MF 2877

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Onsite Wastewater

Treatment System
Facilities that are not connected to central sewers require Additive Testing
an onsite wastewater treatment system. Proper wastewater Limited third-party research studies have been
system function, trouble-free operation, and low lifetime costs performed to evaluate septic system additives. Because they
depend on regular maintenance and system care. Owners are conducted apart from the manufacturer (and compa-
and users of septic systems should refer to the “taking care of nies they directly hire), these are the only tests considered
your system” section in the K-State Research and Extension unbiased. These few studies found no benefit to the septic
publication Getting to Know Your Septic System, MF-2179 tank function using any type of septic system additives, either
publication for more extensive guidance about care. chemical or biological. Most research indicates that additives
With the exception of lagoons, most onsite wastewater have no effect on wastewater systems. In fact, some additives
treatment systems consist of a septic tank and some type of potentially could be detrimental to the function or compo-
soil treatment area. The soil treatment area typically contains nents of the septic system or to groundwater quality.
gravity laterals, either rock and pipes, or chambers. The
area could also be pressure-dosed using low pressure pipe, Potential Detriments
a mound, or a drip field. Whatever soil treatment is used, Several potentially detrimental effects can result from
routine maintenance is essential for high function and long using either a biological or a chemical additive. To better
life of the treatment system. understand the possible negative effects, the functions of the
Septic system additives are often highly promoted as an system components must be understood.
alternative to regular system maintenance and pumping. This As mentioned previously, the onsite wastewater treat-
publication addresses the questions: What are the actual ment system is composed of a septic tank and dispersal field.
benefits to using additives? What are the potential problems? In the septic tank, three layers develop. The bottom layer is the
Do additives have an effect on the function of the systems solids (sludge), which settle out in the tank. The middle layer
or the components of a septic system? Are they really is the partially clarified water, or effluent. The upper layer is
needed? Considering the cost, do system additives provide an comprised of floating scum, including fats, oils, and greases.
economic value? The following information concerning the These materials are lighter than water and float to the surface.
use of onsite wastewater treatment system additives is true Only the effluent from the middle layer should enter the soil
for all soil-based treatment systems.
Maintenance Access Inspection Port
with Secure Cover Access to Screen
Types of Additives
Generally, septic system additives are intended to perform
either a chemical or biological function. Biological additives
are usually bacteria, enzymes, yeast, or combinations of these Inlet “T”
Outlet “T”
materials. Chemical additives can either be inorganic (acids or Fats, Oils, and Grease
bases) or organic, often including solvents. Effluent Screen


Advertised Benefits of Additives

A wide variety of nationally and regionally marketed
products are advertised as septic tank or onsite wastewater
treatment system additives. Benefits claimed by these prod-
ucts include:
• Rehabilitating a failing (clogged) soil absorption system
• Rejuvenating stressed bacterial populations
• Maintaining system health
• Preventing system failure
• Improving settling of solids in the septic tank Figure 1. An important component of most onsite wastewater
• Digesting organic solids in the tank. treatment systems is the septic tank. Notice that waste separates
into three distinct layers in a properly functioning septic tank.

Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service
absorption field because solids and scum eventually plug the chemicals designed to control tree roots should never be added
soil pores and lead to slower rates of absorption and potential to the system. Because solvent chemicals are not degraded as
system failure. Consequently, products that may interfere with they pass through the soil, a solvent-containing additive passes
component function should not be added to the septic system. through the septic system and contaminates groundwater.

Biological Additives Economics of Additives

Microbes are an important part of the treatment system Rather than routinely spending money on additives, a
because they degrade organic materials and reduce the amount wiser decision would be to have the septic tank pumped by a
of solids in the tank. Therefore, many biological additives are professional every 3 to 5 years. Comparing the cost of addi-
marketed for the purpose of accelerating this process. One tive manufacturers’ recommended use, regular pumping of
research study, however, found that the use of a biological the tank is cheaper than septic system additives.
additive causes excessive decomposition of solids, which leads
to overabundant gas production in the sludge layer. As a result, Conclusions and Recommendations
solids can become resuspended in the tank and transported into Research indicates that additives are not a suitable alter-
the soil absorption system, causing deposits in the pipelines, native to proper septic tank maintenance. To remove solids
clogged soil pores, and reduced soil absorption rates. Therefore, and protect the soil dispersal field, pump septic tanks every
avoid additives that cause the septic tank layers to mix. 3 to 5 years, depending on tank size, household occupants,
Research has shown biological additives make no and material disposal intensity.
significant difference in the microbe population or diversity A properly functioning and well-maintained septic system
in a septic tank. Additives are not necessary for “restarting” does not need septic tank additives at any time. In spite of
microbe populations after the tank is pumped, or after the claims and testimonials, research has not proven that additives
use of harsh chemical products in the home (such as drain improve a poorly functioning system. In fact, caution should
cleaners, heavy duty cleaning products, or disinfectants). In a be taken in using these products to avoid damage to the
matter of a few days, microbe populations will become natu- components or interference with the system function. Regular,
rally re-established after the use of these products. planned maintenance will prolong the life and enhance the
function of soil-based onsite wastewater treatment systems.
Chemical Additives
The hazards of chemical additives are potentially more Additional Reading
serious than biological additives. Hydrogen peroxide was United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2002. Septic
once thought to have the ability to rehabilitate soil absorp- Tank Additives, Special Fact Sheet 1. Onsite Wastewater
tion systems by removing organic material that was clogging Treatment Systems Manual.
the soil. However, subsequent studies found that hydrogen pubs/625r00008/html/fs1.htm
peroxide actually destroys soil structure and, thus, shortens
the life span of soil absorption fields. Pradhan, S., M.T. Hoover, G.H. Clark, M. Gumpertz, A.G,
In addition to being dangerous to handle, some chemical Wollum, C. Cobb, and J.Strock. Septic Tank Additive Impacts
additives may contain chemicals that are corrosive to metal on Microbial Populations. Journal of Environmental Health,
and damaging to concrete. Some chemical additives may January/February 2008, Volume 70, Number 6.
temporarily kill or sterilize the microbial population of the CIDWT Decentralized Wastewater Glossary. Available online
septic tank, allowing untreated effluent to pass through the at:
tank and into the soil absorption system. Although tree roots
cause damage to soil absorption systems and sewer lines,

DeAnn Presley Morgan Powell

Soil Management Extension Specialist Emeritus Professor
Agronomy Biological and Agricultural Engineering.

Brand names appearing in this publication are for product identification purposes only. No endorsement is intended,
nor is criticism implied of similar products not mentioned.
Publications from Kansas State University are available at:
Contents of this publication may be freely reproduced for educational purposes. All other rights reserved. In each case, credit DeAnn Presley and
Morgan Powell, Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Additives, Kansas State University, February 2009.

Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service
MF2877 February 2009
K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914,
as amended. Kansas State University, County Extension Councils, Extension Districts, and United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating, John D. Floros, Director.

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