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Regulatory Control of Air

CEV 301 Air Quality Management
In the Constitution of Turkey, Article 56 reads,
"Everyone has the right to live in a healthy and balanced environment. It is the
duty of the State and citizens to improve the natural environment, to protect the
environmental health and to prevent environmental pollution."

According to the Eleventh Development Plan (2019-2023), all districts will be

monitored by 2023 and:

• Air quality management practices will be enabled to prevent air pollution from
production, heating and traffic, and air quality will be improved by controlling

• Air quality action plans will be prepared at local level and legislation on pollution
and emission control will be updated.

• Air quality management capacity will be improved by strengthening regional

clean air centres.

• Research on air quality modelling and monitoring will be conducted and

infrastructure will be developed.
• Quitting coal is said to be essential, and the market
share of diesel cars is falling. Strengthening
environmental laws is said to benefit the economy of
• The Ministry of the Environment has drafted a law
limiting PM 2.5 but it has not yet been passed.
• Electric ferryboats have been proposed for the
• A low-emission zone for road traffic has been
suggested for Istanbul and it has been suggested that
Turkey's vehicle tax system should be changed to better
charge for pollution. More green space is suggested for
cities. Seven regional clean air centers have been
created and the deputy environment minister said in
2020 that low-emissions areas will be created and bike
lanes increased.
Air Quality Improvement Strategy
Regulating Air Pollution
National Regulations
• Ambient Air Quality Standards
• Provisions related to control air pollution sources
• Stationary sources (Industrial and domestic heating
• Mobile emissions
• Fuel standards
International Regulations
• Stratospheric Ozone Protection
• Acid Deposition Control
• Climate Change
• Long range transboundary air pollution
EU Air Quality Framework
International Agreements
• Geneva Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air
Pollution (CLRTAP)(1979) and its protocols

Climate Change and Ozone Depletion:

• UNFCCC Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992)

• Kyoto Protocol (1997)
• Paris Agreement (2015)
• Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer
• Montreal Protocol (1987) as amended
Convention on Long-Range
Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP)
• CLRTAP, is intended to protect the human
environment against air pollution and to gradually
reduce and prevent air pollution, including long-
range transboundary air pollution. It is
implemented by the European Monitoring and
Evaluation Programme (EMEP), directed by the
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
• Turkey signed the Convention on 1983.
Since 1979 the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
has addressed some of the major environmental problems of the UNECE
region through scientific collaboration and policy negotiation. The
Convention has been extended by eight protocols that identify specific
measures to be taken by Parties to cut their emissions of air pollutants:

• Protocol on Long-Term Financing of the Cooperative Programme for

Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air
Pollutants in Europe (EMEP) (1984) (Turkey only signed this
• 1985 Helsinki Protocol on the Reduction of Sulphur Emissions
• Nitrogen Oxide Protocol (1988)
• Volatile Organic Compounds Protocol (1991)
• 1994 Oslo Protocol on Further Reduction of Sulphur Emissions
• Protocol on Heavy Metals (1998)
• Aarhus Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (1998)
• 1999 Gothenburg Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and
Ground-level Ozone (1999)
Other protocols were not signed by Turkey due to the unavailability of
related emission data.
Turkish Air Quality Framework
Emissions from stationary
Mobile Sources Air Quality Standards Product Controls

•Industrial Source Air •Regulation on Air •Regulation on

Pollution Control •Regulation on Quality Assessment Reducing Sulfur
Regulation-Sanayi Exhaust Gas Emission and Management- Content in Some Fuel
Kaynaklı Hava Control and Gasoline Hava Kalitesi Types-Bazı Akaryakıt
Kirliliğinin Kontrolü and Diesel Quality- Değerlendirme ve Türlerindeki Kükürt
Yönetmeliği Egzoz Gazı Emisyonu Yönetimi Yönetmeliği Oranının Azaltılmasına
•Regulation on Air Kontrolü İle Benzin ve •Regulation on Control İlişkin Yönetmelik
Pollution Control of Motorin Kalitesi of Odor Generating •Regulation on
Heating Sources- Yönetmeliği Emissions-Koku Substances that
Isınmadan •Exhaust Gas Emission Oluşturan Deplete Ozone Layer-
Kaynaklanan Hava Control Regulation- Emisyonların Kontrolü Ozon Tabakasını
Kirliliğinin Kontrolü Egzoz Gazı Emisyonu Yönetmeliği İncelten Maddelere
Yönetmeliği Kontrolü Yönetmeliği İlişkin Yönetmelik
•Regulation on Waste
Burning Activities-
Atıkların Yakılmasına
İlişkin Yönetmelik
•Regulation on
Monitoring of
Greenhouse Gas
Emissions -Sera Gazı
Emisyonlarının Takibi
Hakkında Yönetmelik
Air Quality Criteria
Limit values developed based on cause-effect
• Human/animal health
• Material damage
• Vegetation effects
• damage due to pollution must be differentiated
from other factors such as due to ultraviolet (UV)
radiation, frost, moisture, bacteria, fungi, insects,
and animals
Cause-effect relationship for humans are based on
1. extrapolation from animal experimentation,
2. clinical observation of individual cases of persons
exposed to the pollutant or toxicant (industrially,
accidentally, suicidally, or under air pollution
episode conditions), and
3. most important, epidemiological data relating
population morbidity and mortality to air
Ambient Air Quality Criteria
• In Turkey; Regulation on Air Quality Assessment
and Management, 2008 (Hava Kalitesi
Değerlendirme ve Yönetimi Yönetmeliği)

• In EU; Directivee 2008/50/EC of the European

Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2008 on
ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe
• Hava kalitesi standartlarını •2872-Ek-6,
• Hava kalitesinin değerlendirilmesini, • 96/62/EC (Çerçeve direktifi)
• "bölge"ler ve "alt bölge"lerin oluşturulmasını, • 99/30/EC (NOx, SO2, PM10 ve Pb)
• Tüm bölgelerde iyi hava kalitesinin sağlanması için • 2000/69/EC (Benzen, CO)
alınması gerekli önlemleri kapsar. • 2002/3/EC (Ozon)
• 2004/107/EC (Cd, As, Ni, Hg, B(a)P, PAH
•Hava kalitesini değerlendirmek, •Nüfusun dolaylı veya da doğrudan maruz kaldığı alanlarda
•Hava kalitesinin iyi olduğu yerlerde mevcut durumu maruziyeti ve sağlık etkilerini belirlemek,
korumak veya iyileştirmek, • Besin zinciri ile nüfusun dolaylı maruziyetinin tespiti için arsenik,
• Hava kirliliğinin çevre ve insan sağlığı üzerindeki kadmiyum, cıva, nikel, benzo(a)piren ve diğer PAH‟ların birikim
zararlı etkilerinden korunmak, oranlarını belirlemek,
• Zararlı etkileri önlemek veya azaltmak için hava • Hava kirleticilerinin ekosistem üzerindeki etkisini belirlemek
kalitesi hedefleri belirlemek, • Kirleticilerin zaman içersindeki değişimlerini izlemek
• Hava kalitesi standartlarının uygulanmasında • Alarm seviyelerinde kamuoyunun bilgilendirilmesini sağlamak,
ülkelerarası işbirliğinin geliştirilmesi, • Hava kalitesi ile ilgili politikaları belirlemek Ulusal yükümlülüklere
• Hava kalitesi ile ilgili yeterli bilgi toplamak ve halkın uyulup uyulmadığını belirlemek
bilgilendirilmesini sağlamak

HKDY Yönetmeliği
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
500 µg/m3
Saatlik - İnsan sağlığının korunması 900 900 900 900 500 500 470 440 410 380 350 (hava kalitesinin temsili bölgelerinde
SO2 24 saatlik-İnsan sağlığının korunması 370 340 310 280 250 250 225 200 175 150 125 bütün bir “bölge” veya “alt bölgede”
(µg/m3) yıllık ve kış dönemi(1ekim-31mart 52 44 36 28 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 veya en azından100 km2 de- hangisi
ekosistemin korunması) küçük ise-üç ardışık saatte ölçülür.)
400 µg/m3
NO2 Saatlik - İnsan sağlığının korunması 300 290 280 270 260 250 (hava kalitesinin temsili bölgelerinde
(µg/m3) yıllık- İnsan sağlığının korunması 92 84 76 68 60 60 56 52 48 44 40 bütün bir “bölge” veya “alt bölgede”
veya en azından100 km2 de- hangisi
küçük ise-üç ardışık saatte ölçülür.)

NOX yıllık- Vejetasyon korunması 30 30 30 30 30 30


PM10 24 saatlik-İnsan sağlığının korunması 260 220 180 140 100 100 90 80 70 60 50
(µg/m3) yıllık - İnsan sağlığının korunması 132 114 96 78 60 60 56 52 48 44 40

CO maksimum günlük 8saatlik ortalama 16 16 14 12 10 10 10

(mg/m3) (insan sağlığının korunması)
• Every year,
exposure to air
pollution is
estimated to
cause 7 million
deaths. New
WHO air quality
guidelines aim
to protect
health, reduce
levels of key air
pollutants, and
help mitigate
climate change.
Emission Standards
Limits on emissions are both subjective and objective.
Subjective limits are based on the visual appearance or smell of an
Objective limits are based on physical or chemical measurement of the
The most common form of subjective limit is that which regulates the
optical density of a stack plume, measured by comparison with a
Ringelmann chart.
This form of chart has been in use for over 90 years and is widely accepted
for grading the blackness of black or gray smoke emissions. Within the past
four decades, it has been used as the basis for “equivalent opacity”
regulations for grading the optical density of emissions of colors other than
black or gray.
Emission standards
• In Turkey; Regulation on Industrial Air Polllution Control
(Sanayi Kaynaklı Hava Kirliliğinin Kontrolu Yönetmeliği,
3.07.2009, R.G. 27277)
• In EU; Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions
(integrated pollution prevention and control)(include
the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
Directive 96/61/EEC (IPPC), the Emissions from Large
Combustion Plants Directive 88/609/EEC covers
emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and
particulates and establishes targets for the reduction of
total emissions from each Member State, and the Air
Pollution from Industrial Plants Directive 84/360/EEC )
Main Legal Instrument
• Industrial Source Air Pollution Control Directive
(ISAPC) (Sanayi Kaynaklı Hava Kirliliğinin Kontrolu
• This Regulation sets the principles for controlling
emissions of soot, smoke, dust, gas, steam, and
aerosols due to industrial and energy production.
There are 26 groups of industries stated in the By-
law and there are different emission limits for
different industries. Air quality determination
approach is also included in the By-law and there
are air quality limits differing in years.
ISAPC Regulation
• Annex 1 Air emission basis and limit values of facilities
• Annex 2 Air quality disperison modeling
• Annex 3 Continious emission testing requirements
• Annex 4 Stack height and velocity requirements
• Annex 5 Emission discharge limits based on plant
• Annex 6 Unit conversion criterias
• Annex 11 Reporting Format
• Annex 12 Emission calculation other than point sources
Annex 1 and Annex 5
If there is no emission limitation definition in Annex 5 for a facility which is subject to
environmental permit, it is obligatory to comply with the emission limits given in Annex-1 and
the principles specified in Annex-4.
• Annex 5 has definitions for:
• combustion plants (solid, liquid, • Refineries
gas fules, old/new plants)
• Waste reuse/recovery/disposal • Gasification plants
facilities • Glass production plants
• Earth product plants • Fertilizer production plants
• Metals/non-metals production • Metal surface coating plants
plants • Yeast production plants
• Sintering plants • Oil production plants
• Foundaries • Sugar production plants
• Asid production plants • others
• Wood products plants
Annex 1
• Smoke
• Dust emission
• Production, processing, transportation, The limits in Annex 1 and Annex 5 are based on
filling, unloading of dusty substances
-hourly mass flow rate (kg/hour emission) and
• Bulk-stored material
-emission discharge concentration of pollutants
• Transport and storage of dust-producing at standard temperature and pressure and 6%
materials from combustion and production oxygen (mg/Nm3)
• Status of on-site roads
• Emptying the filters
• Limits for emissions of special dust particles
in waste gases
• Limits for gas and vapor emissions
• Emission limits of cancer-producing
• Emission limits and principles for extremely
dangerous substances
Conversion of measured concentrations
to STP (Nm3 conversion)
It is important to note that the emission concentration limit for the pollutants given in the
Regulation are at conditions of STP and 6% oxygen (dry). These must be converted to gas
concentrations and hence discharge rate at stack discharge conditions. This can be done by using
the equation given below:

𝑇𝑑 100 20.9−𝑂2(𝑠𝑡𝑝)
𝑄𝑠𝑡𝑝 = 𝑄(𝑑)
273 100−𝐻2 𝑂(𝑑) 20.9−𝑂2(𝑑)

d denotes discharge conditions
stp denotes conditions at Standard Temperature and Pressure
H2O is the %moisture content in the stack
O2 is the % oxygen in the stack
Annex 5 Plant specific emission
• New Plants
Annex 2

• Hourly mass flow rate of

emissions must be determined
by measuring from existing stacks
and by using emission factors for
non-existing stacks of new
• If the hourly mass flow (kg / hr)
values ​exceed the values ​given in
Table 2.1, the Air Pollution
Additive Contribution of the
emissions in the facility's impact
area should be calculated with
Table 2.2 Air quality limit values at Plant impact area

Parameer Averaging time Unit 2024
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019-2023
And after
(not exceeds more than 24 500 470 440 410 380 350 350
SO2 24hour µg/m3 250 225 200 175 150 125 125
LTV 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
**Annual and winter
20 20 20 20 20 20 20
season( Oct-Mar)
(not exceeds more than 18 300 290 280 270 260 250 200*
NO2 µg/m3
annual 60 56 52 48 44 40* 40
24 hour
PM 10 (not exceeds more than 35 100 90 80 70 60 50 50
times) µg/m3
Annual 60 56 52 48 44 40 40
Pb Annual µg/m3 1 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,5
CO Max. daily 8 hour mean mg/m3 16 14 12 10 10 10 10
Cd LTV µg/m3 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0,02
STV 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
HCl µg/m3
STV 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Hourly 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
HF µg/m3
STV 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Hourly 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
H2S µg/m3
STV 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Total Organic Hourly 280 280 280 280 280 280 280
Compounds STV 70 70 70 70 70 70 70
STV 390 390 390 390 390 390 390
Settled dust mg/m2day
LTV 210 210 210 210 210 210 210
Pb LTV 250 250 250 250 250 250 250
In settled dust Cd LTV mg/m2day 3,75 3,75 3,75 3,75 3,75 3,75 3,75
Tl LTV 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
For petrochemical plants, Gasoline
Storage Facilities Impact area AQ
Limit Values
Annex 4 Minimum Stack Velocity
and Height
From Industrial Source Air Pollution Control Directive
(Sanayi Kaynaklı Hava Kirliliğinin Kontrolu Yönetmeliği)
-For combustion sources
For 500 kW thermal power plants; min velocity 4 m/s
300 kW < thermal power <500 kW; min velocity 2 m/s
<300 kW thermal power, velocity may be lower than 2
-For process related sources, min velocity 4 m/s
Min stack height
• Small thermal capacity plants (<500 kW)

Min. 1.5
Min. 0.5
Min. 1.0
• Medium scale plants (500 kW – 1.2 MW)

Min. 2.0
Min. 1.5
• Large scale plants (>1.2 MW thermal power plants), min stack
height should be calculated with nomograms.

• t; Temperature of gas (°C),

• d; Inside diameter of stack (m),
• R, volumetric flow rate (Nm3/h) in std conditions after
substracting water vapour content
• Q, mass flow rate (kg/h)
• Q/S value where S varies for pollutant type as specified in Table
4.1 of regulation
Existing Plants New Plants
Dust 0.2 0.08
HCl 0.1 0.1
Cl 0.15 0.09
HF 0.003 0.0018
CO 15 7.5
SO2 0.2 0.14
H2S 0.005 0.003
NO2 0.15 0.1
Pollutants in Table 1.1 :
Class I 0.02 0.02
Class II 0.1 0.1
Class III 0.2 0.2
Pb : 0.005 0.005
Cd : 0.0005 0.0005
Hg : 0.005 0.005
Tl : 0.005 0.005
Pollutants in Table 1.2 :
Class I 0.05 0.05
Class II 0.2 0.2
Class III 1.0 1.0
Pollutants in Table 1.3:
Class I 0.0001 0.0001
Class II 0.001 0.001
III 0.01 0.01
Stack Height Determination Taking into Consideration Buildings and
Vegetation, and in Uneven Terrain

If the facility is in a valley or that the emission spread is

prevented due to roughness and high rise buildings, this
should be taken into account in determining the height
of the stack. In this case, corrections should be made at
the stack heights obtained from the nomogram.
If the area where the facility is located is surrounded by
rough terrain or existing or foreseen buildings and
elevations, the stack height H', J determined according
to Table 4.1, Table 4.2 is increased by the amount of J.
J value can be found from the diagram
H’= stack height taken from nomogram
H= corrected stack height ( H= H’+J)
J’= avg. height of rough terrain in 10xH’ semi-radius
area relative to the plant floor

Determination of stack heights

• Significant modification of a 500 MW brown coal power plant by
installing a new flue gas desulphurization plant
- Thermal output (TO): 500 MW
- Lower thermal value TVl : 18 MJ / kg brown coal =18 MWs/kg
- Specific waste gas quantity for brown coal: 5 m³ / kgbrown coal
- Oxygen reference value: 6 %
- Inner diameter stack at mouth (d) 3 m
- Waste gas temperature ( t ) 70°C
- Stack height of the existing power plant: 100 m
Step 1: Calculation of the waste gas quantity (R in m³/h, after deduction of the moisture content of steam at standard state)

• -Max. fuel input: 500 MW / 18 MWs/kg = 27.8 kg/s = 100 t/h

• - Waste gas quantity (at 0 % oxygen content): 5 m³ /kg x 100,000 kg/h = 500,000 m³/h

• - Waste gas quantity (at 6 % oxygen content): 500,000 m³/h x 21/(21-6) = 700,000 m³/h

Step 2: Calculation of the emissions mass flow (Q in kg/h)

- Dust: R= 700,000 m³/h x 30 mg/Nm³ = 21 kg/h

- SO2: R= 700,000 m³/h x 200 mg/Nm³ = 140 kg/h

- NO2 : R= 700,000 m³/h x 200 mg/Nm³ = 140 kg/h

- CO : R= 700,000 m3/h x 200 mg/Nm3 = 140 kg/h

Step 3: Calculation of the Q/S-ratio

S is a pollutant-specific factor for the determinationQ/S

of theDust
stack height.
: 21 kg/h
/ 0.08 = 262.5 kg/h
• S-factors, pursuant to Table 4.1 Annex 4 of the Q/S
Regr: SO2 : 140 kg/h / 0.14 = 1000 kg/h

• - Dust: 0.08
Q/S NO2 : 140 kg/h / 0.1 = 1400 kg/h
Q/S CO : 140 kg/h / 7.5 = 18.7 kg/h
• - SOX : 0.14

• - NO2 : 0.1

• - HCl : 0.1

• - HF : 0.0018

• - CO : 7.5
Step 4: Reading the stack height from the nomogram
• Required data:
• - Diameter of the stack: d = 3 m
• - Waste gas temperature: t = 70°C
• - Waste gas volume, dry, norm: R = 700,000 Nm3 / h
• - Q/S-ratio NO2 : = 1400 kg/h
Applying this data to the figure below leads to a stack
height H ' of ca. 35 m.
Step 5: Correction for existing stack with 100 m height
J’/H’ = 100/35 = 2.8
J/J’ =1 from the graph
Therefore; J = J’ = 100 m
H = H’+J = 35+ 100 = 135 m
Home Work

Determine a minimum discharge stack height for a furnace heated by

gas oil and used for the manufacture of lead glass.
Information Required:
Building dimensions 50m X 30m X 20m high
Discharge gas temperature, 300°C (573K)
Discharge volume of gases (dry), 6.3 m3 s-1 at 300°C (573K)
Gas discharge velocity, 15m s-1
Stack oxygen (dry), 6.7%
Emission Calculation
For existing plants, emissions will be determined with
stack measurements, for planned facilities emissions
will be calculated with emission factors.
Emission Factors:
• US EPA AP 42 Compliation of Air Pollutant Emission
• EU Environment Agency Emission Inventory Guidebook
• Australian National Pollutant Inventory -Emissions
Estimation Technique Manuals
• For petrol stations and mining works, emission factors
defined in industrial air pollution control regulation.
Emission Factors
• Representative values
• Attempts to relate quantity of pollutant releasedwith
activity or event responsible for release of that pollutant
• Facilitate estimations of emissions
• Averages compiled from EPA studies
• Assume half of sources have emissions above etimate
(and half below)
• Influenced by many other conditions
• Actual material used
• Control euipment use and efficiency
Emission Factors
• General Expression

E = A x EF x (1-ER/100)

E= emissions (mass of pollutant)

A = activity or activity rate (production amount/time)
EF = emission factor (mass of pollutant/production)
ER = overall emission reduction efficiency (%)
Emission Estimation Techniques
There are five types of emission estimation techniques
(EETs) that may be used to estimate emissions from your

• mass balance;
• engineering calculations (e.g. based on fuel
• sampling or direct measurement;
• emission factors; and
• approved alternative EET
• Assuming the regulatory limit value.
Example: Estimating sulfur dioxide
emissions using fuel analysis data

The power station is assumed to operate 150 hours

per year on oil and the sulfur content of the oil is
1.17% (11,700 ppm).
Ekpy,SO2 can be calculated using Equation (7)
Qf = 2,000 kg/hr
Ci = 11,700 ppm
OpHrs = 150 hr/yr
Ekpy,SO2 = Qf x Ci x (MWp / EWf ) x 1.0E-06 x OpHrs
= (2,000) x 11,700 x (64 / 32) x 1E-06 kg/hr
x OpHrs
= 46.8 kg/hr x 150 hr/yr
= 7.0E+03 kg/year or 7,000 kg
Emission calculation with mass
E kg/tonne = {Ci – [(A x F x CF) + (A x B x CB)]}x 1,000

E = emission of substance to air (kg/tonne)
Ci = concentration of element (substance) in coal (ppm
or mg/kg)
A = weight fraction of ash in coal (as received)
F = fly ash fraction of total ash
B = bottom ash fraction of total ash
CF = fly ash concentration of element (substance) (ppm
or mg/kg)
CB = bottom ash concentration of element (substance)
(ppm or mg/kg)
Example : Estimating fluoride
compounds emissions based on
fluoride levels in coal and ash
E kg/tonne HF = {C – [(A x F x CF) + (A x B x CB)]}x 1E-03

Where: C = 250 mg fluoride / kg of coal

A = 0.20
F = 0.9
CF = 500 mg fluoride /kg of coal
B = 0.1
CB = 50 mg/kg of bottom ash
E kg/tonneHF = {250 – [(0.20 x 0.9 x 500) + (0.2 x 0.1 x 50)]}x 1E-03
E kg/tonneHF = {250 – (90 +1)}x 1E-03
E kg/tonneHF = 0.159 kg/tonne
Example: emission calculation
based on regulatory limit value
For a 100 MW coal fired power plant, the NOx limit value is 400
mg/Nm3. If the stack top inside diameter is 3m, stack gas
temperature 350K and exit gas velocity is 4m/s, what will be the NOx
emission in g/s? (an average moisture content of 15% will be

Actual flow rate: V x Area = 4m/s x π (3/2)2 = 28.26 m3/s

Normal flow rate = Qa x (1 – MC/100) x (273/(T + 273)) x (Ps/101.325)

= 28.26 x (1-15/100) x (273/350) x (101.325/101.325)

= 19 Nm3/s
E(gr/s) = 400 mg/Nm3 x 19Nm3/s x 1g/1000mg = 7.5 g/s
Normal Flowrate calculation: Nm3
To convert actual exhaust flows into STP, dry use:

QN = Qa x (1 – MC/100) x (273/(T + 273)) x (Ps/101.325)

QN = stack gas normal flow rate (Nm3 /s)
Qa = actual gas volumetric flow rate (m3/s)
MC = moisture content of stack gas (% by volume)
T = actual stack gas temperature (C)
Ps = Absolute stack gas pressure (kPa)
Example: emission calculation for
point source with EF
A power station with wall firing boilers uses 2 million tonnes per year of sub-bituminous coal.
Estimate the annual emission of sulfur dioxide if the coal sulfur content is 0.5% (as fired).
There is no sulfur reduction control.
Ekpy,i = AR x EF x [1 - (CEi/100)]
Ekpy,SO2 = emission of SO2
CEi = 0
AR = 2E+06 tonnes
EF = 17.5 S kg/tonne (from Table 5)
S = 0.5%
Ekpy,i = 2E+06 x 17.5 x 0.5 x [1 - 0/100] kg/year
= 1.75E+07 kg/year
Table 5 Emission Factors for Black Coal Combustion

Substance Emission Estimation Technique (a) EFR

(number in brackets refers to supporting information in (b)
Reference: Pacific Power International 2002)

kg/tonne unless otherwise indicated

Ammonia 1 2.8E-04 (6.0) U
Antimony & compounds 1 0.675 x [(C/A) x PM] 0.63 kg/PJ (6.1) A
9E-06 (l)
Arsenic &compounds 1/2b 2.73 x [(C/A) x PM] 0.85 kg/PJ (6.2) A
2.1E-04 (l)
Benzene 1 3.4 kg/PJ (6.3) U

Sulfur dioxide 1/2a 19 x S for Bituminous coal A

17.5 x for S. Sub-Bituminous coal (6.29)
Emission factor rating
A — Excellent. The source category population is
sufficiently specific to minimize variability.
B — Above average.
C — Average. it is not clear if the facilities tested
represent a random sample of the industry.
D — Below average. There also may be evidence of
variability within the source population.
E — Poor. Factor is developed from C- and D-rated test
data, and there may be reason to suspect that the
facilities tested do not represent a random sample of the
U = Unrated Emission factor is developed from source
tests which have not been thoroughly evaluated,
research papers, modeling data, or other sources that
may lack supporting documentation.
The European Industrial Emissions Directive 1/3

• Key instrument for minimising emissions and consumptions

from most industrial activities
• General framework:

The purpose is to prevent (minimise) pollution

Achieve a high level of protection for the environment as a
Installations must be operated according to an integrated
permit issued by competent authorities, containing emission
limit values based on Best Available Techniques (BAT)
The European Industrial Emissions Directive 2/3
It amends existing legislation concerning industrial emissions:

Large Combustion Plants (LCP) Directive 2001/80/EC

Waste Incineration Directive 200/76/EC
Directive on VOC emissions from solvents 199/13/EC
Directives related to the titanium dioxide industry 78/176,
82/883 and 92/112
European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR)
Regulation 166/2006
The European Industrial Emissions Directive 3/3
The driving forces of the new Industrial Emissions Directive:

Prevent emissions at source or, where that is not practicable,

reducing emissions from industrial activities
Implement the Best Available Techniques (BAT)
Assure compliance enforcement and environmental
Provide a level playing field in the European Union by aligning
environmental performance requirements for industrial
The Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control System
It should protect the environment as a whole, avoiding shifting pollution from one
environmental medium to another

The control system is addressed to prevent or reduce:

air emissions
water emissions
production of waste
energy consumption, noise emissions, consumption of natural resources, etc.

It should ensure:
protection of the soil and ground water
return of the industrial site to the initial state upon cessation of activities
appropriate management of the waste generated by the installation
Categories of activities covered
Activities covered by the IPPC Directive 96/61/EC (six main categories):
Energy industry
Production and processing of metals (ferrous, non-ferrous, surface treatment)
Mineral industry (cement, lime, magnesium, asbestos, glass, ceramic products)
Chemical industry (organic, inorganic, fertilisers, pharmaceutical products, plant
protection products, biocides, explosives)
Waste management (disposal, recovery, landfills, storage)
Other activities (e.g. pulp and paper, tanning of hides, intensive rearing of poultry
and pigs, slaughterhouses, production of food products, surface treatment of
In general, threshold values are given for the activities falling under the scope of the
Industrial Emissions Directive.
Production capacities or outputs (e.g. tonnes/h; tonnes/day; m3/day, thermal
input in MW, number of animals, etc.)
It covers about 50000 installations (industrial and agricultural)
New sectors covered by the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED)
Extension of activities already covered:
Wood-based panels (strand board, particleboard, fibreboard) with
production capacity exceeding 600 m3 per day
Production of food from animal and vegetable raw materials, both in
combined and separate products with a specified finished production
New activities:
Capture of CO2 streams from installations covered by the IED
Preservation of wood and wood products with chemicals, with a
production capacity exceeding 75 m3
Independently operated treatment of waste water not covered by
Directive 91/271/EEC (concerning urban waste-water treatment)
BAT Reference Documents (BREFs)

Based on intensive exchange of information

Structured and prepared on the basis of established guidelines
Provide BAT conclusions which shall be the reference for setting
permit conditions
The actors involved in the exchange of information:

Forum (Information Exchange Forum)

European IPPC Bureau

Technical Working Group

Available BREF documents

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