
Thursday, 31 May 2012

Well its certainly cooler at MAWTT

Morning everyone,
First To our Lovely sweet MAWTT  Boss Lady Mama
                Hope you have a lovely day Sweetie.
Please pop over and say hi to her xx

Also we have a brand new challenge "Cool Britannia"
over at Moving along with the Times our Lovely Laurie is our host this week and she would like to see creations with something along the Red, White, Blue theme. We have a great Sponser
 with a $10.00 prize to spend in store.
  For some extra Inspiration pop along and see what my sisters have created, with the fab digi's that we got to work! the girls have have really done them proud :)
This is my contribution ....

hope to see you over there.
 Huge hugs

Challenges I am entering are....

Saturday, 26 May 2012

In the Pink

Happy Sunny Saturday everyone :)
 What a gorgeous few days we have had, hope it continues a little while longer. We should have been at our daughter's today for a BBQ but she called off as she has a dreadful bad cough and bad thanks we can do without that :~
 So we went up to strim the gardens for my grandson so he can at least get the lawn Mower on them. They were far to long for the mower to tackle, He has made a start at doing his list of jobs he wants to tackle and there was wood and saw benches etc everywhere so we did the gardens and
 Well before the coffee goes on I wanted to show you my card and link it up to the Ribbon Girls Colour 19 Challenge, which is also Vintage & Cream. This was the gorgeous Inspirational Picture

So this what I came up with......... My papers are much more dusky pink than they are showing, I think the sun is tooo bright ...but don't tell it or it will vanish.
The image was from Free Vintage images and the flower I made with lace from my stash.
butterfly is Memory Box Vivienne Die.
 Will link it up to a couple more of my favourite Challenge blogs shortly.
 Hugs for now xxxxxxx

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Celebration challenge at MAWTT

Good morning everyone, thursday again and we have a brand new challenge over at MAWTT this week our lovely Kim is hosting and would like to see Celebration cards..Not Birthday so new house, new baby, Anniversary, Wedding.... well I am sure you know the game. Just remember No birthday this week

we have a lovely prize of a £10 Voucher excluding. P&P from the Lovely Crafty Emma's store 

I decided to make a New Home card, as my Grandson has just got the keys last weekend to his first home. He is so pleased with it, its a lovely house and as he was renting a luxury apartment before, he really needed to put all that rental money into a morgage. Its so hard for the young ones to get onto the property market but he's done it and we are so  happy for him :)  and as he is single he has a chance to get established and get it how he wants it.
Anyway enough waffle here is my card....

I wasn't at all happy with it, but with my bad shoulder last week I really struggled to craft. I didn't seem to have a clue and  my mojo had totally gone walk about :(
Hope we see your wonderful Celebration creations over at MAWTT.please pop over and see what the girls have created and leave them some love xxxx
 I am entering into...
 Hugs X

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Circle of love

Hi Bloggers, hope you are enjoying the same lovely Sunshine that we have here on the N/E coast. What a different to wake up to the sun shing in the windows isn't it :)
This is a quickie post as I am off out to do some shopping whilst its nice outside.
 This is to enter into Mo's DP2 Circle Challenge, I love this sweet image and I coloured it with Promarkers and a touch of pencil here and there. Lace and flowers from my stash. The sentiment is from LOTV
Not had time to finish the inside yet, so that will be along later
I told you this was a quick post :O
Will catch up later tonight Hugs for now xxxxx

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Keeping it real at MAWTT

Morning Lovely Bloggers, I am hoping this will appear at the time it is scheduled for as I know Blogger is acting strange at the moment.
 As its Thursday its a brand new challenge at MAWTT our host is fun loving Judith she has chosen Keep it Real  
So Fairies, elves etc. and all non-living things are not allowed.
                                     Remember to keep it Real. 
We have a wonderful generous gift for the winner from ..

So remember you have to be in it to win it as they say :))
Please pop over to see what the girls at MAWTT have created to inspire you, and if you have time please leave some love.
 This is my DT card and I kept it quite CAS as its for my SIL birthday and I really didn't think he would like anything fussy.
 Its a Mo's Digital pencil image called "King for the day" coloured with Promarkers and Polychroma pencils.
The Papers are Kanban..Industriana

Sorry I took pics of the inside but they have vanished into thin  I think I have deleted them today by mistake, trying to clean my storage out :(
Will try and take another later today.
 Hugs for now xxxxxxx

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

What a Diva...

Evening everyone, First Let me say Thanks and welcome my new followers, I am thrilled to have you on board.Thank you for thinking me worthy of your time.
Well hope you have all had a good day ...well better than mine at least. I woke this morning to find I couldn't get my 
shoulders off the bed :(  I have got a severley pulled or trapped muscle in my shoulder blade...yelp!! I can't breathe in because of the pain in my ribs. What I have done I haven't a clue, Den had to pull me up he said I rose like a mummy rising from a  Sadly I couldn't even get to visit my grandson for his birthday..he came to me instead :) He is 19 today and a super young man xx
         Well enough groaning and yelping from me and on to my card which I finished last night ..... Mo's challenge was Tickle my funny bone.. well I certainly don't want anyone tickling mine today, but hope my card makes you smile :))
I am entering it into
Mo's DP2 ..Tickle my funny Bone challenge
Bunny Zoe's..Anything goes
Make it Mondays..89 Always anything Goes

Thats it from me for now but will try and catch up later tonight...please don't make me laugh though cause it hurts  :O
 Huge Hugs to everyone xxxxxxxxxx

Thursday, 10 May 2012

We are All at sea at MAWTT

Morning everyone, Yes maybe you have guessed our brand new Nautical challenge at MAWTT has begun and our Lovely Navy wife Leesa has sailed in from Oz to choose the theme this week   :))
 We want to see all your fab creations with anything to do with the Sea.
We have a Fab prize up for grabs from Sir Stamp Alot

I wish I could
This was my DT card, but if you pop over to visit the blog you will see some fab inspiration from the others girls, don't forget to stop and say hi to them :)

The image is from Delicious doodles, and the sentiment I produced on the PC. I thought it was suitable for someone who is struggling at present, we all seem to know plenty of those don't we.
a little peak inside..... awaiting a sentiment

I am entering this into Diva's by for the boys
The perfect Sentiment..Get well without getting Well
Try it on Tuesdays..On the beach
  Catch you all soon, Hugs xxxx


Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Whew!! only just....

This is a last minute rush as is it only me thats always chasing my tail. I just do not have enough hours in the day. Saying that I have lost a day with the bank holiday, I keep thinking its tuesday today :~ Is everyone else having that problem.
 Well I had to make a card for a friend and she wanted Thomas on it and 21 and computers, well I don't do male cards very well at all and this was a major challenge for me. I had nothing but my cricut to cut thomas and 1" being the smallest, is really much too big in my opinion for this card. I also hadn't an image so I went shopping to Mo's and found this, which was perfect :)) 

I will add a sentiment when she has seen it.
 I am entering into Mo's DP2" challenge..Anything Goes
and also Passion for promarkers 148 .. Special Birthday
Must dash to catch Mo's challenge so will be back later xxx
 Hugs xx

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Nothing to show but!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Happy Saturday :))
 Nothing to show you in the way of a card yet, but couldn't wait to let you know I got the shock of my life last night when my daughter texted to say did I know that I had won Mina's  Followers Candy....How good is that! I am dancing and singing here :)  I almost missed it as Mina posted it 2days ago and I had visited her and not noticed it ..DOH!  I haven't slept for thinking what I can  Its one amazing lot of Candy.
 So before I craft today I am off to do some shopping, well I might misplace my vouchers so its best to spend them quickly isn't it :))
 See you soon hopefully with a card,
Thank you so much Mina, you are one very generous lady.
 Hugs XXX

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Summer Sunshine challenge at MAWTT

Good Morning Everybody  :) 
first let me say a huge thank you to everyone that entered my first ever challenge last week, the entries were amazing.

Well here we are at Thursday yet again, another week nearer  but  first of all we are going to have a week of Sunshine :)) yep! you heard right. We are sick of this cold wet windy weather so our lovely Claire  has decided we need a change at MAWTT with "Summer Sunshine" so we want to see all your wonderful Summer creations.
Our kind sponsor this week is Di's digi downloads

Who are giving our lucky winner a prize of some free Digi's.
 For my DT card I used a  Faye Whittaker's all our yesterdays stamp, You can get these from Joanna Sheen. I actually purchased it at a local show last month as i fell in love with it.
 I double stamped the straw hat and sailor shirt  and added pads under to give it a bit of depth, sadly my pictures haven't shown it ..oh well can't win em all!!

I coloured the image with promarkers and polychromos pencils, I cut the bunting out and then replaced it on the boat so that the sea could be seen through it. Sand and sea I did with pencils and sansodor, sorry the white waves haven't shown up in the photo very good either ..doh!
just a fancy angle on it....trying to be clever now aren't
That's all from me for now but will get round to see you as soon as I get the dreaded h/w done. I might even get chance to link up to a couple of Challenges I want to enter, if I get a move on with the jobs that need doing first.   Hugs xxx
Challenges I am entering are
Catered Crop..the letter B
Passion for Promarkers 147 light & Bright

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Read all about it!

Morning eeveryone, hope you have Sunshine where you are the sun is  trying to shine here but it keeps clouding over.
However We are off to the town so I will be snug and warm in the shops :)
Before I go however  I want to post my card  which I will enter into a couple of challenges ...
      Mo's favourite colours challenge, what a challenge this was for me ..yikes! now  what are my favourite colours Blues/yellows ...Pinks/Blues ... Mauves ...Turquoise  or as I have chosen Browns and Teal :-)

I have coloured my new digi up as been dying to use him. A great day to shout the news of a birthday too as my lovely sister Debs on MAWTT has a Birthday today so Happy Birthday Debs hope you get spoilt xxxxx
Also entering it into Papertake Weekly..Anything Goes
Love both of these challenge blogs so thought I would combine them. Didn't use the optional Lace though as I didn't think this little Paperboy would like
 Well I will have to dash as we are going on the bus today and not much time to get this linked up.
 See you all later xx
ps the  rolled Newspaper is actually part of Dens paper which I tore and stamped Happy Birthday on