Ib Theatre Intro
Ib Theatre Intro
Ib Theatre Intro
Assessment outlineSL and HL
Assessment tasks SL HL
External assessment
N/A 35%
Task 1: Solo theatre piece (HL only)
Students at HL research a theatre theorist they have not previously studied,
identify an aspect(s) of their theory and create and present a solo theatre piece
(48 minutes) based on this aspect(s) of theory.
Internal assessment
35% 25%
Task 4: Collaborative project (SL and HL)
Students at SL and HL collaboratively create and present an original piece of
theatre (lasting 1315 minutes) for and to a specified target audience, created
from a starting point of their choice.
You are a theatre company
Essential Agreements
Keeping a Journal
The students should use their theatre
journal to document their initial responses
to reading a play text and research
conducted, as well as influences on their
intended process and final production. The
journal should be used to record the
thoughts and ideas that contribute to the
development of their directorial vision.
From the journal they will select, adapt
and present for submission an annotated
selection of their research and exploration
as the basis for the directors notebook,
focusing on clearly communicating their
processes and justification for their
artistic decisions and choices. Students
should also use the journal to document
their experiences of live theatre
productions seen during the course.
Particular attention should be
given to how directors of live theatre
integrate performance and production
elements to create effective moments of
atmosphere, emotion, tension or the
communication of a message.