maandag 24 december 2018

enjoy !

Holidays give many opportunities.
You can spend them with family
with friends
with the cat / the dog
or alone

("home alone" can be sooo good,
though there still is that movie
they show almost every year about this time ... )

You can party
you can cook / eat some extravagant dinner
or just look what's in the fridge
Everyone can choose (I hope)
what suites her or him best.

The main thing is :


(these last few weeks I've enjoyed another
online felting class
made quite a few felted birds,
and made some special presents
that will be unwrapped in two days)

in case you are one of the many people
who have to WORK right now
then I hope you catch some
  happy time  
later !

vrijdag 14 december 2018

king or fisher ?

It might become a mild

Soon after making the very first bird
I started to use a felting needle :
not too much,
but just to make sure I start off with the right shape.
That way I'm able to follow more closely
the colour pattern on the bird.

King or Fisher ???

We don't hardly ever see them here, kingfishers.
They are quite rare
Years ago I saw a bright blue flash
from a branch near the water behind our garden
and knew what it must have been right away !
(never seen one since)

(no harm done)

(hmmmm ... sure lóóks like an addiction)

dinsdag 11 december 2018

one bird in the hand ...

Like last year
I'm participating in an online felting class

Though I don't have a lot of time
to do some big felting right now,
but there's the possibility to save these lessons for later
(like the wrist warmers and the skirt)

But the little birds that adorned a felted vessel
were sooooooooo CUTE
I had to try them right away !

A tiny bit of wool
lukewarm water, soap
and nimble hands
do the trick.

A small great tit was the result !

And because it's such fun ...
(a blue tit without a picture)

a wren

and a tail tit.
Always love it when in winter these little ones
come foraging in a group !

Maybe I even make one of these special visitors in felt !
(ring-necked parakeets are more and more common here)

dinsdag 27 november 2018


After all the Pink Ribbon activity in October
came some serious felting
in the first two weekends of November.

The regional group
of our Dutch felting society
gave us the opportunity
to make shoes or boots.
(some of the members did a real shoe-workshop,
then made another pair and then
five of them wanted to teach us)

With three together
we carpooled to the tree-nursery region
where one of the members has a felting studio
in a greenhouse.
The sun was shining ...
but at first it was COLD !
(but we were warned :
and had many layers of clothing !)

After measuring our feet
we had to adjust the lasts according to those measures.

Iiiiiiieeeee not nice, cutting into the styrofoam !

We also made the reinforcement for the heel

Weighing the wool, making the resist for the felt,
and having a nice lunch filled up that first day.

The next day the serious felting began !
Still COLD but the sun heated up the greenhouse quit nicely.

Starting with the  B I G  resist !

The first of many layers ! 

After working for a considerable time
I could cut the form in half
making two shoes

After a bit more felting I put in the lasts
and continued felting
to let them shrink to the form.

We took the half finished shoes home.

Luckily I could take out the lasts without
having to cut the sole !!!

Then there was more felting, till they fit around my feet !

After they were dry I could cut the shape I wanted :
I decided for booties instead of shoes with laces.

Next weekend was the final day :
punching holes for laces,
gluing in the contrefort and putting on the soles.

Ta-daaaaah !

Very happy !

(some others too !)

It was a LOT of work
but soooooo much FUN !

donderdag 15 november 2018

the final PINK result


Oh boy, it has been a while 

After finishing the last Pink Ribbon jewel
on Wednesday October 31
there was the start of a lot-of-hard-work workshop :
felting shoes !
It was a lot of FUN but it was quite cold
and a LOT of hard work indeed !
(3 days)
But more on thát later !

Although, at the beginning of the month,
I didn't know if I would be able
to keep it up till the end,
I luckily did !!!
(but I still must be careful with my back)

The very last EXTRA jewels
that I had to make
will be going to the post next week !

Then the final amount I can transfer to PINK  RIBBON will be

€  525.-

I want to THANK all the generous buyers
who made this possible !

Madelon, Alet, Karen, Gerda
Ellen, Dee, Joke, Siets,
Sjaak, Evelien, Sandra,
Larisa, Corinna, Anke, Ulrike,
 Hazel , Maria, Nancy,
Catherina, Delia,
Kate, Jolan



(you might count the names and NOT come to 31 ...
that's because there were people who bought 
MORE than one jewel !!!)


zaterdag 3 november 2018

..... only two left ... ?

This weekend I'm VERY busy with
two felting workshops !

One started yesterday
which continues tomorrow,
and an extra (small) one today !

I will tell about those later
but :

there are still
TWO Pink Ribbon Jewels left !!! 

NOTHING   left now  !

That must be a mistake

the PURPLE  HEART  pendant (day 16)



the FISH brooch  (day 29)


There is surely someone out there
who wants one of these
(or both)
for a donation of

€ 10

You'll become the proud owner of a lovely jewel
(for yourself or for a friend)


you support a good cause !

Just send me an email at
(or leave a message down here at the "comments")

I hope I can send these lovelies to someone soon

woensdag 31 oktober 2018


Today is the last Pink Ribbon day !
After the white full moon
(which I'm delighted to say is going to a dear friend in the US)
I wanted to make another     white    jewel
(and a pendant too)

Technically it's not the very last one
because I still have some jewels to make on special order.
(that's okay with me because it raises the donation
I can make in the end !)

My Pink Ribbon Textile Jewel
for day 31 :

a WHITE  OVAL  pendant,
with a fabric bead and a long adjustable wax cord,
felt, hand stitched with silk, rayon and silver thread,
sequins and many seed beads.

This would look radiant on a little black dress,
or a sweater (of any colour)

This last jewel can be yours,
(to keep or to give away to someone dear)
for a donation of

  € 10  


(or a bit more)
You just need to tell me in an email :
(or in the comments down here)

ALL the money goes to the Pink Ribbon Fund !


While making that last one,
in fact stitching the least few beads :
my nylon thread looped around the tiny box

with this result


I think most of them are back in the box again,
though I may find a "few" later

dinsdag 30 oktober 2018

day 30

Although it's just minutes ago
I put the jewel for yesterday on this blog
(due to the photo-program troubles)
I have my next one
for today ready


Autumn : a cold and rainy day
but the top-leaves of the Prunus tree
are on fire.
Such a treasure when they fall on the ground.

My Pink Ribbon Textile Jewel
for day 30

a LEAF brooch,
felt and free motion machine stitching on water soluble,
some seed beads.

What a delight to keep this
Autumn fire with you forever,
on a jacket, sweater
or to pin a shawl in place.

For a donation of

€ 10


it can be yours,
to keep for yourself
or to give to someone dear.
Just send me an email at

All the money goes to the Pink Ribbon Fund !


Well ...
tomorrow there will be
one more
textile jewel !

Hope to see you then


maandag 29 oktober 2018

day 29 (too late)



(Problems with my Photo program :
it won't open so I cannot load the pictures
I took of today's jewel.
Hope to be back soon .....!)

It took some time but here it is

my Pink Ribbon Textile Jewel
for day 29 :

a FISH brooch, fabric and felt,
free motion machine stitched
with rayon thread,
tiny seed beads on the edge.

No fishy business, but a sweet coloured ornament
for any sweater or jacket.

For a donation of

 € 10 

it can be yours,
to keep or to give away!
You just need to send me an email at
[email protected]

ALL the money will go to the Pink Ribbon Fund !


Hope to see you later
because there will be another jewel soon !

zondag 28 oktober 2018

day 28

A bit confusing :
back to "winter-time"
which means sleeping an hour longer
eating an hour later ...
(always hate this transition :
hope they change it back into ONE time
like it used to be, long ago)

A cold day, but the sun is out.
Good to remember those warm days
in the summer garden :
the humming of insects,
the fluttering butterflies !

Here is my Pink Ribbon Textile Jewel
for day 28 :

a BUTTERFLY brooch, fabric and felt,
free motion machine stitching
with rayon thread.

The Orange Tip butterfly :
a memory of summer for you !

For a donation  of

 € 10 


this jewel can be yours,
for yourself or as a present to someone dear

You just need to send me an email at
(or leave a note down here at the comments)

ALL the money goes to Pink Ribbon !


Hope to see you tomorrow with another textile jewel !