Posts tonen met het label wedding. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label wedding. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 26 oktober 2023

day 26

Today, 56 years ago
(when we were still very young)
we said "YES"
Time flew and now we're here
but it's still "YES"

Because it's so much more autumn and colder,
the central heating makes short work of wet felt
that's a plus now.

My  PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel
for day 26 :

a wet felted ring-shaped brooch, stitched with wool, cotton,
silver thread and many seed beads
(6 cm,   2.4")

For  donation
of at least

 € 15,- 


this sweet memories brooch can be yours
to add your own sweet memories
You just have to send me an email at
 [email protected] 
and the rest will be arranged !
Bank or Paypal
is possible and easy
(+ postage)

ALL your money will go to the Pink Ribbon Fund
(for breast cancer research)


I hope you are all aware
that from tomorrow
there are only FIVE  DAYS remaining
for another chance to buy one of my
Pink Ribbon Textile Jewels !
See you.

dinsdag 4 september 2012

amazing empty shell

It is probably not often
that you find something like this
because it's easily blown away by the slightest breath of air

I saw it when I had my lunch
while sitting on the steps that lead to the water
at the back of our garden.
This photo doesn't show
how  t h i n  and  t r a n s l u c e n t  it really is

A big dragonfly (I think) struggled from this tight shell that he lived in
as an under-water creature
in the first stage of his life

There is only a small hole between the head and thorax

Wow !
só glad man invented zippers !!! 

And furthermore :

I started stitching again on the "old" wedding piece

I put a piece of cotton batting behind the protruding top side
(to make it more firm)

and cut it after I secured the outer edge with tiny stitches

(mmmmm ... all thanks to Jude's beginning class)

zaterdag 9 juni 2012

magic ... hearts ... flowers

Many little stitches are made 
on the little wedding cloth
with nine hearts.
a nine patch of hearts
on the whitish  woven background

All the hearts are stitched to woven the surface
in a different way,
and in the middle is a "magic thread heart"

a blushing piece of silk gauze covers tiny flowers

I also added some flowers
cut from various pieces of fabric

Some lines in the design
are accented by stitch and continue on other parts

On the white bottom part
- a piece cut from an old embroidered blouse -
I will stitch one of the flowers in colour

it is so much fun to stitch again 

dinsdag 22 mei 2012

a stitched present

On that wonderful day of birth, last Friday,
we originally should have attended
my nephew's wedding ...
I started (rather late)
on a little stitched present for them

I chose  some colours  .....  and started weaving

For time's sake I did some machine stitching
(and wasn't very happy with the feel of it afterwards)

but I could start the stitching : hearts !

Of course we're still in adoration of the new little "wonder"
Though breast feeding isn't an easy task
(even when it's the third time)
especially the nights are taking a lot of energy
but slowly things go better and better

A little bundle of joy !

woensdag 26 oktober 2011

a wonderful day !

The 26th of October
was a wonderful sunny day

44 years ago

just as sunny as it was today !

Well ... how would I know that so accurately ?

that's easy :

we had a wonderful sunny wedding day !

And today :

a bit older, a bit wiser (sometimes) and still lots of sunshine !

(inside or out)
brightens up your life !

 May you all have lots of days with sunshine

Earlier today, when man was away to his Italian class,
I was knitting on my last (so far) pair of socks

with my favourite Kaffe Fassett yarn from Regia.
Ofcourse I finished them later today !
The other pair of a more turquoise KF colour ( and slightly too big )
went to a dear friend who visited us in spring and had terribly cold feet ...
However : these are definately not too big !