4 - Cell Junctions
4 - Cell Junctions
4 - Cell Junctions
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Cell junction or intercellular bridge
is a type of structure that exists within the tissue Cell.
junctions consist of multiprotein complexes that provide
contact between neighboring cells or between a cell and
the extracellular matrix.
They also build up the para-cellular barrier of epithelia and
control the para-cellular transport. Cell junctions are
especially abundant in epithelial tissues.
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The lateral membranes of many epithelial cells often exhibit
several types of membrane modification which known as
intercellular junctions.
Some junction provides a mechanism for communication
between adjacent cells. Other junctions serve as site of
adhesion and as seals to prevent the flow of material
through the space between epithelial
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kinds of junctions
• Tight junctions (occluding junctions)
• Adherens junctions (anchoring junctions)
• Gap junctions (communicating junction)
• Desmosomes (anchoring junctions)
• hemidesmosomes (anchoring junctions)
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Tight Junctions (zona occludens)
• a tight junction, is a watertight seal between two adjacent
animal cells . The cells are held tightly against each other
by proteins (principally are two proteins called claudins
and occludins). This tight adherence prevents materials
from leaking between the cells. These junctions are
typically found in epithelial tissues that line internal organs
and cavities and comprise most of the skin. For example,
the tight junctions of the epithelial cells lining the urinary
bladder prevent urine from leaking
out into the extracellular space.
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Tight junction function
• Tight junctions perform two vital functions:
1- They limit the passage of molecules and ions through
the space between cells by diffusion or active transport)
in order to pass through the tissue. This pathway
provides tighter control of substances.
2- They block the movement of integral
membrane proteins between the apical and
baso-lateral surfaces of the cell. Thus they
control the special functions of each
- receptor-mediated endocytosis
at the apical surface
at the baso-lateral surface. Page 6
Adherens Junctions (zonula adherence)
• Adherens junctions provide strong mechanical attachments between
adjacent cells. They hold cardiac muscle cells tightly together as the
heart expands and contracts. They hold epithelial cells together..
• Some adherens junctions are present in narrow bands connecting
adjacent cells. Others are present in non continuous sheet holding
the cells together.
• Loss of adherens junctions function may accelerate the edema
associated with sepsis;
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Gap Junctions(communication junctions)
• Gap junctions are intercellular channels some 1.5–2 nm in
diameter. These permit the free passage between the cells
of ions and small molecules .
• They are cylinders constructed from 6 copies of
transmembrane proteins called connexins.
• Because ions can flow through them, gap junctions permit
changes in membrane potential to pass from cell to cell.
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• Examples:The action potential
in heart (cardiac) muscle flows
from cell to cell through the
heart providing the rhythmic
contraction of the heartbeat.
• At some so-called electrical
synapses in the brain, gap
junctions permit the arrival of
an action potential at the
synaptic terminals to be
transmitted across to the
postsynaptic cell without the
delay needed for release of a
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Desmosomes( macula adherence )
• Desmosomes are localized patches that hold two cells
tightly together. They are common in epithelia (e.g., the
skin). Desmosomes are attached to intermediate filaments
of keratin in the cytoplasm.
• A desmosome forms a very strong spot weld between cells
• Carcinomas are cancers of epithelia. However, the cells of
carcinomas no longer have desmosomes. This may
partially account for their ability to
• metastasize
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• These are similar to desmosomes but attach
epithelial cells to the basal lamina ("basement
membrane") instead of to each other.
• This structures take the form of half
desmosome & bind epithelia to the subjacent
basal lamina .
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Basal lamina
• All epithelia lie on a basal lamina, separating them from the
underlying connective tissue (lamina propria). The basal
lamina provides structural support and acts in part as a
selective barrier for the epithelial layer. The basal laminae are
formed by the cells themselves. In some cases the basal
laminae are greatly thickened (as in the glomeruli and filtration
system of the kidneys).
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cell Surface
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1- Microvilli
• Finger-like extensions from the free surface of the cell,
about 1 µm in height & 0.08 µm wide.
• Are present in large numbers on each cell and, collectively,
are called a brush or striated border
• They Contain a core of actin microfilaments.
• They Are relatively non-motile
• Their function is Increase surface area for absorption.
• They are Prominent on
cells lining the digestive
tract and proximal tubules
in the kidney
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• Large, nonmotile microvilli; not cilia
• Contain a core of actin microfilaments
• Increase surface area
• Present on cells lining the epididymis and
ductus deferens in the male reproductive
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• Multiple hair-like extensions from free surface of the cell; 5–10
µm in long & 0.2 µm in diameter.
• Highly motile.
• their Function is propel material along the surface of the
• (e.g., in the respiratory system and the oviduct of
the female reproductive system)
• the Core of a cilium is called the axoneme, in
which nine pairs of microtubules surround a central
pair of microtubules (9 + 2 arrangement).
The axomene of each cilum originates from a
basal body that is located at the apex of the cell and is
composed of nine triplets of microtubules.
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