Dick and Carey Model

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Republic of the Philippines


J. Catolico Avenue Brgy. Lagao General Santos City


Presented to: Mr. Darryl Imperial

Class Schedule: TTH 9:00-10:30am

Presented by:
Marielle Q. Cantiller

To understand the meaning of instructional models

and to know the history about it

To explain the importance of the instructional model

in learning

To reflect the importance of the instructional model

in learning in real life scenario
Dick and Carey Model Brief History

Since 1968, several versions of Dick and Carey model has been
developed. As years passed, this model has been modify so it can be
used in businesses, and industry related jobs. In 1996, the model of Dick
and Carey changed once again with some modifications that helped
with procedures and concepts of the model. Now days, parts of Dick
and Carey model is still used and has helped shape another model like
Kirkpatrick model. However in spite of that, instructional design and
educators teaches Dick and Carey along with ADDIE, ARCS, and other
models to designers and educators among others today.
Dick and Carey Model Description

Dick and Carey Model can be

Described as an organized model

It gives educators or designers

step-by-step instructions of what
to what the purpose of their
objective is, and the learners to
learn up to the end result.
Dick and Carey Model Nine Stages
Republic of the Philippines
Stratford International School
College of Education
J.Catolico Avenue, Lagao General Santos City

Educational Technology 2
Lesson: Dick and Carey Design Model

Presented to:
Mr. Darryl Imperial
Class Schedule:
Presented By:
Gretchen Mae L. Herana
The Dick And Carey Model
in eLearning
1. Identify goals and objectives.

- Clarify your goals and objectives.

- The learner must be aware of what they will be able to do

when they complete the eLearning course, including the skills
they will develop and the knowledge they will acquire.

- Make sure that you tie it to real world applications so that they
know how the eLearning course can benefit them outside the
virtual learning space.
2. Complete instructional analysis.

-determining what your learners already know so that you can

figure out how to fill the learning gap.

-This can be done through eLearning assessments, surveys, and

interviews that focus on their current skill sets and knowledge
Republic of the Philippines
Stratford International School
College of Education
J.Catolico Avenue, Lagao General Santos City

Educational Technology 2
Lesson: Dick and Carey Design Model

Presented to:
Mr. Darryl Imperial
Class Schedule:
Presented By:
Vanessa G. Ygana

Identify the general characteristics of the learners, including skills,

experience, motivation levels, and basic demographic; which relate to the skills
and topic that will be taught. The information should have enough detail to
allow you to identify the correct starting point of the instruction so that they do
not waste time reviewing material they already know and does not omit content
they need to know.
4. Write Performance Objectives

consist of a description of the task or skills to be learned, the

standards or criteria, and the conditions that the task must be
Republic of the Philippines
Stratford International School
College of Education
J.Catolico Avenue, Lagao General Santos City

Educational Technology 2
Lesson: Dick and Carey Design Model

Presented to:
Mr. Darryl Imperial
Class Schedule:
Presented By:
Jo-Anne P. Retuya
5. Develop Assessment Instruments

-Tests and evaluations are created that will:

1) ensure the learners meet the necessary

prerequisites for performing the new skills,

2) identify the learner's progress in meeting the

performance objectives during the learning process,

3) evaluate the learning process itself to ensure it is

structurally sound.
6.Develop Instructional Strategy

-Create a blueprint of the learning activities that will

transfer, develop, and reinforce the skills and knowledge
formulated in the performance objectives. Sequence the
items in the blueprint in the order that will provide the
best learning environment.
Republic of the Philippines
Stratford International School
College of Education
J.Catolico Avenue, Lagao General Santos City

Educational Technology 2
Lesson: Dick and Carey Design Model

Presented to:
Mr. Darryl Imperial
Class Schedule:
Presented By:
Mira Mariano
7. Develop and select instructional materials

Using the blueprint created in the previous step,

fully develop the instructional content and activities.
To save time, reuse existing material whenever
8. Design and Conduct (Formative Evaluation)

Formative Evaluation- are evaluations for learning. They are often ungraded and informal.
Their aim is to provide both the students and instructor with a gauge of where their level of
understanding is at the current moment, and enable the instructor to adjust accordingly to
meet the emerging needs of the class.

It is also use interactive design methods, such as prototypes, small field group trials, and/or
interviews wirh prospective learners so that you can collect data to identify areas in the
intstructional material that need improvement before releasing the instructional for actual
Example of formative evaluation

1. One-Minute Paper - Check student understanding in a lesson by asking them to take out a
sheet of paper and take one minute to, for example, write down an explanation of a concept,
solve an equation, or draw a main point from a reading.

2. Muddiest Point Paper - Check student understanding in a lesson by asking them to take out
a sheet of paper and take one minute to write down a single question about, or the most
confusing aspect of, the topic of/for the day.

3. Directed Paraphrase - After working through a topic, ask students to explain the content to
a lay audience in their own words.

4. Mid-Semester Evaluation - In order to conduct a mid-semester evaluation, there may be

particular questions you would like to ask (see sample links below for ideas). If you do use
some form of mid-term evaluation, we encourage you to discuss the results with your class,
explaining for instance, why you can't cut down on some topic, or why, based on the
suggestions of the class, you will add a discussion of a particular topic.
Ex. "Today, I'd like you to fill out a short mid-semester evaluation. The
information you provide is just for me, and your input is extremely valuable.
It helps me gauge how the course is progressing at the moment, that is,
what is going well from your standpoint and whether you have any
suggestions for how we might proceed for the rest of the semester. It also
lets me know whether you are learning what I hope you are. I will report
back to you about the results of this evaluation."
9. Design and Conduct Summative Evaluation

Formative Evaluation -Summative assessment (or summative evaluation) refers to the

assessment of participants where the focus is on the outcome of a program. This
contrasts with formative assessment, which summarizes the participants' development
at a particular time.

The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an

instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark. Summative
assessments are often high stakes, which means that they have a high point value.
Examples of summative assessments include: a midterm exam. a final project.
Some examples of summative assessments

• State assessments.

• District benchmark or interim assessments.

• End-of-unit or chapter tests.

• End-of-term or semester exams.

• Scores that are used for accountability for schools (AYP) and students
(report card grades).
Revise Instruction
• Data from formative evaluation is analyzed to:

• identify difficulties learners had in achieving


• relate these difficulties to specific deficiencies in


• re-examine validity of instructional analysis and

assumptions about learner characteristics
Benefits of the Dick and Carey Model

• it provides guidance through the design phase of instruction

• provides emphasis on sequencing and organizing content

• can be applied in almost any content

• can adjust well for any changes in both theory and/or


• has been around for a long time

Disadvantages of Dick and Carey Model:

Focused on the product rather than the system

To specific on the objectives in order to be successful

Presumption that learning can be predictable and reliable

Too rigid and too many stages

The Instructional designers do not use all the necessary steps.

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