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zaterdag 5 september 2020


This week's Stitch Club
was a bit of a problem for me.
The style in which Ailish Henderson works
"is definitely not me"
too loose

Luckily I was still busy with a "travel book"
that took most of the week :
to find stuff
(old pictures, bits of paper, bits of fabric)
glue all of it on the background,
let it dry,
add more embellishments and hand stitch,
and finally stitch with the machine.

as it is a present for a faraway friend (and in the mail right now) 
there are no pictures !

After my travel-book was finished
I had no other option
than to leave the Ailish's workshop alone or give it a try 

Some of the results that came through in the group
were just lovely, and that helped !

The third sketch
(after a first try and a second that I ruined with pen and paint)

Adding less paint (water colour) than the first time ...

The end result
and finally happy I gave it a go and kept going ! 

Lots of tiny snippets of thin fabric (including tulle and mesh) 
on face and hair
and the pencil lines stitched with one strand of floss
in different colours

Definitely NOT as loose as Ailish
but I love what it finally turned into ...
Another one (daughter) is ready for stitching

for some really challenging workshops
that certainly added to my skills !

dinsdag 21 april 2020

keeping an eye ...

Sue Stone is an English textile artist
who makes stitched portraits.
Her sons made a special Textile Art site
where they give a stage to their mum
and other textile artists from all over the world.

In these strange times they initiated on FB
with every week another artist
to teach a tiny online workshop
about their own way with textiles,
starting with Sue Stone of course.
Next was Cas Holmes
and on April 6 Emily Tull
who explained how tho stitch an eye.

I was still busy stitching the piece for my friend
so I saw that video later in the week
and it very much appealed to me ! 
One piece finished ... ready to start something new !

For one I start with the end result

But it all started with
1. a photo
(hmmmmm ... hate making selfies : they look bad
and strangely askew most of the time)
2. a sketch (with pencil)
3. tracing the drawing in pen
and 4. the drawing (again in pen) on cloth
(an piece of linen from old trousers)

Hmmmm four "me's"

So not one eye
but both eyes ánd glasses

A collection of blues and grays and skin colours

Five slightly different  reds for my glasses

Starting the second eye.
I had some times five needles in my work
each with a different strand (or two)
embroidery floss

While working on this there were two more challenges :
by Richard McVetis and Emily Jo Gibbs

(so more to stitch !)

dinsdag 31 oktober 2017


This is the last day of this October month
A well spent month I could say.
I really didn't know where it all came from ...
After preparing the little felted or stitched pieces
there was wonder what way it would go next.

Only for the national felting day and for Man's birthday party
I made something in advance 
All the others were made or stitched on that very day.

I'm glad I made it !
I'm a bit tired, but satisfied.
A few more Jewels to make
for dear people who are waiting patiently
till their special wish will be fulfilled ...
Then, I can count all of that together,
with that : all the EXTRA money a lot of people gave,
so I'll know how much money can be transferred to
the Pink Ribbon Fund.
(then I'm truly finished   ;-)  !)

My last  PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel for day 31

A wet felted hollow gray brooch, stitched with cotton
and with different small beads.
(5,5 cm)

A quiet star for this last day !

For a donation of

€ 10


(or more)
this distinguished gray jewel
can be yours
to keep for yourself or to give away
to someone dear to you !
All you need to do is send me an email at
and you'll hear what to do next.

ALL the money goes to (you know) the Pink Ribbon Fund !


And here
(with sweet company, which felt very neglected these last weeks)
the making of that "evening star"


It have been wonderful weeks
with you around me
And thanks in the name of 

zondag 29 november 2015

loooong ago ... and a new felting exchange start

November was rushing by
and the last month of the year is nearly upon us !
Time flies ...

That was what I thought 
when I received, a few weeks ago
an invitation for a reunion.

This photograph,
of a looooong time ago,
was put on FB ...
and it started the search for others who were in that class
in 1971 !

Some of the children of those days
which are adults of 50 now
still live here in this village
(like I still do ...
and that very young teacher was me)
Yesterday I met with a lot of those "little pupils" ...
I had a hard time recognizing some
and knew others right away !
(one of the "girls" even came all the way from Rome
where she has lived for 25 years)


I finished and send away the four extra felted jewels
that were on commission

The end of November also meant 
that I needed to hurry finishing  my piece for the new
felting exchange !!!

The theme was 
and it had to be bigger than the postcard size
of the last two years :
20 x 20 cm !

The start with some prefelt and a cobweb bit

There were more prefelt bits  for the fish 
and on the back I put two more layers for strength.

In the end it turned out the prefelt for the sea horse
was absolutely too thick ...

But :

with the stitching finished ...

a bit fuzzy
but definitely a sea horse
(I think)

Tomorrow it will go in the mail !

maandag 5 oktober 2015

day 5

It seems as if Autumn is still
only giving us sunshine,
but when I have to believe the weather forcast
for tomorrow, there will be an end to it now :
lots of rain in the coming days.
Well, all the more reason
to choose a warm little felt for today.

Pink Ribbon felted jewel  5

A dusty pink square felted brooch
with vibrant orange on the inside
and even yellow and golden mesh further down,
a tiny felted ball stitched in the middle
5 cm  (2")

to the point !


€ 10
for Pink Ribbon
and it comes flying to you !
Just send me an email at
or use the comment at the end of this post.
(of course you can make a "normal"comment too  ;-)  !)

All of the money will go to the Pink Ribbon fund !


With the designs for the window paintings ready
and enlarged ánd the prospect of a lot of rain
in the next few days
brought daughter and me to school this afternoon.
The gymnasium was where we worked today

Concentration !!!

We stick the design on the outside of the window with tape
(that's why we need dry weather)
and then trace the lines with black paint.

You could say : simple ...
the new windows are much much thicker than the old ones
so you have to be right in front of the drawing any time !
(you can see the double lines in the photo :
that's exactly what we see when we are not
in the right place !!!)
But it all worked out well in the end !

One of the class rooms is now really finished,
with two colourful windows


See you tomorrow !

dinsdag 30 september 2014

autumn is near ... and a butterfly moon

This September month has been
very warm and dry.

I was in the garden a lot of times :
cleaning, pruning bits and pieces 
but most of all enjoying the good sunny weather

The end of the Polygonatum (Solomon's seal)

Sometimes all of a sudden there is a flow in the water
that sweeps away all the duckweed

Last bits of colour ...

and me ...
last Sunday afternoon !

And like the "Eye" moon saw :
progress is slowly but steady

Please welcome : Miss Butterfly moon !

And though she's looking a bit cross (I think)
she is now nearly done !


Tomorrow starts a new month, 
that's the month for "Pink Ribbon"
and breastcancer awareness !
(it's also my 4th blogaversary)
I have a very special plan for it.
See you tomorrow !