«.-2. ™e[u yk…u÷k ƒu rðfÕ…ku …ife fkuE…ý yuf …trõŒ™ku ykþhu 100 þçËku{kt rð[kh-rðMŒkh fhku. (10)
BGQ-1 ] 1 [ P.T.O.
«.-4. ™e[u yk…u÷k „ã¾tz™u æÞk™…qðof ðkt[e Œu™u ykÄkhu …qAu÷k «§ku™k W¥kh ÷¾ku. (2 „wý 5 «§ku) (10)
½h yu™wt yu s Au. …htŒw yu™wt Y… ƒË÷kÞk fÞwO Au. ykuþhe nswÞ Au …ý ™k™e ÚkE „E Au. {kuxku
ykuhzku …ý ™k™ku ÚkE „Þku Au. y™ksðk¤ku ykuhzku ‚ßs ÚkE „Þku Au. yu{kt «ðuþe™u Q¼ku hnwt Awt Œku
«rŒ®ƒƒu nwt s {™u Ëu¾kô Awt. õÞkhuf {khe s Aƒe M…ü òuðk {kxu …zËku nxkððku …zu Au. yíÞkhu yk
…zËku Ëqh fhe™u Q¼ku Awt ™u nwt {khe s ‚kÚku ðkŒku fÁt Awt. ðkŒ fhŒkt fhŒkt nwt Úkku¼e òô Awt. ð™{kt
«ðuþðk™e nðu ƒnw ðkh ™Úke yuðwt yUÄký {khk rþh …h™k fuþ™wt Au.
½h{kt fkuE s ™Úke, {kºk nwt s Awt, Œku…ý nwt yuf÷Œk y™w¼ðŒku ™Úke. ½h™ku yk¾ku {knku÷ {khk{kt
‚t¢kLŒ ÚkE „Þku Au. sq™e-…whkýe ðMŒwyku ÞkË™k ð™{kt ð÷ð÷u Au. Sýo {khk ½h …h ‚{]rØyu Ak…ku
sYh {kÞkuo Au. yu Úkkuzwtf Xkðfwt ƒLÞwt Au. ™ðkuZk suðwt ÷k„u Au. sq™wt ½ýwt ¼w÷kE „Þwt Au. nðu Ëeðzwt „kuíÞwt
szŒwt ™Úke. ½h{kt fk÷kt ykððk™kt ƒtÄ ÚkÞkt Au. …rzÞk ƒ™kððk™wt õÞkh™wtÞu ¼w÷kE „Þwt Au. su xuƒ÷ …h
ƒu‚e™u ÷u‚™ fhŒku nŒku Œu {kr¤Þu [ze „Þwt Au. rsË fhe™u r‚Ø…wh™k {u¤k{ktÚke ¾heËu÷e …Œhk™e …uxe
õÞkt nþu ! {khk ƒk¤…ý™k y™uf M{hýku yu …uxe ‚kÚku ‚t÷ø™ Au. õÞkhuf fƒkx{ktÚke sq™e ðMŒwyku
ƒnkh fkZe™u òuô Awt. {kuh…ªA nswÞ …e¤e …ze „Þu÷e ™kux{kt ‚whrûkŒ Au. yu{kt s yuf …k™k …h
WŒkhu÷e ™Í{™u yƒh¾™e …ktËzeyku yzfu Au. ‚¾eyu yk…u÷ku ‚k…™e fkt[¤e™ku yuf ytþ nsw yu
™kux™e ƒuðz{kt Au.
½h™e Ëeðk÷ku {sƒqŒ ƒ™e Au. ½h yuf™k ƒË÷u ƒu {k¤™wt ƒLÞwt Au. sL{Úke s yk ½h{kt hnwt Awt
yux÷u {kÞk ƒtÄkE „E Au. AŒktÞ {kÞk þçË™e yÚkoåAkÞk {khk y™u ½h™k ‚tƒtÄ {kxu xqtfe …zu Au.
nwt ½h ‚kÚku™k {khk ÷„kð™u þçË™e rºkßÞk{kt ƒktÄe þfŒku ™Úke. ykÚke s yíÞkhu y{khk yk ‚kÞwßÞ™u
fkuE ‚tƒtÄ™wt ™k{ yk…ðk™e [uük nwt fhŒku ™Úke. ½h nwt Awt ™u nwt s ½h Awt yuðe ÷k„ýe ‚ŒŒ y™w¼ðŒku
hnwt Awt. ykÚke s yuf÷ku …zwt Awt íÞkhu ÷k„u Au fu ½h {khk{kt ăfu Au.
«&™ku :
4.4. ‘½h nwt Awt ™u nwt s ½h Awt’ rðÄk™{kt hnu÷e ÷k„ýe M…ü fhku.
«.-5. yks™k ‚{Þ{kt {™kuhku„ku ðæÞk Au íÞkhu Þtºkku™ku {ÞkorËŒ W…Þku„ fhðk ò„]rŒ fu¤ðŒwt ykþhu (10)
200 þçËku{kt [[ko…ºk ðŒo{k™…ºk™k Œtºke™u ÷¾ku.
«.-6. ftz÷k ƒtËhu …hËuþÚke ykðu÷wt yuf rðþk¤fkÞ snks Þktrºkf ¾k{e™k fkhýu yxõÞwt nŒwt, Œu™e (10)
{hk{Œ {kxu™e xe{{kt Œ{u ‚n¼k„e ÚkÞk nŒk, Œu ‚t˼uo ykþhu 200 þçËku{kt ynuðk÷ ÷u¾™ fhku.
BGQ-1 ] 2 [ Contd.
«.-7. ™e[u yk…u÷k r[ºk rð»ku ykþhu 150 þçËku{kt Œ{khkt r™heûkýku ™kUÄku. (10)
«.-8. ™e[u yk…u÷k yt„úuS „ã¾tz™ku „wshkŒe{kt ¼kðkí{f y™wðkË fhku. (10)
At that moment, it seemed to him that time stood still, and the Soul of the World
surged within him. When he looked into her dark eyes, and saw that her lips were
poised between a laugh and silence, he learned the most important part of the language
that all the world spoke – the language that everyone on earth was capable of
understanding in their heart. It was love. Something older than humanity, more ancient
than the desert. Something that exerted the same force whenever two pairs of eyes met,
as had theirs here at the well. She smiled, and that was certainly an omen – the omen he
had been awaiting, without even knowing he was, for all his life. The omen he had
sought to find with his sheep and in his books, in the crystals and in the silence of the
desert. It was the pure Language of the World. It required no explanation, just as the
universe needs none as it travels through endless time.
«.-9. ‚q[™k «{kýu „wshkŒe ÔÞkfhý™u ÷„Œk «§ku™k W¥khku yk…ku. (1„wý 10 «§ku) (10)
BGQ-1 ] 3 [ P.T.O.
4. …trõŒ™k AtË™ku «fkh yku¤¾kðku.
BGQ-1 ] 4 [ Contd.
Paper-2 : English
Total Marks : 100 Time : 2 Hours
Q.1. Write an essay on any ONE of the following in minimum 250 to maximum (20)
300 words. It must exhibit your grasp and critical understanding of the subject
in the best possible individual style having originality of thought and expression.
It must be well argued piece of writing coherently and sequentially with
observance of grammatical rules.
I. India needs to closely watch the rapidly changing geopolitical equations.
II. One Nation One Ration Card: Need and Impact
III. It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of
nonviolence to cover impotence.
IV. Parenting has become more challenging today.
V. The system of Nature, of which man is a part, tends to be self-balancing,
self-adjusting, self-cleansing. Not so with Technology.
Q.2. Imagine you are a Junior Engineer. The Senior Engineer in your office has sought (10)
your opinion about the needful actions to be carried out to ensure the smooth
shifting of the office from the old office building to the newly built office building
which is near the outskirts of the town. Write a letter, in about 150 words, to the
Senior Engineer offering needful suggestions.
Q.3. Write a report in about 200 words on your recent survey visit to a Rural Health (10)
Center under construction.
Q.4. Reflect on the following picture with meaningful observations in about 150 words. (10)
Q.5. Draft a formal speech, in about 150 words, to be delivered by the Hon. Chief Minister (10)
at the inauguration of National Conference on Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime at
Forensic Science University, Gandhinagar.
BGQ-2 ] 1 P.T.O.
Q.6. Write a precis of the following passage in about one third of its original length. (10)
Q.7. Read the following passage carefully and answer questions that follow. (5 2 = 10) (10)
Rural development successfully tries to increase the productivity of those areas of
rural economies that are experiencing severe poverty challenges. The process of raising
the standard of living and economic security of rural residents is known as rural
development. The rural sector’s sluggishness would be a significant barrier to the
economy’s overall development. Rural development is the foundation of every nation’s
economic development, and it supports long-term economic growth. The economic axis
of rural development is labour ethics, which has a significant influence on corporate
potential. It is a common misconception that fast industrialization is the source of
economic progress. However, without agriculture, industrial progress would not be
possible. About two-thirds of India’s population depends on agriculture, making it one
of the most significant main industries there. The issue is that agriculture’s contribution
to GDP has been steadily declining. Agriculture specifically contributes to economic
growth through product and market contributions. The long-term plan for economic
growth is the agricultural sector. Due to dependence on the monsoon and weather,
BGQ-2 ] 2 [Contd.
agriculture is an unstable and erratic sector. Though people have gotten more
modernized in the urban sector and depend more on non-vegetarian food for their
survival needs, this sector of economic development is crucial for feeding the nation
and the entire country. The issues of poverty and exploitation that the rural population
is dealing with are having an effect on the overall productivity of Indian agriculture.
Only with the involvement of development’s target audiences can rural development
become richer and more significant.
Questions :
I. What is rural development and what it strives to achieve?
II. Why is agriculture important for the economic progress?
III. Which are the grave concerns of agriculture sector?
IV. What does the word ‘sluggishness’ in the passage denote?
V. Give a suitable title to the passage.
Q.8. Do as directed: (10 1 = 10) (10)
Choose the correct answer from the given options and darken the circle [ ] as well as
write the correct answer in the bracket (CAPITAL LETTER) as per the sample given
Sample Answer: ( C ) A B C D E
1. It is a tradition that _______ ever since.
(A) had been celebrated (B) has been celebrating
(C) has been celebrated (D) having been celebrated
(E) have been celebrated
2. The income tax department issued notices to the firms who had not disclosed
their income correctly. (Change the voice)
(A) The firms who had not disclosed their income correctly had been issued
notices by the income tax department.
(B) The firms were issued notices by the income tax who had not disclosed their
income correctly.
(C) The firms were issued notices by the income tax department who did not
disclose their income correctly.
(D) The firms have been issued notices by the income tax department who has
not disclosed their income correctly.
(E) The firms who had not disclosed their income correctly were issued notices
by the income tax department.
3. She said, “I bought this dress yesterday.” (Change the narration)
(A) She said that I have bought this dress the previous day.
(B) She said that she had bought this dress the previous day.
(C) She said that she has bought that dress the previous day.
(D) She said that she had bought that dress the previous day.
(E) She said that she have bought that dress the previous day.
4. The order is irrevocable. (Change into Negative without changing its meaning)
(A) The order is not irrevocable. (B) The order is not revocable.
(C) The order cannot be irrevocable. (D) The order should not be irrevocable.
(E) None of the above.
BGQ-2 ] 3 P.T.O.
5. There is _______ water left, so drink only if you must.
(A) some (B) little
(C) few (D) much
(E) many
6. He is generous _______ those who are faithful _______ him.
(A) at / to (B) to / at
(C) at / at (D) for /with
(E) to /to
7. I was very _______ by the supervisor’s attitude, it really annoyed me.
(A) put out (B) put up
(C) put by (D) put aside
(E) put in
8. Why do you fight shy of me? (Select the correct meaning of the underlined
idiomatic expression)
(A) embarrass (B) avoid
(C) fight with (D) shout at
(E) behave shamelessly
9. The meaning of consent is _______.
(A) amputation (B) elevation
(C) excursion (D) endorsement
(E) conjecture
10. Select the correct synonym of ‘solemn’.
(A) compulsory (B) fraudulent
(C) stubborn (D) sincere
(E) deceptive
Q.9. Translate the following passage from Gujarati into English. (10)
ËkËk¼kE ¼ýðk{kt ŒusMðe nkuðkÚke nt{uþkt «Úk{ ¢{u s …k‚ ÚkŒk. rþûkýfk¤{kt Œu{ýu þYÚke
ytŒ ‚wÄe yux÷kt ƒÄkt …krhŒkur»kfku y™u Mfkì÷hrþ… {u¤ðe nŒe fu Œu{™k rþûkfku Œu{™u yrîrŒÞ y™u
{u½kðe rðãkÚkeo {k™Œk. Œu ‚{Þ™k rƒúrxþ «kuVu‚hku …ý Œu{™u '¼khŒ™e ykþk’ fnuðk ÷køÞk nŒk.
yk„¤™wt rþûký Œu{ýu yìrÕVMx™ RrLMxxâqx{kt ÷eÄwt. 1854{kt Œuyku yk s fkì÷us{kt „rýŒ™k
«kuVu‚h Œhefu òuzkÞk.
…kuŒk™k ÔÞð‚kÞ W…hktŒ Œuyku ‚{ks‚wÄkhýk™wt fk{ fhŒk. Œu{ýu 'hn™w{k-R-{ÍËÞh™’
‚¼k ™k{™e …kh‚e Þwðfku™e ‚tMÚkk MÚkk…e su ‚{ks‚wÄkhk™wt fk{ fhŒe. yk ‚tMÚkk îkhk «fkrþŒ
ÚkŒk {kr‚f 'hkMŒ „kuVTŒkh’™k Œuyku Œtºke…Ëu nŒk. ÄtÄk{kt fkhrfËeo þY fhðk Œuyku $ø÷ìLz „Þk
y™u 1855{kt ÷tz™ rMÚkŒ …kh‚e …uZe{kt ¼k„eËkh ƒLÞk nŒk. Œu{ktÚke Aqxk ÚkE Œu{ýu …kuŒk™ku
f…k‚™ku ðu…kh 'ËkËk¼kE ™ðhkuS yìLz ft…™e’ Œhefu fÞkuo y™u ¾qƒ {nu™Œ fhe …kuŒk™e ÔÞk…khe
…uZe Q¼e fhe. 'RrLzÞ™ r‚rð÷ ‚rðo‚’{kt ¼hŒe {kxu ÚkŒk yLÞkÞ ‚k{u ËkËk¼kEyu yktËku÷™
AuzTÞwt. ¼khŒeÞ ƒwrØSðeyku™u yk„¤ ÷kððk «ÞíLk fh™kh Œuyku «Úk{ ÔÞrõŒ nŒk.
BGQ-2 ] 4 [Contd.
Paper-3 : Mechanical Engineering-1
Total Marks : 200 Time : 3 Hours
Note : 1. Question No. 1 to 11
Q.-2. A domestic food freezer maintains a temperature of –15°C. The ambient air temperature is
30°C. If heat leaks into the freezer at the continuous rate of 1.75 kJ/s what is the least power
necessary to pump this heat out continuously?
Q.-3. When is reheating of steam recommended in steam power plant? How does the reheat pressure
get optimized.
Q.-4. What do you understand by dry and wet compression? Which is preferred and why?
Q.-5. The follower of a tangent cam is operated through a roller 70 mm diameter and its line of stroke
intersects the axis of the rotation of the cam. The cam profile consists of two circular arcs radii
40 mm and 15 mm, joined by straight line so as to give the follower a lift of 25 mm. If the speed
of the rotation of the cam is 750 rpm find (a) the maximum velocity of the follower
(b) the acceleration of the follower at the instant cam has turned through an angle of 35° from
the beginning of the lift.
Q.-6. Intensity of pressure on a thrust bearing is not to exceed 40 N/cm2. The external and internal
diameters of the collars are 20 cm and 15 cm respectively. What should be the minimum numbers
of collars for a total axial thrust of 40 kN on the bearing? If the shaft rotates at 600 rpm and the
coefficient of friction is 0.08, determine the frictional power lost in each collar for (a) uniform
pressure (b) uniform wear.
Q.-7. A differential manometer is connected at two points A and B of two pipes as shown in Fig 1. The
pipe A contains a liquid of sp.gr. = 1.5 while pipe B contains a liquid of sp. gr. = 0.9. The pressures
at A and B are1 kgf/cm2 and 1.80 kgf/cm2 respectively. Find the difference in mercury level in
the differential manometer.
BGQ-3 ] 1
Q.-8. A rectangular plane surface 3 m wide and 4 m deep lies in water in such a way that its plane
makes an angle of 30° with the free surface of water. Determine the total pressure force and
position of centre of pressure when the upper edge is 2 m below the free surface.
Q.-9. With neat sketches explain the working principle of four-stroke spark ignition engine.
Q.-10. Explain hardening process. Also explain the objectives and applications of hardening.
Q.-11. Explain in brief energy efficiency versus energy conservation. Write stepwise procedure to
calculate boiler efficiency.
Note : 1. Question No. 12 to 17
Q.-12. The internal energy of a certain substance is given by the following equation: u = 3.56 pv + 84
where u is given in kJ/kg, p is in kPa, and v is in m3/kg. A system composed of 3 kg of this
substance expands from an initial pressure of 500 kPa and a volume of 0.22 m3 to a final pressure
100 kPa in a process in which pressure and volume are related by pv1.2 = constant. If the expansion
is quasi-static, find Q, U and W for the process.
Q.-13. In an air standard Diesel cycle, the compression ratio is 16, and at the beginning of isentropic
compression, the temperature is 15°C and the pressure is 0.1 MPa. Heat is added until the
temperature at the end of the constant pressure process is 1480°C. Calculate
Q.-14. The rotating parts of a machine tool have a moment of inertia of 45 kgm2 and require a constant
torque of 110 Nm. They are driven by an electric motor via 9:1 reduction gear the efficiency of
which is 95%. If the motor has a starting torque of 30 Nm and its armature and pinion have a
combined moment of inertia 0.5 kgm2, calculate (a) the motor output required for the machine
at its operating speed of 200 rpm (b) the time taken for the machine to attain half speed and
(c) the gear ratio required for the acceleration period to be a minimum, assuming no charge in
motor torque.
Q.-15. Why are centrifugal pumps used sometimes in series and sometimes in parallel? Draw the
following characteristic curves for a centrifugal pump: Head, power and efficiency versus
discharge with constant speed.
Q.-16. In an air standard Diesel cycle, the compression ratio is 16, and at the beginning of isentropic
compression, the temperature is 15°C and the pressure is 0.1 MPa. Heat is added until the
temperature at the end of the constant pressure process is 1480°C. Calculate (a) the cut-off
ratio, (b) the heat supplied per kg of air, (c) the cycle efficiency, and (d) the m.e.p
BGQ-3 ] 2
Paper-4 : Mechanical Engineering-2
Total Marks : 200 Time : 3 Hours
Q.-1. When 0.5 kg of water per minute is passed through a tube of 20 mm diameter, it is found
to be heated from 20°C to 50°C. The heating is accomplished by condensing steam on the
surface of the tube and subsequently the temperature of the surface of the tube is maintained at
85°C. Determine the length of the tube required for developed flow. Take the thermophysical
properties of water at 60°C as: = 983.2 kg/m2, cp = 4.178 kJ/kgK, k = 0.659 W/m°C,
v = 0.478 10– 6 m2/s
Q.-2. A furnace wall consists of 200 mm layer of refractory bricks, 6 mm layer of steel plate and 100
mm layer of insulation bricks. The maximum temperature of the wall is 1150°C (on the furnace
side) and the minimum temperature is 40°C (on the outermost side of the wall). An accurate
energy balance over the furnace shows that the heat loss from the wall is 400 W/m2. It is known
that there is a thin layer of air between the layers of refractory bricks and steel plate. Thermal
conductivities for the three layers are 1.52, 45 and 0.138 W/m°C respectively. Find:
(A) To how many millimetres of insulation brick is the air layer equivalent?
(B) What is the temperature of the outer surface of the steel plate?
Q.-3. Prove that the enthalpy of the humid air remains constant along a wet bulb temperature line on
the psychrometric chart.
Q.-4. Derive an expression for the normal stress and shear stress on an oblique section of a strained
body when it is subjected to direct stress in two mutually perpendicular directions and also
accompanied by shear stress along the normal section of the body.
Q.-5. A solid shaft is required to transmit 300 KW at 100 rpm. The maximum torque is 20% greater
than the mean torque. Find the diameter of the shaft if shear stress is not to exceed 80 N/mm2.
If the above shaft is to be replaced by a hollow shaft with 3: 5 diameter ratio and no change in
maximum shear stress and torque, calculate the inner and outer diameters of hollow shaft.
Q.-6. A particle moving with a velocity v along a straight line is retarded such that the retardation is
(a) proportional to velocity and (b) proportional to square of velocity. Determine the expressions
for velocity as a function of time and distance traversed before it comes to rest for both cases.
BGQ-4 ] 1 [ P.T.O.
Q.-7. Two boxes of weighs W1 and W2 are stacked on the floor as shown in Figure1. The coefficient of
friction between the boxes is 1 and between the box and the floor is 2. A horizontal force F is
applied to the top of the boxes and gradually increased. What is the maximum force before the
equilibrium is destroyed? How will the equilibrium be destroyed?
Fig 1
Q.-8. Design a helical compression spring for a maximum load of 1200 N for a deflection of 30 mm
using the value of spring index as 5. The maximum permissible shear stress for spring wire is
84k N/mm2 with considering whal’s factor, use square and ground ends.
Q.-9. Assuming that the diodes in the circuits of Figure 2 are ideal, find the values of the labeled
voltages and currents.
Fig 2
Q.-10. A zener diode exhibits a constant voltage of 5.6 V for currents greater than five times the knee
current. IZK is specified to be 1 mA. The zener is to be used in the design of a shunt regulator
fed from a 15-V supply. The load current varies over the range of 0 mA to 15 mA. Find a
suitable value for the resistor R. What is the maximum power dissipation of the zener diode?
Q.-11. Discuss reasons for using a robot instead of human being to perform a specific task. Provide
few applications of robot in industries.
BGQ-4 ] 2 [ Contd.
Note : 1. Question No. 12 to 17
2. Attempt all 6 questions.
3. Each question carries 15 marks
Q.-12. The large parallel planes with emissivities 0.3 and 0.8 exchange heat. Find the percentage
reduction when a polished aluminium shield of emissivity 0.04 is placed between them. Use the
method of electrical analogy.
Q.-13. A domestic food freezer maintains a temperature of –15°C. The ambient air temperature is
30°C. If heat leaks into the freezer at the continuous rate of 1.75 kJ/s what is the least power
necessary to pump this heat out continuously?
Q.-14. A simply supported beam AB of span 4 m is loaded as shown in Figure 3.
Fig 3
Determine the following:
(A) Deflection at D.
(B) Maximum deflection
(C) Slope at A.
Given: E = 200 106 kPa and I = 20 10–6 m4
Q.-15. A sphere of radius 0.5 m and mass 10 kg is released gently from rest on a 30° incline. If it rolls
without slipping, determine the minimum coefficient of friction compatible with the rolling
motion. What would be the velocity of its centre of mass after it rolled down 5 m.
Q.-16. A shaft made of mild steel is required to transmit 100 kW at 300 rpm. The supported length of
the shaft is 3 mm. It carries two pulleys each weighing 1500 N supported at a distance of 1 m
from the ends respectively. Assuming the safe value of stress as 60 MPa and allowable tensile
stress not to exceed 100 MPa, determine the diameter of the shaft.
Q.-17. For the circuit in Figure 4, select a value for RB so that the transistor saturates with an overdrive
factor of 10. The BJT is specified to have a minimum of 20 and VCE Sat = 0.2 V. What is the
value of forced achieved?
Fig 4
BGQ-4 ] 3 [ P.T.O.
1 2 x
Q.-1. Change the order of integration 0 x 2
xy dxdy and hence evaluate the same.
Q.-2. Use the variation of parameter method to solve the differential equation.
d2 y dy
x2 2
x y x 2e x
dx dx
Q.-3. What properties determine the sand mould for sand casting?
Q.-4. Explain the various inspection and testing methods used for weldments.
Q.-5. Annual demand for a certain part is 6000 units. At present the setup time on the machine tool
that makes this part is 4.0 hr. Cost of downtime on this machine is $200/hr. Annual holding cost
per part is $2.40. Determine
(C) Economic batch quantity and total inventory costs if the changeover time could be reduced
to 12 min.
Q.-6. Explain why it is not preferred to use sine bar for measuring angles more than 45°
Q.-7. What is the role of interpolation in NC. Explain various interpolation methods for continuous
path control.
Q.-8. Explain 3-D scaling, rotation, reflection, and translation with suitable examples.
Q.-9. Air at 103 kPa and 27°C is drawn in LP. Cylinder of a two-stage air compressor and is
isentropically compressed to 700 kPa. The air is then cooled at constant pressure to 37°C in an
intercooler and is then again compressed isentropically to 4 MPa in the H.P. cylinder and is
delivered at this pressure. Determine the power required to run the compressor if it to deliver
30 m3 of air per hour measured at inlet conditions.
BGQ-5 ] 1 [ P.T.O.
Q.-10. Solve by simplex method:
Maximize Z = 30 X1 + 40X2 ,
X1, X2 0
Q.-11. Marketing Manager of company is faced with the problem of assigning 5 regional managers to
six zones. From experience he knows that the efficiency percentage judged by sales, market
share, operating costs, etc. depends upon regional managers- zone combination given below.
A 71 89 85 80 76 78
B 79 83 67 74 72 83
C 73 70 81 82 76 89
D 91 94 84 89 81 80
E 88 89 77 87 67 74
Q.-13. Verify Gauss divergence theorem for F 4 xzi y 2 j yzk , taken over the cube bounded by the
planes x = 0, x = 1, y = 0, y = 1, z = 0, z = 1
Q.-14. Explain the working principle of electric discharge machining. What are the types of EDM.
Explain the effect of discharge current on surface finish and overcut.
Q.-15. Explain the various features of CNC that distinguish it from conventional NC.
BGQ-5 ] 2 [ Contd.
Q.-16. The pressure ratio of an open-cycle gas turbine power plant is 5.6. Air is taken at 30°C and
1 bar. The compression is carried out in two stages with perfect intercooling in between. The
maximum temperature of the cycle is limited to 700°C. Assuming the isentropic efficiency of
each compressor stage as 85% and that of turbine as 90%, determine the power developed and
efficiency of the power plant, if the air-flow is 1.2 kg/s. The mass of fuel may be neglected, and
it may be assumed that cp = 1.02 kJ/kgK and = 1.41.
Draw network for this project. Find the critical path and project completion time.
Prepare an activity schedule showing the ES, EF, LS and LF and float for each activity.
BGQ-5 ] 3 [ P.T.O.