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FLS / Deliver Training Session

Good AM, everybody, I’m Mr/Ms __________________________, I’m your Trainor. Thank
you for choosing this qualification, I would like to inform you that the training
duration of this qualification is _________hours, _________ days. I hope you enjoy your
stay for this training throughout the duration. Welcome to Aparri Polytechnic
Before I will start, may I check your attendance, you may “log in” in this
attendance sheet. Fill out properly, avoid erasures. If you’re not sure, just call me, I’m
very willing to assist you. Are you done? May I have it now.
Next, I will administer the PRE-TEST, here are the self-check, get one and pass,
please answer it honestly because I want to see your baseline knowledge.
(Orientation using the prepared power point)
Now, for me to see your prior learnings regarding this qualification, May I administer
this PRE- ASSESSMENT, here are the self-assessment checklist for you to answer,
again get one and pass. if you have under gone some or most of the knowledge and
skills covered in that checklist, just tick on the YES box. If none, tick on the NO box.
you may start answering now. Are you done? Will you pass it forward?
Okay you may now have your break for 5 minutes.
Are you all in now? Based on the result of your pre-assessment, nobody has prior
learnings in this qualification, So I will now put your names in this Training Activity
Matrix under this competency No. 1. Here is your Learner’s Record Book. Every task
you accomplished you have to record it and present it to me to check and affix my
signature for validity.
You may now proceed to the learning resource area, get a module, but before
you get your module, be sure to sign in on the borrower’s logbook.
On that module, read all the different information sheets to facilitate your
demonstration. Inform me if you’re done reading the information sheets and if you’re
ready to perform the task so that I can assign you to the practical work area to give
you the tools/Instruments, supplies and materials and the equipment needed.
Mr/Ms fast learner are you ready to perform the different task? Come with me,
you perform the task in this workstation No.1, here are the tools/Instruments,
supplies and materials, equipment and the PPE needed for the task, just select what
you need based on the job requirements. Before you start your work may I remind you
of the Safety Precautions and Proper good housekeeping to prevent accident. Just
inform me if you’re done with the task for me to evaluate okay? You may start now.
(Insert oral questioning while performing the task)
Mr/Ms slow learner are you also ready to perform the different task? Proceed
to table No.2 in the workstation No.1, get the tools/Instruments, supplies and
materials, equipment and the PPE needed for the task, just select what you need
based on the job requirements. Observe safety at all times to prevent accident. And
always apply 5’s in the workplace. Read the task sheet then perform the task following
the steps/procedure. You may start now. Call me if your done to evaluate your
(Insert oral questioning while performing the task)
Mr/Ms fast learner are you done with the task No.1? Let me evaluate your
work using my performance criteria checklist? Very good you performed the task well,
May I have your Learner’s Record Book for me sign on your accomplishment? I will
also tick your accomplishment in the Achievement Chart, you can now start with the
next task.
Mr/Ms slow learner it seems that there is a problem to what you’re doing? I
noticed that you stop working? So you can’t follow? Can I help you? Where is the task
sheet? In step No1. Ganito ito ………… In step No2. Dito mo ……………
In step No 3.Ilagay mo ditto……………and so on, okay can you follow? You do it
yourself, I will come back to evaluate your work
Mr/Ms fast learner what task is that? So that is the last task of the last LO of
the first competency. Let me evaluate your work using my performance criteria
checklist? Very good you performed the task well, May I have your Learner’s Record
Book for me sign on your accomplishment? I will also tick your accomplishment in the
Achievement Chart, and in Progress Chart. Proceed to the Institutional Assessment
Area for your written test and Interview. You may now take your written test, very
good you passed the written test, May I asked you some questions, What… In case….
Why…? I prepared a performance test for you to perform, proceed to practical work
area and perform this performance test. Are you done? Okay very good you did it. Here
is your Certificate of Achievement. I will now transfer your name in the next
competency on the TAM, proceed again to Learning Resource Area, you return your
module and get another module for the next competency, inform me if you’re ready to
perform the task.
Mr/Ms slow learner are you done on the task I demonstrated to you?
Okay very good you did it. you may put your accomplishment in your LRB I’ll sign it. I
will also tick your accomplishment in the Achievement Chart, you can now start with
the next task.
Mr/Ms fast learner what task are you doing now? So you’re now on the last
task of the last LO on the last Competency? Are you done? Let me evaluate your work
using my performance criteria checklist? Very good you performed the task well, you
may write your accomplishment in your LRB I’ll sign it. I will also tick your
accomplishment in the Achievement Chart and in Progress Chart. You may now
perform good housekeeping on the workplace then proceed to the Institutional
Assessment Area for your written test and Interview. You may now take your written
test, very good you passed the written test, May I asked you some questions, What…
In case…. Why…? I prepared a performance test for you to perform, proceed to
practical work area and perform this performance test. Are you done? Okay very good
you did it. Here is your Certificate of Achievement.
Since you completed the training duration. May I administer this POST TEST to
see if learning took place? Done? Another one is the Program Evaluation for us to see
if the program is effective. To validate your skill, you may now apply for a National

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