Posts tonen met het label rainbow. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label rainbow. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 5 juni 2020

colour me a rainbow

After the treasure container (of Debbie Lyddon's workshop)
for my little ladybug was finished,
I had another idea :
when you love rainbows why not paint bits of fabric
to make vessels
and make a rainbow of vessels !

Sketching and thinking came first

and then the rainbow on the "washing line"

Making the vessels and making the peepholes

 Hmmm ... stitching can be a dangerous business !

The stack is done except the top edge ...

I didn't have a fixed idea of how to keep the vessels together
but I incorporated a tiny wire loop
while stitching the top edge

and on the bottom (shallow) one I made two loops.

There was this tiny glass bird
that I bought about two years ago from a fellow artist
on an art market
that I thought of as the next "treasure to hide"
But I didn't want to put this bird
in the cage of the top vessel :
no place for a bird !
But ... what is at the end of the rainbow ???
Of course GOLD !

The rainbow of vessels spread out on the floor
(only some sequins and seed beads ...)

A rainbow of vessels

zaterdag 14 mei 2016

Canadian connection

Sometimes there are small miracles
that appear out of the blue !

You might remember
that I posted about a scarf I was knitting
with an intricate pattern.
(the "petalcowl")
Originally it was knit in the round
(which I managed to do)
but I wanted to do it again, but now flat.
I had this wonderful yarn for a long time in my stash
and started right away,
thinking I would have enough
to finish the scarf.

But oh dear ...
I soon realized 2 balls weren't nearly enough !!!

I found out right away 
that this particular colour was discontinued !
So WHO could help me ?

I tried several people on "RAVELRY"
who said they had this yarn in their stash .....

After a few days, and negative answers .....
there was this sweet lady, all the way in Canada,
who said I could have her yarn !!!
She posted it right away !
Very special was that she remembered her father telling
he loved Holland, which he (as a young soldier)
had helped liberate in WW II

(I made her a sweet return package 
with some postcards and other goodies)

Last Wednesday Janie's package finally arrived YIPPIIIIIEEEE
(she was already worried and had told me
the Canadian post was slow ...)

YES ! two balls wonderful Mini Mochi  !!!
Mmmmmm knitting again !
Lucky me


For the market I finished the two new

One side of the "drops" is blue,
the other side purple
(I stitched the edge with cotton perlé)



And ohhhh ....

what this little naked guy is doing in my garden ...

I will explain later


vrijdag 15 januari 2016

cowl finished !

I love colours !
That's why this yarn called out to me
(though it's polyester)
On top of that it's shiny
and easy to knit.
 A friend on Ravelry (who I met in a yarn shop !)
made a lovely cowl / shawl of it,
and as soon as I bought my skein, I remembered that.
I asked her how many stitches she had
and started right away

Mitered knitting is easy
because you never have more stitches on your needle
than at the start of every new block.
And NO sewing blocks together :
every new block starts at the side (or two sides)
of an old one !

(if you're interested, you can find the pattern here)

It's amazing : the colours of the second row
just fit so nicely next to each other ...
If I had meant it to be like that up front,
I would probably NOT have succeeded doing so !
The yarn did it all by itself !

Very happy with it !

Because there is a special birthday tomorrow
I made a little card for a friend

Stitching on "lutradur" with a thick thread on the bobbin,
fabric and paper underneath ...


dinsdag 9 december 2014

december already ...

I really don't know where November went ...
and we're already in week two of December !
Time flies !

Last week we celebrated
the Sint Nicolaas feast
with daughter and grandchildren.
It was the first time for the youngest one.
In the morning we went to the school 
where big brother and his class mates 
waited for the arrival of Sint Nicolaas.

Of course the best part was unpacking the presents
later that afternoon !

The last, and biggest present of all :
a huge succes !
It was fun to visit my (big) brother again yesterday.
They had sold their house this summer and moved to an appartment.
Then they were away, we were all busy,
but yesterday we went there.

It was fun to see the painting I made for him years ago
still had a lovely place on the wall.

A piece of our garden for a special birthday
(70 x 50 cm)

I already told you that I was very unlucky with one of the 
Pink Ribbon postal consignments 
but finally the second envelope with mandala's
(after the first one sadly had gone missing)
arrived safely at my friend Birgit's house.

Today arrived a very special "thank you"

A lovely rainbow of (natural) hand dyed wool
and a special lovely fragrant piece of soap !
(another blogland-friendship born)

Thanks Birgit !

zondag 31 augustus 2014

colourful !!!

What would the world be without 

(Oh, but I do love an etching, or a pen drawing ...)

At some point when making art with colour
I realized I always somehow wanted to include 
all the colours of the rainbow.
(so the name of my blog is no coincidence either)

I also love brightly coloured shoes.
So when last week a dear friend visited us
and told me she bought some pink shoes ...
on top of that of our favourite brand ...
I went to town the very next day !

Ha, they still had a pair in my size !!!

(Mmmmm so soft, so they wear like slippers!)
When making my little felted pots
you might have noticed that each new pot 
had a different colour
After the last yellow/green one, with the "snail" on top, came :

a red one !

... and then ...

a green one, still in the making,

But now I have a full rainbow of 
"rainbow pots"

I love colour !

vrijdag 14 maart 2014

sun .... ? (14 - 3 - 14)

Sun or no sun
what a big difference it makes.
The last few days were really spring days :
warm sunshine and and new colours in the garden.
bluuuuuues !
And fresh greens (daslook)
so fresh and green you could eat them ...
and that I did !
Last year I learnead from Lynne of the Textile Treasury blog (UK)
that she found lots of this plant along the road
(I think she called it bear leek)
which tastes like garlic 
She made pesto with it and put it in a salad
the morning started gray and rather cold
but what a special sight it was
LOTS of spiders had been very busy !
There even was a magpie
that didn't flew off the minute I took my camera
like aaaall the others did !!!
Ha! no wonder : he didn't see me :
I took the picture from the kitchen window,
he was on the other side of the street !
But there is always a little Rainbow very near 

donderdag 19 september 2013

a rainbow

make me happy

I love the sun
love the rain 
(a little less, but where would this planet be without it !)
and together they give a rainbow
if you're lucky enough to see it !

I read somewhere :

Work isn't going anywhere when you show the rainbow to a child,
but ..... the rainbow doesn't wait till you're finished !

Today I drove an hour by car
to visit someone I met in Blog-land.
She once said to me she liked my garden ..... ;-)
During this growing season I saved for her : bulbs, seeds,
parts of plants that had grown too big for my garden,
and some days ago I sent her an e-mail to meet up.
So in my car were two crates with all the plants I had 
for the garden of their new home.

I arrived just at coffee time,
she opened the door
and then soon  :
We had coffee ... and talked
we had lunch ... and talked 
her son came home from school
(o my, thát late already ?)
and we talked some more
In the end we just had time to unload the plants from the car
and take a walk in the garden.
Today was a rainbow day : I made a new real-life friend !
Thanks Mirjam

She gave me a present just before I left

a rainbow for me !!!

(click !)

maandag 12 augustus 2013

young assistant

Last week daughter had time 
to do some serious felting.
I showed her working on the Ouessant fleece,
but she made some more 
little curly rugs,
using other types of wool.

Indeed, a lot of work !
So who wouldn't be very thankful for a little help ?

Hi Mom 
I'm here to help you 

She also finally managed to make a bag for a friend.
(she had promised that a long time ago
but didn't have the time or energy to do so)

step by step
the beauty takes shape

Today (washed, dried in form and with the strap attached)
YES really a beauty

While daughter was doing the felting 
I finished all the bits and pieces of my Sophie Digard inspired crochet shawl
and look at that  assistant again  :

proudly showing my work !!!
(he is such a good helping hand !)

Making the last choises ..... and done !

Going all around the border 
is the last task before blocking !
Yeaaaaah !