Hi Everyone,
What a Lovely Sunny day its been, I hope you have had a share of it too. It really made me feel good and ready to get some jobs done.
I have had a real good day in the house, I have got the washing done, Cleaned and tidied cupboards and then finished my card off that I started yesterday :) More than I have done in a week....lol
Well here is what I came up with, I am not thrilled with it but as my Mojo has been sadly hiding of late it has got me up and running again. I am ready to get down to some crafting this week if I can. My Medication is kicking in and I am feeling better each day.
The only blot on the Horizon is my lovely friend lost her dear Mum on Sunday evening :(
So with losing her Hubby and her Mum in 10mths she is now on her own.
Well now onto my card, ......
I need a sentiment in the inside yet
I made this to enter into ...
I normally like to make seperate cards for my challenges but as my Mojo has been missing I am combining them this time :0 Hopefully by next weeks challenges I will be fully recovered and in the swing of things again.
Well thats it folks, I am off to finish the tea as hubby has been working in the garden all day and he needs feeding.
hugs xxx