
Saturday, 27 October 2012

A very first for me....Thanks Lisa

Here I am again, two posts in one day..thats a first to start with I think. Well I said I would try and post my first ever Book card so here it is. I know its not perfect by any means but I promised Lisa that if I was just half happy with it she would see it :) if it was a total flop nobody would never see
I kept the embellies simple as I wasn't sure what to do with it once I had the actual card made up :o
This post is a bit photo heavy sorry xxxxx

I think it needs a sentiment on the you???

I also need a nice sentiment to go on the left hand side, when I know if and who I am giving it to.

Well Thats it for tonight, I am off to finish a bit of crafting with Amanda before she goes home. We had an hour off to watch the dancing and have a meal, so need to finish off now.
Huge Hugs Everyone.xxxxxx

Buttons & Bows

Happy weekend to everyone, Hope you are well and keeping warm, We have had everything weather wise today!! sleet, snow rain and sunshine :~ At this moment its glorious Sunshine so long may it continue.
 Well hopefully I will be back to post my First Book Card later but first I wanted to show you my card for In The Pink Challenge which this fortnight is Buttons & Bows, can you believe its the 6th challenge already, doesn't time fly. Hope you pop along and join the lovely ladies and all the gorgeous Pinky creations.
Well here is my card, I tried to add both Buttons & Bows but you can just use one or the other if you wish. I sneaked a little pearl bow onto my button as well as the ribbon one :)

Not done a lot with insert but will add a sentiment later.
Well that's it for now but will try and post my book card later on as Amanda and I are having a craft day today and at present have not achieved very much at all. After today she can't come to craft anymore for 3weeks :(   as she is off to Egypt next week and hubby is still home off the rigs after that. I think SIL should work more weeks on than off to be
Him being at home interferes with our craft time :~
Well catch you later, Huge hugs to those that need them xxxxx

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Autumn Golds

Hi Lovely Bloggers,
Well here I am at long last, I haven't had time this week to get any posting done. I made a couple of cards but then missed the challenges due to no time :~ My friend said goodby to her mum on Monday so that was a very sad day, the weather added to it as it took everyone so long to travel due to the dreadful foggy weather, but we got there safely.
The week improved , not weather wise might I add..its horrid here.

Last night I went to see Charlie favourite country/folk Singer, He is amazing!   well I think
I was so looking forward to the concert, and I must say it was brilliant. The Only hic-up was I got out of the car in the car park and promptly tristed my ankle in a huge pot hole (in the dark) And went sprawling :( One twisted right ankle, One very painful swollen left knee and a painful elbow and shoulder ...doh! What am I   I thought at one point I was going to have to be carried in by Amanda and my Hubby to see Charlie ...oh! yes I was determined to see him They wanted me to go to the hospital, but sorry.... Charlie was calling :))
I am needless to say a little fragile today, what hurts I hear you ask.... EVERYTHING!
Anyway onto the only card this week that hasn't missed the challenges, Its for Mo's Autumn Fun Challenge. Not too chuffed with it but here it is. Sorry to the other challenges that I missed posting. I won Crafts and Me a fortnight ago and so wanted to join in last week with a lovely image that I won, made the card and missed the challenge ..drat it!
Here is Mo's sorry the pic isn't wonderful but had to put some light on it as its such a dark dingy day.

I am also entering it in Simon Says Stamp....Autumn Leaves

Thats it girls, hope to pay some visits later today.
 Huge Hugs to everyone xxxxx

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Big smiles all round :))

Hi everybody peeps, I am back in the land of Blog :)  I am such a Happy bunny xx Thanks to all who called by and left me messages, I so missed you all. I will be around to visit your blogs asap.
I have made a couple of cards whilst I have had no internet and this is one I made for Mo's DP2 challenge...B is for ...  blue, boy, Bling and Brad in this case. Also added a Believe in Christmas sentiment. Hope i got enough B's in
 Off to link it as time is about up, and I so enjoy entering the challenge.

  Hugs to everyone, see you very soon xx 

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

So Sorry Everyone :(

Just the quickest of posts to say I am sorry can't get round to visit you at the Mo as my internet is down :(   I have borrowed  this one to leave you a quick message. I am so missing you all hoo!
 our old Modem had to be replaced by Virgin and the new one that came at the beginning of last week was faulty. They sent out another one which came yesterday and guess don't work either....grrrr!!!! We are now awaiting a technician who is coming tomorrow afternoon. I am so sick of it I could throw it into the
Got Cards to post for a couple of favourite challenges..In the Pink and Mo's Challenge but may not get them posted now..Sorry girls.
 Huge hugs Mau xx

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

A day of allsorts :)

Hi Everyone,
What a Lovely Sunny day its been, I hope you have had a share of it too. It really made me feel good and ready to get some jobs done.
I have had a real good day in the house, I have got the washing done, Cleaned and tidied cupboards and then finished my card off that I started yesterday :) More than I have done in a
 Well here is what I came up with, I am not thrilled with it but as my Mojo has been sadly hiding of late it has got me up and running again. I am ready to get down to some crafting this week if I can. My Medication is kicking in and I am feeling better each day.
The only blot on the Horizon is my lovely friend lost her dear Mum on Sunday evening :(
 So with losing her Hubby and her Mum in 10mths she is now on her own.
Well now onto my card, ......

 I need a sentiment in the inside yet

 I made this to enter into ... 

 I normally like to make seperate cards for my challenges but as my Mojo has been missing I am combining them this time :0   Hopefully by next weeks challenges I will be fully recovered and in the swing of things again.
 Well thats it folks, I am off to finish the tea as hubby has been working in the garden all day and he needs feeding.

 hugs xxx

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Who put the lights out..It was

Happy Sunny Thursday everyone, well I hope its sunny where you are! We have a beautiful Autumn day here on the N/E coast :)
 Sadly my post has mixed feeling today though, as I have decided to step down from the MAWTT  team :(  This will be my final card...but they certainly haven't seen the last of me. They are the most amazing bunch of girls to work with, headed by one of the best Mama's  in the world. I have had a difficult few weeks of late and I am so tired so think some Me time is called for to get myself sorted out. My crafting has suffered big time due to a few pesky little health issues and I haven't had the energy or enthusiasm to do anything. I know it will   but in the meantime I will be able to craft if and when I feel inspired to, And hopefully still be joining some favourite Challenges along the way.
 Oh dear I am missing my team already and I haven't actually left them till the end of this week :(

Anyway Onto my Card for the new MAWTT challenge which this week is hosted by the Fabulous Lisa, 
                                      "In the Dark" is the theme.
So get out your dark papers and Halloween things and join in. This was a whole new Ball game for me :o    I have never made a Halloween card in my life, but here it is ...
 We have a great prize on offer from the Amazing ..
What great digi's these are :)

Here is my card as this post is now very late, My Sister had 2 teeth out yesterday and she has Bleeding all night due to her being on Warfarin so we have had one Manic morning trying to get her sorted out, all is now well thankfully. I even had her laughing when I said my Bugaboo card was going to be late, strange when someone doesn't know about Stamps/images isn't it!.

kept the insert Simple..

Verse was my own twist on something I had saved.
 If I find the link again I will add it, I actually like my version
I will try and catch up with your Blogs as soon as I have been for a little shopping, Be Good and don't forget to go over and join in the fun challenge this week.
 Hugs to all to need one today.