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Differences between rotations and translations of different camera properties in LiBGDX

I am trying to understand the camera API (applicable to perspective camera ONLY) of LiBGDX. It really does not make sense that you can call rotate and translate on many different properties of the ...
i_o's user avatar
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Hide Horizon Line with Small Terrain?

I'm drawing a sky plane with an atmosphere fragment shader in front of my terrain. It looks pretty much fine at sea level, but if you move above the sea level, the illusion is quickly broken, as you ...
Scollier's user avatar
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How can I create a Spotlight in a Vertex Shader?

mueoc mueoc's user avatar
0 votes
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Perspective projection not working as intended

I copied a perspective projection matrix from here ( and applied it to my vertices. It looks ok but without depth. Rotation matrices also work. When I try to divide ...
Zoler1337's user avatar
3 votes
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Smooth self shadow on dense foliage

I don't know how to achieve or research smooth lighting on foliage, like in this screenshot of theHunter: Call of the Wild. The grass is translucent, but blocks light smoothly when it's tall and ...
Cebbi's user avatar
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Screen space reflections bug

I try to implement screen space reflections in my graphics engine using ray marching algorithm. After a lot of trying I got this result: As you can see, the reflections ...
Алексей Карамбович's user avatar
-1 votes
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Drawback of painters algorithm:

We know that to scan convert any polygon first we need to pass any 4 tests of Painter's algorithm. Suppose I have two polygon S1 and S2, which order is S1->S2.we see that all 4 tests are failed. ...
S. M.'s user avatar
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How to visualize angle of projection in Oblique Parallel Projection?

We know that in Oblique Parallel Projection Point (x,y,z) is projected to position (x_p,y_p) on the view plane.Projector (oblique) from (x,y,z) to (x_p,y_p) makes an angle alpha. with the line (L) on ...
S. M.'s user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to correctly catch up a particle system simulation based on long delta time between many frames?

I have a particle system with a physics simulation integrator based on delta time (elapsed time between frames) which is implemented on the GPU in a compute shader. I also have a frustum culling ...
mbl's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to make player seem bigger / world smaller, without changing world coordinates

I am making a voxel game with OpenGl, I've got the major parts working, except the camera seems small compared to the the blocks. How do I make the camera bigger? Do I do a scaling on the model ...
shahanneda's user avatar
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3D visual effects on videos

I'm trying to get some hands-on experience with 3D visual effects on videos. Similar to those AR apps, I want to add a 3D model with effects, say a dragon, to a video. Something like this famous demo: ...
Mary's user avatar
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2 answers

How to create pixel graphics in 3D?

I stumbled across this game on Backland After trying to find information on how to accomplish the same graphics, I found this tutorial: Youtube Video How can I accomplish this 3-dimensional, ...
Gateway12231's user avatar
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2 answers

How does lookAt matrix math work?

Can someone provide me an explanation of how the lookAt matrix works? ...
user8380672's user avatar
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How can I modify a static humanoid asset?

I am new to Unity 3D. I bought an asset from the Unity Asset Store recently. It came in a "walking" stance. I was wondering if it was possible to modify this stance to become fully supine; so can I ...
rmutalik's user avatar
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Model gets distorted when rotating the camera

I'm currently developing my own 3d graphics engine and I'm having a hard time figuring out why my 3D models gets distorted when rotating the camera around. This is my projection matrix. I'm following ...
Joao Pedro Braz's user avatar
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Displaying debug line in custom raytracer implementation

Not sure if I should post this here or on the Math forum, but I will try my luck. Some background. I made my custom raytracer. The processing happens purely on the CPU for now, no GPU interaction ...
omegasbk's user avatar
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Polygons depth sorting in Z-buffer

Why is it that the Z-buffer algorithm does not require polygons to be depth sorted to function correctly?
pk.'s user avatar
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3D affine transformation (rotation) mimicking Mode 7, Java 2D

I watched videos of games using mode 7 like Outrun or Space Harrier and I want to make a game which imitates this classic graphic. I was inspired by Notch's Prelude Of The Chambered too. After ...
atanii's user avatar
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Adding large 3d models into Unity

I have a 3d model of a restraunt with several characters in it probably over a hundred objects. Whenever I try to import it into Unity Unity just loads forever until I force close it. How do you ...
RedDragon2001's user avatar
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How do you find the collision between 3D boxes and 3D QUAD face meshes?

I have an axis aligned bounding boxes for 3D object collision, but I have a complex 3d mesh that's divided into 3d faces so I want to check for bounding boxes and collision with the faces of that ...
karamazovbros's user avatar
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When to use LOD and when not to?

I have a simple question: are there any cases where game LOD models don't need to be created? Obviously you need LODs for landscapes, large props, characters, vehicles etc. But what about small indoor ...
alexinrage's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

What would happen if a 3D game used Bitmaps to render, instead of vertices and textures? [closed]

What would happen if a 3D game used Bitmaps to render, instead of vertices and textures?
Good's user avatar
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UNITY Prevent 3D Text Render Trough All Object Without Shader

im tired of those answer i found trough search engine that just keep saying " the trick is to modify the shader " without thinking because they want to gain reputation , in my case , i have 2 3D text ,...
user6668201's user avatar
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3D modelling from a picture?

Can I make a model from a picture? A friend of mine would like to be an NPC in my game ! :P I would like to add him, but I never did 3D modelling! Is it possible to make 3d model from photo/picture?
BaconSoftware's user avatar
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Reset Camera view - webgl

I have camera rotating by dragging mouse. Im trying to add reset button that restart the scene to initial view. The rotating camera works as expected but I can't figure out how to reset it. The ...
arii's user avatar
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3D on GBA, how was it done?

I've been wondering, how did game programmers make this: possible? There seems to be some odd morphing of textures when you walk by objects, and the textures are ...
The Chayed's user avatar
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Advice on mapping tiles to a height map/3D world

I've been attempting to think of a way to map tiles to a height map. Where a grid can be either layered or integrated into the world data. However, since I am not using voxels I could use some advice ...
Gen's user avatar
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Having problems drawing entities the right way in my isometric game

I am making an isometric game where I have moving Entities's not bound to tiles, and a 3d ArrayList map which is populated by <...
Colourfit's user avatar
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Draw the middle half of a sphere programmatically

I'm trying to create the middle half of a sphere. Basically to create a sphere, stack numbers and slice numbers are given, and there are two variables phi (for ...
Mary's user avatar
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Concerns about using a 3D tileset grid

I'm thinking of implementing a 3D tile system for my engine, and tie it to it's world streaming system as well. As in, using it for it's terrain for an open world in an engine that theoretically can ...
moonshineTheleocat's user avatar
2 votes
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OpenGL cube map is always black

When creating and rendering a skybox with a cube map texture, the skybox is black. Here is how I create the cube map texture: ...
abc's user avatar
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Recap on how a camera works in 3d Space?

This may be marked as a duplicate, but I have been trouble thinking about a camera. I understand that there is a "camera transform," or view matrix. However, this is multiplied with every vertex in ...
Java Man Tea Man's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I implement "quality levels" for models and textures?

I'm preparing to build a 3D game without an engine and am wanting to know how I could implement graphic detail levels for my models. To do this, are the models made in the highest quality level and ...
Simon's user avatar
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Matrix stack from direction vector chain

I've implemented an IK system for a grabber arm based on several straight segments, starting from a fixed point. The IK is based on a mass-spring simulation, which eventually rests. What I'm left with ...
ferry's user avatar
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convert 2d pt into non-affine coordinate system

Say I have a coordinate system that goes from (0,0) to (1,1). We'll call this screen_space. ...
Phildo's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Perspective projection? [closed]

I am trying to write an elite like game and I kind of understand the maths behind it but it would be really helpful if someone could explain it.
luke mulcahy's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How can I handle position in an entity system where position can be 2D or 3D?

I'm working on a game engine to learn how it's done (so I might better take advantage of the techniques involved and other, similar engines in the future), and I've run into a problem when handling ...
Cave Dweller's user avatar
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Specular light flickering with high specular power

I'm having some issues with specular lights, to be more specific, the specular color seems to be flickering when I set high power, like 512 (I set the specular color to green, so you can see better): ...
user avatar
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How can I inspect 3D model exactness? [closed]

I am neither a game designer nor a graphic designer. I am a .Net and C# software developer. I have a game project and I've still been studying to learn game concepts and technolgies for a year. I'...
aog's user avatar
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HDR and Alpha Blending

I've been reading a lot about HDR techniques and came across Alpha Blending compatibility. Searched even more and found this snippet from the Ogre Forums: With source alpha blending, it sometimes ...
Cristina's user avatar
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Should I shade models before or after importing them into Unity?

Is it better to shade a model inside the 3D modeling software or inside Unity? As an example, if I need to use a transparent model, should it be made transparent inside the modeling application or ...
Dinal24's user avatar
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How would I warp a mesh with code?

I recently asked a question about putting a camera at the head of a 3D human model here and it worked out rather well and whatnot, but there is still a problem that bothers me: How would I contort/...
Gumptastic's user avatar
23 votes
3 answers

Are there 3D projections other than orthographic and perspective? [closed]

The question is pretty much in the title. Are there notable 3D projections other than orthographic and perspective that could be used in a 3D system such as OpenGL? In particular, are there any that ...
Joey Eremondi's user avatar
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How to use mocaps in your game if they don't loop smoothly?

Following suggestions on IRC, I've downloaded, parsed and incorporated the Free Release of 2500 mocaps to my game. I've noticed, though, that none of those loop perfectly. It does not connect and thus ...
MaiaVictor's user avatar
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DirectX Bullet Tracer Effect

I'm wondering if anyone knows some common and efficient ways to do a fast tracer for an instant bullet. I've seen people speak on forums of using primitive lines with DirectX, but I doubt this is up ...
Joseph Pla's user avatar
56 votes
7 answers

How can I draw outlines around 3D models?

How can I draw outlines around 3D models? I'm referring to something like the effects in a recent Pokemon game, which appear to have a single-pixel outline around them:
mystic portal's user avatar
6 votes
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How can I create a 3D model in Java without using modeling software? [closed]

I am a lightly experienced game developer and this is my first time trying 3D objects in Java for the first time. I have been recently creating and updating games using AWT, Swing, and Graphics, but I ...
Galen Nare's user avatar
1 vote
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What is w componet [duplicate]

What is the W component on graphics programming. I read a blog about opengl that says that w must be equal to either 0 or 1 here. But the book I am currently reading has put w component to more than 1 ...
Tifa's user avatar
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Why is there high performance hit with many meshes?

I am currently reading upon Geometry Instancing, as I want to render a lot of animatable objects on the screen. However I have come to a more fundamental question first: Why do I even need to use it? ...
skiwi's user avatar
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Dynamic Shapes and dynamic animations

I saw this video: Video And now I am curious about the following: How can you achieve dynamic forms like they are shown in this video. What I mean is: Do you need to have some "base" models which can ...
M0rgenstern's user avatar