Morning Everyone :o))
Thursday has landed on our doorstep yet again...don't these weeks just fly by!!!!
Before we get to the challenge this week..Which is our Last Weekly Challenge.
Next week we change to a Fortnightly challenge!
first I need to tell you about the New Club house opening ...
In Pats words here are the plans,
Bronte & Bella are "building"
a new CLUBHOUSE...
That's right!! Since so many Bloggers
also spend time on Facebook, Bronte & Bella have decided to spend a
bit of time on Facebook too! Here are the details...
On March 15th, Membership Opens at 9am EST
That's approx 1pm GMT
As a Clubhouse member, you will get to...
- Participate in monthly "Showcase" challenges (beginning April 1st)...with a chance to "win" a Guest Designer spot for a month!
- Hang out with fellow artists and crafters (card creators and non-card creators!)
- Meet new friends and reconnect with old ones!
- Learn new crafting techniques!
- Participate in games & contests...with prizes!
- Have access to surprises you won't find anywhere else!!
- And so much more!
No worries...we'll continue having challenges here on Mo's Challenge Blog some other fun changes!
Now don't forget to pop over to Mo's Challenge blog and see what else Pat has to tell us about the new venture :o))
Now to this weeks challenge, Its a popular theme with everyone as Its Anything Goes at Mo's. bit of poetry there don't you think!..ha-ha
Not too chuffed with my colouring! Think I was tooo tired and it was too late..1-15am sheeesh!
Hope you call over to check out what the girls have done too, if you have time please leave them some love...they thrive on it :o)) and don't forget this is the last ONE wk challenge... then you will have a whole two weeks to enter after that.
oh! and make sure you request membership to the new facebook challenge on the 15th lots of fun things will be happening over there.