Pipe Protection
Pipe Protection
Pipe Protection
K.B. Adedeji†, B.T. Abe†, Y. Hamam†, A.M. Abu-Mahfouz*†, T.H. Shabangu† and
A.A. Jimoh†.
Department of Electrical Engineering, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa.
†Meraka Institute, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria, South Africa.
Corresponding author: [email protected].
Abstract: The interference effect from high voltage overhead lines on nearby metallic pipelines is a
major challenge for utility owners due to the induced AC potentials on metallic pipelines.
Nevertheless, numerous mitigation techniques have been proposed in the past to curtail the effect of
AC potentials on pipelines. One of these techniques is the use of grounding conditions for the metallic
pipelines. In this paper, we present through modelling, the computation and comparison of the various
approaches for grounding metallic pipe installed near high voltage overhead lines for AC mitigation
purposes. A Rand Water pipeline installed near an Eskom 275 kV transmission line at Strydpan,
South Africa was used as a case study. The model simulation results of the studied network show that
the pipe grounding condition in which the pipeline isolated at both ends of the parallel region with an
insulating flange gives better performance in terms of AC potential reduction. This, in conjunction
with other AC mitigation techniques can reduce the level of AC potential to the barest minimum or
below a threshold in which AC corrosion possibilities are lower.
In this paper, the different pipe grounding conditions where, IR, IW, IB and Igi are the steady state currents in the
to arrest AC potential is examined through modelling. A phase conductors and the ith earth wires, and ZRp, ZWp, ZBp
Rand water pipeline installed in the energy utility , Zgip are the mutual impedances (Ω/m) between the phase
corridor of high voltage transmission line at Strydpan, conductors, the ith earth wire and the pipeline, n
South Africa is used as a case study. The rest of the paper represents the number of earth wires on the tower. The
is organised accordingly. Section 2 presents the potential drop across the ith earth wire due to the effect of
methodology used featuring the model description and the phase conductors can be expressed as
formulations. In Section 3, the simulation results of the
model were presented while Section 4 concludes the Vgi I R Z Rgi IW ZWgi I B Z Bgi (2)
Therefore, the currents in the earth wires Igi is given as
I gi I R Z Rgi IW ZWgi I B Z Bgi (3)
Z ggi Z ggi
2.1 Network of the HVTL and Pipeline Description.
The studied network consists of a single circuit where, Zggi denotes the self-impedance of the ith earth
transmission line in horizontal configuration (one of the wire. By substituting (3) into (1), the emf induced on the
Eskom transmission line at Strydpan, South Africa) and a pipeline is expressed as
buried pipeline of depth hp as illustrated in Figure 1. n Z Rgi Z gi p n ZWgi Z gi p
Ep I R Z Rp IW ZWp
i 1 Z ggi i 1 Z ggi
n Z Bgi Z gi p
I B Z Bp
i 1 Z ggi
0 0 e
Zk p j log e k (R, W,B,gi ) (5)
8 2 Dk p
e (6)
0 r f
Dp Dp
Y j 2 f
0 c
c c tc
The authors acknowledge the management of the
Tshwane University of Technology, the Council for
Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and Rand
Figure 5: Pipe-to-soil potential on pipeline due to case Water Company of South Africa for the financial support.
(iii) for the pipe grounding.
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