This week's Stitch Club
was a bit of a problem for me.
The style in which Ailish Henderson works
"is definitely not me"
too loose
Luckily I was still busy with a "travel book"
for Anne Kelly
that took most of the week :
to find stuff
(old pictures, bits of paper, bits of fabric)
glue all of it on the background,
let it dry,
add more embellishments and hand stitch,
and finally stitch with the machine.
as it is a present for a faraway friend (and in the mail right now)
there are no pictures !
After my travel-book was finished
I had no other option
than to leave the Ailish's workshop alone or give it a try
Some of the results that came through in the group
were just lovely, and that helped !
The third sketch
(after a first try and a second that I ruined with pen and paint)
Adding less paint (water colour) than the first time ...
The end result
and finally happy I gave it a go and kept going !
Lots of tiny snippets of thin fabric (including tulle and mesh)
on face and hair
and the pencil lines stitched with one strand of floss
in different colours
Definitely NOT as loose as Ailish
but I love what it finally turned into ...
Another one (daughter) is ready for stitching
for some really challenging workshops
that certainly added to my skills !