Eng10 LM U4

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Industrial Arts
Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs)
Teachers Guide
Alloted Time: 4 hrs
Grade Level Standard:
This is a specialization course which leads to Masonry

National Certificate Level II (NC II). It covers two (2) core competencies that
a Grade 10 Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) student ought to possess,
specifically: 1) communicate effectively using the English language; and 2) deliver
quality customer service.

The preliminaries of this specialization course include the following:1)

discussion on the relevance of the course; 2) explanation of key concepts relative to
the course; and 3) exploration on career opportunities.

Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of one’s Personal Entrepreneurial
Competencies in masonry.

Performance Standard:
The learner independently creates a plan of action that strengtens and or
further develops his/her PECs in masonry.
Learning Competencies:
Develop and strengthen PECs needed in masonry.
I. Introduction
This teacher’s guide will lead you to effectively and efficiently teach the
Module. Moreover, this will guide you in determining relevant and appropriate teaching
techniques and strategies that will tailor fit to the learning needs and demands of
the learners to make them best understand, appreciate and be inspired in realizing
the importance of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial competencies related to

This module will also provide learners an opportunity to know that individuals
possess different PECs. These PECs include characteristics, attributes, lifestyles,
skills, or traits that make a person different from others. Likewise, when one
aligns these competencies with the competencies of successful practitioners or
entrepreneurs, he or she may become ready to face the experiences of starting a
business or being employed.

Moreover, the module is designed to stimulate the learners mind to think

about entrepreneurship and its role in the business community and in economic and
social development.

II. Objectives:
With your assistance and the guidance of this module, learners are expected
to understand the underlying principles and concepts of PECs more particularly in:

• identifying areas for improvement, development and growth;

• aligning learners’ PECs according to their business or career
choice; and
• creating a plan of action that ensures success in their business
or career choice.

III. Presentation of Content:

• Guide learners in appreciating and understanding PECs in order

to be successful in business or in the world of work by telling
them inspiring real-life stories of successful businessman or
well-known workers in the field of masonry in the community.
• Explain to learners the importance of assessing their PECs.
• Guide learners in understanding the importance of entrepreneurs
and entrepreneurship.
• Guide learners in identifying and comprehending the objectives
of the module.

• Utilize the sample pre-assessment test available in the learners’

materials or craft a comprehensive teacher-made test to assess
learner’s prior knowledge and skills in PECs.
• Evaluate the result of the pre-assessment and prepare a
plan of action to strategically address the learning needs and
requirements of the learners.
• Guide Questions
• Have learners actively perform Task 2, and let them share their
answers and relevant experiences to the class.

• Process learners’ understanding of the guide questions presented on
Task 2.

Learning Goals and Target

• Help learners in utilizing available technology / resources in planning

their own learning goals and targets as reflected on page 4.
Group Activity

• Group the learners then let them perform Task 3 and let them share
their thought to the class.
• Process learners’ understanding and guide them in arriving to a
relevant and acceptable generalization.

IV. Know, Process, Reflect, and Understand, and Transfer


• Discuss or present the importance of assessing personal entrepreneurial

competencies (PECs) and skills vis-à-vis a practicing entrepreneur or
employee; give an example of an entrepreneur or employee living in
the community.

• Expand learners’ curiosity by asking essential questions on the
important characteristics / traits / attributes and skills of a good
• Assist or guide learners in understanding the competencies
(characteristics, traits, attributes) and skills of a good entrepreneur.
• Have an appropriate, relevant and timely learning activity for the
learners to appreciate the best entrepreneurial competencies.
• Assess learners’ knowledge, skills and understanding on the topic.
Utilize the result of the pre-assessment to improve their learning.

• Let learners accomplish Task 4 (PECs Checklist) on page 8-9. Let

them have their own interpretations or personal insights based on the
accomplished task.
• Facilitate student-to-student interactions and process learners

Reflect and Understand

• Deepen learners’ understanding on PECs by guiding them to

accomplish Task 5 (Interview) on pages 9-12.
• Facilitate appropriate learning activities to finish the task.
• Encourage learners to report their accomplishments to the class.
• Process learners’ understanding.


• Assist learners in individually accomplishing Task 6 (Preparation

of an Action Plan) on page 12. Let them intelligently craft their
own plan of action. Have learners present this in class and
process their understanding.
• Guide learners in answering the essential questions presented
in Task 7 on page 13.
• Have learners share their answers to the class and then process
their understanding.
• Provide learners more concrete examples and enrichment
activities to further deepen their understanding about PECs and
its importance in day-to-day living as future entrepreneurs or
• Provide learners applicable activities; whereby, they can transfer
what they have learned in the commnity.
• Let learners utilize available resources in the community to
accomplish the task.

V. Feedback:

Answers to the Pre/Post Assessment
1. E 6. B
2. K 7. C
3. H 8. I
4. A 9. D
5. J 10. F

VI. References:
1. Module 5, Project EASE, Effective and Affordable Secondary Education
2. http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/77408#ixzz2twpYG49A
3. http://www.thetimes100.co.uk/theory/theory--opportunities-constraints-
4. http://www.thetimes100.co.uk/theory/theory--constraints--421.
5. http://www.thetimes100.co.uk/theory/theory--constraints-on-
6. http://www.thetimes100.co.uk/theory/theory--production-and-resource-
7. http://www.thetimes100.co.uk/theory/theory--nature-and-role-of-

Environment and Market (EM)

Alloted Time: 4 hrs

I. Grade Level Standard:

This is a specialization course which leads to Masonry National Certificate
Level II (NC II). It covers two (2) core competencies that a Grade 10 Technology and
Livelihood Education (TLE) student ought to possess, specifically: 1) communicate
effectively using the English language and 2) deliver quality customer service.

The preliminaries of this specialization course include the following:

1) discussion on the relevance of the course; 2) explanation of key
concepts relative to the course and; 3) exploration on career opportunities.

II. Content Standard:

The learner demonstrates understanding of environment and market in
Masonry in one’s community.

III. Performance Standard:

The learner independently creates a business vicinity map reflective of
potential market in Masonry in a community
IV. Learning Competencies
• Develop a quality and marketable products or services in masonry
• Select a business idea based on the criteria and techniques set
• Develop a brand for the product
V. Introduction:
People who aspire to start a business need to explore the economic, cultural
and social conditions prevailing in the area. Needs and wants of the people in a certain
area that are not met, may be considered as business opportunities. Identifying the
needs of the community, its resources, available raw materials, skills, and appropriate
technology can help a new entrepreneur in seizing a business opportunity.

To be successful in any kind of business venture, potential entrepreneurs

should always look closely at the environment and market. They should always
be watchful on the existing opportunities and constraints. The opportunities in the
business environment are those factors that provide possibilities for a business to
expand and make more profits. Constraints, on the other hand, are those factors
that limit the business to grow, hence reduce the chance of generating profit. One of
the best ways to evaluate the opportunities and constraints is to conduct Strengths,
Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis.

VI. Objectives
With your assistance and the guidance of this module, learners are expected
to understand the underlying principles and concepts of EM more particularly in:

• identifying what is of “value” to the customer ;

• identifying the customer ;
• explaining what makes a product unique and competitive;
• applying creativity and innovative techniques to develop
marketable product; and
• employing a unique selling proposition (USP) to the product and
or service.

VII. Presentation of Content


• Utilize appropriate activities that lead learners to value the

environment and market and their implication to be successful in
a business relating to masonry.
• Guide learners in understanding the importance of environment
and market. Likewise lead them in appreciating the value of
SWOT Analysis.

• Provide relevant, appropriate and meaningful examples of
SWOT Analysis pertaining to masonry.
• Help learners in presenting the importance of assessing their
immediate environment and market pertaining to Masonry.
• Use processing and questioning skills, to guide learners in
coming up with a generalization about environment and market
and its relation to be successful in the field of Masonry.

• Utilize the sample pre-assessment test available in the Learner’s

Materials or craft a comprehensive teacher made test to assess
learner’s prior knowledge and skills in EM.
• Evaluate the result of the pre-assessment and prepare a
plan of action to strategically address the learning needs and
requirements of the learners.
Guide Questions

• Ask learners to actively perform Task 2 and guide them in

presenting their answers to the class.
• Process learner’s responses and guide them to have an
appropriate generalization.

Learning Goals and Target

• Help learners in planning their own learning goals and target as

reflected on page 18.
• Provide enrichment activities and guide them in analyzing
available resources and technology in the community in
accomplishing their learning goals and targets.

VIII. Know, Process, Reflect and Understand, and Transfer

Product development


• Discuss product development, concept of developing a product,

finding value, innovation, unique selling proposition and its
relationship to environment and market and business at large.
• Let learners actively participate in the discussion on the
aforementioned topics. Assist or guide learners in presenting
their ideas and relevant experiences.
• Design varied levels of learning activities for the learners to
better understand the aforementioned topics.

• Guide learners in reflecting on the importance of product
development, concept of developing a product, finding value,
innovation, and unique selling proposition.
• Design an assessment to evaluate learner’s understanding on
the previous topics.
• Utilize the result of the assessment in designing or developing
learning activities that would enrich learner’s understanding.

• Guide learners in accomplishing Task 3 on page 24. Let them

conduct a research by doing an interview with a successful
entrepreneur or practitioner within the community.
• Have learners present their research to the class and process
their understanding in relation to the objectives of the module.
Reflect and Understand

• Inspire learners to deepen their understanding on environment

and market by carefully watching the videos related to the
prescribed topics on Task 4 on page 25.
• After letting the learners watch the videos, let them prepare a
comprehensive narrative report on the topics they have watched.
• Encourage learners to present their accomplishments to the
• Process learners’ understanding in relation to the objectives of
this module.


• Guide learners in developing their concept for their own product

or service as reflected on Task 5 on pags 25 - 26.
• Assist learners in analyzing and utilizing available resources in
developing a concept of their own product or service.
• Evaluate learner’s output by referring to teachers made rubrics
aligned to the performance standards.
• Let learners eloquently share and present their output to the
• Lead learners in reflecting on the importance of product

Generating Ideas for Business

• Know
• Let learners read and understand topics relating to generating
ideas for business, key concept of selecting a business idea, and
• Let learners undergo varied levels of learning activities to better
appreciate the importance of generating ideas for business, key
concept of selecting a business idea, and branding.

• Process learners’ understanding relative to the objectives of this

• Lead learners in reflecting on their SWOT Analysis and its

importance in generating business ideas by engaging them to
the learning opportunities through interaction with others outside
the classroom and with the use of technology.
• Instruct learners to enrich their knowledge on SWOT Analysis by
conducting researches.
• Provide an appropriate type of assessment to evaluate learner’s
understanding on SWOT Analysis. Utilize the result of the
assessment to craft more appropriate and productive learning
• Assist learners in performing Task 6 (SWOT Analysis).
• Evaluate or assess learner’s output and check it against the
objectives of this module.

Reflect and Understand

• Let learners work on an independent learning activity or

cooperative learning (ICL) in accomplishing Task 7 (Extra
Readings and Video Viewing) on page 32.
• Assist learners in presenting their output and assess the evidence
of learning and provide useful input to improve their output.


• Have learners prepare Task 9 (Making My Own Logo). Assist

learners in accomplishing this Task by adhering on to their real
life experience.
• Assess learners output using teacher made rubrics following the
standards and objectives of this module.

IX. Feedback
Pre / Post Assessment

1. D 6. D
2. C 7. B
3. A 8. C
4. B 9. D
5. A 10. D

X. References
1. Module 5, Project EASE, Effective and Affordable Secondary Education

2. http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/77408#ixzz2twpYG49A
3. http://www.thetimes100.co.uk/theory/theory--opportunities-constraints-
4. http://www.thetimes100.co.uk/theory/theory--constraints--421.
5. http://www.thetimes100.co.uk/theory/theory--constraints-on-
6. http://www.thetimes100.co.uk/theory/theory--production-and-resource-
7. http://www.thetimes100.co.uk/theory/theory--nature-and-role-of-

Process and Delivery 39
Introduction 4 This module contains information 1
and suggested learning activities
on masonry. It includes instructions
and procedure on how to prepare for
laying brick/block for structure, lay-
out or establish a brick/block structure
location, perform laying brick/block for
structure, and complete laying of brick/
block for structure.

Each learning outcome contains

learning activities supported by
information sheets. Before you
perform the instructions, read the
information sheets and answer the
Self-Check and Activities provided to
ascertain yourself and your instructor

that you have acquired the knowledge
necessary to perform the particular
skill portion of the particular learning

Upon completion, report to your

teacher for assessment to check
your achievement of knowledge and
skills requirements of the particular
learning competency. If you pass
the assessment, you will be given a
certificate of completion.
Pre/Diagnostic LO1 41 A. Administer the Pre/Diagnostic 1
Assessment before starting a
lesson. Recognition of prior
learning is very important. Write
the questions on a manila paper
to save time

B. Answer Key:
1. Trowels
2. Spade or Shovel
3. Nylon cord/string
4. Aligning stick
5. Buttering trowel

Information Sheet 1.1: 42 A. Discuss information sheet 1.1. 6
Importance of Plan Prepare sample of plans/
blueprints, this will help in
concretizing learning.
Self Check 1.1 46 A. Administer Self-Check by asking 1
them to write the answer after
discussing the information sheet.
This would help enrich the lesson.
Prepare the questions on a Manila
paper if photocopies are not
available. Refrain from dictating
the questions.

B. Answer Key:

1. Foundation Plan
2. Elevation Plan
3. Blueprint
4. Specification
5. Floor Plan

Information Sheet 1.2: 47 A. Prepare the tools and equipment in 1
Brick/Block Laying advance as stated in the information
Tools and Equipment sheet. Concrete examples facilitates
better learning.

B. Let students discuss the type and

uses in brick/block laying tools
and equipment as well as the
appropriate PPE to be used. Let
them cite actual situations on where
and when to use them.

Self Check 1.2 49 A. Prepare questions ready for 1/2

administration. It is always
important to check how much the
students have learned right after
the lesson. This would determine
their mastery level.

B. Answer Key
1. Nylon string/cord
2. Trowel
3. Buttering trowel
4. Pointing trowel
5. Shovel

Information Sheet 50 A. Prepare a table on the chemical 1
1.3:Chemical composition of bricks.
Composition and Its
Function of Brick Clay B. Let students discuss the chemical
composition and its function in
making a brick clay.

Self Check 1.3 51 A. Have students complete the table

on the chemical composition and 1/2
the corresponding percentage of
each chemical.

Chemical Percent Composition

Silica 55%
Alumina 30%
Iron Oxide 8%
Magnesia 5%
Lime 1%
Alkali and
rganic matter 1%

Information sheet 1.4:

Cement, gravel and
sand ratio
Self Check 1.4

A. Allow learners to discuss the ratio in
forming concrete hallow blocks

A. Prepare questions ready for

administration. Let students write their


answers on a sheet of paper.

B. Answer Key

Concrete hollow blocks are formed

through the mixture of cement, gravel
and sand. Commercial hollow blocks
has a ratio of one is to eleven(1:11),
where 1 bag of 40 kg cement is mixed
with 11 cu. ft. of gravel and sand,
usually 1 inch diameter. Sizes of
concrete hollow blocks vary depending
on the size of the form used in molding
this. Curing period for at least seven
(7) days is needed before the material
is ready for use.

Information Sheet 53 A. Prepare necesary information on the 2
1.5 : Effects of Heat effects of heat and fire on building
and Fire on Building materials masonry. The use of
Materials Masonry teaching aid like manila paper
helps facilitate the discusion.

B. Let students discuss these material

one at a time and let them site
examples of materials used in
establishments affected by fire.

Self-Check 1.5 54 A. Administer a formative test in order 1/2

to check the level of understanding
of the students on the effects of
heat and fire on building materials

B. Answer Key:

1. True
2. True

3. False
4. False
5. False

Information sheet 1.6: 54 A. Allow students to exchange ideas 1

Proper Handling and on the proper handling and storing
Storing of Materials of materials.
B. On one side of the board, let
students write their understanding
on the procedure. Opposite the
students’ response, write the
correct answer.
C. Explain the proper handling and
storing of materials.
D. Have students perform proper
handling and storing of masonry

Self-Check 1.6 54 A. Determine the students level of 1/2
mastery on the proper handling
and storing of materials by letting
them answer the given questions
on a separate sheet of paper.

B. Answer Key:

1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True

Information sheet 1.7: 55 A. Ask students to give their own idea 4

Soil Testing why soil testing is important in any
construction project.

B. Conduct brainstorming on the

characteristics of soil and its
stability to support structures.

C. Let students conduct soil testing

Self-Check 1.7 57 A. To maximize self-knowledge on 1/2

soil testing, ask students to answer
Self-Check 1.7

B. Emphasize that soil testing is a

very important element in every
construction, their answers will
give you an idea on their level of
preparedness for the next activities.

C. Answer Key:

1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True

Pre/Diagnostic LO2 57 A. Administer the Pre/Diagnostic 1/2
Assessment before starting a
lesson. Recognition of prior
learning is very important. Write
the questions on a manila paper to
save time.

B. Answer Key:

1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False

Information Sheet 58 A. Ask the students to play a game 3

2.1: Building Lines called Longest Line. Use the guide
and Horizontal Guide questions below after the game.
Lines for Laying Bricks
• What contributed to the winning
and losing of the team?
• Why is line important?

B. Draw a wall footing, let the students
draw the folowing:

a. Center line
b. Excavation line
c. Guide lines for laying bricks or
C. Lead the students in deepening
their understanding on building
lines and horizontal guide lines for
laying bricks.

Self-Check 2.1 59 A. Ask students to label the given 1/2


B. Answer Key:

1. Excavation line
2. Center of building line
3. Guide line for laying bricks/

Information Sheet 2.2: 60 A. From the tools and materials 2
Procedure in Laying available in the shop ask students to
Bricks/Blocks prepare the needed ones in laying

B. Show the plan and details of laying

bricks/blocks and allow students to
study carefully.

C. Conduct an outdoor activity where

students can layout building lines,
reference line for laying bricks/
blocks and excavation line.

Allow students to familiarize

themselves on the different lines.

Self-Check 2.2 61 A. Test students’ familiarity on the 1/2

procedure in laying out bricks/blocks,
by asking students to arrange the
steps in proper order. Instruct them to

use a separate sheet.

B. Answer Key:

• Prepare the tools and materials

needed in laying out
• Study the plans and details
• Mark the center of building as the
reference line
• Layout the excavation line for wall
• Perform laying bricks/blocks

Activity 2.2 62 A. Given the tools and equipment 6

in laying brick/blocks, let students
perform the activity based on the job

B. Have them follow directions.

C. Use the assessment guide to rate

students’ performance

Information Sheet 62 A. Encourage students to share their 4
2.3: Bricks/Blocks knowledge and experience about
According to Design / brick design that they have seen in the
Specification locality.

B. Let the students differentiate the six

patterns in brick design.

C. Generate ideas on how each

pattern is being laid up by fill up the
table below:

Pattern How to Layout

Common American
English Cross or
Self Check 2.3 65 A. Instruct students to write their 1/2

answer in the boxes corresponding to
the illustration in each number.

B. Answer Key:

1. Running
2. Common or American
3. Flemish
4. English
5. Stack
6. English cross or Dutch

Suggested Let students form a group with four(4)

Differentiated Activity members. Each member will hold a
procedure of laying brick/block. Have
students form a line according to the
logical sequence in laying brick/block.
Allow students to explain the answer in
the class. Have them checked against
the sequence posted on the board.
Summative 66 A. For purposes of recording and 2
Assessment Quarter I grading students’ performance, let
them take the Post-assessment.
Photocopy the questionnaire for Post-
assessment test enough for every

Never dictate the questions.

B. Answer Key:


1. Aligning stick
2. Buttering trowel
3. Trowel
4. Spade/shovel
5. Nylon/plastic cord


1. Unload bricks mechanically

and directly to a prepared level
and hard base.
2. Leave banding or wrapping
in place to minimize chipping,
soiling and breakage.
3. Protect from rain, water splash
of vehicles and mortar mixing.

4. Store bricks not more than 1
m high to avoid breakage and
possible collapse.
• It shows the location of
various features on the site
and illustrate details about the
• It shows the height, position,
and bulk of the building so
that the council can determine
code compliance.
• It allows builders and trade
people to prepare written
• It illustrates the structure of the
1. Excavation line
2. Center of building line
3. Guide line for laying brick/


1. Prepare the tools and materials

needed in laying out
2. Study plans and details carefully
3. Mark the center of building as the
reference line
4. Layout the excavation line for wall
5. Perform laying bricks/blocks


Pre/Diagnostic LO3 69 A. Administer the Pre/Diagnostic 1

Assessment before starting a lesson.
Recognition of prior learning is very
B. Answer Key
1. True
2. False

3. True
4. False
5. True

Information Sheet 70 A. Orient the students in the procedure 2

3.1: Procedure in in installing horizontal and vertical
Installing Horizontal guide for brick/block.
and Vertical Guide for B. Ask them to refer to the illustration
Brick/Block and share their understanding on the
C. Have them explain each step in
installing horizontal and vertical guide
for brick/block.

Self-Check 3.1 71 A. To ensure mastery of the procedure, 1/2
let students answer Self Check 3.1
and write their answers on a separate
B. Answer Key:
1. Select lumbers with straight edges
which will serve as your vertical
2. Set these lumbers vertically on both
ends of the partition line.
3. Firmly add braces to make it stable.
4. Check carefully the plumbness of
the vertical guide.
5. Offset at least 1 m above the floor
line on one of the vertical guide
and using a hose level, transfer this
height on the opposite guide, doing
so determines the levelness of your
horizontal guide.
6. Drop a .20 m from the offset
measurement to determine the

layers of the the block(CHB).
7. Mark measurements using nails in
which the string is tied to serve as
horizontal guide

Activity 3.1: Installing 72 A. Given the tools and equipment in 8

Vertical and installing vertical and horizontal
Horizontal Guides for guides for laying bricks/blocks, let
Laying Bricks/Blocks the students perform the activity
based on the job specification.
B. Use the assessment guide to rate
students’ performance. Explain it
carefully to the students.

Information Sheet 3.2: 73 From the given illustration, ask 1

Reinforcements Bars students to answer the following
and Dowels questions:
a. What reinforcement is used in laying
b. What is the standard spacing of
reinforcements both vertical and
c. Why is reinforcement important?
d. Why reinforcement bars are the most
widely used in reinforcing concrete.

Self Check 3.2 74 A. Check students’ knowledge 1
reinforcement bars and dowels
by administering the Self Check.
B. Answer Key:
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True

Information Sheet 3.3: 74 A. To strengthen the students 3

Brick/Block Laying foundation in brick/block laying, ask
students to study the procedure on
Information Sheet 3.3.

B. After studying the procedure, ask

students to make their own guide out
of the previous discussion. This will
help them in the future activities.

C. Check students’ output to ensure

Self-Check 3.3 78 A. Check students’ knowledge in the 1/2
procedure in laying brick/block by
writing them on the given blocks.

B. Answer Key:
1. Prepare the tools needed for
brick/block laying activities.
2. Get the building blocks that
are right for your construction
3. Set the vertical and horizontal
4. Pour the base concrete known
as footing
5. Lay the first layer using a string
for alignment and levelness.
6. Adjust string guide for the next
7. Spread mortar accordingly
maintaining at least 25 mm
8. Lay the second layer

Activity 3.3: Brick/ 79 A. Divide the class in equal grouping 10
Block Laying and let them perform the activity.
B. Prepare varied specifications for
each group.
C. Explain the tool for assessment for
the students to be able to know how
they are being graded.

Activity 4.1: 79 A. Using the checklist for Activity 4.1, 2

Inspecting the Work let students assess their own output
to Ensure Conformity in Activity 3.3
with Requirements B. Allow them to reflect on the result of
the assessment they did.

Information Sheet 4.1: 81 A. Let the students reflect on the 2

Graphs and Tables sample job order and let them write
their ideas on the importance of
graphs and tables.
B. Let them interpret the content of the

Activity 4.2: Preparing 82 A. Using the given format, let students 2
a Sample Job Order prepare a sample job order. This
can be done in a group of five.
B. The scope of work can be at the
school, home or community.

Information Sheet 4.2: 83 A. Prepare pictures about 5S. 1

5S of proper House B. Let students write their observations
Keeping about the picture.
C.Solicit further explanation from the
students on the 5S and ask its

Suggested 1. Allow students to visit a construction

Differentiated site where laying bricks/blocks
Learning Activities is going on. Let them interview
skilled masons on how they
conduct inspection of work to
ensure comformity with the job

2. Ask students to download or access
information/videos showing a
worker inspecting the work based
on job requirements. Allow them
to have an exchange of ideas
regarding the information or video.
Summative 84 A. For purposes of recording and 6
Assessment Quarter grading students’ performance, let
II them take the Post-Assessment.
Provide enough Photo copies for all.

B. Answer Key:
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False

1. Prepare the tools needed for

brick/block laying activities.
2. Get the building blocks that are
right for your construction project.
3. Set the vertical and horizontal
4. Pour the base concrete known as
5. Lay the first layer using a string
for alignment and levelness.
6. Adjust string guide for the next
7. Spread mortar accordingly
maintaining at least 25 mm
8. Lay the second layer.

III. Essay

Tick (/) the column that corresponds to
your performance.

Assessment Guide YES NO

The learner was able to

Interpret plans and
details as per job

Select and use PPE

in line with job

Select and prepare

materials, tools and
equipment consistent
with job requirements.

Stockpile materials
at designated places.

Install vertical and

horizontal guide

knowledge of linear

Apply mortar
according to job

Layout bricks/blocks
according to job

knowledge of
accident prevention.


Introduction 87 This module contains 1/2

information and suggested learning
activities on masonry. It includes
instructions and procedure on how to
prepare concrete/masonry surfaces
for plastering, prepare for plastering
concrete, perform plastering work and
complete plastering work.

Each learning outcome
contains learning activities supported
by information sheets. Before you
perform the instructions, read the
information sheets and answer the
self-check and activities provided to
ascertain yourself and your instructor
that you have acquired the knowledge
necessary to perform the skill portion
of the particular learning outcome.

Upon completion, report to

your teacher for assessment to check
your achievement of knowledge
and skills requirements of this
learning competency. If you pass
the assessment, you will be given a
certificate of completion.
Pre/Diagnostic 88 A. Ask students to answer 1/2
Assessment LO 1 the pre/diagnostic assessment by
following the instructions/ directions

B. Answer Key

1. Cement plaster

2. Spatula

3. Wire brush

4. Sand blasting equipment

5. Hydro blasting equipment

Information Sheet 89 A. Ask students to share ideas on the 1

1.1: Plastering and its importance of plastering.
B. Let them explain the reasons for
applying cement plaster over the
surface of concrete walls.

Self-Check 1.1 90 A. Let students answer self check 1.1 1/2

B. Answer Key

1. True 4. True
2. False 5. True
3. False

Information Sheet 1.2: 91 A. Conduct brainstorming on the 1
Tools for Wall Surface need to prepare the wall surface
Preparation before plastering.
B. Let them explain the uses of
the tools needed in wall surface
Self-Check 1.2 93 A. Let students answer Self Check 1.2 1/2
B. Answer Key
1. Wire brush
2. Sand blasting equipment
3. Cement plaster
4. Hydro blasting
5. Spatula
Information Sheet 1.3: 94 A. Let students enumerate the tips 1
Tips for Wall Surface for wall surface preparation
Preparation particularly the following; oil, paint
and sealant.

B. Let them explain what to do when

mold is present on the surface.

Self -Check 1.3 94 A. Let students answer the Self Check

B. Answer Key

1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True
Activity 1.3: Wall 95 A. Have students perform the activity 4
Surface Preparation on wall surface preparation

B. Let them be the ones to prepare the

tools needed for the activity.

C. Explain to them the assessment


Pre/Diagnostic 96 A. Let students answer the Pre/ 7
Assessment LO 2 Diagnostic Assessment.

B. Answer Key

1. Wood Float
2. Angle Float
3. Carpet Float
4. Gypsum
5. Hydrated lime

Information Sheet 97 A. Ask students to enumerate the tools, 1

2.1: Plastering materials and equipment used in
Tools, Materials and plastering.
B. Let them explain the uses of each

C. Let students justify why cement and

sand are the materials commonly
used in plastering

Self-Check 2.1 99 A. Let students answer self check 2.1 1/2
B. Answer Key
1. Hydrated lime
2. Angle Float
3. Common Float
4. Gypsum
5. Carpet Float

Information Sheet 2.2: 100 A. Ask the students to explain the 2

Plans and Details importance of plan and details of
work before performing plastering

B. Assist students in interpreting the

sample illustration or plan and

Information Sheet 2.3: 101 A. Solicit students’ own idea on how to 1

Tips on How to Store/ store plastering materials.
Stockpile Plastering B. Let students compare their ideas
Materials on the information sheet about
storing plastering materials.
C. Let student explain further the tips
in storing plastering materials.

Self-Check 2.3 101 A. Let students answer Self Check 2.3 1/2

B. Answer Key
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True

Pre/Diagnostic 102 A. Ask students to answer the pre 1/2

Assessment LO 3 diagnostic assessment.
B. Answer Key
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True

Information Sheet 3.1: 103 A. Assist students in undertanding 1

Procedure in Setting the procedure in setting guide for
Guide for Plastering a plastering a concrete wall.

Concrete Wall
B. Guide them in interpreting the
illustration given in the information

Self-Check 3.1 104 A. Let students answer Self Check 3.1 1/2
B. Answer Key
1. Drive a concrete nail on the
four corners of the wall to be
2. Stretch a string along the
nails from corner to corner
and its diagonal.
3. Determine the required
thickness of the plaster and
set the string on it measuring
at least 13 mm.
4. Check the plumbness of the
string on both side ends.
The upper and lower ends
will follow together with the

Activity 3.1: Setting 105 E. Allow students to prepare the 6
Guide in Plastering a materials tools and PPE needed
Concrete Wall in the activity.
F. Have them follow the direction in
the activity.
G. Let them understand the
assessment guide before
performing the activity.

Information Sheet 106 A. Assist students in explaining 1

3.2: Procedure in the procedure in plastering a
Plastering a Concrete concrete wall.
Wall B. Instruct them to write the
procedure in an organizer.

Self-Check 3.2 106 A. Let students answer Self Check 3.2 1/2
B. Answer Key
1. Mix thoroughly three parts of
sieved sand and one part of
cement with water into a paste

form ready for plastering.
2. Dampen the wall with water.
3. Apply the first coat or the base
coat with at least 5 mm in
4. Allow the base coat to settle
before applying the succeeding
5. Check the flatness using a
straight edge.
6. Smooth the surface but this can
only be done when the plaster
has hardened slightly but is still
pliable. Move the wooden float in
rotary motion to make the surface
completely flat.
7. Remove the string and clean
around the edges of the wall
with a wet paintbrush to remove
lumps and lines of plaster.
8. Add more of a thinner skim of
more plaster to fill holes and even
out depressions.

Activity 3.2: Plastering 107 A. Let students perform the activity 3.2 8
Concrete Wall B. Guide them as they go through the
C. Explain the assessment guide so
that they would know how they are
being graded.

Pre/Diagnostic 108 A. Ask the students to answer the Pre/ 1/2

Assessment LO 4 Diagnostic Assessment.
B. Answer Key
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False

Information Sheet 4.1: 109 A. Guide students on how to complete 1

Complete Plastering plastering work according to job
Work According to specification.

Job Specification B. Ask students the importance of
housekeeping right after completing
plastering activity.

Self-Check 4.1 109 A. Let students answer self check 4.1 1/2
B. Answer Key
1. Leave the plaster to dry once more
– for around 30 to 40 minutes.
2. The plaster can be polished. Wet
the face of your float and flick water
onto the wall with a large paint brush.
The idea is to provide just enough
lubrication for your trowel to float
over the surface and fill tiny holes
and imperfections. Work in regular
sweeping strokes and finish with long
continuous strokes across the wall.
3. Apply a thin layer of grout, at least
2 mm (mixture of water and cement).
4. Finally, finish by brushing the
surface with a paint brush or sponge
dipped in water.
5. Wash your mixing board and tools
as soon as you’ve finished work.
6. Perform housekeeping.

Activity 4.1: 110 A. After understanding the procedure 2
Completing in completing plastering work, let
Plastering Work students perform Activity 4.1 using
According to Job the assessment guide.
Specification B. Let students reflect on the results of
the activity.

Suggested 1. Invite a resource person from

Differentiated Activity the industry. Let students ask
for questions on the tips in wall surface
preparation prior to plastering
following the guide questions below:
• Why do we need to ensure
that there is no oil spill on the
wall surface before applying
• Based on your experience in
plastering, what tips can you
give if the wall is painted?
• What will you do if mold is

present on the surface?
2. Have the students work with the
resource person on the wall surface
preparation observing the tips and
procedure of the activity. Give time
for interaction between the resoure
person and students. Let students
prepare a reflection on the activity.

Summative 109 A. For purposes of recording and 4

Assessment Quarter grading students’ performance, let
III them take the summative test. Provide
enough copies for students.

B. Answer Key
1. Hydro Blasting 9. Hydrated Lime
2. Plastering 10. Wood Float
3. Wire Brush
4. Spatula
5. Sand Blasting
6. Angle Float
7. Carpet Float
8. Gypsum

No. Tips for wall surface preparation

• Clean thoroughly the wall

surface. See to it that there
is no oil spilled on the
• Paint must be removed for
painted surfaces. Removal
may be accomplished by
sandblasting or hydro-
blasting. An alternative to
remove the paint coating
is the installation of metal
board over the wall.
• Sealant should be inserted
into gaps prior to application
of the first coat of plaster,
so that caulking will be
protected from weather.

• If mold is present on the
surface, the spores of
mold must be killed in
accordance with the article
on mold and mildew, after
which all vestiges of mold
must be hydro-blasted from
the walls.
1. Drive a concrete nail on the four
corners of the wall to be plastered.

2. Stretch a string along the nails, from

corner to corner and its diagonal.
3. Determine the required thickness
of the plaster and set the string on it,
measuring at least 13 mm.

4. Check the plumbness of the string

on both side ends. The upper and
lower ends will follow together with the


1. Mix thoroughly three parts of sieved

sand and one part of cement with water
into a paste form ready for plastering.

2. Dampen the wall with water.

3. Apply the first coat or the base coat

with at least 5 mm in thickness.

4. Allow the base coat to settle before

applying the succeeding coats.

5. Check the flatness using a straight


6. Smooth the surface, but this can

only be done when the plaster has
hardened slightly but is still pliable.
Move the wooden float in rotary motion
to make the surface completely flat.

7. Remove the string and clean around
the edges of the wall with a wet
paintbrush to remove lumps and lines
of plaster.

8. Add a thinner skim of more plaster

to fill holes and even out depressions.

III. Performance

Tick (/) the column that corresponds to

your observation.

Assessment Guide YES NO

The learner was able to

Interpret plans and

details as per job

Select and use

PPE in line with job

Select and prepare
materials, tools
and equipment
with job requirements.
Observe the procedure
in setting vertical and
horizontal guide.
Dampen the wall
with water.
Apply the first coat
or the base coat with
at least 5 mm in
Allow the base
coat to settle before
applying the
succeeding coats.
Check the flatness

using a straight edge.
Smooth the surface
but this can only be
done when the
plaster has hardened
slightly but is still
pliable. Move the
wooden float in rotary
motion to make the
surface completely flat.
Remove the string
and clean around the
edges of the wall with
a wet paintbrush to
remove lumps and
lines of plaster.
knowledge of linear

Fill in tiny holes and imperfections.

Apply a thin layer of grout, at least
2mm(mixture of water and cement).

Finish by brushing the surface with a

paint brush or sponge dipped in water.

Demonstrate knowledge of accident


Perform housekeeping.


Introduction 116 This module contains information

and suggested learning activities
on masonry. It includes instructions
and procedure on how to prepare
for installing pre-cast balusters and
handrails, perform pre-cast baluster
and handrail installation, complete

installation of pre-cast baluster and
hand rail. Each learning outcome
contains learning activities supported
by information sheets. Before you
perform the instructions, read the
information sheets and answer the
self-check and activities provided to
ascertain yourself and your instructor
that you have acquired the knowledge
necessary to perform the skill portion
of the particular learning outcome.

Upon completion, report to your

teacher for assessment to check
your achievement of knowledge
and skills requirements of this
learning competency. If you pass
the assessment, you will be given a
certificate of completion

Pre/Diagnostic 117 A. Determine the students prior 1/2
Assessment knowledge by giving the pre-
LO 1 diagnostic assessment.
B. Answer Key
1. baluster
2. angle grinder
3. electric drill
4. 1 m
5. manufacturer’s manual

Information Sheet 1.1: 119 A. Let students generate ideas on why 2

Plans and Details of interpreting plans and details of
Balusters drawing is very important.

B. Lead them in interpreting plans and

details of drawing in plan A, plan B
and plan C.

C. Encourage them to read more plans

and details of balusters for mastery
of the topic

Information Sheet
1.2: Tools, Materials
and Equipment for
Installing Precast
121 A. Ask students to compare
intallation of precast balusters
and hand rails with that of laying
bricks/blocks and plastering.

Balusters and Hand B. Let them justify why the same

Rails tools are used in these operations.
C. Let them demonstrate how to
observe safety tips in operationg
the angle grinder and portable
electric drill.

Self-Check 1.2 112 A. Let students answer Self Check 1.2 1/2

B. Answer Key
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. False

Information Sheet 1.3: A. Assist the students in answering
Proper Handling and questions why handling and storing
Storing Balusters of balusters are similar to that of
the other masonry materials.
B. Have students justify the reason for
not storing baluster more than 1 m
C. Ask the students why following
manufacturers manual of
instruction is vital in the storage of
masonry material.

Self-Check 1.3 A. Ask students to answer Self Check 1/2


B. Answer Key
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False

5. True
Pre/Diagnostic 124 A. Determine students prior knowledge 1/2
Assessment by giving the assessment.
B. Answer Key

1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True

Information Sheet 2.1: 125 A. Let students brainstorm on the 4

Distance in between idea regarding the importance of
Balusters knowing how to determine the equal
distance in between balusters.

B. Assist students in understanding the

recommended steps in computing
the equal distances of balusters.

C. Let students enhance their ability

by giving them more exercises or
items to compute.

Self-Check 2.1 127 A. Check students understanding by 1/2
answering the self check.

B. Answer Key

1.Total run 840 cm

Distance between newels 810 cm

Distance between newels plus one
baluster width 820 cm
Maximum code spacing plus one
baluster width 20 cm
Number of balusters 41 pcs
Actual spacing between balusters 10
2. Number of balusters 70 pcs
Actual spacing of balusters 7.9 cm

3. Number of balusters 81 pcs

Actual spacing of balusters 7.9 cm

Information Sheet 2.2: 128 A. Ask students to analyze the 1

Procedure in Installing procedure in installing pre-cast
Pre-cast Balusters balusters and hand rails.
and Hand Rails
B. Using Sample 1, let students interpret
the illustration when given the size
of the base of the baluster and the
distance in between balusters.

C. Let them explain the importance of

performing housekeeping in every

Self-Check 2.2 129 A. Ask students to answer Self Check 1/2
B. Answer Key


• Perform housekeeping.
• Double check alignment and
• Prepare the area where to
install pre-cast balusters and
hand rails.
• Fix braces on forms.
• Fabricate formworks for
installing pre-cast balusters
and hand rails.
• Allow mortar to settle for about
two to three days.
• Put in place the balusters
• Dampen the base.
• Install formwork in place.
• Insert/pour mortar on forms

• Check the alignment and
Activity Sheet 130 A. Have students gather the tools and 7
2.1: Fabricating materials needed in the activity.
Formworks for B. Let them study the job order carefully.
Installing Pre-Cast C. Ask students to observe the
Balusters assessment guide while performing
the activity.

Activity Sheet 2.2: 131 A. To check students understanding on 8

Installing Pre-Cast information sheet 2.2 and activity
Balusters 2.1, let students install precast
balusters. Tools and materials
must be prepared before hand.

B. The installation must be done using

the given data in Activity 2.2.

C. Tell students to use the given

assessment guide for the activity.

Pre/Diagnostic 133 A. Check students readiness by giving 1/2
Assessment them the pre/diagnostic test.
B. Answer Key
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
Information Sheet 134 A. Ask students to analyze the steps in 6
3.1: Conduct Final conducting final installation of pre-
Installation of Pre- cast balusters and handrails.
cast Baluster and B. Let them explain why plastering is
Handrail important in the final appearance of
the final product
Activity 3.2: 135 A. Have students conduct final 2
Conducting Final installation of pre-cast balusters
Checking to Ensure and handrails following the steps in
Conformity with Job Information Sheet 3.1
Requirement B. Let them use the assessment guide
in performing the final installation
of pre-cast balusters and handrails.

C. Provide them feedback with the
result of the activity.

Suggested Select nine studentS from the class

Differentiated Activity to demonstrate each procedure in
for _____ installing pre-cast balusters and hand
rails. Each one is given the materials,
tools and equipment in carrying out
the demonstration. Ask the class to
give their comment, suggestions and
reactions as to the execution, accuracy
and adherence to the procedure.

Give the final comments to synthesize,

thinking, and understanding.

Summative 136 A. For purposes of recording and 4 1/2
Assessment for grading students’ performance, let them
Quarter IV take the summative test. Photocopy
the questionnaire for summative test
enough for every student.
B. Answer Key:
1. 1 meter
2. Manufacturer’s instruction
3. Angle grinder
4. Portable Electric Drill
5. Baluster
1. Total run 955 cm
Distance between newels 925 cm
Distance between newels plus one
baluster width 930 cm
Maxium code spacing plus one
baluster width 17 cm
Number of balusters 55 pcs

Actual spacing between balusters
10.9 cm
2. Total run 675 cm

Distance between newels 650 cm

Distance between newels plus one
baluster width 656 cm
Maxium code spacing plus one
baluster width 16 cm
Number of balusters 41 pcs
Actual spacing between balusters
10 cm
3. Total run 1050 cm

Distance between newels 1025 cm

Distance between newels plus one

baluster width 1030 cm

Maxium code spacing plus one

baluster width 15 cm

Number of balusters 69 pcs
Actual spacing between balusters 9.9

4. Total run 780 cm

Distance between newels 750 cm

Distance between newels plus one

baluster width 756 cm

Maxium code spacing plus one baluster

width 16 cm

Number of balusters 48 pcs

Actual spacing between balusters 9.75


5. Total run 600 cm

Distance between newels 570 cm

Distance between newels plus one

baluster width 575 cm

Maxium code spacing plus one baluster

width 15 cm

Number of balusters 39 pcs

Actual spacing between balusters 9.7

Technical Terms 140
References 141

GRADE 10 (Specialization)
Course Description:

This course is composed of the core competencies which lead to a Masonry

National Certificate Level II (NCII). It covers lay brick/block for structure, plastering
concrete/masonry surface and installing precast balusters and handrails. This also
covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to perform basic masonry works
and prepare masonry materials.
Introduction 1. Explain
basic concepts
1. Basic The learner The learner in masonry
concepts in demonstrates independently
an demonstrates 2. Discuss
understanding core the relevance of

2. Relevance of of the basic competencies the course
the course concepts and in masonry 3. Explore
underlying as prescribed on opportunities
3. Career
theories in by TESDA for masonry as
masonry Training a career


1. The learner The learner LO1. Develop TLE_
Assessment demonstrates independently and strengthen PECS10-
of learner’s an creates a plan personal Ik-8
Personal understanding of action that competencies
Competencies of one’s strengthens/ and skills
and Skills (PeCS) Personal further (PeCS) needed
vis-à-vis PeCS Competencies develops masonry
of a practicing and Skills one’s PeCS in
entrepreneur/ (PeCS) in masonry.
employee in a masonry.

1.1 1.1 Identify
Characteristics areas for
1.2 Attributes improvement,
1.3 Lifestyle development
1.4 Skills and growth
1.5 Traits
1.2 Align
2.Analysis of one’s PeCS
PeCS in relation according
to a practitioner to his/her
3. choice
and further 1.3 Create
development of a plan of action
ones PeCS that ensures
success of his/
her business/
career choice


1. Product The learner The learner LO 1. Develop TLE_EM10-
Development demonstrates independently a product/ Ik-IIk-1
an creates a service in
2. Key concepts understanding business Masonry
of developing a of the concepts vicinity map
product environment reflective 1.1 Identify
and market of potential what is of
3. Finding Value “Value” to the
in the field Masonry
4. Innovation of masonry, market within customer
particularly in the locality/ 1.2 Identify
1.1 Unique one’s town/ town.
Selling the customer
1.2 Proposition 1.3 Explain
(USP) what makes a
product unique
and competitive

1.4 Apply
creative and
to develop

Employ a
Unique Selling
(USP) to the
2. Selecting LO 2. Select a TLE_EM10-
Business Idea business idea IIIk-2
based on the
3. Key concepts criteria and
of Selecting a techniques set
Business Idea 2.1
3.1 Criteria Enumerate
various criteria
3.2 Techniques and steps in
selecting a
business idea

2.2 Apply the

in selecting a

viable business

a business
idea based on
the criteria/
techniques set

4. Branding LO 3. Develop TLE_EM10-

a brand for the IVk-3

3.1 Identify
the benefits of
having a good

brands in the

the criteria for
developing a

Generate a
clear appealing
product brand
1. The learner The learner LO1. TLE_
Classification of demonstrates independently PREPARE IAMS10LB-
work plans an lays brick/block FOR LAYING Ia-f-1
understanding for structure BRICK/
2. of the concepts based on job BLOCK FOR
Interpretation of and underlying requirements. STRUCTURE
work plans principles in
laying brick/ 1.1 Interpret
3. Brick/block plan of a brick/
laying tools and block for
block structure

equipment structure.
1.2 Select tools,
4. Proper storing materials and
of materials equipment
5. Composition of 1.3 Stockpile
bricks/block materials for
6. Characteristic laying brick/
of soils block structure

7. Effects of heat

8. Basic

9. Mensuration

10. Ratio and


11. Preparing,
reading and
interpreting work

12. Reference LO2. LAY-OUT/ TLE_
building lines ESTABLISH IAMS10LB-
13. Brick/block STRUCTURE
laying tolerances LOCATION
14. Proper 2.1 Identify
housekeeping reference
practices building lines
15. Basic 2.2 Establish
structural bonds location of
and Joints brick/block
16. Classification structure based
of concrete on reference
masonry units building lines

17. Geographical 2.3 Lay-out

orientation brick/block
18. Topographical according to job
conditions specifications


20. Basic

and interpreting
graphs and
conversion tables

22. Receiving
and responding
to workplace
23. Selection LO3. TLE_
and use of PERFORM IAMS10LB-
appropriate PPE. LAYING IIa-f-3
24. Procedures BLOCK FOR
in installing STRUCTURE
guide for brick/

3.1 Install
vertical guide
for brick/block

3.2 Install
reinforcing bar/

3.3 Spread
mortars on the
base edge of

3.4 Position
to design/

3.5 Check
during brick/
block laying

3.6 Perform

3.7 Use
33. Standard LO4. TLE_
operating COMPLETE IAMS10LB-
procedures LAYING IIg-j-4
34. Proper BLOCK FOR
housekeeping STRUCTURE
4.1 Cast-in
35. Recycling place concrete
36. Basic structures are
operations constructed
according to
design and job

4.2 Inspect the
work to ensure
conformity with

4.3 Perform

4.4 Use
1. Preparation The learner The learner LO1. TLE_
and selection of demonstrates independently PREPARE IAMS10PC-
tools, equipment an plasters wall CONCRETE/ IIIa-d-3
and materials understanding surfaces MASONRY
of the based on job SURFACES
2. Preparation of underlying requirements. FOR
wall surface for principles in PLASTERING
plastering plastering wall
1.1 Select tool,

3. surface.
materials and
Composition equipment
and properties
of concrete/ 1.2 Perform
masonry wall surface
materials preparations

4. Climatic

5. Basic

6. Mensuration

7. Conversion of

8. Receiving
and responding
to workplace

9. Interpretation LO2. TLE_
of plans and PREPARE FOR IAMS10PC-
details PLASTERING IIIe-f-2
10. Selection
and preparation 2.1 Interpret
of materials plans and
and tools for details
2.2 Select tools,
11. Mixing materials and
proportion of equipment in
plaster mortar line with job
12. Proper
storing of 2.3 Store/
materials stockpile
materials for
13. Texture plastering
of concrete
and masonry

14. Interpretation
of plans and

15. Mensuration

16.Procedures of LO3. TLE_

plastering PERFORM IAMS10PC-
17.Plastering WORK
18.OHS Determine
regulations the required
19.Climatic thickness,
conditions plumbness,
20.Health levelness and
hazards alignment of
21. Recycling
22. Waste and Distribute
pollution mortar/coating
23.Linear on the wall
measurements surface

3.3 Use

3.4 Observe
25. Standard LO4. TLE_
operating COMPLETE IAMS10PC-
procedures PLASTERING IVa-d-4
26. Proper
housekeeping 4.1
practices Complete
plastering work
27. Masonry according to job
materials specification
4.2 Perform
28. Recycling housekeeping
29. Basic 4.3 Use

calculations appropriate
30. Mensurations PPE

31. Filling-up

32. Reporting
1. Interpretation The learner The learner LO1. TLE_
of plans and demonstrates independently PREPARE FOR IAMS10IB-
details an installs pre- INSTALLING IVe-f-5
understanding cast balusters PRE-CAST
2. Preparing of the and handrail BALUSTERS
and selecting underlying based on job AND
materials tools principles of requirements. HANDRAILS
and equipment installing pre-
cast balusters 1.1 Interpret
3. Proper Storing plans and
of Materials and handrail.
4. Mixing 1.2 Select tools,
proportion of materials and
materials equipment
5. Phases Of

6. Interpretation 1.3
Of Plans And Stockpile
Details materials

7. Linear 1.4
Measurements Establish
location of pre-
8. Basic cast balusters
Operations based on a
given task
9. Lay outing/ LO2. TLE_
marking distance PERFORM IAMS10IB-
of balusters PRE-CAST IVg-h-2
10. Checking AND
alignment of HANDRAIL
11. Mortar 2.1 Lay-out
application and mark pre-
12. PPE cast baluster

according to job
13. OHS requirements
2.2 Align
14. Geographical precast baluster
conditions and handrail
according to job
15. Climatic requirements
2.3 Apply
16. Force, power mortar to pre-
and energy cast baluster
17. Conversion of and handrails
units 2.4 Use
18. Linear/ appropriate
angular PPE
measurements 2.5 Perform

19. Standard LO3. TLE_
operating COMPLETE IAMS10IB-
procedures INSTALLATION IVi-j-3
20. Proper BALUSTER
housekeeping AND
practices HANDRAIL
21. Masonry 3.1 Conduct
materials final checking
preservation to ensure
22. Recycling conformity
with job
23. Basic requirements
3.2 Conduct
24. Mensurations final installation
of pre-cast
25. Filling-up baluster and
forms handrail
26. Reporting 3.3 Perform




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