After the treasure container (of Debbie Lyddon's workshop)
for my little ladybug was finished,
I had another idea :
when you love rainbows why not paint bits of fabric
to make vessels
and make a rainbow of vessels !
Sketching and thinking came first
and then the rainbow on the "washing line"
Making the vessels and making the peepholes
Hmmm ... stitching can be a dangerous business !
The stack is done except the top edge ...
I didn't have a fixed idea of how to keep the vessels together
but I incorporated a tiny wire loop
while stitching the top edge
and on the bottom (shallow) one I made two loops.
There was this tiny glass bird
that I bought about two years ago from a fellow artist
on an art market
that I thought of as the next "treasure to hide"
But I didn't want to put this bird
in the cage of the top vessel :
no place for a bird !
But ... what is at the end of the rainbow ???
Of course GOLD !
The rainbow of vessels spread out on the floor
(only some sequins and seed beads ...)
A rainbow of vessels