Module 5 Cell Modifications
Module 5 Cell Modifications
Module 5 Cell Modifications
What is cell modification?
Specialized or modifications re-
acquired by the cell division that
helps the cell in different
beneficial ways.
Apical Modification
Cell modification
found on the apical
surface of the cell.
Apical Modification
Cilia and Flagella
◦Cilia are short, hair-like
structures that move in
◦Flagella are long whiplike
◦Formed from microtubules
Apical Modification
Villi and microvilli
◦Villi are finger-like projections that arise from the epithelial
layer in some organs. They help to increase surface area,
allowing faster and more efficient absorption.
◦Microvilli are smaller projections than villi which functions
primarily on the efficient absorption of molecules.
Apical Modification
◦Temporary, irregular
lobes formed by
amoebas and some
other eukaryotic
◦It bulges outward to
move the cell or
engulf the prey.
Apical Modification
Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM)
◦A compound secreted by the cell on its apical
◦In plant cells, cell wall is made up of molecules
secreted by the cell called cellulose, a
polysaccharide compose of glucose units.
◦In animal cells, the major component of
extracellular matrix is the protein collagen.
Apical Modification
Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM)
◦The ECM also contains many other types of
proteins and carbohydrates.
◦Integrins are key connector proteins which are
imbedded in the plasma membrane.
◦Fibronectin also can act as bridges between
integrins and other ECM proteins such as
Basal Modification
Cell modification
found on the
basal surface of
the cell basement
Basal Modification
Desmosomes/ Hemidesmosomes
◦These allow for strong
attachment between cells or to
a basement membrane.
◦Desmosomes attach to the
microfilaments of cytoskeleton
made up of keratin protein.
◦Hemidesmosomes attach the
epithelial cell to the basement
membrane rather than the
adjacent cell.
Lateral Modification
◦Cell modification found on
the basal surface of the
◦These structures consist of
protein complexes and
induce connectivity between
adjacent epithelial cells,
between cell and ECM.
Lateral Modification
Tight Junctions
◦They are
proteins fused on
outer plasma
membrane . They act
as barriers that
regulate the movement
of water and solutes
between epithelial
Lateral Modification
Adherens Junctions
◦Protein complexes that
occur in cell to cell
junctions in epithelial
and endothelial tissues.
◦It fastens cell to one
Lateral Modification
Gap Junctions
◦It is also known as
communicating junctions.
They directly connect the
cytoplasm of two cells,
which allows various
molecules, ions and
electrical impulses to
directly pass through a
regulated gate between
1. Functions mainly for support in plant
2. It serves as the protective outer covering of leaves, young roots and young stems.
3. A tissue that is Responsible for the production of new cells in plant
4. Found in the fleshy parts of fruits and the softer parts of roots, stem and leaves.
5. A tissue that forms lining of various cavities and tubes in the body.
6. Muscles of the heart.
7. Male sex cells produced by the testes.
8. A tissue that received and send sensations in the body.
9. For movement in animals
10. Meristem found at the tip of the stems and roots.
Cell modification are modifications re-acquired by the cell after cell division (for multicellular organism
during the stage of cell differentiation). These are specialized cell structure for a specialized function in
general. There are __1_ types of cell modifications; Apical which found on the apical __2__ of the __3___.
Examples of apical modification on bacterial cell is the __4___ which enables the cell to move. Other
examples are ___5___ for efficient electrical signals transmission and __6___ for motility. Epithelial cells
have __7___, a short hair-like projections which assist movement of material over epithelial surface. These
projections can be located on the ___8__ which clear-up mucus and dirt on the airways which allow
organism to breathe easily and without irritation. This can be found also in the epithelial cells of ___9____
which acts as a senior antenna or transmit signals to other cells to alert that there is a flow of urine. The
___10____ and __11___ projections on the small intestine epithelium surface is responsible for the
absorption of nutrients that goes into the blood stream. For plants cell, the rigidity of the __12___ is due to
the compound ___13___ which secreted by the plant cells on their apical surface. Another type of cell
modification which allow ___14__ between cells or to a basement membrane is basal modification which
can be found on microtubules of a cell cytoskeleton or surface of __15__ cells. Lastly, lateral modifications
are found on the __16___ surface of the cell. These structures consist of __17___ complexes that induce
__18__ between adjacent epithelial cells, between cell and ECM. They act as barrier and __19___
paracellular transport. These lateral modifications are the __20__, a transmembrane protein, __21___, a
protein complexes that occur at cell to cell junctions and ___22__, also known as communicating junctions.