Explanation Text About Global Warming

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Nama : Fajar Prasetya Nugroho No : 31

Kelas : XII IPS 1

Global Warming

Global warming is the increasing temperature of earth surface, it had happened since the mid 20 century and it is still continuing until now. Global warming is a bad thing for the earth and the life on it. Many things cause global warming. Earth naturally insulted by a delicate balance of heattrapping (greenhouse) gases in the atmosphere. These gases protect yhe earth, when the sun shines on the earth, these gases absorb some the heat of the sunlight to keep the earth warm enough to support the life. However, human activities since yhe industrial revolution have released more and more carbon dioxide so it has increased the concentration of greenhouse gases. The oyher gases that become greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are methane, tropospheric ozone, CFCs, and nitrous oxide. The increasing of these gases in the atmosphere make more and more heat that is trapped in the atmosphere, so it makes temperature increase too. That is the most important thing that causes global warming. There are still many things that cause global warming and they are still caused by human activities, for example deforestation. Global warming is the worst thing that may happen in the earth, but it doesnt mean that global warming progress cannot be hampered. We can solve this global warming problem to avoid the worst effect of global warming. These are some ways that we can do to solve global warming: 1. Do not cut down the tree. We must plant the trees and keep them well. 2. Minimize the used of electricity. 3. Save the water. 4. Reduce the used of car and motorcycle because every time we drive a car, we release carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases into the air. 5. Minimize the used of AC. 6. Every little thing that we do now will determine the kind of world in the future, so keep saving the earth.

Global Warming (Original)

Global warming is the increasing temperature of earth surface, it had happened since the mid-20th century and it is still continuing until now. Global warming is a bad thing for the earth and the life on it. Many things cause global warming. Earth naturally insulted by a delicate balance of heattrapping (greenhouse) gases in the atmosphere. These gases protect the earth, when the sun shines on the earth, these gases absorb some the heat of the sunlight to keep the earth warm enough to support the life. However, human activities since the industrial revolution have released more and more carbon dioxide so it has increased the concentration of greenhouse gases. The other gases that become greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are methane, tropospheric ozone, CFCs, and nitrous oxide. The increasing of these gases in the atmosphere makes more and more heat that is trapped in the atmosphere, so it makes temperature increase too. That is the most important thing that causes global warming. There are still many things that cause global warming and they are still caused by human activities, for example deforestation. Global warming brings damaging effects for the earth and the life on it, for example: Rising sea levels, leading to more coastal erosion, flooding during storms, and permanent inundation. Increase drought and increase incident of wildfires. Impact on human health because mosquitoes and other disease-carrying insects and rodents spread diseases over larger geographical regions. Disruption of agriculture. Climate changes. Global warming is the worst thing that may happen in the earth, but it doesnt mean that global warming progress cannot be hampered. We can solve this global warming problem to avoid the worst effect of global warming. These are some ways that we can do to solve global warming: Do not cut down the tree. We must plant the trees and keep them well. Minimize the used of electricity. Save the water. Reduce the used of car and motorcycle because every time we drive a car, we release carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases into the air. Minimize the used of AC. Every little thing that we do now will determine the kind of world in the future, so keep saving the earth.

Pemanasan Global

Pemanasan global adalah meningkatnya suhu permukaan bumi, telah terjadi sejak pertengahan abad ke-20 dan masih berlanjut sampai sekarang. Pemanasan global adalah hal yang buruk bagi bumi dan kehidupan di atasnya. Banyak hal yang menyebabkan pemanasan global. Bumi secara alami dihina oleh keseimbangan panas-perangkap (rumah kaca) gas di atmosfer. Gas-gas ini melindungi bumi, ketika matahari bersinar di bumi, gas-gas ini menyerap beberapa panas dari sinar matahari untuk menjaga bumi cukup hangat untuk mendukung kehidupan. Namun, kegiatan manusia sejak revolusi industri telah merilis karbon dioksida lebih dan lebih sehingga telah meningkatkan konsentrasi gas rumah kaca. Gas-gas lainnya yang menjadi gas rumah kaca di atmosfer metana, ozon troposfer, CFC, dan oksida nitrat. Meningkatnya gas-gas di atmosfer membuat panas lebih dan lebih yang terjebak di atmosfer, sehingga membuat kenaikan suhu juga. Itu adalah hal yang paling penting yang menyebabkan pemanasan global. Masih ada banyak hal yang menyebabkan pemanasan global dan mereka masih disebabkan oleh kegiatan manusia, misalnya penggundulan hutan. Pemanasan global membawa efek merusak bagi bumi dan kehidupan di atasnya, misalnya: 1. Naiknya permukaan laut, menyebabkan erosi pantai yang lebih, banjir selama badai, dan genangan permanen. 2. Meningkatkan kekeringan dan kebakaran hutan kejadian peningkatan. 3. Dampak terhadap kesehatan manusia karena nyamuk dan lainnya serangga pembawa penyakit dan binatang pengerat menyebarkan penyakit di wilayah geografis yang lebih besar. 4. Gangguan pertanian. 5. perubahan iklim. Pemanasan global adalah hal terburuk yang mungkin terjadi di bumi, tetapi itu tidak berarti bahwa kemajuan pemanasan global tidak dapat terhambat. Kita dapat memecahkan masalah pemanasan global untuk menghindari efek terburuk dari pemanasan global. Ini adalah beberapa cara yang bisa kita lakukan untuk mengatasi pemanasan global: 1. Jangan memotong pohon itu. Kita harus menanam pohon dan menjaga mereka dengan baik. 2. Minimalkan digunakan listrik. 3. Simpan air. 4. Mengurangi digunakan mobil dan sepeda motor karena setiap kali kita mengendarai mobil, kita melepaskan karbon dioksida dan panas-perangkap gas ke udara. 5. Minimalkan AC yang digunakan.

6. Setiap hal kecil yang kita lakukan sekarang akan menentukan jenis dunia di masa depan, sehingga tetap menyimpan bumi.

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