Posts tonen met het label jacket. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label jacket. Alle posts tonen

zondag 15 maart 2015

good craft

The jacket 
daughter started on some weeks ago
is finally finished.
(it's not easy for a mother of three
to find enough time for such a big felting task)

We are very satisfied with the end result.

We both made a jacket before,
but that was in a workshop with Anneke Copier,
some years ago and never came to making another one ourselves
(untill now !)

Making a good closure isn't one of the easiast parts
because you don't want the button holes and buttons
to tear the felt apart
(though felt is really tough material !)
That's why she stitched a narrow leather strip
on both insides to give the closure more firmness.

In the end I made the (simple) buttonholes
and stitched the buttons on.
These real horn buttons were once my mom's :
she bought them on a holiday in Austria
where she was always on the look-out for special things. 

A true FIRE woman jacket !


Under my sewing machine 
the "jeweled squares" are growing more and more.

Our smallest grandson loves to stack them
size by size
when they are laid down on the floor.
(he thinks I shouldn't lay them on the floor at all !)

And when the "little one" isn't using his chair ...

there's another "little one" who is using it instead

especially when the sun is shining


zondag 15 februari 2015

not a mouse .....

Here is the solution of the riddle

Ha  ! 
A very colourful beast

I'll show you the steps how it came to this.

After the first "mousy" bit, I attached the tail and a crest,
and the tricky bit : the legs
Because the feet were a bit too big, I just cut some bits off.
(this doesn't matter because I had to add another layer of wool)

Just like a real chameleon
he slowly changed colour !

till he was ready to dry
(Mmmmm ... silly beast, thought Bella)

Daughter continued too with a new project
after we took some new pictures of the (now dry) hat

This will be a jacket

dinsdag 19 maart 2013

boro ? no : boring

was a word that didn't mean anything to me 
some time ago
Then I participated in Jude's on-line class
"Contemporary Boro"

Boro comes from the endless ongoing process 
of mending originally from Japan :
pieces of fabric were meticulously stitched 
onto garments with holes, tears or weak spots 
to give them a longer life

That is the kind of stitching Jude often uses in her work.
Making use of old pieces, little leftovers, 
It's a fun way of merging all kind of scraps 
haphazardly into something new.

Ha, it's about time I start stitching again !!!

So I took this old jacket.  Any holes ? tears ? weak spots ?
NO a very neat tidy jacket !
but ... boring 
(from another era ...)
and therefore just the right thing for my project

Lots of scraps 
and pieces of fabric that are dear to me :
my contemporary Boro 

O yes, there will be lots of changes of plan along the line
pieces added, removed, replaced by others
it will be :
"just going"