Can someone provide me an explanation of how the lookAt matrix works?
| Xx | Xy | Xz | 0 | <- x axis
| Yx | Yy | Yz | 0 | <- y axis
| Zx | Zy | Zz | 0 | <- z axis
| Tx | Ty | Tz | 1 | <- camera position
From my current understanding using the diagram above from this tutorial, the zAxis is created by subtracting camera position from the target position. Then you create two more perpendicular vectors calculated by: xAxis = zAxis x up, yAxis = xAxis x zAxis.
However, I don't understand how these exact operations result in the camera facing towards something? Like why are these exact calculations needed? Why could it not have been zAxis = camPosition - targetPosition? Or yAxis = zAxis x down instead of zAxis x up? Or have xAxis = targetPosition - camPosition instead of the zAxis?