be left in shadow of elite warrior’s graves, although those also provide valuable data. This paper will examine the question of grave assemblages in graves with breast-clasps in contexts of gender and age, and try to explain the symbolic level of the role of these females in society.
Exploring Dwellings and Manufacturing Spaces in Medieval Context, 2021
The paper will present known finds of belt sets from Avar period with emphasis on lion depicting ... more The paper will present known finds of belt sets from Avar period with emphasis on lion depicting strap ends and mounts. According to research of Fancsalszky Gábor those can be found at 21 sites that spread along Tisza and Danube rivers. The concentration is on the northern border of the Khaganate, but some finds are known from other sites as well.
During rescue archeological excavation at the site Nuštar Dvorac in eastern Croatia, in grave 34, a belt set was found that consisted of lion depicting strap end and mounts, among other belt set parts. The best analogy present graves 63 and 72 from Komarno – Schiffswerftin, a site that is almost 400 km away.
This spatial distribution of similar belt sets is overlapping with some other finds that can be seen as trading routes. This brings up the second part of my presentation, and that is the question of production and distribution of this belt set type.
This paper provides information about specific forms of seasonal settlements in eastern Croatia t... more This paper provides information about specific forms of seasonal settlements in eastern Croatia throughout the centuries. We can observe a pattern from the Roman period up to modern times that reflects a long-lasting tradition of separated estates.
Keywords: villa rustica, early modern grange, organisation of space, question of continuity, special way of seasonal living, Syrmia.
paper examines the question of a group of artefacts found in Late Avar period graves in Eastern C... more paper examines the question of a group of artefacts found in Late Avar period graves in Eastern Croatia. The artefacts in question
are of an earlier origin, dating from prehistory to Byzantine period, therefore they can be referred as antiquities. The assumption was
that the antiquities had primarily magical purpose, but many of them were found as if they were used practically, in their original pur-
pose. That brought to the light new questions which we will try to answer in this paper. In the Avar period society, who were the con-
sumers of such practice? Can we relate these objects to funeral practices or were they used during the lifespan and then just deposited
in graves? Nevertheless, antiquities can be seen as healing charms, protective amulets, object with occult power and demonic magic.
Annales Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. XVI No. 1, 2020., 2020
Treća sezona zaštitnih istraživanja kasnoavarodobnoga groblja na redove Šarengrad – Klopare rezul... more Treća sezona zaštitnih istraživanja kasnoavarodobnoga groblja na redove Šarengrad – Klopare rezultirala je novim spoznajama
o razdoblju od druge polovice 7. do kraja 12. stoljeća na području Hrvatskoga Podunavlja. Istraživanja su bila usmjerena
na površinu groblja koje se pruža u nastavku sondi I i II idući prema istoku, što je rezultiralo otkrićem novih grobova na redove,
pri čemu su dječji ukopi bogatije opremljeni, zatim slavenskim paljevinskim ukopima u urnama i u grobnim jamama te
otkrićem keramičke peći bjelobrdskoga kulturnog kompleksa od 9. do 12. stoljeća. Istraživanjima je definiran smjer pružanja
groblja koje za sada predstavlja prvo arheološki istraživano biritualno groblje u kontinentalnome dijelu Hrvatske.
Ključne riječi: Šarengrad, kasnoavarodobni period, paljevinski grobovi, Slaveni, bjelobrdski kulturni kompleks, keramička peć
The third season of the rescue excavations of Šarengrad – Klopare, a row-grave cemetery from the Late Avar Age, resulted in
new insights about the period from the second half of the 7th century to the end of the 12th century in the Croatian Danube
region. The excavations focused on the area of the cemetery stretching eastwards beyond Trenches I and II, which resulted in
the discovery of new row graves, with more richly furnished child burials, the Slavic cremation burials in urns and grave
pits, and the discovery of a ceramic kiln of the Bijelo Brdo cultural complex from between the 9th and the 12th century. The
excavations defined the orientation of the cemetery, which is currently the first archaeologically excavated biritual cemetery in
continental Croatia.
Key words: Šarengrad, Late Avar Age period, cremation graves, Slavs, Bijelo Brdo cultural complex, ceramic kiln
Zdenko vinski život i znanstveni rad Zbornik radova sa znanstvenog skupa održanog u Zagrebu 2016. godine, 2020
U radu se donose novi podaci kojima arheološka struka raspolaže više od pola stoljeća nakon prve ... more U radu se donose novi podaci kojima arheološka struka raspolaže više od pola stoljeća nakon prve sinteze nalaza i nalazišta u Srijemu iz vremena Velike seobe naroda. Iako članak dr. Vinskog i dalje
predstavlja okosnicu za sve istraživače ovog vremena na ovom prostoru, brojne nove spoznaje upućuju na nešto drugačiju sliku života u tom razdoblju na navedenom prostoru.
According to historical sources during second Gepidic occupation of Pannonia Secunda, along with ... more According to historical sources during second Gepidic occupation of Pannonia Secunda, along with capital Sirmium, Cibalae was second most important stronghold, the most western one. Finds of urban degradation, new types of dwellings and intra muros burials, along with continuity in pott ery workshops proves the life continuity in 5th and 6th century. This paper presents general picture of historical and archaeological sources with emphasis on some small fi nds and selected pottery types.
Annales Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. XV , 2019
The beginning of 2018 was the starting date of Life on the Roman Road: Communications, trade and ... more The beginning of 2018 was the starting date of Life on the Roman Road: Communications, trade and identities on the
Roman roads in Croatia from the 1st to the 8th century (UIP-05-2017-9768) (led by Ivana Ožanić Roguljić), a project
financed by the Croatian Science Foundation and executed at the Institute of Archaeology in Zagreb. The first year of the
project was dedicated to research, dissemination, popularising and educational activities. The first activity of the project was
the on-site inspection of the Čepin municipality and of the area next to the Josipovac.
Pril. Inst. arheol. Zagrebu, 36/2019, p. 161–180, 2019
Rad predstavlja preliminarne rezultate bioarheološke analize provedene na koštanim ostacima 46 os... more Rad predstavlja preliminarne rezultate bioarheološke analize provedene na koštanim ostacima 46 osoba pronađenih u kasnoavarskoj nekropoli u Šarengradu u istočnoj Hrvatskoj. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju da populaciju iz Šarengrada karakterizira visoka smrtnost djece prouzročena lošim zdravljem u ranome djetinjstvu što se očituje u visokim učestalostima pokazatelja subadultnoga stresa (cribra orbitalia i linearna hipoplazija zubne cakline) i periostitisa kao i slučajevima skorbuta. Paleodontološka analiza snažno ukazuje kako je veliki udio prehrane bio baziran na ugljikohidratima, tj. na poljodjelstvu kao glavnoj privrednoj grani. Odsustvo perimortalnih ozljeda snažno ukazuje na činjenicu da su članovi ove zajednice bili izloženi niskim stopama namjernoga nasilja te da su primarni uzroci uočenih ozljeda nesretni slučajevi. Tri slučaja maksilarnoga sinusitisa mogu se povezati s postupkom grijanja/kuhanja (peći i otvorena vatrišta) gdje je produljeno izlaganje dimu moglo dovesti do različitih bolesti dišnih puteva kao što je sinusitis. Naposljetku, usporedba šarengradskoga uzorka s drugim istovremenim uzorcima nije pokazala značajnije razlike, ukazujući na relativno slične uvjete života u široj regiji tijekom 8. stoljeća.
Ključne riječi: 8. stoljeće, istočna Hrvatska, koštani ostaci, paleopatologija, uvjeti života
The paper presents the preliminary results of bioarchaeological analysis conducted on the skeletal remains of 46 individuals recovered from the Late Avar cemetery in Šarengrad, eastern Croatia. The obtained results indicate that the Šarengrad population was characterized by relatively high subadult mortality caused by very poor childhood health, which is reflected in the high frequency of subadult stress indicators (cribra orbitalia and linear enamel hypoplasia) and sub-periosteal new bone formation, but also in the occurrence of subadult cases of scurvy. Paleodontological analysis strongly suggests that a large portion of the diet of these people was based on carbohydrates which points to subsistence mostly based on agriculture. A complete absence of perimortem injuries in Šarengrad strongly points to the fact that the inhabitants of this community were exposed to a low level of intentional violence, and that the injuries primarily occurred as a result of accidents. Three cases of maxillary sinusitis could be related to the heating/cooking system (ovens and open fire pits) where prolonged direct exposure to smoke could have led to various respiratory tract diseases such as sinusitis. Finally, the comparison of the Šarengrad sample with other contemporaneous assemblages did not show any major differences, suggesting similar living conditions in the region during the 8th cent.
Keywords: 8th century, eastern Croatia, skeletal remains, paleopathology, lifestyle
"Hadak útján" A népvándorláskor fiatal kutatóinak XXVII. konferenciája, 2018
In the Late Avar period a new, fine quality pottery type, the yellow pottery, appeared which only... more In the Late Avar period a new, fine quality pottery type, the yellow pottery, appeared which only existed in the avarian territory. From the 1060 yellow pottery in the Carphatian basin 18 are known from the Municipal Museum Vinkovci, Croatia. The pottery comes from 4 graveyards: Privlaka (Perlak – 3 pieces), Stari Jankovci (Ójankovác – 2 pieces), Nuštar (Berzétmonostor – 8 pieces) and Šarengrad (Atya – 5 pieces). The find places are located between the rivers Danube and Sava, which could mean, that the rivers could be the trading routes. Moreover one of the workshops could also be somewhere here, because most of the pottery known from the south Carpathian basin shows similar caratheristics.
All of the pottery is typical yellow pottery, which means that the pottery’s raw material is variegated. The petrographic monitoring from two pieces from Šarengrad (Atya) and Nuštar (Berzétmonostor) confirmed that, too. Moreover 5 vessels had so-called claycoat, too. The form spectrum is also typical, namely, 3 jugs with spout, 1 cup and 14 mugs with handle. Because of the grave goods, all of the pottery can be dated to the end of the avarian period.
THE HISTORICAL GLASS A Multidisciplinary Approach to Historical Glass III , 2018
The paper deals about results of two different methods used for analyzing selected glass beads fr... more The paper deals about results of two different methods used for analyzing selected glass beads from Avar period cemetery at Nuštar Dvorac site.
The concentrations obtained by the destructive method of analysis are higher than those obtained with non-destructive method of analysis. Furthermore, regarding the large number of elements that make up the composition of glass beads it can be hypothetic concluded that the beads are made of "glass paste", different type of crushed glass, shaped and linked by the mixture of gum arabic and waterand subsequetly heated and sintered.
Annales Instituti Archaeologici / Godišnjak Instituta za arheologiju, Vol. XIV., 2018
Druga sezona zaštitnih istraživanja kasnoavarodobnoga groblja na redove Šarengrad – Klopare potvr... more Druga sezona zaštitnih istraživanja kasnoavarodobnoga groblja na redove Šarengrad – Klopare potvrdila je te obogatila
dosadašnje spoznaje o razdoblju 8. stoljeća u Hrvatskome Podunavlju. Istraživanja su bila usmjerena na površinu groblja
koja se pruža u nastavku sonde I prema istoku te su rezultirala otkrićem novih redova groblja s izuzetno bogato opremljenim
grobovima, pri čemu se izdvaja otkriće drvene grobne arhitekture u nekoliko grobova. U iznimno duboko ukopanim grobnim
rakama pronađeni su pokopi konjanika s konjima te grob ratnika s palašem i pojasnom garniturom, dok su u grobovima žena
zabilježeni predmeti nakita od kojih se izdvajaju srebrne lunulaste naušnice sa zvjezdolikim privjeskom. Pronađeno je i nekoliko
dječjih ukopa za koje su karakteristične pliće ukopane grobne rake. Istraživanjima je definiran smjer pružanja groblja
koje za sada predstavlja prvo arheološki istraživano kasnovarodobno groblje u Hrvatskome Podunavlju.
Arheologija na Dunavu, 2018
Groblje na položaju Nuštar / Dvorac Khuen-Belassi prvo je avarodobno groblje istraženo na područj... more Groblje na položaju Nuštar / Dvorac Khuen-Belassi prvo je avarodobno groblje istraženo na području Hrvatske nakon više od 20 godina. Groblje je djelomično istraženo, a 196 istraženih grobova sadržavalo je niz priloga koji groblje datiraju u 8. i početak 9. stoljeća. Bioarheološka analiza ljudskih kosturnih ostataka obuhvatila je određivanje dobi i spola kao i prisutnih patoloških promjena. Rezultati analize pružili su nova saznanja o uvjetima i kvaliteti života avarodobnih stanovnika Hrvatske.
Arheologija na Dunavu / Danube archaeology, 2018
U radu se predstavlja jedan dio posebnih nalaza otkrivenih u avarodobnim grobovima na lokalitetu ... more U radu se predstavlja jedan dio posebnih nalaza otkrivenih u avarodobnim grobovima na lokalitetu Nuštar/Dvorac Khuen-Belasi. Riječ je o predmetima rađenim od kosti, roga i kamena, a koje prema funkciji možemo svrstati u kategoriju oruđe. Najviše nalaza od kosti odnosi se na iglenice – spremnike za željezne igle, kojih je nađeno ukupno 7. Dva su nalaza recipijenta od kosti, jedan je nalaz roga, a 5 je nalaza kamenih odbojaka u funkciji kremena.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
Dietoften plays a vital rolein definingsocialdivisions within and between social groupsand thus c... more Dietoften plays a vital rolein definingsocialdivisions within and between social groupsand thus can beusedto understandthe social paradigms of archeological cultures. During the Early Avar period (568–630 A.D.), burial evidence indicates that there were strong demarcations of social stratification and divisions between sexes and age groups; however, the symbols of intrapopulation heterogeneity become increasingly rare during the Late Avar period (680–822 A.D.). In this study, we investigate socialdifferences expressed throughdietinthe cemeterypopulationfromNuštar, eastern Croatia (eighthtoearly ninth century), todeterminewhetherdietarysocialdisparitiesexistedduringtheLateAvarperiodinthisregion.Stableisotopeanalysisofcarbon (δ13C) and nitrogen(δ15N) fromboneand dentinecollagenshows nodietary differences, neitherbetween high, middle, and low status individuals, nor between males, females, and juveniles. These results likely reflect the outcome of the social homogenization process that began after the failedAvar attack onConstantinople in 626 A.D. Geographical patterningis visible when the data from Nuštar is compared to data from other Middle and Late Avar sites. While Avar sites in the southern and south-eastern frontiers ofthe Avar qaganatedonot display dietary differencesbetween sexes,previousisotopicworkonpopulations inLower Austria shows that males consumed a higher proportion of animal protein than females. This is likely the result of Frankish influence and reflects diversity in social practices within the Avar qaganate itself during the Middle and Late Avar periods.
Books by Anita Rapan Papeša
Papers by Anita Rapan Papeša
During rescue archeological excavation at the site Nuštar Dvorac in eastern Croatia, in grave 34, a belt set was found that consisted of lion depicting strap end and mounts, among other belt set parts. The best analogy present graves 63 and 72 from Komarno – Schiffswerftin, a site that is almost 400 km away.
This spatial distribution of similar belt sets is overlapping with some other finds that can be seen as trading routes. This brings up the second part of my presentation, and that is the question of production and distribution of this belt set type.
Keywords: villa rustica, early modern grange, organisation of space, question of continuity, special way of seasonal living, Syrmia.
are of an earlier origin, dating from prehistory to Byzantine period, therefore they can be referred as antiquities. The assumption was
that the antiquities had primarily magical purpose, but many of them were found as if they were used practically, in their original pur-
pose. That brought to the light new questions which we will try to answer in this paper. In the Avar period society, who were the con-
sumers of such practice? Can we relate these objects to funeral practices or were they used during the lifespan and then just deposited
in graves? Nevertheless, antiquities can be seen as healing charms, protective amulets, object with occult power and demonic magic.
o razdoblju od druge polovice 7. do kraja 12. stoljeća na području Hrvatskoga Podunavlja. Istraživanja su bila usmjerena
na površinu groblja koje se pruža u nastavku sondi I i II idući prema istoku, što je rezultiralo otkrićem novih grobova na redove,
pri čemu su dječji ukopi bogatije opremljeni, zatim slavenskim paljevinskim ukopima u urnama i u grobnim jamama te
otkrićem keramičke peći bjelobrdskoga kulturnog kompleksa od 9. do 12. stoljeća. Istraživanjima je definiran smjer pružanja
groblja koje za sada predstavlja prvo arheološki istraživano biritualno groblje u kontinentalnome dijelu Hrvatske.
Ključne riječi: Šarengrad, kasnoavarodobni period, paljevinski grobovi, Slaveni, bjelobrdski kulturni kompleks, keramička peć
The third season of the rescue excavations of Šarengrad – Klopare, a row-grave cemetery from the Late Avar Age, resulted in
new insights about the period from the second half of the 7th century to the end of the 12th century in the Croatian Danube
region. The excavations focused on the area of the cemetery stretching eastwards beyond Trenches I and II, which resulted in
the discovery of new row graves, with more richly furnished child burials, the Slavic cremation burials in urns and grave
pits, and the discovery of a ceramic kiln of the Bijelo Brdo cultural complex from between the 9th and the 12th century. The
excavations defined the orientation of the cemetery, which is currently the first archaeologically excavated biritual cemetery in
continental Croatia.
Key words: Šarengrad, Late Avar Age period, cremation graves, Slavs, Bijelo Brdo cultural complex, ceramic kiln
predstavlja okosnicu za sve istraživače ovog vremena na ovom prostoru, brojne nove spoznaje upućuju na nešto drugačiju sliku života u tom razdoblju na navedenom prostoru.
Roman roads in Croatia from the 1st to the 8th century (UIP-05-2017-9768) (led by Ivana Ožanić Roguljić), a project
financed by the Croatian Science Foundation and executed at the Institute of Archaeology in Zagreb. The first year of the
project was dedicated to research, dissemination, popularising and educational activities. The first activity of the project was
the on-site inspection of the Čepin municipality and of the area next to the Josipovac.
Ključne riječi: 8. stoljeće, istočna Hrvatska, koštani ostaci, paleopatologija, uvjeti života
The paper presents the preliminary results of bioarchaeological analysis conducted on the skeletal remains of 46 individuals recovered from the Late Avar cemetery in Šarengrad, eastern Croatia. The obtained results indicate that the Šarengrad population was characterized by relatively high subadult mortality caused by very poor childhood health, which is reflected in the high frequency of subadult stress indicators (cribra orbitalia and linear enamel hypoplasia) and sub-periosteal new bone formation, but also in the occurrence of subadult cases of scurvy. Paleodontological analysis strongly suggests that a large portion of the diet of these people was based on carbohydrates which points to subsistence mostly based on agriculture. A complete absence of perimortem injuries in Šarengrad strongly points to the fact that the inhabitants of this community were exposed to a low level of intentional violence, and that the injuries primarily occurred as a result of accidents. Three cases of maxillary sinusitis could be related to the heating/cooking system (ovens and open fire pits) where prolonged direct exposure to smoke could have led to various respiratory tract diseases such as sinusitis. Finally, the comparison of the Šarengrad sample with other contemporaneous assemblages did not show any major differences, suggesting similar living conditions in the region during the 8th cent.
Keywords: 8th century, eastern Croatia, skeletal remains, paleopathology, lifestyle
All of the pottery is typical yellow pottery, which means that the pottery’s raw material is variegated. The petrographic monitoring from two pieces from Šarengrad (Atya) and Nuštar (Berzétmonostor) confirmed that, too. Moreover 5 vessels had so-called claycoat, too. The form spectrum is also typical, namely, 3 jugs with spout, 1 cup and 14 mugs with handle. Because of the grave goods, all of the pottery can be dated to the end of the avarian period.
The concentrations obtained by the destructive method of analysis are higher than those obtained with non-destructive method of analysis. Furthermore, regarding the large number of elements that make up the composition of glass beads it can be hypothetic concluded that the beads are made of "glass paste", different type of crushed glass, shaped and linked by the mixture of gum arabic and waterand subsequetly heated and sintered.
dosadašnje spoznaje o razdoblju 8. stoljeća u Hrvatskome Podunavlju. Istraživanja su bila usmjerena na površinu groblja
koja se pruža u nastavku sonde I prema istoku te su rezultirala otkrićem novih redova groblja s izuzetno bogato opremljenim
grobovima, pri čemu se izdvaja otkriće drvene grobne arhitekture u nekoliko grobova. U iznimno duboko ukopanim grobnim
rakama pronađeni su pokopi konjanika s konjima te grob ratnika s palašem i pojasnom garniturom, dok su u grobovima žena
zabilježeni predmeti nakita od kojih se izdvajaju srebrne lunulaste naušnice sa zvjezdolikim privjeskom. Pronađeno je i nekoliko
dječjih ukopa za koje su karakteristične pliće ukopane grobne rake. Istraživanjima je definiran smjer pružanja groblja
koje za sada predstavlja prvo arheološki istraživano kasnovarodobno groblje u Hrvatskome Podunavlju.
During rescue archeological excavation at the site Nuštar Dvorac in eastern Croatia, in grave 34, a belt set was found that consisted of lion depicting strap end and mounts, among other belt set parts. The best analogy present graves 63 and 72 from Komarno – Schiffswerftin, a site that is almost 400 km away.
This spatial distribution of similar belt sets is overlapping with some other finds that can be seen as trading routes. This brings up the second part of my presentation, and that is the question of production and distribution of this belt set type.
Keywords: villa rustica, early modern grange, organisation of space, question of continuity, special way of seasonal living, Syrmia.
are of an earlier origin, dating from prehistory to Byzantine period, therefore they can be referred as antiquities. The assumption was
that the antiquities had primarily magical purpose, but many of them were found as if they were used practically, in their original pur-
pose. That brought to the light new questions which we will try to answer in this paper. In the Avar period society, who were the con-
sumers of such practice? Can we relate these objects to funeral practices or were they used during the lifespan and then just deposited
in graves? Nevertheless, antiquities can be seen as healing charms, protective amulets, object with occult power and demonic magic.
o razdoblju od druge polovice 7. do kraja 12. stoljeća na području Hrvatskoga Podunavlja. Istraživanja su bila usmjerena
na površinu groblja koje se pruža u nastavku sondi I i II idući prema istoku, što je rezultiralo otkrićem novih grobova na redove,
pri čemu su dječji ukopi bogatije opremljeni, zatim slavenskim paljevinskim ukopima u urnama i u grobnim jamama te
otkrićem keramičke peći bjelobrdskoga kulturnog kompleksa od 9. do 12. stoljeća. Istraživanjima je definiran smjer pružanja
groblja koje za sada predstavlja prvo arheološki istraživano biritualno groblje u kontinentalnome dijelu Hrvatske.
Ključne riječi: Šarengrad, kasnoavarodobni period, paljevinski grobovi, Slaveni, bjelobrdski kulturni kompleks, keramička peć
The third season of the rescue excavations of Šarengrad – Klopare, a row-grave cemetery from the Late Avar Age, resulted in
new insights about the period from the second half of the 7th century to the end of the 12th century in the Croatian Danube
region. The excavations focused on the area of the cemetery stretching eastwards beyond Trenches I and II, which resulted in
the discovery of new row graves, with more richly furnished child burials, the Slavic cremation burials in urns and grave
pits, and the discovery of a ceramic kiln of the Bijelo Brdo cultural complex from between the 9th and the 12th century. The
excavations defined the orientation of the cemetery, which is currently the first archaeologically excavated biritual cemetery in
continental Croatia.
Key words: Šarengrad, Late Avar Age period, cremation graves, Slavs, Bijelo Brdo cultural complex, ceramic kiln
predstavlja okosnicu za sve istraživače ovog vremena na ovom prostoru, brojne nove spoznaje upućuju na nešto drugačiju sliku života u tom razdoblju na navedenom prostoru.
Roman roads in Croatia from the 1st to the 8th century (UIP-05-2017-9768) (led by Ivana Ožanić Roguljić), a project
financed by the Croatian Science Foundation and executed at the Institute of Archaeology in Zagreb. The first year of the
project was dedicated to research, dissemination, popularising and educational activities. The first activity of the project was
the on-site inspection of the Čepin municipality and of the area next to the Josipovac.
Ključne riječi: 8. stoljeće, istočna Hrvatska, koštani ostaci, paleopatologija, uvjeti života
The paper presents the preliminary results of bioarchaeological analysis conducted on the skeletal remains of 46 individuals recovered from the Late Avar cemetery in Šarengrad, eastern Croatia. The obtained results indicate that the Šarengrad population was characterized by relatively high subadult mortality caused by very poor childhood health, which is reflected in the high frequency of subadult stress indicators (cribra orbitalia and linear enamel hypoplasia) and sub-periosteal new bone formation, but also in the occurrence of subadult cases of scurvy. Paleodontological analysis strongly suggests that a large portion of the diet of these people was based on carbohydrates which points to subsistence mostly based on agriculture. A complete absence of perimortem injuries in Šarengrad strongly points to the fact that the inhabitants of this community were exposed to a low level of intentional violence, and that the injuries primarily occurred as a result of accidents. Three cases of maxillary sinusitis could be related to the heating/cooking system (ovens and open fire pits) where prolonged direct exposure to smoke could have led to various respiratory tract diseases such as sinusitis. Finally, the comparison of the Šarengrad sample with other contemporaneous assemblages did not show any major differences, suggesting similar living conditions in the region during the 8th cent.
Keywords: 8th century, eastern Croatia, skeletal remains, paleopathology, lifestyle
All of the pottery is typical yellow pottery, which means that the pottery’s raw material is variegated. The petrographic monitoring from two pieces from Šarengrad (Atya) and Nuštar (Berzétmonostor) confirmed that, too. Moreover 5 vessels had so-called claycoat, too. The form spectrum is also typical, namely, 3 jugs with spout, 1 cup and 14 mugs with handle. Because of the grave goods, all of the pottery can be dated to the end of the avarian period.
The concentrations obtained by the destructive method of analysis are higher than those obtained with non-destructive method of analysis. Furthermore, regarding the large number of elements that make up the composition of glass beads it can be hypothetic concluded that the beads are made of "glass paste", different type of crushed glass, shaped and linked by the mixture of gum arabic and waterand subsequetly heated and sintered.
dosadašnje spoznaje o razdoblju 8. stoljeća u Hrvatskome Podunavlju. Istraživanja su bila usmjerena na površinu groblja
koja se pruža u nastavku sonde I prema istoku te su rezultirala otkrićem novih redova groblja s izuzetno bogato opremljenim
grobovima, pri čemu se izdvaja otkriće drvene grobne arhitekture u nekoliko grobova. U iznimno duboko ukopanim grobnim
rakama pronađeni su pokopi konjanika s konjima te grob ratnika s palašem i pojasnom garniturom, dok su u grobovima žena
zabilježeni predmeti nakita od kojih se izdvajaju srebrne lunulaste naušnice sa zvjezdolikim privjeskom. Pronađeno je i nekoliko
dječjih ukopa za koje su karakteristične pliće ukopane grobne rake. Istraživanjima je definiran smjer pružanja groblja
koje za sada predstavlja prvo arheološki istraživano kasnovarodobno groblje u Hrvatskome Podunavlju.
nalaza, može datirati u kasnoavarski period. Groblje je smješteno na strmoj padini visoke lesne grede koja se od Dunava
spušta prema surduku Klopare. Na tom je položaju 2006. godine pri eksploataciji zemlje za uređenje obale Dunava uništen
nepoznati broj grobova iz kojih su sačuvane samo dvije keramičke posude. Pokojnici su položeni u iznimno duboko ukopane
grobne rake te su uz njih pronađeni predmeti nošnje i nakita te za svakodnevnu uporabu, dok popudbini pripadaju nalazi
keramičkih posuda i nalazi životinjskih kostiju. Veličinom grobnih raka izdvajaju se tri ukopa konjanika s konjima te njihovom
opremom. Na osnovi pronađenih nalaza, istraženi dio groblja Šarengrad – Klopare može se datirati u 8. stoljeće te
predstavlja prvo arheološki istraženo kasnovarodobno groblje na prostoru Hrvatskoga Podunavlja, odnosno radi se o jednom
od najistaknutijih avarodobnih nalazišta u južnoj Panoniji.
Because of the significant role of the jewellery throughout the history, especially beads, their analysis was conducted by two methods: 9 samples were analyzed by ICP-AES after destructive sample preparation and the other 11 samples by non-destructive PIXE method. Both methods have proven to be very accurate and suitable for determination of the trace elements. The obtained results are compared with each other, and it can be seen that the most common elements in all of the 20 samples are sodium, magnesium, aluminium, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, copper and lead, although the concentrations obtained by the destructive method of analysis are higher than those obtained with non-destructive method of analysis.
Regarding to the large number of elements that make up the composition of beads it can be concluded that the beads are made of glass paste, different types of crushed glass, shaped and connected by the mixture of gum arabic and water.
U radu će se, stoga, na primjeru triju manjih srednjovjekovnih naselja, predstaviti problemi na koje su naišli povjesničari prigodom objave i tumačenja položaja selâ / posjeda imena Zablaće. Ovaj posjed, odnosno čak tri istoimena manja naselja (prije zaseoci od svega nekoliko kuća), spominju se u povijesnim izvorima – prvenstveno posjedovnim popisima – pod nazivom Zablaća: 1413./1415. (possessio Zablathya), „1435.“ (possessio Zablathya cum tribus villis) i 1491. (villa Zablathya) godine. S obzirom na to da se ovaj posjed, kojega očito čine osim njegova teritorija i tri zasebne naseobinske cjeline, spominje samo taksativno u spomenuta tri izvora, i to redovito kao jedna od ukupno 18 poznatih sastavnica vlastelinstva kojemu je središnje, najvažnije i najveće mjesto bilo trgovište Sv. Ilija na mjestu današnjih Vinkovaca, te da o njima nemamo više sačuvanih (ili otkrivenih) podataka, a prema pravilnostima u popisima naselja te do danas očuvanom toponimu Zablaće / Zavlače, locirani su općenito zapadno od Vinkovaca.
Jedno od triju Zablaća ubicirano je od strane arheologa Gradskog muzeja Vinkovci vjerojatno na lokalitetu Mokro polje istočno od sela Ivankovo tijekom rekognosciranja terena 2005. godine. Na obroncima blagog prirodnog uzvišenja sakupljeno je više ulomaka srednjovjekovne keramike. Drugo je Zablaće, po svemu sudeći, ono koje je dijelom istraženo 2014. godine prigodom zaštitnog arheološkog istraživanja na lokalitetu Vinka / Blato (rasprostire se upravo na dijelu zemljišta koje se i danas naziva Zavlače), a koje najvećim dijelom čine objekti iz mlađeg kamenog doba (sopotska kultura). U iskopu je zabilježeno nekoliko jama, bunar i ognjište koji čine sjeverni rub naselja koje se većim dijelom pruža južno od istraživane površine. Za ubikaciju trećeg Zablaća, još uvijek točno nelociranog, postoje indicije koje se zasnivaju na starijim vijestima o slučajnom skupnom nalazu primjeraka sitnog ugarskog srebrnog novca s prijelaza 15. u 16. stoljeće, a navodi ga još početkom 20. stoljeća Josip Brunšmid.
Uz problematiku povijesnog aspekta u radu će se predstaviti i pokretni nalazi s ovih lokaliteta.
Da nur 18 von diesen Gräber ein Beigab hatten war es ziemlich schwer diese Gräber in einem bestimmten Zeitabschnitt unterzubringen, aber gefundene Beigaben haben sehr gute Parallelen im Gepidischen Gräberfelder im Theiß gebiet und Serbien. Man hat in einigen Gräber Knochenkamme, Schmuck und Trachtteile, aber auch Gebrauchsgegenstände gefunden.
Dieser Arbeit wird Zeigen was wir bisher von dieser Graber wissen und ein Versuch wird gemacht diese Gräber den Gepiden zu attribuieren.
Villa rustica is an antique rural residential and economical complex, where animals were being bred and agricultural activities were carried out. There are a few such objects in our area. Such a lifestyle tradition can be also tracked in the Middle Ages; as written sources record, residents of certain settlements do land work at deserted villages (“pustoselina”, “mezra”) or occasionally stay there. In the Early modern period, this aspect of life was also accepted by Šokci, who were building the so-called granges (salaš, major, pustara) or adopting the “work area outside of the village” itself, where they were predominantly breeding animals and occasionally stayed. Our study will attempt to determine whether and to what extent can we recognize the influence of villa rustica (the structure, organization, idea of) in the appearance of granges.
The focus of this paper will be on bovine calcaneus, part of tarsus bones. 91 calcaneus in total was found. It is of special interest because those bones have almost no meat on them and the only way to get them is butchering. Nevertheless no marks or traces of strongly butchering can be observed. Therefore some kind of cult should be taken in consideration: it could be related to mortal praxis during funeral rite or believing into power in afterlife.
Life on Roman road: communications, trade and identities on Roman roads in Croatia from lst- 8th century (UIP-05-2017-9768)
27th of February 2018 at 11 am at the library of the Institute of Archaeology, Ljudevita Gaja 32, Zagreb
Presentation of project: Ivana Ožanić Roguljić and Pia Šmalcelj Novaković.
Lecture: Anita Rapan Papeša, On Roman roads to the Mid a le Ages
Institut za arheologiju ima čast pozvati Vas na okrugli stol s temom
Mrtvačko ruho
koji će se održati u knjižnici Instituta za arheologiju
u utorak, 17. siječnja 2017. u 9.30 sati
LIFE ON THE ROMAN ROAD: communications, trade and identities on Roman roads in Croatia from 1st – 8th CE
- Project manager – IVANA OŽANIĆ ROGULJIĆ
- Collaborators – Pia Šmalcelj Novaković, Anita Rapan Papeša, Angelina Raičković Savić, Valentina Mantovai
- Name of the organization – INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY
- Project proposal´s full title – LIFE ON ROMAN ROAD: communications, trade and identities on Roman roads in Croatia from 1st – 8th CE
- Project proposal´s duration– 60 MONTHS; 01.01.2018. - 31.12.2022
- Web site -
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