Stress Analysis: M. Firdaus, MT
Stress Analysis: M. Firdaus, MT
Stress Analysis: M. Firdaus, MT
M. Firdaus, MT
Strength of Materials
• Internal Force & Stress
If we want to check that span has allowable
strength, it is done is to compare of internal force
which there is on these span with strength of
materials by using the concept of stress :
Stress = intensity of force – internal force per
Stress obtained by distributing the force on the
cross-section of each unit element width divided
by the intensity (Daryanto, 2001)
Internal Force
• Is the force that holds together with the same
point that forms rigid body.
• This Force obtained when we cut a structure,
Then the intersection of the cross section will
arise kinds of force as follows :
1. Moments (M)
2. Shear Force (L)
3. Normal Force (N)
4. Torsion
Span With Normal Force
• A span is loaded axially by the normal force N,
the normal force N will be distributed to the
entire cross-section material.
• Dissemination / distribution of normal force
per unit area is called Normally Stress (σn)
Elements of force that predicted in the
field of structural
Internal force which there is :
So :
Allowable Stress
• From mechanical properties of materials, can be known
proportional limit of the melting point and ultimate strength
of a material, it can set the stress that can be considered as
Safety stress or Allowable stress
• To retain the changes a civil engineering structures within the
limits that are allowed, usually the allowable stress must be
maintained well below the proportional limit
• In the steel structure, melting point is used as the basis for
calculating the stress test, because the yield stress to be many
changes in the form of a permanent
where : σ = allowable stress
y σу = yield stress
f = safety factor
Stress lim it
Safety factor f
Yield Stress y
Safety factor
Conclusion :
P = 2950 kg
Lo = 200 mm = 20 cm
∆L = 0,22 mm = 0,022 cm
A 1 . .D 2 1 . .1,32
D = 13 mm = 1,3 cm
4 4
1,3273 cm 2
L 0,022
1,1.10 3
Lo 20
P 2950 kg
2222,557 2
A 1,3273 cm
2222,557 kg
E 2020506 2
1,1.10 3
• Exam 1 :
a steel span is an element of the truss structure. These span
have axial tensile force of 11,25.103 kg. calculate the
extension that occurs due to the force if the span cross-
sectional area 60 mm2 and length at initial condition is 1.5 m
(E = 2.106 kg/cm2)
• Exam 2 :
a steel span has a length of 10 m have to capable resist
5000kg. Determine the minimum diameter steel span that
occur if an extension should not exceed 5 mm
(E = 2.106 kg/cm2)